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         Sirius R U:     more books (34)
  1. Mondo 2000 a Users Guide Signed Edition by R U Sirius, 1992-01-01
  2. Everybody Must Get Stoned by R.U. Sirius, 2009-04-01
  3. How to Mutate and Take Over the World by St. Jude, R. U. Sirius, 1996-02-20
  4. 21st Century Revolutionary: R.U. Sirius 1984-1998 by Eve Berni, 1999-06-01
  5. The Revolution: Quotations from Revolution Party Chairman R. U. Sirius by R. U. Sirius, 2000-05
  7. Counterculture Through the Ages by Ken [a.k.a. R.U. Sirius] and Dan Joy Goffman, 2004
  8. Mondo 2000 Magazine (Issue 11)
  9. Mondo 2000: A User's Guide to the New Edge : Cyberpunk, Virtual Reality, Wetware, Designer Aphrodisiacs, Artificial Life, Techno-Erotic Paganism, an by Rudy Rucker, R. U. Sirius, et all 1992-11
  10. Mondo 2000, No. 7, 1992 by R.U. Sirius, 1992
  11. Our right to death: how medical breakthroughs challenge easy answers about suicide.(Unplugged: Reclaiming Our Right to Die in America)(Book review): An article from: Reason by R.U. Sirius, 2007-02-01
  12. How to Mutate and take Over the World by R. U. Sirius, 1996
  13. How to Mutate & Take Over World by R.U. Sirius, 1997-11-11
  14. The Revolution Quotations from Revolution Party Chairman R. U. Sirius by Introduction by Andrei Codrescu, 2000-01-01

141. R.U. Sirius In Conversation With Wrye Sententia
Is it Your Brain? Wrye Sententia In Conversation With RU Sirius Vol .1, No. 5 NeoFiles (Febr. 2004). ) End Please visit RU Sirius Neofiles Journal ((,
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Is it Your Brain?
Wrye Sententia In Conversation With R.U. Sirius
Vol .1, No. 5 NeoFiles (Febr. 2004) Cognitive liberty ... the individual’s right to control her own brain. It’s the sort of thing that has been the subject of beaucoup novels and movies. It’s been a topic of conversation — directly or indirectly — at one point or another, for almost every thinking person living in advanced technological civilization. It’s been floating in the psychic ether at least since Orwell’s Wrye Sententia and Huxley’s Brave New World ... hell, maybe since the first mesmerist tricked the other tribe members into giving him most of the coconuts. But I don’t believe there has ever been an organization dedicated to the defense of freedom of thought. Enter , operating out of Davis, California — advocating, analyzing, and educating around cognitive liberty issues; filing amicus briefs and generally bringing brain rights into the civil realm. As a director of the CCLE, puckish and brilliant Wrye Sententia oversees projects that aim to focus public attention on cognitive technologies in relation to individual rights of mind (

142. Astrosirius
Assessoria Astrol³gica na Internet. Oferece todos os benef­cios e informa§µes que a astrologia pode lhe dar.
Sirius Astrology
LEIA SEU HOROSCOPO SEMANAL Visite o site e calcule seu Mapa Natal grátis online. Pegasus é o melhor Software de Astrologia para estudantes e profissionais! Clique aqui: FALE CONOSCO: PAULO MALUF As Previsões Astrológicas são analisadas por doze meses, á partir de qualquer data. Como o Sr. Paulo S. Maluf está novamente na mídia por causa da remessa de dólares ao exterior, e sua provável candidatura à Prefeitura de São Paulo, podemos tentar, através da Astrologia, visualizar como será o futuro desse ‘esterno candidato à Presidência”. Leia mais.... Em breve estaremos atualisando as Previsões Astrológicas dos Candidatos à Prefeitura de São Paulo. Aguardem... DIAGNÓSTICO DE SAÚDE ASTROMEDICINA O ser humano tem em seu organismo, pontos mais fracos, onde é possível que apareçam as doenças. Estes pontos, são detectados através da análise de saúde. Ela é feita sobre o Tema Natal, e determinará os pontos frágeis no organismo da pessoa e os possíveis problemas de saúde que poderá ter ou vir a desenvolver no futuro. Os doze signos astrológicos, por tradição regem doze pontos específicos de nosso organismo. A partir da cabeça, no signo de Áries, terminando nos pés no signo de Peixes.

