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         Sirius R U:     more books (34)
  1. Mondo 2000 a Users Guide Signed Edition by R U Sirius, 1992-01-01
  2. Everybody Must Get Stoned by R.U. Sirius, 2009-04-01
  3. How to Mutate and Take Over the World by St. Jude, R. U. Sirius, 1996-02-20
  4. 21st Century Revolutionary: R.U. Sirius 1984-1998 by Eve Berni, 1999-06-01
  5. The Revolution: Quotations from Revolution Party Chairman R. U. Sirius by R. U. Sirius, 2000-05
  7. Counterculture Through the Ages by Ken [a.k.a. R.U. Sirius] and Dan Joy Goffman, 2004
  8. Mondo 2000 Magazine (Issue 11)
  9. Mondo 2000: A User's Guide to the New Edge : Cyberpunk, Virtual Reality, Wetware, Designer Aphrodisiacs, Artificial Life, Techno-Erotic Paganism, an by Rudy Rucker, R. U. Sirius, et all 1992-11
  10. Mondo 2000, No. 7, 1992 by R.U. Sirius, 1992
  11. Our right to death: how medical breakthroughs challenge easy answers about suicide.(Unplugged: Reclaiming Our Right to Die in America)(Book review): An article from: Reason by R.U. Sirius, 2007-02-01
  12. How to Mutate and take Over the World by R. U. Sirius, 1996
  13. How to Mutate & Take Over World by R.U. Sirius, 1997-11-11
  14. The Revolution Quotations from Revolution Party Chairman R. U. Sirius by Introduction by Andrei Codrescu, 2000-01-01

61. ALAN MOORE Senhor Do Caos / Lord Of Chaos
CYBERGURU RU Sirius by Jose Carlos Neves There is no doubt that we have seen a turning-point in the history of cyberculture or, better still, two points
by Jose Carlos Neves
There is no doubt that we have seen a "turning-point" in the history of cyberculture or, better still, two points: the advent of the internet and the appearance of the acclaimed magazine MONDO 2000 . A periodical that evolved from an earlier neopsychedelic zine, MONDO 2000 added to its own post-punk irreverence a unique computer-enhanced graphic style, and generated a media illusion of a new cultural trend - a kind of a phenomenon of the early 90s. It was even considered the predecessor to the acclaimed Wired. And, behind it was its original Editor-in-Chief, the emblematic prankster, Freelance writer, editor, speaker and performer, R.U. Sirius , one of the creators of the powerful meme that is the cyberculture.
After leaving Mondo 2000, Sirius has contributed his increasingly acerbic writing to publications ranging from ARTFORUM International to Wired to San Francisco Examiner. In 1994, he recorded an unreleased album called IOU Babe for

62. Sirius
Tietoa yhdistyksen toiminnasta, uutisia ja valokuvia. My¶s laaja interaktiivinen RADEkohdeluettelo.
Valikkoon Tunnus: Salasana: Hae sivustolta:
Jyväskylän Sirius
Jyväskylän Sirius ry on kaupungin ja sen lähikuntien alueella toimiva tähtiharrastusyhdistys. Yhdistyksen toiminta, joka alkoi jo vuonna 1959, käsittää nykyään havaintotoimintaa, jäseniltoja, retkiä, kaukoputkenrakennusta ja julkaisutoimintaa. Jäsenistö koostuu kaikenikäisistä luonnontieteistä kiinnostuneista harrastajista.
Venuksen ylikulku tiistaina 8.6.
] Tämän vuoden kohokohta on ehdottomasti Venuksen ylikulku! Venus kulkee Maapallolta katsottuna Auringon pinnan ylitse 8.6.2004 klo 8:19-14:21. Syvimmil [Lue lisää]
Uudet sivut siirretty ursan palvelimelle
] Uusittu Jyväskylän Sirius Ry:n web-sivusto on nyt siirretty ursan palvelimelle. Lyhyen koekäytön jälkeen uusi sivusto avataan yleisön käyttöön. Palaut [Lue lisää]
Siriuksen uudet kotisivut
] Ovat testivaiheessa. Kaikki palaute tervetullutta. Palautetta voi jättää joko palautekanavan kautta, keskusteluryhmissä taikka vieraskirjaan [Lue lisää]
La Kevätretki Varkauteen ja Joensuuhun Ti Venuksen ylikulku
Havaintoasema: Jyväskylä lentoasema / Tikkakoski
Tuorein havainto:

lämpötila paine 1010.9 hPa

63. From Zines To Zen With RU Sirius And Jon Lebkowsky
From Zines to Zen With RU Sirius and Jon Lebkowsky. Cyberculture Evolution. by Jon Lebkowsky and RU Sirius Two of the principal
From Zines to Zen With R.U. Sirius and Jon Lebkowsky
Cyberculture Evolution
by Jon Lebkowsky and R.U. Sirius Two of the principal fathers of technocluture, electronic media activist Jon Lebkowsky and cyber-theoretician R.U. Sirius, have known each other almost from the virtual beginning. Lebkowsky, co-creator of the Austin-based subculture media system Fringeware, Inc., met the co-founder and editor of Mondo 2000 the now-defunct slick magazine that juxtaposed computer culture with drugs, sex, and graphic art back in the early days of the WELL (Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link), one of the first online communities. The two independent thinkers together created the late online Mondo 2000 conference on the WELL, which Lebkowsky adds "had its 15 minutes as the white-hot, way-kool core of cyberculture." Currently, on Thursday nights on Hotwired (, Lebkowsky hosts the Electronic Frontiers Forum (EFF), a kind of an Internet think tank to which Net activists (and the online public) are invited to discuss the ramifications of politics both in and on the wired world. He's also working with EFF-Austin and EFF-Houston to organize a cyber rights conference slated for fall. Though Sirius left Mondo 2000 shortly before its collapse in 1995, he remains a ubiquitous Internet presence a search for his name turns up 30,000 matches at URLs all over the world. (The entry leads you straight to his own "web of deceit" page.) Sirius pens a regular column for

64. Sirius Mystery, Dogon Tribe (Skeptical Inquirer Fall 1978)
Skeptical Inquirer article with references and links.
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Investigating the Sirius "Mystery"
Ian Ridpath
Did amphibious beings from the star Sirius visit the earth 5,000 or more years ago and leave advanced astronomical knowledge that is still possessed by a remote African tribe called the Dogon? This astonishing claim was put forward in 1976 by Robert Temple in his "ancient astronaut" book, The Sirius Mystery . An astronomer, familiar with the Sirius system, would say no, because astronomical theory virtually precludes the possibility that Sirius is a suitable parent star for life or that it could have habitable planets. But most of Robert Temple's readers would not know enough astronomy to judge the matter for themselves. Neither would they find the relevant astronomical information in Temple's book, most of which consists of brain-numbing excursions into Egyptology. (Isaac Asimov has been quoted by Temple as having said that he found no mistakes in the book; but Temple did not know that the reason for this, according to Asimov, was that he had found the book too impenetrable to read!

65. Alpha-Sirius Computers - òîëüêî âûãîäíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ!
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66. The Politics Of Ecstasy Timothy Leary Tom Robbins R U Sirius
Title The Politics of Ecstasy Leary Timothy Robbins Tom Sirius RU Timothy Leary Tom Robbins RU Sirius Subject Alcoholism Category Society Politics
The Politics of Ecstasy Timothy Leary Tom Robbins R U Sirius
Author or Artist : Timothy Leary Tom Robbins R U Sirius
Title: The Politics of Ecstasy
Leary Timothy Robbins Tom Sirius R U
Timothy Leary
Tom Robbins
R U Sirius
Subject: Alcoholism
Category: Society Politics Philosophy Social Sciences Cultural Studies General
Format: Paperback
Joe Kita-Wisdom of Our Fathers: Inspiring Life Lessons from Men Who Have Had Time to Learn Them...

Amy Shojai-New Choices in Natural Healing for Dogs and Cats...

Bill Gottleib Bill Gottlieb-Alternative Cures: The Most Effective Natural Home Remedies for 160 Health Problems...
Denise Foley of Prevention Health Books for Children Editors-The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Children: From Allergies and Animal Bites to Toothache and TV Addiction, Hundreds of Doctor-proven Techniques and Tips to Care for Your Kid... ... Rikki Simons Tavisha Wolfgarth-Simons-Reality Check 2 (Reality Check (Tokyopop))...

