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         Spooner Lysander:     more books (108)
  1. The Unconstitutionality of the Law of Congress Prohibiting Private Mails by Lysander Spooner, 1974-01-01
  2. Vices Are Not Crimes: A Vindication by Lysander Spooner, 2010-09-10
  3. A new Banking System by Lysander Spooner, A Williams & Co, 2009-11-17
  4. No treason by Spooner Lysander, 2009-07-17
  5. No Treason (Volume 1) by Lysander Spooner, 2010-07-26
  6. Illegality Of The Trial Of John W. Webster by Spooner Lysander 1808-1887, 2010-09-30
  7. Address of the Free Constitutionalists to the People of the United States (Volume 1) by Lysander Spooner, 2010-09-05
  8. A Defence for fugitive slaves, against the acts of Congress of February 12, 1793, and September 18, 1850 by Lysander Spooner, 1850-01-01
  9. An Essay on the Trial By Jury by Lysander Spooner, 1989
  10. No Treason : Constitution of No Authority and A Letter to Thomas F. Bayard by Lysander Spooner, 1971
  11. No treason: the constitution of no authority (1870) [and] A letter to Thomas F. Bayard (1882). With introductions, annotations and a new afterword by James J. Martin. by Lysander Spooner, 1973
  12. An Essay on the Trial By Jury by Lysander Spooner, 1989
  13. Address of the Free constitutionalists to the people of the United States Volume 1
  14. A Letter To Grover Cleveland On His False Inaugural Address: The Usurpations And Crimes Of Lawmakers And Judges And The Consequent Poverty, Ignorance And Servitude Of The People by Lysander Spooner, 2010-09-10

81. Lysander Spooner: Hopeless Case? -, Mon 04 Aug 1997
Hopeless Case? Lysander Spooner, news.admin.netabuse.usenet, Mon 04Aug 1997. - hunting the wily spammer explained. Newsgroups news
Hopeless Case?
Lysander Spooner, , Mon 04 Aug 1997
- hunting the wily spammer explained
From: (Lysander Spooner)
Subject: Re: Hopeless Case?
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 1997 14:22:59 GMT On Mon, 04 Aug 1997 10:35:19 GMT, (NetBolt@) wrote: This sucker below has RUINED some dozens of ng the past 24 hours. Unfortunately to trace this seems impossible. How to do it? LONG ANSWER First, we can try to find out what news-server the spam was posted to. The most reliable place to start is the Path: . At least some portion of it MUST be valid, since it is updated by other servers after it leaves the control of the originator, who might have forged everything in the header. You read it from right to left, and the trick is to figure out if anything was "pre-loaded" and where the article was actually injected. In this case, it doesn't look like there was any funny business. (The full header is quoted at the bottom of this message.) Examining the right side of the Path: line, we find the IP address

82. A Life Of Freedom: Questions From Lysander Spooner
Wednesday, April 07, 2004. Questions from Lysander Spooner. I wantedto give you a little quote from Lysander Spooner s No Treason.
A Life of Freedom
Documenting one man's attempt to flee government and corporate control, along with thoughts and links along the way.
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Questions from Lysander Spooner
I wanted to give you a little quote from Lysander Spooner's No Treason. By the way, if you have not read it yet, please do so sometime soon.
Who compose the real governing power in the country? Who are the men, the responsible men, who rob us of our property? Restrain us of our liberty? Subject us to their arbitrary dominion? And devastate our homes, and shoot us down by the hundreds of thousands, if we resist? How shall we find these men? How shall we know them from others? How shall we defend ourselves and our property against them? Who, of our neighbors, are members of this secret band of robbers and murderers? How can we know which are their houses, that we may burn or demolish them? Which their property, that we may destroy it? Which their persons, that we may kill them, and rid the world and ourselves of such tyrants and monsters?
These are questions that must be answered, before men can be free; before they can protect themselves against this secret band of robbers and murderers, who now plunder, enslave, and destroy them.

83. Sito Web Italiano Per La Filosofia-LYSANDER SPOONER
Lysander Spoonerdi prendere sul serio i diritti individuali. di ARMANDO MASSARENTI.