143. Pigdog Journal (Net Flotsam) -- R. U. Sirius Debuts New Wrestling Magazine
Haha! FARTS AND DEAD PEOPLE. I love! RU Sirius Debuts New Wrestling Magazine 199907-28 050703. By El Snatcher.
R. U. Sirius Debuts New Wrestling Magazine
By El Snatcher
Net Flotsam
I dance in my sleep, and fly; waking, I am clumsy and earthbound.
Juggler Vain Main



Actually, it's not ALL about wrestling, there are also tons of raunchy sex articles, which is exactly what you might expect from something entitled, "Gettingit." After you are done reading about Jessie Ventura, Andy Kaufman, "Incredibly Strange Wrestling," and "Flesh on the Ropes," get a load of "Boys Bending Over," "She's Naked," and "Pregnant Nymphos." Famous reality phreaker, R. U. Sirius , has purchased himself a copy of the FutureTense Internet Publishing System We sent Gettingit down to decoding, and their analysis shows that the Gettingit style looks like someone took HotWired, Salon, The Onion, and Suck, crumpled them all into a ball, and smacked them against the wall a bunch of times, and then plopped down on top what may be the ugliest navigation bar of all time . Maybe it would have been better if R. U. has decided to go with the SUPER EVIL TABLOID web layout envisioned in the illustration for his editorial

144. Pfadi SIRIUS
Information der Abteilung in Wort und Bild ¼ber Neuigkeiten und Aktionen. AuŸerdem gibt es ein Forum, ein G¤stebuch und Links.
Da sind bilder vom OP'04 Da sind bilder vom Power' 04 Die Pfadi Abteilung von Wetzikon und Bäretswil. + SIRIUS News
S'neue Forum

Da salte Forum nuem richtig funktioniert, isch etz eifach mal e neus druf.... ihr moend eu dööt allerdings wieder neu aameldä... aber etz los... sForum isch nöd nur zum aaluägä da... Mehr
OP04 und power04
Endlich wieder mal neui gallerie... d gallerie vom und d'Gallerie vom Mehr Samstag, 20. März 2004
jajaja s zueripoly isch verbii.... d tiguriner hettet faschd ihri ehr verteidigt, wäred d Arkturs nöd zspaht an Bahnhof cho...(susch wärets 2tä wordä) Mehr Samstag, 28. Februar 2004
Achtung: Das Datum unserer Frühlingssammlung wurde verschoben. Sonst das Gleiche wie jedes Jahr. Infos folgen direkt von Lahini. Mehr Sonntag, 26. Oktober 2003
Heimwoche - Wo ist Walter? Es erwartet die Leiter von Sirius eine unvergessliche Woche in der Bläsimühle. Mehr Zum Forum Pfi-la im ghöch Pfila ... OP 2004 + SIRIUS Newsletter Immer up-to-date auf E-Mail: Name: + HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

FREE RADICAL BY RU Sirius (Feb. 2000) Superhacker Kevin Mitnick Menace to Fear or Rogue to Love? Interviews with the artist formally known as RU Sirius.
Official Agitprop Broadsheets DERISION 2000: MOCK THE VOTE! R.U. Sirius Makes It Official.
The Post-Modern Social Contract

by R.U. Sirius
A Political Party

by R.U. Sirius
How to Win

by R.U. Sirius

by R.U. Sirius
Do I Dare To Eat Impeach?

How Mr. Clinton Got Caught in his own Police State
by R.U. Sirius Crass Analyses Victory Over Horseshit! in 2000 by R.U. Sirius Policy Platforms 20 Point Party Platform for National Politics by R.U. Sirius 7 Point Program for Dramatically Decreasing the Threat of International Terrorism by R.U. Sirius 5 Point Platform for the Internet and the Computer Industry by R.U. Sirius and Cyberdawg On Kosovo by R.U. Sirius 15 Point Party Platform for National Politics 2-page HTML + graphics 15 Point Party Platform for National Politics 1-page Word6 Document 15 Point Party Platform for National Politics HTML (for single page use 12-point arial font) Readings FREE RADICAL BY R. U. SIRIUS (Feb. 2000) Superhacker Kevin Mitnick: Menace to Fear or Rogue to Love? Canadian Content: Interview with R.U. Sirius (Feb. 1999) The Industry Standard: This Revolution Will Not Be Televised (Oct. 1998) TIME Digital - The Revolution Will Not Be Streamed (Sept. 1998) Alternative Candidate speaks at SIUC reprinted from The Monday Daily Egyptian (September 28, 1998) R.U. Sirius: The Nightlife Interview