67. Sirius
Sirius Slædepatruljen Sirius på arbejde i det arktiske Grønland. Hundene i Siriuspatruljen på Grønland bliver udsat for nogle af de hårdeste strabadser, man kan forestille sig. Og de elsker det. De er nemlig bygget til at klare både det barske vejr og de fysiske udfoldelser. Desuden bliver de fodret med Kronch Pemmikan på de hårde ture. Derfor er de altid i både fysisk og psykisk topform.
Kronch Pemmikan er udviklet specielt til Slædepatruljen Sirius. Det er lykkedes Henne Pet Food i samarbejde med Siriuspatruljen at fremstille et højenergifoder, der til fulde opfylder hundenes behov under de ekstreme forhold.
Pemmikan er en gammel indiansk opfindelse, der oprindelig udgjorde en effektiv rejseproviant til mennesker. Det er en proteinrig blanding af kød og fedt, den er meget energiholdig, kan holde sig i evigheder og er let at pakke og opbevare. Nu om dage bruges det f.eks. som hundefoder på arktiske ekspeditioner, hvor man benytter sig af hunde og hundeslæder.
(Læs mere om Siriuspatruljen her).
EKSPEDITION Sirius 2000 Ekspeditionen startede den 11. februar år 2000

68. Månadens Intervju: R.U. Sirius (maj 2001)
RU Sirius MENAR ALLVAR ELLER ? Här finns till exempel RU Sirius, eller Ken Goffman som han egentligen heter, i det närmaste en syntes av Hip och Yup.
- Annons -
- Annons -
- Annons -
Carl Abrahamsson
"I want each and every American to know for certain that I'm responsible for the decisions I make, and each of you are as well." "I am a person who recognizes the fallacy of humans." "It's clear our nation is reliant upon big foreign oil. More and more of our imports come from overseas." "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." "I think we ought to raise the age at which juveniles can have a gun." "Will the highways on the Internet become more few?" "The important question is, how many hands have I shaked?" (George W Bush)

"They misunderestimated me."
(George W. Bush)
Intervjun har tidigare varit publicerad i Flashback News Agency nummer 141 (maj 2001). URL:

69. Sirius Software Company - Freeware And Shareware Delphi / C++ Builder Components
Smart Wizard (shareware) and Smart Progress Bar (freeware) components for Delphi and C++ Builder components with source code.
Sorry, but Your browser doesn't support frames.

70. CTHEORY.NET > The R.U. Sirius Interview: Its Better To Be Inspired Than Wired By
To 30 CyberDays in San Francisco 1.6. The RU Sirius Interview It s Better to be Inspired than Wired. Jon Lebkowsky. Bigger than Satan? RU Sirius for Anti-Newt!

71. Chandra :: Chronicles :: Sirius Matters: Alien Contact :: November 27, 2000
The Chandra Chronicles examines several possible explanations for Dogon knowledge of Sirius B.
Sirius Matters
Alien Contact
Dogon villages are located along the Bandiagara cliff in the Sangha region of Mali
Photo: Galen R. Frysinger November 27, 2000 :: In 1976, Robert Temple made news with a Sirius B mystery of another sort. In his book, The Sirius Mystery, he speculated that Earth had been visited a few thousand years ago by amphibious beings from a planet around Sirius. His evidence for this incredible assertion came from a report by French anthropologists Marcel Griaule and Germain Dieterlen, who in the 1930s and 1940s had studied the traditions and mythology of the Dogon, a remote West African tribe located about 300 kilometers south of Timbuktu in Republic of Mali.
Some elements of the Dogon mythology are reminiscent of ancient Egypt, including the prominence of Sirius in their traditions. Other aspects reveal an impressive knowledge of bits and pieces of modern astronomy.
For example, according to Griaule and Dieterlen, the Dogon believed that the Earth and other planets rotate on their axes and orbit the Sun, that Jupiter has four moons, and that Saturn has a ring around it.
Dogon dancers
Photo: Galen R. Frysinger

