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         Sterling Bruce:     more books (101)
  1. A Place So Foreign and Eight More by Cory Doctorow, 2003-09-08
  2. Schismatrix by Bruce Sterling, 1986-06-01
  3. The Caryatids by Bruce Sterling, 2009-01-01
  4. DISTRACTION by Bruce Sterling, 1998-01-01
  5. Il bisturi napoletano (Italian Edition) by Bruce Sterling, 2010-09-28
  6. Four took freedom;: The lives of Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Robert Smalls, and Blanche K. Bruce (Zenith books, Z10) by Philip Sterling, 1967
  7. Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology by Greg Bear, Pat Cadigan, et all 1988-07-01
  8. O bisturi napolitano (Portuguese Edition) by Bruce Sterling, 2010-09-28
  9. Open House: Architecture and Technology for Intelligent Living by Beatriz Colomina, Dana Hutt, et all 2006
  10. The Differemce Engine. by William, Sterling, Bruce GIbson, 1992-01-01
  11. Heavy Weather (Signed). by Bruce STERLING, 1994
  12. Distraction Signed Edition by Bruce Sterling, 1998-01-01
  13. Scismatrix Plus :SFBC 50TH Anniversary C by Bruce Sterling,
  14. Distraction by Bruce Sterling, 1998-01-01

81. Sterling, Bruce - University Of Maryland
Sterling, Bruce. Hacker Crackdown, The law and disorder on the electronic frontier University Libraries, University of Maryland, College
Sterling, Bruce
Hacker Crackdown, The: law and disorder on the electronic frontier

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Last Revised: September 2001

82. Ihr Buch-Preisvergleich Für Einzelne Autoren > Sterling, Bruce
Translate this page In Sterling, Bruce aus Einzelne Autoren finden Sie in unserem Buch, Preisvergleich viele Bücher günstiger. Preisvergleich. Buch. DVD. Musik. Finanzen.

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1 Produkt gefunden Buch-Empfehlungen: Das Methusalem-Komplott März 2004 P.S. Ich liebe Dich von Cecelia Ahern, Christine Strüh Februar 2004 Maria, ihm schmeckt's nicht! Geschichten von meiner italienischen Sippe Weitere Empfehlungen Sakrileg Der Fönig, 1 Audio-CD Die GLYX-Diät. Abnehmen mit Glückgefühlen. GLYX-Diät, Das Kochbuch ... (Tl. 5) Alle Preise sind Angaben des jeweiligen Anbieters inklusive Umsatzsteuer, zzgl. Versand - Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr metashopper Kontakt Nutzungsbedingungen Presse ... Mitmachen

83. Reason: Cybergreen: Bruce Sterling On Media, Design, Fiction, And The Future
January 2004. Cybergreen. Bruce Sterling on media, design, fiction, and the future. Interviewed by Mike Godwin. Bruce Sterling It depends on who we are.
January 2004 Cybergreen
Bruce Sterling on media, design, fiction, and the future
Interviewed by Mike Godwin
In the 1980s, Bruce Sterling became a leader of the "cyberpunk" revolution a literary movement that combined the artistic ambition of science fiction’s 1960s New Wave with the hard-core speculation associated with Verne, Wells, Heinlein, and Clarke. Cyberpunk’s chief theme was the way technologies evolve us even as we evolve them, and its influence can be seen in almost every science fiction writer of note today, from Ken MacLeod to Alastair Reynolds to Cory Doctorow. Neuromancer author William Gibson may have been the best-known of the cyberpunks, but the movement’s chief theorist and propagandist was Sterling, whose writing covered far more territory than that of his peers. Sterling’s books from the period Schismatrix Islands in the Net Crystal Express range so widely in settings and characters that it’s hard to talk about them collectively. What they have in common is their author’s willingness to stare uncomfortable truths in the face. His 1989 story "We See Things Differently," for example, eerily predicted and captured the jihadic Islamism of the 9/11 era. In the late ’90s, Sterling launched another movement: the Viridian Greens. This one focused on how industrial design could be used to respond to global climate change. "Our society runs on fossil fuel," he wrote in an early manifesto. "We have a substance-abuse problem with carbon dioxide. This is a seemingly abstract issue now, but it’s going to get very, very much livelier once we start having evacuation camps and dustbowls and so on. At that point, anyone who isn’t talking about the Greenhouse Effect is going to seem very twentieth-century and extremely old-fashioned."

