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         Sienkiewicz Henryk:     more detail
  1. Without dogma. A novel of modern Poland. By Henryk Sienkiewicz . by Sienkiewicz. Henryk. 1846-1916., 1893
  2. Quo vadis a tale of the time of Nero by Henryk Sienkiewicz ; tr. by Sienkiewicz. Henryk. 1846-1916., 1897
  3. In Desert And Wilderness by Sienkiewicz Henryk 1846-1916, 2010-09-30
  4. Quo vadis. A narrative of the time of Nero. By Henryk Sienkiewic by Sienkiewicz. Henryk. 1846-1916., 1897-01-01
  5. With fire and sword. An historical novel of Poland and Russia. B by Sienkiewicz. Henryk. 1846-1916., 1898-01-01
  6. Let us follow Him. and other stories; by the author of Quo vadis by Sienkiewicz. Henryk. 1846-1916., 1897-01-01
  7. On the field of glory; an historical novel of the time of King J by Sienkiewicz. Henryk. 1846-1916., 1906-01-01
  8. Biography - Sienkiewicz, Henryk (Adam Alexander Pius) (1846-1916): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2002-01-01
  9. The Little Trilogy by Henryk Sienkiewicz, Miroslaw Lipinski, 1995-04
  10. The Trilogy Companion: A Reader's Guide to the Trilogy of Henryk Sienkiewicz
  11. Charcoal Sketches and Other Tales by Henryk Sienkiewicz, 1990-12-31
  12. Linguistic Images of Emotions in Translation from Polish into Swedish: Henryk Sienkiewicz As a Case in Point (Studia Slavica Upsaliensia, 42) by Ewa Gruszczynska, 2001-12
  13. Henryk Sienkiewicz: A Biography by Mieczyslaw Giergielewicz, 1991-10
  14. Whither Quo Vadis: Sienkiewicz's Novel in Film and Television by Ruth Scodel, Anja Bettenworth, 2008-12-15

61. Literaturpreise: Nobelpreis - TourLiteratur
Translate this page 1905 Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916) Polen. 1906 Giosuè Carducci (1835-1907)Italien. Sienkiewicz, Henryk (1846-1916) 1905 (Polen).
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Henryk Sienkiewicz Polen Italien Rudyard Kipling Rudolf Eucken Deutschland Schweden Paul Heyse Deutschland Maurice Maeterlinck Belgien Gerhart Hauptmann (Deutschland) Rabindranath Tagore Indien keine Preisvergabe Romain Rolland Frankreich Verner von Heidenstam Schweden Karl Gjellerup Henrik Pontoppidan keine Preisvergabe Carl Spitteler Schweiz Knut Hamsun Norwegen Anatole France Frankreich Jacinto Benavente Spanien William Butler Yeats Irland Wladislaw Stanislaw Reymont Polen George Bernard Shaw Grazia Deledda Italien Henri Bergson Frankreich Sigrid Undset Norwegen Thomas Mann Deutschland Sinclair Lewis USA Erik Axel Karlfeldt Schweden John Galsworthy Iwan Bunin UdSSR Luigi Pirandello Italien keine Preisvergabe Eugene O`Neill

62. Zespó³ Szkó³ Ogólnokszta³c±cych W Ostrowie Wlkp
Henryk Sienkiewicz (18461916). Poza tym, ze jego zycie obfitowalo w kobiety,o czym juz wspominalem, to istnieje jeszcze wiele innych ciekawych faktów.

63. Sofia Casanova (1861-1958)
Translate this page Translation from the Polish of Bartek Zwyciezca by Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916).1908 Enrique Sienkiewicz. ¿Quo vadis? by Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916).
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These are works for which I have bibliographical references, but have not seen. As I find them, I will move them to the proper location:
'Cantos de amor y de odio', El Gran Bufon no. 2, s.a., 7.
'El dia de difuntos', Follas novas (La Habana), 3/127, 5.11.1899, 1.
'Las dos barbaries', Barbero Municipal (Rianxo) 164, 30.08.1913, 1.
'El dolor', Barbero Municipal (Rianxo) 172, 25.10.1913, 2.
Collections of articles
Sobre el Volga helado. Narración de viajes (Madrid, R. Velasco, 1903). Exóticas (Madrid, Regino Velasco Imp., January 1913). Dedicated to Vicente Casanova. Collection of articles. Includes: ‘La barbarie gris’, ‘De la Europa asiática’, ‘La ciudad del odio’, ‘Las ejecuciones diarias’, ‘La madre escuela’, ‘La destrucción de España … en las calles de Varsovia’, ‘Un crimen’, ‘Sin derecho de asilo’, ‘España en Polonia’, ‘Extraordinaria historia de amor conyugal’, ‘Un testamento, el Kaiser y Sienkiewicz’, ‘El peregrino penitente’, ‘Strindberg enamorado’, ‘El amor de Wagner’, ‘La edad peligrosa de la mujer’, ‘Un nombre: Wispianski’, ‘Página familiar’. De la guerra. Crónicas de Polonia y Rusia

