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         Sienkiewicz Henryk:     more detail
  1. Without dogma. A novel of modern Poland. By Henryk Sienkiewicz . by Sienkiewicz. Henryk. 1846-1916., 1893
  2. Quo vadis a tale of the time of Nero by Henryk Sienkiewicz ; tr. by Sienkiewicz. Henryk. 1846-1916., 1897
  3. In Desert And Wilderness by Sienkiewicz Henryk 1846-1916, 2010-09-30
  4. Quo vadis. A narrative of the time of Nero. By Henryk Sienkiewic by Sienkiewicz. Henryk. 1846-1916., 1897-01-01
  5. With fire and sword. An historical novel of Poland and Russia. B by Sienkiewicz. Henryk. 1846-1916., 1898-01-01
  6. Let us follow Him. and other stories; by the author of Quo vadis by Sienkiewicz. Henryk. 1846-1916., 1897-01-01
  7. On the field of glory; an historical novel of the time of King J by Sienkiewicz. Henryk. 1846-1916., 1906-01-01
  8. Biography - Sienkiewicz, Henryk (Adam Alexander Pius) (1846-1916): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2002-01-01
  9. The Little Trilogy by Henryk Sienkiewicz, Miroslaw Lipinski, 1995-04
  10. The Trilogy Companion: A Reader's Guide to the Trilogy of Henryk Sienkiewicz
  11. Charcoal Sketches and Other Tales by Henryk Sienkiewicz, 1990-12-31
  12. Linguistic Images of Emotions in Translation from Polish into Swedish: Henryk Sienkiewicz As a Case in Point (Studia Slavica Upsaliensia, 42) by Ewa Gruszczynska, 2001-12
  13. Henryk Sienkiewicz: A Biography by Mieczyslaw Giergielewicz, 1991-10
  14. Whither Quo Vadis: Sienkiewicz's Novel in Film and Television by Ruth Scodel, Anja Bettenworth, 2008-12-15

21. Sienkiewicz
Henryk Sienkiewicz. 18461916. Regarded as The Patriot Novelist ofPoland , a Nobel Prize winner, Henryk Sienkiewicz is perhaps best
Henryk Sienkiewicz Regarded as "The Patriot Novelist of Poland", a Nobel Prize winner, Henryk Sienkiewicz is perhaps best known for his epic historical novel Quo Vadis, which depicts early Christianity and the persecutions. Raised during the era of Poland's partitions and the cultural oppression of the nations surrounding this vulnerable land, Sienkiewicz attempted to fan the coals of patriotism among his countrymen. It has been reported that Poles would pin pages of Sienkiewicz's books to their clothing as reminders of their struggle for freedom. Sienkiewicz pleaded on behalf of his oppressed compatriots by addressing open letters to the governments and prominent men of Europe, protesting against the acts of injustice which victimized his nation. Notably, in 1901, he exposed the persecution of Polish school children at the hands of the Prussian government. Throughout his lifetime, Sienkiewicz sought to prepare his nation's people to be citizens of a reborn country to which he pointed the way, but did not live to see. Two years after his death, Poland's boundaries were restored and once again assured her rightful place in the roster of nations. Among Sienkiewicz's other major literary works are: The Trilogy, (composed of three historical novels set in the 17th Century known as With Fire and Sword, The Deluge, Fire in the Steppe), The Teutonic Knights, In Desert and Wilderness and After Bread, Letters From America. These last works were inspired by Siekiewicz's trip to America.

22. Literatura Eslava
Translate this page Issa MILOSZ, Czeslaw (1911-) // Otra Europa ORLEV, Uri (1931-) // Una isla entreruinas Sienkiewicz, Henryk (1846-1916) // A sangre y fuego Sienkiewicz, Henryk

23. Henryk Sienkiewicz
Henryk Sienkiewicz (18461916), Polish novelist. One of the most outstandingPolish writers of the 19th century. He was immensely

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Books by Sienkiewicz, Henryk (18461916), Go back. Quo Vadis A Narrativeof the Time of Nero by Sienkiewicz, Henryk (1846-1916). In, Henryk