84. Brennendes Land / Sterling, Bruce - Lesen Sie Erfahrungsberichte
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von Pro: spannend, humorvoll, unterhaltsam, verblüffend, einfallsreich, relevant
Kontra: viel politischer Jargon aus dem US-System (sollte man ein wenig kennen) Dieser SF-Roman ist ein sehr witziges Buch für Leser, die zwischen den Zeilen zu lesen verstehen und die feine Ironie bemerken, die Sterling durchsch... Bericht lesen 1-1 von 1 Erfahrungsbericht
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85. Doug's Library -- Bruce Sterling (Non-Fiction)
Sterling, Bruce (nonfiction). The Hacker Crackdown Click here to see reviews of some of Bruce Sterling s (and William Gibson s) fictional books.
Next Page (Cliff Stoll) Previous Page (John Stauber)
Sterling, Bruce (non-fiction)
  • The Hacker Crackdown
    • A pretty good book detailing the history of some of the most famous hackers of the "Golden Age" of hacking, which lasted, what, about 1 year? Even better, if you're on the Web, you can download and read this book for free! I don't have the URL handy, or I'd link to it from here, but it is fairly easy to find from the IBIC site (follow my link to other book related sites at the end of this page).
    Click here to see reviews of some of Bruce Sterling's (and William Gibson's) fictional books. Return to the Author Index. Return to the Welcome Page of Doug's Library.

86. Auteur - Sterling, Bruce
Translate this page Auteur Sterling, Bruce, Book The hacker crackdown law and disorder on the electronic frontier Sterling, Bruce New York Bantam Books , 1992, xiv, 328 p.

87. DBLP: Bruce Sterling Bruce Sterling. List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ 2, Bruce Sterling The Digital Revolution in Retrospect. Commun.
Bruce Sterling
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server FAQ Coauthor Index - Ask others: ACM DL ACM Guide CiteSeer CSB ... Google Bruce Sterling: The Digital Revolution in Retrospect. Commun. ACM 40 EE Aaron Marcus Donald A. Norman ... Rudy Rucker , Bruce Sterling, Vernor Vinge : Sci-fi at CHI: Cyberpunk novelists predict future user interfaces. CHI 1992
Coauthor Index
Aaron Marcus Donald A. Norman Rudy Rucker Vernor Vinge DBLP: [ Home Author Title Conferences ... Michael Ley ( Fri Jun 4 17:05:53 2004

88. STERLING, Bruce Foster (1870-1945) Biographical Information
Sterling, Bruce Foster, 18701945. Sterling, Bruce Foster, a Representative from Pennsylvania; born in Masontown, Fayette County, Pa

89. Short History Of The Internet By Bruce Sterling
Short History of the Internet by Bruce Sterling. F SF Science Column 5 Internet . Some thirty years ago, the
Short History of the Internet by Bruce Sterling
"Internet" Some thirty years ago, the RAND Corporation, America's foremost Cold War think-tank, faced a strange strategic problem. How could the US authorities successfully communicate after a nuclear war? Postnuclear America would need a command-and-control network, linked from city to city, state to state, base to base. But no matter how thoroughly that network was armored or protected, its switches and wiring would always be vulnerable to the impact of atomic bombs. A nuclear attack would reduce any conceivable network to tatters. And how would the network itself be commanded and controlled? Any central authority, any network central citadel, would be an obvious and immediate target for an enemy missile. The center of the network would be the very first place to go. RAND mulled over this grim puzzle in deep military secrecy, and arrived at a daring solution. The RAND proposal (the brainchild of RAND staffer Paul Baran) was made public in 1964. In the first place, the network would *have no central authority.* Furthermore, it would be *designed from the beginning to operate while in tatters.* The principles were simple. The network itself would be assumed to be unreliable at all times. It would be designed from the get-go to transcend its own unreliability. All the nodes in the network would be equal in status to all other nodes, each node with its own authority to originate, pass, and receive messages. The messages themselves would be divided into packets, each packet separately addressed. Each packet would begin at some specified source node, and end at some other specified destination node. Each packet would wind its way through the network on an individual basis.