146. Das Sirius-Rätsel
Ein afrikanischer Stamm besitzt seit hunderten von Jahren umfangreiches Wissen ¼ber das SiriusSystem, welches sich mit aktuellen astronomischen Entdeckungen und Annahmen deckt.
Klaus Richter Einleitung
Sirius A und B

Weitere Objekte im Sirius-System

"For our part, the documents gathered together have not given rise to any original hypothesis or research. They have been simply pieced together in such a way that the accounts of the four principal informants are merged into one and the same statement. The problem of knowing how, with no instruments at their disposal, men could know the movements and certain characteristics of virtually invisible stars has not been settled, nor even posed. It has seemed more to the point, under these special circumstances, to present the documents in raw." Die Dogon wissen von dem Stern " po tolo ", dem "Stern des Sigui Sigui ist identisch mit Sirius und po digitaria exilis " lautet. Unter der Bezeichnung " Digitaria " ging denn auch der Stern des Sigui Sigui und Digitaria gibt es den Stern Emme Ya Digitaria Sigui Emme Ya wiederum wird von einem als "Stern der Frauen" bezeichneten Satelliten umkreist. Ein dritter Begleiter, der " Schusterstern ", ist sehr viel weiter entfernt und bewegt sich in entgegengesetzter Richtung um

147. C:f A Sirius Alternative
RU Sirius is humorous, but he’s no joke. A Sirius Alternative Cyberpioneer and Presidential candidate RU Sirius offers his platform for the Digital Age.
Mondo 2000 GettingIt (which is limping along despite, sadly, having lost its backing). The Revolution: Quotations from Revolution Party Chairman R.U. Sirius A 5-Point Platform for the Internet and the Computer Industry 1.No Censorship
A Sirius Alternative

Cyber-pioneer and Presidential candidate R.U. Sirius offers his platform for the Digital Age.
Full Disclosure
Friends and Family

How a man can get lost in the Information Age.
A Different Kind of Start-Up
In a distressed neighborhood at the heart of the high tech revolution, a school gives real options to its students.

Can a pregnant entrepreneur get the venture capital to keep her startup alive?
Escaping the Corporate Cult(ure)
A former Silicon Valley dot com insider lashes out against the technology industry's HR efforts.

Alarm Clock Communications is dedicated to providing a platform for opinion, and here is our promise: ANY editorial submission that is consistent with our editorial mission and that meets our editorial guidelines will be published. And the best of what we receive will be printed in

148. Acolada GmbH - Content Language Data Management
Software und Systementwicklung f¼r XML basiertes Content Management und innovative PublishingTechnologien; umfangreiche und verlags¼bergreifende Edition elektronischer W¶rterb¼cher auf CD-ROM und im Intranet
Acolada : Content Language Date Management.
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149. - Author: R. U. Sirius
1. Compare Prices, Cover Image, Title The Politics of Ecstasy by Timothy (Francis) Leary, RU Sirius, Tom Robbins ISBN 1579510310 Publisher Ronin Publishing Pub U. Sirius.html Find the Best Price on the Web
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Title: The Politics of Ecstasy
by Timothy (Francis) Leary R. U. Sirius Tom Robbins
Ronin Publishing
Pub. Date: October, 1998
List Price: Price: Title: Mondo 2000: A User's Guide to the New Edge: Cyberpunk, Virtual Reality, Wetware, Designer Aphrodisiacs, Artificial Life, Techno-Erotic Paganism, an by Rudy Rucker Queen Mu R. U. Sirius ISBN: Publisher: Harperperennial Library Pub. Date: November, 1992 List Price: Price: Title: Shattered Lives: Portraits From America's Drug War by Mikki Norris Virginia Resner Chris Conrad R.U. Sirius ISBN: Publisher: Creative Xpressions Pub. Date: 01 December, 1998 List Price: Price: Title: The Revolution: Quotations from Revolution Party Chairman R. U. Sirius by R. U. Sirius ISBN: Publisher: Feral House Pub. Date: June, 2000 List Price: Price:

150. Hms Sirius F40 Royal Navy Leander Class Frigate 1966 - 1994
A site dedicated to HMS Sirius, a Royal Navy Leander Class Frigate F40, from 1966 to 1994, including information and photos about reunions of her crew.
HMS S I RIUS 2004 Reunion Royal Navy Leander class frigate
The First Captain (New 4.12.03)
Picture Gallery (New 15.11.03) Reunion Info (updated 3.03.04) Lost Oppos (updated 24.4.04) Guest Book Forum Slops
(Updated 11.4.04) Links (updated 22.3.04) Dido Class Cruiser (updated 25.2.04) Contents Basic PC Security.
Don't let your computer catch the boat up!
(new 11.4.04) Heaven's light our guide Visit my other sites: . and Webmaster: Isaac Newton Site last updated 24 April, 2004 alert("2004 reunion. 1930 Fri 25th June. Booze Cruise, Plymouth, now booking. Your chance for more sea time! ") hms sirius f40 royal navy leander class frigate

151. The Village Voice: Machine Age: Free Radical By R. U. Sirius
Free Radical by RU Sirius February 16 22, 2000. And how sensational is that? RU Sirius was the founder and editor in chief of Mondo 2000 from 1989-1993.
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    machine age Superhacker Kevin Mitnick: Menace to Fear or Rogue to Love? Free Radical by R. U. Sirius February 16 - 22, 2000 istorical revisionism happens quickly these days. But the media rehabilitation of your public persona might seem pretty slow if you were forced to spend the last five years in prison, including two years without a trial. Still, Kevin Mitnick , the poster boy for public paranoia about homegrown cyberterrorism, might be pleased to find that he has been newly appraised. Finally released from prison in California, Mitnick has not only achieved martyrdom among hacker supporters in the "Free Kevin Mitnick" movement, he has recently been elevated in the mainstream press to the status of . . . well, not that bad of a guy.
  • 152. Mindjack: A Sirius Interview
    RU SiriusOne of my main motivations was just coming up with something that would really work for the DisInformation audience. In

    the lounge archive about us ... feedback note:
    This interview was conducted via e-mail and is presented here in it's complete unedited form.
    R.U. Sirius is best known as one of the founders of Mondo 2000. He has also authored, co-authored or contributed to a number of books including: "How to Mutate and Take Over the World", "The Happy Mutant Handbook" and Timothy Leary's "Design For Dying". A Sirius Interview About The Revolution
    conducted by Donald Melanson Mindjack: So what was your main motivation for starting The Revolution? And how big do you expect, or want it to get? RU Sirius: One of my main motivations was just coming up with something that would really work for the DisInformation audience. In the process of doing that, I came up with THE REVOLUTION. I'm also tired of people just talking about their favorite bands or whatever. I also feel that the political discourse in America is kind of like the discourse was in Russia before the Communist Party was booted out of power. The debate between mainstream democratic and republican opinion is as narrow as the debate between members of the Soviet Communist Party, and the presumptions in the mainstream media map to the assumptions of Pravda before the closing of the Soviet state. My responses as of today have started to get overwhelming. It's hard to get offline. So I expect it to be huge. I think THE REVOLUTION will be the biggest alternative party, outside of maybe Perot's group, by 2000.

    153. Sirius Yachts
    Manufacturers of steel yachts, canal craft and Dutch barges.
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    154. Sirius IT GmbH
    Nach Farben sortiertes Angebot eines Versenders aus –sterreich.

    155. R.U. Sirius On Feeling Conflicted
    RU Sirius on Feeling Conflicted. Very good essay by RU Sirius on the difficult position traditional leftists are in torn between

    scot hacker's foobar blog
    I like people who glue macaroni on to a piece of cardboard and paint it gold. That's what I aspire to basically. - Tom Waits October 13, 2001 Main
    R.U. Sirius on Feeling Conflicted
    Very good essay by R.U. Sirius on the difficult position traditional leftists are in... torn between knowing how evil the Taliban is and how important it is that they be removed on one hand, and a deep distrust for the Bush regime and bombing campaigns in general on the other. I can't say, as he does, that I feel stuck in neutral. I support the anti-Taliban effort whole-heartedly (though I pray for sanity and care). But I have been doing battle with my own emotions over all of this. I think a lot of people I know have been. Slowly, though, I am realizing that my complaints are basically irrelevant to the situation at hand. Sure, the U.S. has had problematic involvements overseas. Yes we're responsbile for the death of innocents all over the world. That's all important stuff and needs to be addressed at some point. But right now, we have more important things to do, like preserving freedom. Who cares if that sounds corny and jingoistic? It's important, it's real, and it's here now. Posted by shacker at October 13, 2001 07:21 PM

