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Slaveykov Pencho P: more detail |
41. Angel Stanchev, LZ1AC Ul Strandzha Bl 32 Vh W 8000 Burgas Bulgaria Provadia Bulgaria Magdalena Ivanova, LZ2MV ul Slaveykov 10 3000 Bulgaria Vulcho Vulkov,LZ2RO ul P Volov 53 Box 196 7200 Razgrad Bulgaria Pencho Ganchev, LZ2RQ http://www.bfra.org/docs/lzcall.txt |
42. Jun 2003 [cc09vxxx.xxx]4116 Christopher Columbus By F. Young Jan 2002 androxxx.xxx3015 Our Androcentric Culture, Charlotte P. Gilman Jan ScottJan 2002 olafgxxx.xxx3010 Olav van Geldern, Pencho Slaveykov Jan 2002 http://compsci.mwsc.edu/~noynaert/classes/csc435/classDemos/02-28/clean.txt |
43. Bulgaria 10.000 leva Scan Ron Wise. 1997, P. Beron, PK113. 50.000 leva, 1997, Methodius,PK114. SERIE 2000. 50 leva Scan Bulgarian National Bank. 2000, Pencho Slaveykov,PK119. http://club.telepolis.com/murada/colecciones/billetes/bulgaria.htm | |
44. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING ground. Slaveikov, Pencho P. Olaf Van Geldern. Slaveikov, Pencho AKASlaveykov, Pencho P. Olav Van Geldern. Slemons, J. Morris Prospective http://www.globusz.com/authors_s.asp | |
45. A-Z Browse Results - Encyclopædia Britannica Alphabetically browse encyclopedia articles from Encyclopedia Britannica. http://secure.britannica.com/eb/alpha?search=Sl |
46. Centennial State Libraries - February 2000 Colorado Department of Education. What's Happening at the State Library. by Nancy Bolt. Bulgarian Update. Two wonderful events occurred just before Christmas. Knyazheski Regional Library in Stara http://www.cde.state.co.us/libnewsletter/sl0200a2.htm | |
47. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Free Ebooks Easy Download Facility The unofficial Project Gutenberg pages; introductory page recent additions to 5th May 2004; index of authors http://www.thalasson.com/gtn | |
48. VirtualTourist.com - StefSar's Bulgaria Travelogue - Currency VirtualTourist Traveler, StefSar's Travelogue About Bulgaria. VirtualTourist Members share their travel experience, unbiased tips, reviews, and pictures on Bulgaria and over 2 million more i The http://www.virtualtourist.com/m/tt/12940 | |
49. List Of Authors S Pioneers of the Old Southwest .. etext02/potsw10.zip .. Disk 2 PenchoSlaveykov .. Olaf van Geldern .. etext04/olavg10.zip .. http://www.brainfly.net/authors/list_s.htm | |
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