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Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916), Polish writer and Nobel laureate (1905).
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L.S. Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916), Polish writer and Nobel laureate (1905). T.L.S., "Henryk Sienkiewicz
[SW: Autograph, Manuskript, Dokument] Sienkiewicz : Henryk Sienkiewicz Sienkiewicz
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Henryk Sienkiewicz S BIOGRAPHY. Henryk Sienkiewicz ( 18461916).Henryk Sienkiewicz was a prolific writer best known by Americans
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Henryk Sienkiewicz ( 1846-1916) Henryk Sienkiewicz was a prolific writer best known by Americans for his novel, Quo Vadis?, 1896, and his Letters from America, 1876-1878. But the work that was to earn him a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1905, that has been translated into 38 languages, and is still generally considered the prototype of the national European novel, is his "Trilogy." The "Trilogy" was published in Polish in book form between 1884-1888, using a text derived from newspaper clippings. It was reissued in 1929 in the famous Second Edition of Professor Ignacy Chrzanowski, which was restructured and revised into its final shape by Professor Julian Krzyzanowski in 1948-1954, and which is the basis for the current new translation for the modern reader. Henryk Sienkiewicz was born May 5, 1846 in Podlasie in the northeast region of Poland. While there was no independent Poland on the maps of Europe at that time, Sienkiewicz cultivated a traditional sense of Polish patriotism while growing up in his family's country manor. "I don't know if it was those artifacts, portraits, monuments and marble faces that brought the wind of past centuries into my life and carried the seeds of independence that grew within my soul into my historical novels," he once remarked.

27. Søgeresultat -
Ewa Gruszczynska 2001. 190 s. Forlag Uppsala Universitet Emne Sienkiewicz, Henryk,18461916 Polish language ; Translating into Swedish Language and emotions. Henryk

28. SIENKIEWICZ Henryk – Polska 2000
Autorzy. Sienkiewicz Henryk, pseudonim Litwos, 18461916, jeden z najwybitniejszychpowiesciopisarzy i nowelistów polskich 2. polowy XIX w.; jego powiesci

english polski
... Autorzy ksi±¿ek dla dzieci i m³odzie¿y Autorzy
pseudonim Litwos, 1846-1916, jeden z najwybitniejszych powie¶ciopisarzy i nowelistów polskich 2. po³owy XIX w.; jego powie¶ci t³umaczono na wiele jêzyków ¶wiata; w Polsce olbrzymi autorytet spo³eczny zjedna³y mu zw³aszcza powie¶ci historyczne o silnych tendencjach patriotycznych; w tzw. Trylogii (1884-88) barwny obraz ¿ycia i wydarzeñ dziejowych w XVII-wiecznej Polsce, w Krzy¿akach (1900) - za czasów W³adys³awa II Jagie³³y, w Quo vadis (1896) - wizja upadku imperium rzymskiego za Nerona; w nowelach ( Szkice wêglem Za chlebem Janko Muzykant Bartek Zwyciêzca 1882) ukaza³ przejmuj±c± krzywdê i niedolê ch³opa; powie¶ci wspó³czesne Bez dogmatu Rodzina Po³anieckich (1895) i dla m³odzie¿y W pustyni i w puszczy (1911), listy z podró¿y; 1905 Nagroda Nobla.
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29. Henryk SIENKIEWICZ – Polska 2000
Sienkiewicz, Henryk, (pseud. Litwos), 18461916, one of the pre-eminent Polish novelistsof the late 19 th c.; novels, translated into many languages, earned

english polski
... Authors of Books for Children and Young People Authors
(pseud . Litwos ), 1846-1916, one of the pre-eminent Polish novelists of the late 19 th c.; novels, translated into many languages, earned him the status of public authority in Poland; historical novels with strong patriotic tendencies; Trylogia (Trilogy , 1884-88) contains colorful image of life and historical events in 17 th c. Poland; Krzyzacy (The Teutonic Knights , 1900) deals with times of King Wladyslaw II Jagiello ; Quo vadis (1896) portrays decline of Roman empire under Nero; novellas depict injustice and misery of peasantry: Szkice weglem (Sketches with Charcoal Za chlebem (For Bread Janko Muzykant (Janko Musician Bartek Zwyciezca (Bartek the Victor , 1882); contemporary novels Bez dogmatu (Without Dogma Rodzina Polanieckich (The Polaniecki Family , 1895); novel for young people: W pustyni i w puszczy (In the Desert and the Wilderness , 1911); letters from abroad; Nobel Prize 1905.
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30. HighBeam Research: Search Results: Article
Sienkiewicz, Henryk Adam Alexander (18461916). The Hutchinson Dictionary of theArts 01-01-1998 Sienkiewicz, Henryk Adam Alexander (1846-1916) Polish author.

31. - Review Of Henryk Sienkiewicz's Quo Vadis?
Quo Vadis? (1896). Nobel Prize Winners (1905). Author Info HenrykSienkiewicz 18461916 (Translated by WS Kuniczak). I had honestly
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Quo Vadis?
Nobel Prize Winners (1905)
Author Info: Henryk Sienkiewicz
(Translated by W. S. Kuniczak
I had honestly never heard of Nobel Laureate Henryk Sienkiewiczthough I was aware of the title of this noveluntil I picked up an interesting looking book at the Dartmouth Bookstore one day. It had a cover painting of a Cossack or someone wielding a saber and an introduction by James Michener. Either Michener or a cover blurb referred to the book, With Fire and Sword , as the great novel of Poland. So I figured what the hey, and I bought it. Well, suffice it to say, Henryk Sienkiewicz is now one of my all-time favorite authors. Basically, Sienkiewicz was a victim of a trap that I had never previously given much thought to; he simply had no great modern translator to render his work accessible to us. With Fire and Sword and the volumes that followed it to form a trilogy had not been translated into English since Jeremiah Curtin, a friend of Theodore Roosevelt, did so on their publication. Though there appears to be some scholarly dispute about the quality of Curtin's work, I tried reading his translation of the middle volume, The Deluge , because the new translation is almost impossible to find, and I have to say that as desperately as I wanted to read it, I could not get into the flow of his text. The Polish names make for tough sledding anyway, but combined with his fairly archaic English, I just couldn't take it.

