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         Sirius R U:     more books (34)
  1. Mondo 2000 a Users Guide Signed Edition by R U Sirius, 1992-01-01
  2. Everybody Must Get Stoned by R.U. Sirius, 2009-04-01
  3. How to Mutate and Take Over the World by St. Jude, R. U. Sirius, 1996-02-20
  4. 21st Century Revolutionary: R.U. Sirius 1984-1998 by Eve Berni, 1999-06-01
  5. The Revolution: Quotations from Revolution Party Chairman R. U. Sirius by R. U. Sirius, 2000-05
  7. Counterculture Through the Ages by Ken [a.k.a. R.U. Sirius] and Dan Joy Goffman, 2004
  8. Mondo 2000 Magazine (Issue 11)
  9. Mondo 2000: A User's Guide to the New Edge : Cyberpunk, Virtual Reality, Wetware, Designer Aphrodisiacs, Artificial Life, Techno-Erotic Paganism, an by Rudy Rucker, R. U. Sirius, et all 1992-11
  10. Mondo 2000, No. 7, 1992 by R.U. Sirius, 1992
  11. Our right to death: how medical breakthroughs challenge easy answers about suicide.(Unplugged: Reclaiming Our Right to Die in America)(Book review): An article from: Reason by R.U. Sirius, 2007-02-01
  12. How to Mutate and take Over the World by R. U. Sirius, 1996
  13. How to Mutate & Take Over World by R.U. Sirius, 1997-11-11
  14. The Revolution Quotations from Revolution Party Chairman R. U. Sirius by Introduction by Andrei Codrescu, 2000-01-01

81. Sirius 2000 - Fachhandel Für Mobilfunk, Navigation Und Preisermittlung
Preisagentur f¼r Telekommunikationselektronik, MobilComputing, Navigationselektronik.
Fachhandel Preisermittlung Benutzen Sie zur Beauftragung bitte unser Ermittlungsformular . Die Beauftragung kann auch schriftlich - per Brief, Fax oder E-Mail - unter Angabe der laut Ermittlungsformular erforderlichen Daten, erfolgen. Preisvergleichsdarstellung Ihr Sirius 2000 Team Home Shop Fachhandel Sirius 2000 Preisermittlung Lebensmittel Impressum Link Partner ... Kontakt

82. Siriuspatruljen, En Enhed I Søværnet
S¸v¦rnets Operative Kommando

83. FanFiction.Net Profile : R. U. Sirius
Personal Profile. pen name, RU Sirius. email, email. user id, 8500. since, 0404-00. homepage, http//. I like Harry Potter *G*. Author

84. Sirius: Enterprise-Ready Open Source Specialists
Open Source Software specialists. Offer consultancy, support and training services. Based in the UK.
Powered by Google Open Source Solutions We lead in the deployment, support and training of the most advanced Open Source technologies available:

85. SimTeam : R.U. Sirius - Interview 1989
Translate this page RU Sirius. Interview - 1989. Quelle liberté. RU Sirius est rédacteur en chef du magazine MONDO, agitateur du Cyber depuis 1990.
R.U. Sirius
Interview - 1989

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87. S I G N U M * Whatever Happened To MONDO 2000’s Cyber Revolution * M A R R O W
by RU Sirius. For a brief period at the beginning of the early 1990s, counterculturalists hijacked the mythology around advanced technology.
Whatever Happened to Mondo 2000
One fearless leader investigates
by R.U. Sirius F o r a brief period at the beginning of the early 1990s, counterculturalists hijacked the mythology around advanced technology. As co-publisher and Editor-in-chief of Mondo 2000 , I helped to lead the charge. At Mondo , we trumpeted the arrival of young "mutants and superbrights." The digital era was arriving, and the "kids" were "at the controls"– they were the ones who knew how to make it and how to use it. A hipster magazine with an irreverent, anarchic edge could become the voice of the next era – we could help to define the politics and culture behind the post-industrial revolution. We believed it, sort of. Or at least we thought it was worth a roll of the dice. High Frontiers It’s difficult to recall how empty and flaccid the ’70s and ’80s felt. Among counterculturalists and mainstreamers alike, there was an overwhelming sense of torpor. Not even the high-energy blast of punk could reignite the revolution. Not even the upbeat entrepreneurial boosterism of Reagan could hotwire the market. In 1990, Virtual Reality mainman Jaron Lanier expressed the sense of utter desolation that was pervasive at the time, saying "Virtual Reality is *something.* And it’s been a long time since we had something."

