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         Sheridan Philip Henry:     more books (22)
  1. The Burning : Sheridan's Devastation of the Shenandoah Valley by John L. Heatwole, 1998-10-01
  2. Glory Enough for All: Sheridan's Second Raid and the Battle of Trevilian Station by Eric J. Wittenberg, 2007-07-01
  3. Little Phil: A Reassessment of the Civil War Leadership of Gen. Philip H. Sheridan by Eric J. Wittenberg, 2002-01-01
  4. Banners at Shenandoah
  5. Battle Cry by Chet Cunningham, 2001-08
  6. Battle of Cedar Creek: Showdown in the Shenandoah, October 1-30th, 1864 (The Virginia Civil War Battles and Leaders Series) by Theodore Mahr, 1992-03
  7. The Guns of Cedar Creek by Thomas A. Lewis, 1990-02-01

21. MSN Encarta - Philip Henry Sheridan
Translate this page Philip Henry Sheridan (1831-1888), militar estadounidense que se distinguióen la Guerra Civil estadounidense. ¿Quieres más de Encarta?
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22. Brady--Brady
Gen. Philip Henry Sheridan 18311888 Mathew Brady Studio Albumen silver print, 1862National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, At the
Gen. Philip Henry Sheridan
Mathew Brady Studio
Albumen silver print, 1862
National Portrait Gallery,
Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, DC
At the beginning of the war, Philip Sheridan served in Missouri as a quartermaster, a post he disliked. But with his appointment as colonel of the Second Michigan Cavalry in May 1862, Sheridan began a series of important victories that proved his daring in battle, leading Lincoln to observe, "This Sheridan is a little Irishman, but he is a big fighter." In the summer of 1864, Sheridan oversaw the ruthless destruction of the Shenandoah Valley, eliminating the Confederate army's major source of food and supplies. That fall, General Sheridan rode more than twenty miles to rally his troops to victory after a surprise enemy attack, a courageous feat that became the subject of many patriotic prints and paintings. Brady photographed Sheridan in 1864, around the time he assumed command of the cavalry for the Army of the Potomac.
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23. Reader's Companion To Military History - - Sheridan, Philip
Reader s Companion to Military History. Sheridan, Philip. 18311888, AmericanCivil War General. Philip Henry Sheridan graduated from West Point in 1853.
Entries Publication Data Maps Contributors ... World Civilizations Reader's Companion to Military History
Sheridan, Philip
American Civil War General Philip Henry Sheridan graduated from West Point in 1853. Posted to the Northwest, he campaigned against the Yakima Indians and served for several years in Oregon, where he lived with a Rogue River Indian woman who taught him her native tongue. A captain at the beginning of the American Civil War , on May 25, 1862, he was made colonel of the Second Michigan Cavalry and on September 13 was promoted to brigadier general of volunteers. After distinguishing himself at Perryville and Murfreesboro, he was promoted to major general of volunteers as of December 31, 1862. He commanded a division at Chickamauga, and soon after, General Ulysses Grant gave him command of the Army of the Potomac's cavalry. He fought at the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, and Cold Harbor, and in May 1864, he raided the Confederate lines of communication around Richmond. After Jubal Early's raid on Washington, D.C., in July 1864, Sheridan was given command of the 42,000-man Army of the Shenandoah, with orders to close the "back door on Washington." In September he drove Early back at Fisher's Hill, but when Early attacked his army at Cedar Creek, Sheridan was in Winchester on his way back from a meeting in Washington. Hearing the sounds of battle, he rode through the night to his command, retrieving victory from defeat, an exploit made famous by Thomas Buchanan Read in a poem, "Sheridan's Ride." On September 20, 1864, he was promoted to major general in the regular service.

24. Untitled Document
Published Civil War Material In the Clarke Historical Library. Sheridan,Philip Henry, 18311888. Sheridan, Philip Henry, 1831-1888.
Published Civil War Material
In the Clarke Historical Library
Sheridan, Philip Henry, 1831-1888
  • Hergesheimer, Joseph, 1880-1954. Sheridan; a military narrative. Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin company [c1931] Includes bibliography.
This file was last updated in March 2001.