90. Bruce Sterling - Science Fiction Writer And Futurist Thinker Of Cyberspace - Bio
Biography. Bruce Sterling is an Austin based science fiction writer and Net critic, internationally recognized as cyberspace theorist.
var baseDir = '../'; EGS Home MA in Communication PhD in Communication Admin ... EGS Online European Graduate School Faculty Bruce Sterling
Bibliography Resources Links
Bruce Sterling is an Austin based science fiction writer and Net critic, internationally recognized as cyberspace theorist. His novels Involution Ocean; The Artificial Kid, Schismatrix; Islands in the Net, Heavy Weather influenced the cyberpunk literary movement. He co-authored with William Gibson the novel The Difference Machine , and is one of the founders of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Editor of Mirrorshades , and co-editor of The Cyberpunk Anthology . Other books: Zeitgeist; Distraction; Holy Fire; The Hacker Crackdown. Tomorrow is Now
Bruce Sterling has been invited as a professor of Internet studies and science fiction at the European Graduate School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland, where he conducts an Intensive Summer Seminar.
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European Graduate School Homepage EGS Sitemap
Slavoj Zizek

91. Index Of /files/Literature/by-author/Sterling,Bruce
Parent Directory 29-Jul-2000 0937 - TheHackerCrackdown_Preface......Index of /files/Literature/byauthor/Sterling,Bruce. Name Last modified Size,Bruce/
Index of /files/Literature/by-author/Sterling,Bruce
Name Last modified Size Description ... Parent Directory 29-Jul-2000 09:37 - TheHackerCrackdown_Preface.txt 14-Dec-1993 00:00 107k

92. Entrevista A Bruce Sterling
Translate this page Entrevista a Bruce Sterling Denise Caruso Hablemos primero de ciberpunk. Bruce Sterling La verdad es que ya no tengo ninguna.
Entrevista a Bruce Sterling
Denise Caruso
Bruce Sterling
: La verdad es que ya no tengo ninguna. Creo que lo que hacemos es asimilar todo lo que tenemos a la vista. Devoramos todo lo que tocamos. Y si ahora no sabes lo que es, mejor que no te metas en el tema.
D. C. : Venga, Bruce, dame una pista.
B. S. : Bueno. No puedes pasear por San Francisco sin ver mucho de eso. No sé, siempre he pensado que "ciberpunk" es como "ciencia-ficción", ya que es una contradicción en los términos. Es decir, ¿cómo puede alguien ser un "punk" y al mismo tiempo "ciber"?. ¿Cómo puede ser que alguien que es experto en nuevas tecnologías no sea también un empollón?. ¿Cómo puede ser un tipo guay? ¿Y además experto en cultura pop?. Es imposible, ¿no te parece? Lo mismo pasa con la ciencia-ficción. ¿Cómo puede ser que la "ficción" sea "ciencia"? ¿Cómo puede la "ciencia" ser "ficción"? Es decir, la ciencia es un método, un método experimental con resultados verificables a establecer.
D. C. : Sí claro, pero hay todo un grupo de gente que cuando empezó a leer tus libros y los de Gibson, tenían esa impresión del tipo Dios habla conmigo y pensaban alguien entiende finalmente quien soy. Y ¿qué es eso entonces? ¿Se trata quizás de que esta gente que surge del mundo de Internet y los ordenadores están tan mediatizados que saben también mucho de cultura pop?
B. S.

93. Wired News Blog
211 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201 Contact Jean Westcott Phone 703525-4227 Posted by Bruce at 642 AM CST link to this post.

94. Alpha Ralpha Boulevard Bruce Sterling
home/espana/public_html/php/sf.php for inclusion (include_path= ./usr/local/lib/php ) in /home/espana/public_html/SFAuthors/SFS/Sterling,Bruce.php3 on,Bruce.php3
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Bruce Sterling
Other Sterling links:
Another page
, with a good list of online resources
Writer, critic, etc. Early "promoter" of Cyberpunk. Publisher,editor,etc of Cheap Truth fanzine. Resident of Austin, Texas.
The Artificial Kid
Cheap Truth
Crystal Express
The Difference Engine
with William Gibson
1991, Bantam
The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier
1992 non-fiction
Heavy Weather
Holy Fire
Orion Millenium
Bantam Spectra
Involution Ocean
Islands in the Net
Mirrorshades; The Cyberpunk anthology
Ed. 1986
"Are You For 86?"
first published in Globalhead
"Doris Bangs"
Sept 1989 IASFM
"The Beautiful and the Sublime"
June 1986 IASFM
"The Compassionate, the Digital,"
Winter 85/86. Interzone
"Cicada Queen"
Universe 13 , ed. Terry Carr

