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61. CUL - Rare Books - Oates Collection The image on the bottom left is a detail from the frontispiece of Laurence Sterne, 17131768.The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentleman. Volume Three. http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/RareBooks/Oates.html | |
62. Sterne Laurence Sterne. 17131768. Full texts of selected works by Sterne. http://www.english.swt.edu/cohen_p/irish/Sterne.html | |
63. Enlightenment Magazine : Archief/archive (personen/persons) : S Sterne, Laurence (17131768) Engelse schrijver. Een uitgebreide biografie staat op The Encyclopaedia Britannica **. Veel teksten http://coo.let.rug.nl/magazijn/archief/personen/arch_pers_s.htm | |
64. Geçmiþ Zaman Olur Ki - M.Sinan Oymacý - 19970624 - Netyorum.com * * * *. Bu haftaki sözümüz, Ingiliz yazar, Laurence Sterneden (17131768) geliyor. Yalniz, yigit insanlar nasil affedeceklerini bilirler. http://www.netyorum.com/bolum/gecmis/19970624-17.htm | |
65. QUOTATIONS DATABASE 00012581 DIALOG File 175 QUOTATIONS DATABASE. AU=,YB=,YD=, Sterne, Laurence 17131768. /TX, Digressions, incontestably, are the sunshine;they are the life,. http://library.g-search.or.jp/scripts/bluesheets/dataview.asp?ref_id=175 |
66. Eximious Books: Out-of-print, Rare, And Antiquarian Books And Autographs: Sentim Title Sentimental journey, A, through France and Italy. Illustrated by Mahlon Blaine. Author Sterne, Laurence 17131768 http://www.eximiousbooks.com/cgi-bin/exb455/1463baB.html | |
67. Russische Literatur Zeitschriften Translate this page Das innovative und experimentelle Werk des englischen Schriftstellers Laurence Sterne (1713-1768), dessen Roman Das Leben und die Ansichten Tristram Shandys in http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/lirsk/sphaeren/journals/journals.htm |
68. MSN Encarta - Laurence Sterne Translate this page Laurence Sterne (1713-1768), novelista y humorista inglés, autor de La vida y opiniones del caballero Tristram Shandy, una de las obras maestras de la http://es.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761551658/Laurence_Sterne.html | |
69. Ray Stephanson: English 410 An Annotated Bibliography Masaru Uchida s Laurence Sterne in Cyberspace page Martha F. Bowden s Selected Bibliography Laurence Sterne (17131768) The Laurence http://duke.usask.ca/~stephanr/eng410.shtml | |
70. Laurence Sterne In Cyberspace Laurence Sterne 171368. Laurence Sterne in Cyberspace. For more essays on Sterne, check out Open Directory Sterne, Laurence. Misc. http://www.gifu-u.ac.jp/~masaru/Sterne_on_the_Net.html | |
71. Laurence Sterne Life Stories, Books, & Links Stories about Laurence Sterne's life and Sterne's works. With links to essays literary criticism and analysis. Biographical Information. Stories about Laurence Sterne. Selected works by this author BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION. Laurence Sterne (1713 1768) http://www.todayinliterature.com/biography/laurence.sterne.asp | |
72. Great Books Index - Laurence Sterne Laurence Sterne Great Books Index. Laurence Sterne (17131768) An Index to Online Great Books in English Translation information for "The Shandean", an annual journal devoted to Laurence http://www.mirror.org/books/gb.sterne.html | |
73. ËÎÐÅÍÑ ÑÒÅÐÍ (LAURENCE STERNE. 17131768) - Áèîãðàôèÿ è Ï The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://us4u.by.ru/litra/stern.shtml?untitled1.txt.html |
74. Great Books Index - Laurence Sterne GREAT BOOKS INDEX. Laurence Sterne (17131768). An Index to Online Great Books in English Translation. http://books.mirror.org/gb.sterne.html | |
75. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Sterne, Laurence 1713 - 1768 Sterne, Laurence 1713 1768 Záhlaví, Název, Signatura. BLEI, Franz, Das Rokoko, III S 955. © Mestská knihovna v Praze Offline, poslední http://www.mlp.cz/cz/offline/perlie/s/99202.htm | |
76. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection To the lobby of the Internet Public Library. Online Literary Criticism Collection. Laurence Sterne (1713 1768). Nationality British, http://www.ipl.org.ar/cgi-bin/ref/litcrit/litcrit.out.pl?au=ste-116 |
77. Literary Encyclopedia: Sterne, Laurence Sterne, Laurence. (1713 1768). www.LitEncyc.com. Domain Literature, Religion. Clergyman, Novelist, Preacher and sermon writer, Satirist http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=5143 |
78. Laurence Sterne Translate this page Laurence Sterne (1713 1768) Englischer Schriftsteller, der nach Abschluss seines Theologiestudiums zunächst Vikar in Sutton (Yorkshire) war. http://www.philos-website.de/autoren/sterne_g.htm | |
79. RTÉ: Ireland's Millennia : People Laurence Sterne (1713 1768) novelist Born 24 th Nov 1713, Clonmel, County Tipperary. Son of an impoverished army ensign. Spent http://www.rte.ie/millennia/people/sternelaurence.html | |
80. Literature - Laurence Sterne Laurence Sterne (Clonmel 24 November 1713 London 18 March 1768), Vai alla pagina italiana. LIFE Son of an English officer and an Irish woman. http://www.emmedici.com/journeys/eire/cultura/letteratura/esterne.htm | |
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