25. NYS OGS - Curatorial Services - Memorials
General Philip Henry Sheridan (18311888). General Philip Henry Sheridan(1831-1888) was one of the most celebrated heroes of the Civil War.
d Home Programs For State Agencies ... Korean War General Philip Henry Sheridan George Washington M. L. King Jr. Parole Officers Police Officers ...
Kids' Place
General Philip Henry Sheridan (1831-1888)
Philip Henry Sheridan
John Quincy Adams Ward and Daniel Chester French
Bronze, 13” 6”
Pedestal, Stony Creek (CT) granite, designed by Henry Bacon
General Philip Henry Sheridan (1831-1888) was one of the most celebrated heroes of the Civil War. He was commander of the Union Army of the Shenandoah Valley, and is best remembered for a historic twenty-mile gallop on his famous horse Rienze to rally his retreating troops to victory at Cedar Creek, Virginia. Backed by infantry, his cavalry command also blocked Lee’s escape at Appomattox. After the Civil War, Sheridan remained in the regular army, and served as commander-in-chief for the last five years of his life. While growing up, he lived with his family in Albany for about two years; in 1914 a state commission was formed in the capital city to organize the construction of a monument to Sheridan’s memory.
This bronze equestrian sculpture was designed by noted American sculptor, John Quincy Adams Ward (1830-1910), but was completed by Daniel Chester French (1850-1931), who is perhaps best known for the Lincoln Memorial. French was a former student and close friend of Ward’s and their work on this sculpture was a unique artistic collaboration. Ward was initially hired by a Congressional commission to create a monument to Sheridan for Washington, D.C. in 1889. Known as the dean of American sculptors, Ward had made many major public monuments and portraits of important citizens, including the statue of George Washington on Wall Street in New York. However, plagued by ill health and other problems, he was unable to complete the Sheridan sculpture, and died in 1910.

26. Philip H. Sheridan (1831-1888)
Philip H. Sheridan (18311888). went out to celebrate - leaving Mr. Lincoln withStanton, General Henry W. Halleck Philip Sheridan, Civil War Memoirs, p. vii.

27. WIEM: Sheridan Philip Henry
Postacie historyczne, Polityka, Stany Zjednoczone Sheridan Philip Henry(18311888). Sheridan Philip Henry (1831-1888), amerykanski general.
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
Oferta specjalna abonamentów dla szkó³ i instytucji!
Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Postacie historyczne, Polityka, Stany Zjednoczone
Sheridan Philip Henry
Sheridan Philip Henry (1831-1888), amerykañski genera³. Oficer kawalerii, 1864 otrzyma³ dowództwo jednej z armii Unii . Przyczyni³ siê do kapitulacji genera³a R. Lee pod Appomattox 9 IV 1865. Od 1884 naczelny dowódca armii Stanów Zjednoczonych WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry

28. Philip Sheridan
1974), author Shepherd, William, astronaut Shepik, Brad, musician Sheridan, Ann,Actress 19151967 Sheridan, Philip Henry, (1831-1888) Sheridan, Richard, (1751 sheridan

Philip Sheridan
Philip Sheridan Philip Henry Sheridan (March 6, 1831 August 5, 1888) was a Union general in the American ... afterward. Isaac Brown Early life and the Mexican War Sheridan was born in Albany, New York, but grew ... year after assaulting a fellow cadet with a bayonet. Sheridan led troops at the Mexican border and ... ...
Sheridan The M551 Sheridan is a light tank and armoured reconnaissance vehicle developed by the United States. It is named after Civil War General Philip Sheridan . In the immediate post-WWII era the US ... in 1966, and reached service in 1968 as the Sheridan . 1,562 M551s were built between 1966 and ... modification to the missile, that cured the problem. The Sheridan saw limited action in Vietnam. Like the ... ...
Sheridan Sheridan is the name of some places in the United States of America: Sheridan , Indiana Sheridan , Michigan Sheridan , Oregon Sheridan , Wyoming Sheridan is also the name of ... ...
Philip Francis
Philip Francis Sir Philip Francis (October 22, 1740 - December 23, 1818), English politician and pamphleteer, the supposed author ... in Dublin. He was the only son of Dr Philip Francis (c. 1708-1773), a man of some ... its most energetic promoter, supplying his friends Burke and

29. Philip Sheridan
Philip Henry Sheridan. USA, 18311888, Nordamerikansk general, udmærkedesig i Borgerkrigen, blev brigadegeneral under Grant 1863
Philip Henry Sheridan USA, 1831-1888 Borgerkrigen , blev brigadegeneral under Grant Lee til at overgive sig. 1883 chef for alle unionens tropper.