64. Sienkiewicz Quo - Das Shoppingportal Im Internet. Verlgeichen Sie Die Preise! Ei
Translate this page Der Roman Quo vadis? des Polen Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916) isteines der spektakulärsten Werke der polnischen Literatur


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Produkt bei: eBay Beschreibung: Flinch 1, Horror, Corben, Risso, Sienkiewicz Gebote: momentaner Preis: EUR 3,00 Verbleibende Zeit: Status Quo / Quo Live Produkt bei: eBay Beschreibung: Status Quo / Quo Live Gebote: momentaner Preis: EUR 5,00 Verbleibende Zeit: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag: Quo vadis? ... ... Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag Sienkiewicz, Henryk Quo vadis? Roman ISBN 3-423-12825-1 Euro 12,50 [D] 12,90 [A] sFr 21,90 L Quo vadis? Das dekadente Rom Kaiser Neros im Widerstreit mit der ... Lygia - aus diesen Essenzen schuf der polnische Schriftsteller Henryk Sienkiewicz den Welterfolg ?Quo vadis. Das opulente Werk basiert auf intensiven ... Quo vadis?

65. Polish Literature. Individual Authors And Works. 1801-1960.
S36362 Srafinowicz, Leszek Józef, 1899-1956. .S4-42 Sienkiewicz,Henryk, 1846-1916. .S54-5412 Sieroszewski, Waclaw, 1858-1945.
PG Polish literature. Individual authors and works.
1801-1960 : S
Philology. Language. Literature. Individual authors and works. Subarranged by Table XLIV . By the first letter of the name. See more A B C D ... R . S . ¦ . T U V W ... Z 1) According to the cataloging practice of The Warsaw University Library.

66. Electronic Books From SPSCC # S
Defence Of Poesie And Poems, A. Sienkiewicz, Henryk, 18461916, Quo Vadis anarrative of the time of Nero. Sinclair, Upton, 1878-1968, Jungle. Jungle, The.
South Puget Sound Community College Library-Media Center Electronic Books Authors S Author index A B C D ... Return to Library Home page S Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, duc de, 1675-1755 Memoirs Of Louis XIV And His Court And Of The Regency Complete Saki, 1870-1916 Beasts And Super-Beasts Chronicles Of Clovis Reginald Unbearable Bassington, The Schiller, Friedrich, 1759-1805 Don Carlos Maid Of Orleans Mary Stuart Wallensteins Tod ... Wilhelm Tell Schreiner, Olive, 1855-1920 Dream Life And Real Life; a little African story Story of an African Farm, a novel, The Woman And Labour Schwatka, Frederick Sun-Dance of the Sioux (1889-1890), The Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771-1832 Bride Of Lammermoor Guy Mannering Complete Ivanhoe. A Romance (1819) Kenilworth ... Waverley Complete Sedgwick, Catharine Maria Hope Leslie [Vol 1] Hope Leslie [Vol 2] Service, Robert W. (Robert William), 1874-1958 Ballads of a Cheechako Spell of the Yukon Seton, Ernest Thompson, 1860-1946

67. Henry Sienkiewicz
Henryk Sienkiewicz was born to a wellto-do family in Wola Okrzejska,a town in Russian-ruled Poland. Because of economic difficulties
Choose another writer in this calendar: by name:
B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Henry(k) Sienkiewicz (1846-1916) - psydonym Litwos Polish novelist, a storyteller, and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1905. Among Sienkiewicz's most famous novels is the widely translated and several times filmed Quo Vadis? (1896). His strongly Catholic worldview deeply marked his writing. Sienkiewicz's works have been published in 50 languages. "And Peter understood that neither Caesar nor all his legions could overcome the living truth, that they could not overwhelm it with tears or blood, and that now its victory was beginning. He understood with equal force why the Lord had turned him back on the road. That city of pride, crime, wickedness, and power was beginning to be His city, and the double capital, from which would flow out upon the world government of souls and bodies." (from Quo Vadis? Henryk Sienkiewicz was born to a well-to-do family in Wola Okrzejska, a town in Russian-ruled Poland. Because of economic difficulties, the family sold their rural property and moved to Warsaw. Sienkiewicz attended Warsaw Gymnasium and in 1866 he entered the Polish University (Szkola Glowna). He studied law and medicine, and later history and literature. While a student he started to write newspaper columns. Inspired by the novels of Sir Walter Scott and Alexandre Dumas, Sienkiewicz composed his first historical story, Ofiara (The Sacrifice), of which no manuscript is known to survive. After finding himself penniless, he left the university without receiving a degree. He worked in the 1870s as a freelance journalist, and wrote short stories and novels. His first novel