95. Bruce Sterling Discussion
The Zenith Angle by Sterling, Bruce Released 04/2004. Tomorrow Now Envisioning the Next 50 Years by Sterling, Bruce Released 12/2003. sterling.html
gnod web music books ... movies
The Zenith Angle
Released 04/2004
Tomorrow Now : Envisioning the Next Fifty Years
by Bruce Sterling
Released 12/2002
Holy Fire
by Bruce Sterling
Released 10/1997
Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology by Sterling, Bruce Released 07/1988 Distraction by Bruce Sterling Released 10/1999 The Difference Engine by Bruce Sterling Released 01/1992 Schismatrix Plus: Includes Schismatrix and Selected Stories from Crystal Express by Sterling, Bruce Released 12/1996 Zeitgeist by Bruce Sterling Released 07/2001 Heavy Weather by Bruce Sterling Released 12/1995 A Place So Foreign and Eight More by Doctorow, Cory Released 10/2003 The Hacker Crackdown : Law And Disorder On The Electronic Frontier by Bruce Sterling Released 11/1993 A Good Old-Fashioned Future by Bruce Sterling Released 06/1999 Tomorrow Now : Envisioning the Next 50 Years by STERLING, BRUCE Released 12/2003 The Artificial Kid (Context (San Francisco).) by Sterling, Bruce Released 09/1997 Islands in the Net by Sterling, Bruce Released 03/1989 Discussion: Bruce Sterling You are not logged in. To access all functionality, you can log in via

96. Alibris: Bruce Sterling
Sterling, Bruce Prometeo Libros - Libreria de Ciencias Sociales - Translate this page Sterling, Bruce,Libros de las Ciencias Sociales. 250.000 titulos Buenos Aires. Usted buscó Autor Sterling, Bruce. Se encontraron 3 títulos., Bruce
You'll find it at Alibris: Over 40 million used, new and hard-to-find books! CART ACCOUNT WISHLIST HELP ... SEARCH search in
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Browse for author " Bruce Sterling " matched 39 titles. Sometimes it pays off to expand your search to view all available copies of books matching your search terms. Page of 2 sort results by Top Selling Title Author Used Price New Price The difference engine more books like this by Gibson, William, and Sterling, Bruce The government in 19th century England is able to document all of the citizen's movements by means of the Babbage Analytical Engine. buy used: from buy new: from Holy Fire more books like this by Sterling, Bruce In the last decade of the 21st century, an elderly woman is refitted with a new, young body and uses her newfound vigor to rebel against the constraints of her upper-class past. A "New York Times" Notable Book for 1997. buy used: from buy new: from Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier more books like this by Sterling, Bruce

97. EFF "Publications - Bruce Sterling" Archive
EFF Publications Bruce Sterling Archive. crypto_conf_keynote.speech Bruce Sterling s keynote address from Cryptography Conference, Sept.
EFF Home Page Alerts Topic Index
EFF "Publications - Bruce Sterling" Archive Last Updated Thu Mar 13 10:41:30 PDT 2003
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Files in this Archive
Redistribution policy
US author Bruce Sterling on why he joined ALCEI (Electronic Frontiers Italy)
Bruce Sterling's renarks at Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference IV, Chicago, Mar. 26, 1994, on whether or not threats to privacy posed by computerization are for real or not. Classic quote: "I've been asked to explain why I don't worry much about the topics of privacy threat raised by this panel. And I don't. One reason is that these scenarios seem to assume that there will be large, monolithic bureaucracies (of whatever character, political or economic) that are capable of harnessing computers for one-way surveillance of an unsuspecting populace. I've come to feel that computation just doesn't work that way. Being afraid of monolithic organizations especially when they have computers, is like being afraid of really big gorillas especially when they are on fire."

98. Auchandirect Librairie
Translate this page LES MAILLES DU RESEAU Bruce , Sterling - Gallimard editions, Prix éditeur 7.30 € Notre prix 6.94 € Soit 45.52 Frs,

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Sterling, Bruce in author, showing 1 to 4 of 4. First Prev Next Last . 426, Distraction, Sterling, Bruce, Left bookshelf, shelf 1., B

100. - EBooks For Your PDA And Smartphone, Palm PocketPC Symbian
Alert me when new Sterling, Bruce titles are added. Sterling, Bruce. New Arrivals. The Zenith Angle by Sterling, Bruce $17.95 Like

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