72. Kathy Acker Interview
Interview by RU Sirius. Photo by Ali Hossaini, computer illustration by Ian Stahl. RU Sirius. Kathy Acker So this is like a serious interview
Kathy Acker: Where does she get off?
Interview by R.U. Sirius
Photo by Ali Hossaini, computer illustration by Ian Stahl This interview first appeared last year in the print version of io. She calls herself Acker. And Acker is this person I hang with sometimes. What's cool is that we can talk about anything and nobody gets uptight (though she does decide that I'm a sexist pig sometimes). Some have called her the next generation's Burroughs. Kathy Acker is a novelist. I first read her interior staccato noise in a Canadian Dadaist magazine sometime in the late 1970s. I thought, "Here's the next generation's Burroughs." Or something like that. She uses appropriation, multiple points-of-ego, multiple points-in-time, honest and violent libidinal obsessions, deconstructionist discourse and revolutionary disgust to great advantage. Her books include Blood and Guts in High School, Empire of the Senseless, In Memoriam to Identity and most recently, My Mother: Demonology. She lives in San Francisco and teaches at the San Francisco Art Institute. R.U. Sirius

73. Sirius Systems Consulting, Ltd.
Offers design, site planning, graphics composition, content authoring, hosting, and search engine registration services. Based in Columbus, Ohio, United States.
Professional and Affordable IT Solutions
Products and Services:
Industry Solutions for:
We believe that every individual and business is unique and that no one product can meet the needs of everyone. Our approach is to work with you to gain an understanding of your goals and requirements. We will investigate the various hardware and software technologies and recommend options that best fit your needs. We have successfully implemented solutions that provide systems integration, office automation, web and e-mail, point-of-sale, inventory control, warehouse management, research and recommendation of hardware and software systems, installation, training and support of all types of hardware, software and networking products. Founded in 1996, with headquarters in Columbus, Ohio, Sirius Systems Consulting brings together the combined professional talents of Paul Grimm and Scott Kuentz. Each has twenty years experience developing customized software and hardware solutions to clients in the retail, manufacturing, distribution, and professional service industries. Put our experience to work for you. Let us be your one-stop information technology business partner. Contact us today.

74. Kathy Acker Interview
KATHY ACKER. Where Does She Get Off? Interview by RU Sirius Photo illustration by Ian Stahl RU Sirius Yeah, this is a literary magazine, only cooler.
Where Does She Get Off?
Interview by R.U. Sirius
Photo illustration by Ian Stahl She calls herself Acker. And Acker is this person I hang with sometimes. What's cool is that we can talk about anything and nobody gets uptight (though she does decide that I'm a sexist pig sometimes). Some have called her the next generation's Burroughs. Kathy Acker is a novelist. I first read her interior staccato noise in a Canadian Dadaist magazine sometime in the late 1970s. I thought, "Here's the next generation's Burroughs." Or something like that. She uses appropriation, multiple points-of-ego, multiple points-in-time, honest and violent libidinal obsessions, deconstructionist discourse and revolutionary disgust to great advantage. Her books include Blood and Guts in High School, Empire of the Senseless, In Memoriam to Identity and most recently, My Mother: Demonology. She lives in San Francisco and teaches at the San Francisco Art Institute. Kathy Acker: So this is like a serious interview ... R.U. Sirius:

75. - File Not Found
Dansk Den forespurgte webside kan desværre ikke vises.
Årsagen hertil kan være at den enten ikke findes, eller at du ikke har rettighed til at se den pågældende side. Kontrollér adressen samt dine adgangsrettigheder. English The requested page can't be displayed. The reason for this can be either that the page is missing, or you do not have permissions to see the actual page. Check the address and your permissions.

76. RU Sirius - Robert Anton Wilson Online Library
Robert Anton Wilson Online Library featuring texts by Aleister Crowley, Bucky Fuller, William Burroughs, Timothy Leary, Terence McKenna, RU Sirius, Ivan Stang
Robert Anton Wilson interviews D. Scott Apel Hakim Bey William Blake ... Paul Krassner RU Sirius
2004 Interview
Aliens Out to Get Us
2002 Interview

20-Point Party Platform for National Politics
... Alan Watts

77. OpenMindz - Home Page
Contains information on personal philosopy as it pertains to belief, mind control, creation, and faith.