  • Alla ricerca degli anarchici per bene
    Il Giornale 26 MARZO 2001
  • Rhotbard La frontiera dell'anarco capitalismo
    Il "libertarismo" punta a sostituire lo Stato con comunità regolate dal mercato e legate da vincoli di solidarietà individuale di R.MODUGNO CROCETTA
    L'Unita' 22 MARZO 2000
  • Il Capitalismo? E' una utopia anarchica
    Il Saggiatore ripubblica Nozick. "Stato minimo" contro Welfare
    Un testo uscito nell'81 che era introvabile. La discussione con Rawls
    Una teoria del mercato che dovrebbe essere rimeditata anche dagli ultraliberisti
    Il Sole 24 Ore 14 MARZO 1999
    Vizi privati, crimini di stato
    L' arte di Lysander Spooner di prendere sul serio i diritti individuali
  • 84. NESARA-Natural Law-Lysander Spooner
    Link As (130K) Get Acrobat Reader. by Lysander Spooner. Chapter 1.The Science of Justice. Section I. The science of mine and thine
    The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act Monetary and fiscal policy reform that will double the standard of living for every American
    within one generation and restore economic and social prosperity across the land. Contact Us The NESARA Club What Can I Do? Op-Ed ... Home Natural Law
    Download or read a copy

    Requires an Adobe PDF reader
    To download to your computer, use your other mouse button and select Save Target As or Save Link As
    Lysander Spooner
    Chapter 1.
    The Science of Justice. Section I.
    It is the science which alone can tell any man what he can, and cannot, do; what he can, and cannot, have; what he can, and cannot, say, without infringing the rights of any other person. It is the science of peace; and the only science of peace; since it is the science which alone can tell us on what conditions mankind can live in peace, or ought to live in peace, with each other. These conditions are simply these: viz., first, that each man shall do, towards every other, all that justice requires him to do; as, for example, that he shall pay his debts, that he shall return borrowed or stolen property to its owner, and that he shall make reparation for any injury he may have done to the person or property of another. The second condition is, that each man shall abstain from doing to another, anything which justice forbids him to do; as, for example, that he shall abstain from committing theft, robbery, arson, murder, or any other crime against the person or property of another.

    85. Selections From Lysander Spooner At
    Lysander Spooner selections, essays and more from one of the web sfine collections. Lysander Spooner. American lawyer, abolitionist

    86. Taxation Is Theft And Slavery, Lysander Spooner 1808-1887
    Taxation is theft and slavery, Lysander Spooner 18081887. I d liketo quote Lysander Spooner (1808-1887) noted lawyer, writer on
    Taxation is theft and slavery, Lysander Spooner 1808-1887
    Australian Objectivists Welcome Page

    87. An Anarchist FAQ - G.7 Lysander Spooner: Right-Libertarian Or Libertarian Social
    PDF version of Section G. G.7 Lysander Spooner rightLibertarian or libertariansocialist? Murray Rothbard and others on the libertarian
    Email us Anarchist FAQ News TAZ ... Focus on... Search for ::
    AMP Breaking Glass Press Calendar ... Store Infoshop News News Kiosk Library News Prison News Science News ... Youth News By language Deutsche Español Italiano Svenska Infoshop by Subject Activism Anti-Oppression Biotechnology Libertarian Marxism ... Terrorism Features Anarchist FAQ Anti-war Anti-Capitalism Dear Emma ... Reading Lists Anarchism Anarchafeminism Anarchist University

    What's New ... PDF version of Section G.
    G.7 Lysander Spooner: right-Libertarian or libertarian socialist?
    Murray Rothbard and others on the "libertarian" right have argued that Lysander Spooner is another individualist anarchist whose ideas support "anarcho"-capitalism's claim to be part of the anarchist tradition. As will be shown below, however, this claim is untrue, since it is clear that Spooner was a left libertarian who was firmly opposed to capitalism. That Spooner was against capitalism can be seen in his opposition to wage labour, which he wished to eliminate by turning capital over to those who work it. Like Benjamin Tucker, he wanted to create a society of associated producers self-employed farmers, artisans and co-operating workers rather than wage-slaves and capitalists. For example, in his Letter to Cleveland Spooner writes: "All the great establishments, of every kind, now in the hands of a few proprietors, but employing a great number of wage labourers, would be broken up; for few or no persons, who could hire capital and do business for themselves would consent to labour for wages for another."

    88. Books By Lysander Spooner
    Author Lysander Spooner Entry 1201 Essay on the Trial By Jury note 1
    Author: Lysander Spooner