88. Sirius Recruitment
Werving en selectie voor de doelgroepen Information en Communication Technology, Finance en Sales.

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90. The Sirius Gate - Unexplained - IN SEARCH FOR TRUTH - RIN.RU
Unexplained / Mysteries / Ancient Mysteries / The Sirius Gate / The Sirius Gate. Evidently, the pharaohs were attempting to channel their souls to Sirius.
Russian In search for truth : Unexplained Parapsychology and Magic Astrology :ž Unknown Earth :ž Ancient civilizations :ž Space exploration :ž Aliens ... :ž Forum Search Mail system 15Mb! [Register] Constructor Free Hosting Game server ... The Sirius Gate
The Sirius Gate
The Great Pyramid of Khofu is dated at 2560 B.C.and it is aligned to True North. This means that prior to the floods of Ogyges and Deukalion, the axis of the planet was the same as it is today, (inclined to 23 and half degrees to the Sun). The only difference between then and now is an additional five and a quarters sidereal days at precisely the time the earth's orbit is most distant from the Sun. Thus, the practice of using Sirius to determine time is at least as old as the Great Pyramid.
Sirius is a binary star system composed of Sirius A and B. There appears to be a third member as well, Sirius C. Sirius B orbits Sirius A once every 50 years. When Sirius A and B are in conjunction with the Sun it would mean anything in their respective paths could conceivably be influenced by the incredible density of Sirius B. If a third factor, that of a comet or planet became involved it could produce an anomalous movement of celestial bodies. The addition of 5 1/4 days to the Babylonian calendar must have been just such an event.
Thus, it is evident that the pyramids were; one, a tomb for a god, and two, beacons aimed at the Sirius system. Evidently, the pharaohs were attempting to channel their souls to Sirius. Since, the pyramids at Giza are conjoint with two stars in the belt of Orion, they are pointing to an unknown location in the Sahara Desert. From Dogon cosmology I suspect this to be the location of the Nomo star craft.

91. SIRIUS - Wilderness Medicine
Canadian organization founded in response to the increasing demand for comprehensive and realistic first aid training for outdoor professionals. Established as a leader in Canadian wilderness emergency medical training.
SIRIUS WILDERNESS MEDICINE is a Canadian organization which was founded in response to the increasing demand for comprehensive and realistic first aid training for outdoor professionals. Since our inception in 1990, we have become established as a leader in Canadian wilderness emergency medical training. Custom Courses Wilderness first aid and medical programs may be designed around the specific needs of your group or organization. If you are interested in sponsoring a course please fill out the group information form.
Sirius is the leader in Canadian wilderness first aid and medical training. We provide descriptions schedule and on-line registration for courses across North America.
A catalog of all our available medical kits. Sirius Wilderness Medicine kits have been designed for recreation and backcountry use. Profile Sirius has been involved with organizations across Canada in developing outdoor industry standards and applications of Wilderness Prehospital Emergency Care.
Use our on-line registration form to register for a course. Or you can download one and mail it to us.

92. RU Sirius
RU Sirius. http// RU Sirius was born in 18th Century France to a Rosicrucian whore named Babette. In the 20th
@import "/css/global.css"; @import "/css/index.css"; View: All Stories Authors Dates Sections ... Sitemap RU Sirius RU Sirius was born in 18th Century France to a Rosicrucian whore named Babette. In the 20th Century, he was Editor-in-chief of Mondo 2000 and GettingIt. He wrote seven books including Design For Dying with Dr. Timothy Leary. Currently he edits The Thresher and is writing Countercultures Through the Ages: From Abraham to Acid House for Villard/Random House. He still hates onions. August 17, 1999 Bill Clinton, Gun Salesman Meanwhile, liberals take on the small issues October 14, 1999 Fight Club An interview with Chuck Palahniuk July 27, 1999 Journalism Is Dead Long live journalism November 9, 1999 Run Wild, Run Free Advice for alternative presidential candidates November 18, 1999 Science Fiction, R.I.P. William Gibson is still 15 minutes ahead August 26, 1999 Tele-Hypnosis And Y2K Suicide A Miami-based shrink sells instant enlightenment November 30, 1999