32. - Books By Henryk Sienkiewicz Reviewed
Daily Glossary Orrin s Stuff Email. Author Henryk Sienkiewicz.Quo Vadis? (1896) Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916) (GradeA+).
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Author: Henryk Sienkiewicz
Quo Vadis? Henryk Sienkiewicz (Grade:A+)

33. Sienkiewicz, Henryk (Litteraturnettet)
OM VIRUS OG SPAM. Sienkiewicz, Henryk Polen 18461916 Nobels litteraturpris 1905Nobel e-museum Sienkiewicz, Henryk. Lenker Books and Writers Biografi.

34. Sienkiewicz, Henryk (Norwegian Writers' Web)
Sienkiewicz, Henryk Poland 18461916 The Nobel Award 1905 Nobel e-museumSienkiewicz, Henryk. Links Books and Writers Biography.

35. Polska-info :: Per Mausklick Durch Polen
Translate this page Sienkiewicz, Henryk (1846-1916), polnischer Schriftsteller. Weltberühmtwurde er durch seinen erfolgreich verfilmten Roman Quo Vadis? (1896). index-req-viewarticle-artid-49-page-1.html
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36. With Pen And Sword The World Of Henryk Sienkiewicz
click on Sienkiewicz portrait to enter. Henryk Sienkiewicz (18461916) Writerand Historical Novelist Par Excellence. webmaster contact
THE WORLD OF HENRYK SIENKIEWICZ Quo Vadis ~ With Fire and Sword ~ The Deluge ~ Pan Wolodyjowski ~ The Teutonic Knights ~ The Legions ~ In Desert and Wilderness ~ Without Dogma ~ The Polaniecki Family ~ In Vain ~ Whirlpools
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Writer and Historical Novelist Par Excellence webmaster contact:

37. Henryk Sienkiewicz
Henryk Sienkiewicz. Henryk Sienkiewicz (18461916) was a novelist,born in Poland. He studied at Warsaw, traveled in the USA, and
Henryk Sienkiewicz
Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916) was a novelist, born in Poland. He studied at Warsaw, traveled in the USA, and in the 1870s began to write articles, short stories, and novels. His major work was a war trilogy about 17th-century Poland, but his most widely known book is the story of Rome under Nero, Quo Vadis? (1896), several times filmed. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1905.
After Bread

In Desert and Wilderness
The renowned Polish novelist, inspired by his travels through Africa, gives us a fascinating book recounting adventures and experiences of two children during an escape from Khartoum after the death of General Gordon, and their flight through Africa to the Indian Ocean. The children’s adventures in the Egyptian desert and African wilderness at the time of the Mahdi (1848 - 1885) also contain a vast quantity of information about the plant and animal life of the African swamps and jungle.
Sielanka: A Forest Picture and Other Stories
Contains seventeen Sienkiewicz stories: Sielanka, A Forest Picture

38. NewPoland - Famous Poles: Sienkiewicz
. Partners We are currently seeking partners in various areas. Home FamousPoles Henryk Sienkiewicz. Famous Poles. Henryk Sienkiewicz. 18461916. His works.
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We are currently seeking partners in various areas. Home Famous Poles Henryk Sienkiewicz Famous Poles Henryk Sienkiewicz His works Henryk Sienkiewicz was the first Polish author to receive the award for literature, in 1905, four years after the first Nobel Prize. He wrote about the most heroic and tragic episodes of Polish history. His best known work is Quo Vadis? (1896), an analogy of his compatriots and Russia to the early Christians and Imperial Rome but his greatest work is the trilogy With Fire and Sword, The Deluge and Pan Wolodyjowski (1883-1888). In his day, his country had ceased to exist politically. Through his historical writings he was, as he said, the Ambassador of Poland to the world at large.

You are in Art Culture Art and Culture. Updated 24/06/2002. “QUOVADIS?” 85 YEARS FROM THE DEATH OF Henryk Sienkiewicz (18461916).

40. Research “Quo Vadis? 85 Years From The Deat Of Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916)”
85 years from the deat of Henryk Sienkiewicz (18461916)”, Jan Wiktor Sienkiewicz,Professor, Institute of History of Art of the Catholic University in

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