    89. Lysander Spooner - Tegen Vrouwenkiesrecht (1877)
    Tegen Vrouwenkiesrecht (1877). Door Lysander Spooner, Publicatiedatum1405-2002. Dit artikel verscheen oorspronkelijk in “New Age
    Uitgebreid zoeken
    Democratie Libertarische ... Diverse Selecteer Abortus, Euthenasie en Zelfmoord Alternatieve Energiebronnen Anarchisme Ayn Rand Belastingen en Accijns Broeikaseffect Cryogene Suspensie en Klonen Democratie Economische Conjunctuur Eigendomsrechten Europa en de EU Extreem Links / Extreem Rechts Frederic Bastiat Friedrich A. Hayek Globalisering Goudstandaard Hans Herman Hoppe Individuele Weerbaarheid Inflatie Interviews Kapitalisme Mensenrechten Migratie Milieubeweging Milton Friedman Multiculturalisme en Discriminatie Murray Rothbard Nationalisme Normen en Waarden Ontwikkelingshulp Oorlog tegen Terrorisme Oostenrijkse School Protectionisme en Corporatisme Rechtsfilosofie Regulering Voeding en Geneesmiddelen Religieuze Onderdrukking Repressie en Politiestaat Robert Nozick Sociale Zekerheid en Verzorgingsstaat Socialisme, Communisme, Stalinisme, Maoisme, Nationaal Socialisme Subsidie Industrie Tabak, Drank en Drugs Veiligheid en Zelfverdediging Vrijheid van Meningsuiting Wachtlijsten War on Drugs Werkeloosheid
    Gratis Stemadvies De toekomst van vrijheid - Fareed Zakaria Vreemdelingenstemre ...
    Telderstichting Symposium: Economisch Liberalisme; wat leert de praktijk van de theorie?

    Blijf op de hoogte van onze activiteiten, meld u hieronder aan!

    90. Konstytucja Bez Autorytetu
    Anarchistyczny Magazyn Autorów Mac Pariadka nr 10/95. Lysander Spooner (18081887)zaliczany jest do klasyków amerykanskiego anarchizmu. Lysander Spooner.
    Anarchistyczny Magazyn Autorów "Maæ Pariadka" nr 10/95 Lysander Spooner (1808-1887) zaliczany jest do klasyków amerykañskiego anarchizmu. Prawnik, publicysta, cz³onek I Miêdzynarodówki, znany by³ ze swojego bezkompromisowego stosunku do instytucji pañstwa i amerykañskiego systemu konstytucyjno-prawnego. Bêd±c przeciwnikiem niewolnictwa (pochodzi³ z pó³nocy Stanów - z Massachusets), próbowa³ pocz±tkowo argumentowaæ przeciw niemu stoj±c na gruncie konstytucji USA, wkrótce jednak doszed³ do zakwestionowania prawomocno¶ci samej tej konstytucji. Swe przemy¶lenia na ten temat zawar³ w swoim najs³ynniejszym eseju, The Constitution of no Authority (Konstytucja bez autorytetu), którego fragmenty poni¿ej publikujemy; w eseju tym potêpia on tak¿e agresjê rz±du amerykañskiego przeciw stanom Po³udnia, wykazuj±c, ¿e has³a antyniewolnicze by³y jedynie pretekstem do zdobycia przez klasê rz±dz±c± politycznej kontroli nie tylko nad rynkami Po³udnia, ale i pieni±dzem, przemys³em i handlem ca³ych Stanów. Spooner próbowa³ walczyæ te¿ z pañstwowym monopolem pocztowym, zak³adaj±c prywatne przedsiêbiorstwo pocztowe, American Letter Mail Company, oferuj±ce us³ugi po cenach ni¿szych ni¿ rz±d. Choæ ustaw± Kongresu z 1845 r. przedsiêbiorstwo to zosta³o zdelegalizowane, amerykañska poczta pañstwowa przyjê³a ni¿sze ceny Spoonera. Lysander Spooner KONSTYTUCJA BEZ AUTORYTETU (fragmenty) I.

    91. Campus Libertarians Presents - Vices Are Not Crimes By Lysander Spooner
    Vices are Not Crimes A Vindication of Moral Liberty by Lysander Spooner.I. Vices are those acts by which a man harms himself or his property.
    Links Vices are Not Crimes
    A Vindication of Moral Liberty
    by Lysander Spooner I Vices are those acts by which a man harms himself or his property. Crimes are those acts by which one man harms the person or property of another. Vices are simply the errors which a man makes in his search after his own happiness. Unlike crimes, they imply no malice toward others, and no interference with their persons or property. In vices, the very essence of crime - that is, the design to injure the person or property of another - is wanting. It is a maxim of the law that there can be no crime without a criminal intent; that is, without the intent to invade the person or property of another. But no one ever practises a vice with any such criminal intent. He practices his vice for his own happiness solely, and not from any malice toward others. Unless this clear distinction between vices and crimes be made and recognized by the laws, there can be on earth no such thing as individual right, liberty, or property, and the corresponding and coequal rights of another man to the control of his own person and property. For a government to declare a vice to be a crime, and to punish it as such, is an attempt to falsify the very nature of things. It is as absurd as it would be to declare truth to be falsehood, or falsehood truth.