Submit an Article
Contact Us Articles on Mind, Body, Spirit, Nature, Paranormal, Philosophy, Science and the Universe.
Windows to the Universe
29-September-2003, sirius: An introduction to the stars and planets in the universe. Few words are needed as the photographs speak for themselves.
Top 10 Questions About Life
18-August-2003, sirius: "I remember one night when I was a child looking at a beautiful starry night away from city lights, one could see billions of stars. It was that night while looking with amazement towards the heavens that the question came in my mind: Where are we?..."
Remember Me This Way
17-June-2003, sirius: A song from Jordan Hill about human connection, "Once in a blue moon we find a special friend who never lets us down... Who understands it all, reaches out each time we fall, you're the best friend i have found..."
Changing Your View
23-March-2003, sirius: I wrote this article to describe our existence in the material and spiritual levels, "Imagine that you are falling, but this will be no usual fall ... you are falling ... You fall from high in the sky, you cross the sky at tremendous speed: "You can see the border's of farmland, you can feel the wind pressure, there is a long slim highway with many little car lights, you approach the ground, there is a croud of people gathered, the fall coninues..."
Do you Believe in Fate?

78. Utopia Online Library - RU Sirius
RU Sirius For President. John Mohawk. Sir Thomas More. Thomas Paine. Robert Owen. Douglas Rushkoff. Upton Sinclair. RU Sirius. Henry David Thoreau. HG Welles.
Ralph Abraham Francis Bacon Edward Bellamy John Cage Ralph Abraham Francis Bacon Edward Bellamy John Cage ... Howard Zinn

79. Index
Pesonlig hjemmeside, bla. om Sirius patruljen
English version Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen - Hjemmeside English version Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen Sandodden, Daneborg, juli 1999 Nanoks hjemmeside Sirius Daneborg, juli 1989 I kajak gennem Kejser Franz Joseph Fjord, august 1989 Ingolf Fjord, marts 1978 Young Sund, august 1999
Mikkelsen, Peter Schmidt: Tusind dage med Sirius RESTSALG: Bogen er nu udsolgt fra forlaget, men et mindre antal er endnu til salg direkte fra forfatteren. Pris: DKK 250,00 plus forsendelse. Bestilles via e-mail til: Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen Tusind dage med Sirius Mikkelsen, Peter Schmidt: fangstmandsperioden Dansk Polarcenter Bogen blev i 2001 genudgivet af Aschehoug Dansk Forlag A/S Send en e-mail for yderligere information. Mikkelsen, Peter Schmidt (redaktion): Udgivet af Aschehoug Dansk Forlag A/S Send en e-mail for yderligere information. Denne side er senest opdateret 1. august 2003

80. R.u. Sirius - Cyberculture Candidate [44]
RU Sirius is a cybercultural icon, a technohippie brining the 1960s’ countercultural mindset into the new millennium. The founding
R.U. Sirius is a cybercultural icon, a techno-hippie brining the 1960s’ countercultural mindset into the new millennium. The founding editor of Mondo 2000 Magazine and author of several works including How To Mutate and Take Over The World, The Cyberpunk’s Handbook, and 21st Century Revolutionary, he has also contributed to the works of the late Dr. Timothy Leary, including his books Design for Dying and The Politics of Ecstasy. Sirius is now the full-time coordinator and Presidential candidate for The Revolution, an independent political party with high ideals of liberty, justice and environmental responsibility. With his latest book, The Revolution: Quotes From The Revolution Party Chairman R.U. Sirius (2000, Feral House), he sounds-off on an array of political issues addressing real concerns with radical, but realistic, solutions.
Born Ken Goffman, the 47 year-old Sirius is a Brooklyn native, but spent most of his adolescent years in West Islip, Long Island and Binghamton, New York, where his mother was Vice President of The State University of New York at Binghamton and his father a tax auditor. As an early teen he received an introduction to counterculture when his parents gave him an education in existentialist and Beat Generation literature. Soon after, he began writing recreationally and, as an English major at SUNY Brockport, won a New York State Short Story Award. In 1982, halfway through his MA in fiction writing, he dropped out of school and with his student loan, ran off to San Francisco.

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