    156. Message From Chairthing RU Sirius
    Print this post Views 796. Message from Chairthing RU Sirius 1028, Print this post Views 789. Re Message from Chairthing RU Sirius re akeldamma 1030,

    157. Sirius Template
    A UKbased registered charity which aims to advance the circumstances of people in need and advance the welfare and education of children.
    For More Information Contact: Sirius Foundation
    7 Fairfield Road, Winchester, Hants, SO22 6SF, Telephone +44 (0) 1962 853782
    Registered Charity Number 1062403
    Last modified: October 2001

    158. D/blog: RU Sirius
    d/blog RU Sirius. MoType is my motor. RSS feed here. RU Sirius sure can write. It s been ages since I experienced the feeling of someone speaking for me.
    Skip over navigation d blog ... d/blog : RU Sirius home ..... in Web ..... from October Scratchin' backs and cuttin' slack since 2001. search d/blog:
    browse archives
    By Date April 2003 March 2003 February 2003 January 2003 December 2002 November 2002 October 2002 September 2002 August 2002 July 2002 June 2002 May 2002 April 2002 March 2002 February 2002 January 2002 December 2001 November 2001 October 2001 September 2001 August 2001 July 2001 By Category Assorted Autobio Film Games Ideas Music Site News Tech Web World work on

    bloggus caesari

    I king

    12 frogs
    adampsyche boingboing bottomdwelling ...
    is my motor.
    RSS feed here RU Sirius sure can write . It's been ages since I experienced the feeling of someone speaking for me. Note to self: what the hell has he been up to lately? Posted by D to Web , october 15, 2001 02:56 am

    159. SiriusPack - Canids - Wolf-Dog Hybrids
    Canid socialization, education and training.
    “A spirit unfettered by life.” “Concerned about your health? This book is a must read. Click here now.” Welcome to the Web site. This site is undergoing a major change and will be offering new information, articles, and tips on the training and socialization of wolf dog hybrids (canids).
    Canids - (Wolf-Dog Hybrids)
    A member of the Canidae family of carnivorous mammals, which includes foxes, wolves, dogs, jackals, and coyotes.
    Here are some links to our favorite sites, or sections of sites that we are fond of:
    • Dogs In Action - This page contains a very important warning about the destruction of your dog if you claim it is part wolf, and it bites someone . In addition it provides vital data regarding state policies on the legality of owning a wolf dog hybrid and vaccination issues.
      Wolf Cry
      - instructs the novice on how to care for a wolf/wolf-dog and what to look for in a responsible breeder
      The WolfDog’s Resource
      - An extensive site devoted to wolf dogs with information on legal and medical issues, myths, genetics and even some stories and poems
      Internet Vets - This site is owned and operated by a licensed and practicing veterinarian

    160. DCD8 - Intervista A R.U.SIRIUS E A "MONDO 2000"
    E A"MONDO 2000"
    di Wonder Woman
    tratto da DECODER #8
    Berkeley, California Perché il tuo nome? È una sorta di gioco di parole, non so se conosci la mitologia che si è creata intorno alla stella Sirio. Aleister Crowley e Robert Anton Wilson dicevano che la stella a forma di cane emetteva messaggi esoterici. Quindi era una sorta di invito a guardare là fuori nello spazio per vedere se ci sono "cani" che ti parlano. Mi piaceva comunque il suono della parola, ma ho avuto dei problemi con una compagnia che produceva frisbee con lo stesso nome. Quale la storia del vostro gruppo e come è iniziata l'esperienza di "Mondo 2000"? Come è la scena cyber in California, negli States e, perché no, anche nel mondo? Ho visto che su Mondo 2000 è pieno di pubblicità, come vi gestite questo rapporto? È senza conflitti? Facile per voi trovare pubblicità?

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