    92. Index Of /obi/Lysander.Spooner
    Parent Directory 03Apr-00 2041 - header 16-Dec-89 1519 1k......Index of /obi/Lysander.Spooner. Name Last modified Size
    Index of /obi/Lysander.Spooner
    Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 03-Apr-00 20:41 - header 16-Dec-89 15:19 1k no.treason.1 16-Dec-89 15:19 6k no.treason.11 20-Dec-89 12:28 12k no.treason.12-15 20-Dec-89 18:33 8k no.treason.16-17 20-Dec-89 18:36 9k no.treason.18a 20-Dec-89 18:36 7k no.treason.18b 20-Dec-89 18:36 7k no.treason.19a 20-Dec-89 18:36 8k no.treason.19b 20-Dec-89 18:36 8k no.treason.2 16-Dec-89 15:19 12k no.treason.3 16-Dec-89 15:19 11k no.treason.4 16-Dec-89 15:19 3k no.treason.5 18-Dec-89 15:07 5k no.treason.6 19-Dec-89 10:01 6k no.treason.7-10 19-Dec-89 16:21 13k

    CHAPTER 1.
    For more than six hundred years - that is, since Magna Carta, in 1215 - there has been no clearer principle of English or American constitutional law, than that, in criminal cases, it is not only the right and duty of juries to judge what are the facts, what is the law, and what was the moral intent of the accused; but that it is also their right, and their primary and paramount duty, to judge of the justice of the law, and to hold all laws invalid, that are, in their opinion, unjust or oppressive, and all persons guiltless in violating, or resisting the execution of, such laws Unless such be the right and duty of jurors, it is plain that, instead of juries being a “palladium of liberty” - a barrier against the tyranny and oppression of the government - they are really mere tools in its hands, for carrying into execution any injustice and oppression it may desire to have executed. But for their right to judge of the law

    94. Lysander Spooner - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    The Second Amendment in the Nineteenth Century, Dave Kopel, BYU A. Dred Scott 1433. B. The Human Rights Advocates 1435. 1. Lysander Spooner1436. 2. Joel Tiffany 1440. C. Bloody Kansas 1441. D. The Civil War 1444.
    Lysander Spooner
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    Lysander Spooner ) was an American legal theorist of the 19th century He was born on a farm in Athol Massachusetts , on January 19, 1808, and died "at one o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday, May 14, in his little room at 109 Myrtle Street, surrounded by trunks and chests bursting with the books, manuscripts, and pamphlets which he had gathered about him in his active pamphleteer's warfare over half a century long." from Our Nestor Taken From Us by Benjamin Tucker Later known as an early individualist anarchist , Spooner advocated what he called Natural Law or the Science of Justice wherein acts of actual coercion against individuals were considered "illegal" but the so-called criminal acts that violated only man-made legislation were not. His activism began with his career as a lawyer, which itself violated local Massachusetts law. Spooner had studied law under the prominent lawyers and politicians, John Davis and Charles Allen, but he had never attended college. According to the laws of the state, college graduates were required to study with an attorney for three years, while non-graduates were required to do so for five years. With the encouragement of his legal mentors, Spooner set up his practice in Worcester after only three years, openly defying the courts. He saw the two-year privilege for college graduates as a state-sponsored discrimination against the poor. He argued that such discrimination was "so monstrous a principle as that the rich ought to be protected by law from the competition of the poor." In

    95. No Treason
    To Home page. No Treason. The Constitution of No Authority. by LysanderSpooner. I. The Constitution has no inherent authority or obligation.

    96. G.7 Lysander Spooner: Right-Libertarian Or Libertarian Socialist?
    G.7 Lysander Spooner: right-Libertarian or libertarian socialist?
    Murray Rothbard and others on the "libertarian" right have argued that Lysander Spooner is another individualist anarchist whose ideas support "anarcho"-capitalism's claim to be part of the anarchist tradition. As will be shown below, however, this claim is untrue, since it is clear that Spooner was a left libertarian who was firmly opposed to capitalism. That Spooner was against capitalism can be seen in his opposition to wage labour, which he wished to eliminate by turning capital over to those who work it. Like Benjamin Tucker, he wanted to create a society of associated producers self-employed farmers, artisans and co-operating workers rather than wage-slaves and capitalists. For example, in his Letter to Cleveland Spooner writes: "All the great establishments, of every kind, now in the hands of a few proprietors, but employing a great number of wage labourers, would be broken up; for few or no persons, who could hire capital and do business for themselves would consent to labour for wages for another." [quoted by Eunice Minette Schuster

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