68. Valencia West LRC - Sienkiewicz, Henryk
Sienkiewicz, Henryk (1846 1916) Pathfinder. December 1996. The following reference books can be used to get both biographical and critical information about authors.
Sienkiewicz, Henryk (1846 - 1916)
December 1996
The following reference books can be used to get both biographical and critical information about authors. These sources should be used as a starting pointDO NOT base all of your research on material obtained from reference books. Use these sources to become better acquainted with your author; this will allow you to utilize more effectively the sources listed under COMPREHENSIVE LITERARY RESEARCH. These sources are located at the West Campus LRC; they may also be located at other local libraries.
Consult the following reference sources to get an overview of your author's life.
European Authors, 1000 - 1900
REF PN 451 .K8
Consult the following reference sources to obtain critical analyses of your author and his/her work. The first sources listed will provide a more general critical analyses of your author, while the second set of sources will provide critical analyses of a more specific nature.
Encyclopedia of World Literature in the Twentieth Century
REF PN 771 .E5

69. Sienkiewicz Henryk Vevey Suisse
Célébrités en Suisse Henryk Sienkiewicz. Home Célébrités en Suisse Biographies. Sienkiewicz, Henryk (1846 1916) Pologne
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Sienkiewicz, Henryk (1846 - 1916) Pologne Ecrivain Vevey / VD
Le prix Nobel de littérature réésida de 1914 jusqu'à sa mort à l'hôtel du lac à Vevey. Plus de stars Pologne Ecrivain VD Toutes les célébrités
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70. Sienkiewicz Henryk Vevey Schweiz
http// Beruehmtheiten/.html. Sienkiewicz, Henryk (1846 1916) Polen / Schriftsteller. Vevey / VD. Der Literaturnobelpreisträger von 1905 lebte hier von 1914 bis zu seinem
Celebrities in Switzerland: Henryk Sienkiewicz
Sienkiewicz, Henryk (1846 - 1916) Polen Schriftsteller Vevey / VD Der Literaturnobelpreisträger von 1905 lebte hier von 1914 bis zu seinem Tode in Vevey im Hotel du Lac. Mehr Berühmtheiten Polen Schriftsteller VD Alle berühmten Persönlichkeiten Die auf dieser Website enthaltenen Informationen sind nicht als Ersatz für eine qualifizierte Rechtsberatung von einem Experten, der mit Ihrer persönlichen Situation vertraut ist, zu betrachten. Wir übernehmen keinerlei Haftung für die Folgen von Entscheidungen, die aufgrund der auf dieser Website gebotenen Informationen getroffen wurden. HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0 Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2004 16:46:31 GMT Connection: close Content-Type: text/html 4.6.2004
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71. Literature 1905
Henryk Sienkiewicz. Poland. b. 1846 d. 1916. Henryk Sienkiewicz BiographyBanquet Speech Swedish Nobel Stamps Other Resources. prev 1904, 1906 next.
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1905
"because of his outstanding merits as an epic writer" Henryk Sienkiewicz Poland b. 1846
d. 1916 The Nobel Prize in Literature 1905
Presentation Speech
Henryk Sienkiewicz
Other Resources
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Physiology or Medicine

Last modified June 25, 2003 The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

72. Autorzy Lektur Szkolnych - Literatura - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat
Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846 1916). Powiesciopisarz i nowelista okresupozytywizmu. Nalezy do najpopularniejszych pisarzy swiata

73. Sienkiewicz, Henryk
Sienkiewicz, Henryk , 1846–1916, Polish novelist and shortstory writer. Thebest-known of Sienkiewicz s vivid historical novels is Quo Vadis? (1896, tr.
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    Sienkiewicz, Henryk E ch] Pronunciation Key Sienkiewicz, Henryk , Polish novelist and short-story writer. The best-known of Sienkiewicz's vivid historical novels is Quo Vadis? (1896, tr. 1896), concerning Christianity in the time of Nero. He glorified the Polish struggle for national existence in the popular trilogy With Fire and Sword (1883, tr. 1890), The Deluge (1886, tr. 1891), and Pan Michael Yanko the Musician (1879, tr. 1893) is a collection of his short stories. He described his journey through the United States in a collection of letters, Portrait of America (tr. 1959). Sienkiewicz was awarded the 1905 Nobel Prize in Literature. His works brought him enormous international acclaim. See biography by M. Giergielewicz (1968); study by W. Lednicki (1960). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia

74. Wirtualna Polska - Szukaj
18. Henryk Sienkiewicz Zamknij Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846 1916) Dnia5 maja 1846 roku w http// Kopia lokalna 19. sienkiewicz

75. - Prace - Katalog Prac - Biografie
dodano 200312-14 - srednia ocena 2.50 - autor parof wersja sciaga SienkiewiczHenryk Sienkiewicz Henryk (pseud. Litwos), 1846 1916, pisarz, uznany za
sciaga prace Biografie reklama kontakt info szukaj prac wy¶wietlaj po poka¿ prace sortuj po zmieñ kategoriê wszystkie poprawione autorze tytul dacie :: wybierz kategoriê :: :: Jêzyk polski Antyk i Biblia ¦redniowiecze Renesans Barok O¶wiecenie Romantyzm Pozytywizm M³oda Polska XX lecie Wspó³czesno¶æ Prace przekrojowe Inne Recenzje Listy Prasówki Wiersze Materia³y do matury Charakterystyki Biografie Streszczenia Konspekty :: Przedmioty ¶cis³e Matematyka Chemia Fizyka Geografia Biologia Informatyka :: Jêzyki Angielski Niemiecki Francuski Hiszpañski £acina Rosyjski W³oski :: Inne Historia Muzyka Plastyka Inne WOS PO Religia Ekologia Przedsiêbiorczo¶æ Sport :: Ekonomiczne Ekonomia Statystyka Marketing Rachunkowo¶æ Zarz±dzanie Reklama Badania operacyjne Ekonometria :: Humanistyczne Prawo Psychologia Filozofia Socjologia Politologia Dziennikarstwo Etyka Pedagogika Polityka Finanse Bankowo¶æ Dydaktyka Administracja Teologia Historia :: Techniczne Materia³oznawstwo Budownictwo Maszynoznawstwo :: Informatyczne Bazy danych Programowanie Algorytmy Systemy i sieci :: Jêzyki Rosyjski Angielski Niemiecki Francuski Hiszpañski £acina :: Inne Edukacja europejska Geologia Architektura Budownictwo Medycyna Turystyka Rehabilitacja Weterynaria Katalog prac: Biografie
Oskar Kolberg
Folklorysta, etnograf, muzyk i kompozytor. Urodzi³ siê w Przususze (Kieleckie). Jego ojciec by³ profesorem miernictwa i geodezji na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. W latach 1823-1830 Oskar Kolberg uczy³ siê w Liceum Warszawskim, jednocze¶nie zdobywaj±c wykszta³cenie muzyczne ( u Józefa Elsnera). W latach 1835-1836 przebywa³ w Berlinie, gdzie ...

76. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Sienkiewicz, Henryk 1846 - 1916
Sienkiewicz, Henryk 1846 1916 Záhlaví, Název, Signatura. MODRZEJEWSKA, Helena,Wspomnienia i wrazenia, S 17579. Sienkiewicz, Henryk, Listy z Afriky, II E 951.
Sienkiewicz, Henryk 1846 - 1916
Záhlaví Název Signatura MODRZEJEWSKA, Helena Wspomnienia i wra¿enia S 17579 SIENKIEWICZ, Henryk Listy z Afriky II E 951 SIENKIEWICZ, Henryk Listy z cest E 947 Offline poslední zmìny: 15.09.2003 kont@kt

77. Literaturnobelpreisträger Henryk Sienkiewicz
Translate this page Nobelpreisträger der Literatur. © des Bildes, Henryk Sienkiewicz(1846 - 1916). Auszeichnungsjahr 1905. Herkunftsland Polen.

78. Sienkiewicz, Henryk. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. Sienkiewicz, Henryk. (h n´r ksh nky ´v ch) (KEY) , 1846–1916, Polish novelist and shortstory writer.
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79. Sienkiewicz, Henryk. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language:
2000. Sienkiewicz, Henryk. SYLLABICATION Sien·kie·wicz. PRONUNCIATIONsh nky v ch, -ky -. DATES 1846–1916. Polish writer. Although
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference American Heritage Dictionary Siena ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition.

80. Sienkiewicz Henryk Vevey Switzerland
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Sienkiewicz, Henryk (1846 - 1916) Poland Writer Vevey / VD
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