93. Sportnik Lag
Kalendarium, nyheter, bildgalleri och l¤nkar.

94. Information On R.U. Sirius
Information on RU Sirius. CURRENT Chairman of com). CoAuthor Design For Dying, HarperEdge. by Timothy Leary and RU Sirius. Author
Information on R.U. Sirius
CURRENT: Chairman of THE REVOLUTION, a new political party for people who feel excluded by mainstream politics. Freelance writer, editor, speaker and performer Titular Editor-In-Chief: Axcess magazine. Axcess is a Berkeley, California based, GenX oriented magazine with a circulation of 20,000. Sirius was recently hired to bring quality writing into the publication. Publisher/Editor of REVOLTING! "Radical Tabloid" currently being converted into a site for THE REVOLUTION Guest Editor and Regular Columnist: 21%C magazine. Recently guest edited a special edition of the Australian magazine 21%C . Regular columnist: DisInformation ( Co-Author: Design For Dying , HarperEdge. by Timothy Leary and R.U. Sirius Author of 21st Century Revolutionary , a collection of his writings and interviews to be published by Fringecore Publishing in Belgium, Winter 1998 Correspondent: Wired MONDO 2000 GENERAL R.U. Sirius is best known as co-founder and original Editor-In-Chief of Mondo 2000 where he served from 1989 - 1993. Considered the predecessor to

95. IK Sirius IBK P92
Matchprogram och information om tr¤ningar, ekonomi och laget.

96. R.U. Sirius' C & W 99 Talk Links
RU Sirius C W 99 talk links.
The Revolution!
Getting It! Suck! Hamsterdance!
The Revolution!
Getting It! Suck! Hamsterdance! ... R.U.'s election page

97. Sirius Global Animal Organization
Exposes the export of dogs to China to be bred for food. News archive, status of animal abuse in various countries, how to help, related links, and contacts.

98. R.U. Sirius Interviews Richard Metzger
RU Sirius interviews Richard Metzger. RU Sirius interviews Richard Metzger. From Boing Boing Blog. RU Sirius interviews Richard Metzger. RU Sirius NeoFiles.
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R.U. Sirius interviews Richard Metzger
R.U. Sirius interviews Richard Metzger
From: Boing Boing Blog R.U. Sirius interviews Richard Metzger Boing Boing pal R.U. Sirius interviews Boing Boing pal Richard Metzger (Editor of Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult ) in the latest issue of R.U.'s online magazine The NeoFiles "Most people have this assumption that magick is all about some kind of 'hocus pocus' or 'eye of newt, tongue of toad' thing or the sort of 'incense and affirmations' school of thought that a lot of New Agers and Wiccans are into. I don't see it that way. When I was a teenager, I read in one of the RE/Search books that a modern magician uses the tools of their time. It was Genesis P-Orridge, the rock star, who said that, and it made a major impression on me. He meant that a modern day "sorcerer" would employ video cameras, printing presses, television, electronic instruments, the Internet and so forth to work their magick and since so much of magick is about INTENT, then it stands to reason that something like the Internet can have magical uses. Advertising, too, is a magical act and so is PR, basically. Advertising allows these big corporations to create a desire in the center of your head that you should run out and buy things you don't need! That is magick, right? Right." Link
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99. Sirius Astrology
Natal, transit, solar return and planetary lines readings by Dena DeCastro. Rates, contact information and sun sign overview.

100. Interview With RU Sirius
Interview with RU Sirius. Interview with RU Sirius. From Interview with RU Sirius 05/04/2004 0317. Interview with RU Sirius. RU Sirius interviews Richard Metzger.
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Interview with RU Sirius
Interview with RU Sirius
From: Interview with RU Sirius BB buddy Ken Goffman (aka RU Sirius) was recently interviewed by a transhumanist magazine. "I don't embrace any belief systems. I'm a fuzzy believer. I might say that I 95% believe that humans will achieve a lifespan beyond the current biological limits; I 50% believe that this will work out well on a social-political level; I 95% believe that we will get really precise control over our minds and moods; I 60% believe that the future of most of humanity is pretty well fucked; I 10% believe that something very much like the singularity will actually occur; I 1% believe that it will happen in my lifetime." He also talks a bit about his new book, " Counterculture Through the Ages ," due out in November. Friends who have read it tell me that it's a brilliant, even scholarly , work. RU's star is absolutely rising again. Link document.write('Click here for great deals on Salvia - IamShaman');
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