30. General Philip Henry Sheridan
Philip Henry Sheridan (18311888). a? ad?sta?t peµ?st,? St?at Philip Sheridan ?pae
Philip Henry Sheridan
¸íáò áäßóôáêôïò ðïëåìéóôÞò, ï Óôñáôçãüò Philip Sheridan Ýðáéîå Ýíá áðïöáóéóôéêü ñüëï óôçí ìáêñü÷ñïíç åêóôñáôåßá ôïõ óôñáôïý åíáíôßïí ôùí éèáãåíþí ôùí ðåäéÜäùí, áíáãêÜæïíôÜò ôïõò íá ðñï÷ùñÞóïõí óå êáôáõëéóìïýò ÷ñçóéìïðïéþíôáò ôáêôéêÝò ïëéêïý ðïëÝìïõ. Ï Sheridan ãåííÞèçêå óôï Albany, óôç New York, ôï 1831, áëëÜ ìåãÜëùóå óôï Ohio. Ðáñáêïëïýèçóå ôç óôñáôéùôéêÞ Áêáäçìßá ôïõ West Point êáé ìåôÜ áðü Ýíá ÷ñüíï äéáèåóéìüôçôá åðåéäÞ åðéôÝèçêå óå Ýíáí óõíÜäåëöï äüêéìï ìå îéöïëüã÷ç, áðïöïßôçóå ó÷åäüí ôåëåõôáßïò áðü ôçí ôÜîç ôïõ, ôï 1853. ¼ðùò üëïé ïé Óôñáôçãïß ôùí Ç.Ð. óôïõò ðïëÝìïõò ìå ôïõò ÉíäéÜíïõò, ï Sheridan êÝñäéóå ôç óôñáôéùôéêÞ ôïõ åìðåéñßá óôïí Åìöýëéï Ðüëåìï. ¸íáò äõóíüçôïò õðïëï÷áãüò ðïõ õðçñåôïýóå óôï Oregon üôáí ôï ï÷õñü Sumter êáôáóôñÜöçêå, ï Sheridan åß÷å áíÝâåé óôçí áñ÷çãßá ôïõ éððéêïý ôçò Åíþóåùò üôáí ç Ïìïóðïíäßá ðáñáäüèçêå. Åßäå äñÜóç óôï Mississippi, óôï Ôenessee, óôï Kentucky êáé óôç Virginia, üðïõ ç åêóôñáôåßá ôïõ óôçí êïéëÜäá Shenandoah êáôÝóôñåøå ìéá óçìáíôéêÞ ðçãÞ åöïäßùí ôùí Ïìïóðïíäéáêþí. Óôï Petersburg êÝñäéóå ìéá óçìáíôéêÞ íßêç ðïõ Ýâáëå öñÝíï óôçí õðï÷þñçóç ôïõ Robert E. Lee áðü ôï Richmond êáé âïÞèçóå óôï íá ôåëåéþóåé ï ðüëåìïò. ÌåôÜ ôïí ðüëåìï, ï Sheridan ðÞñå ôçí áñ÷çãßá ôïõ Texas êáé ôçò Louisiana, üðïõ ç õðïóôÞñéîÞ ôïõ ãéá ôïõò Ìåîéêáíïýò ÑåðïõìðëéêÜíïõò âïÞèçóå óôï íá åðéôá÷õíèåß ç êáôÜññåõóç ôïõ ðïëéôåýìáôïò ôïõ Maximillian êáé üðïõ ç óêëçñÞ áíôéìåôþðéóç ôùí ðñþçí Ïìïóðïíäéáêþí ïäÞãçóå óå “áðüëõôç ôõñáííßá”. ÌÝóá óå Ýîé ìÞíåò ìåôáöÝñèçêå óôï ôìÞìá ôïõ Missouri, üðïõ áìÝóùò ó÷çìÜôéóå Ýíá ó÷Ýäéï ìÜ÷çò ãéá íá óõíôñßøåé ôçí áíôßóôáóç ôùí ÉíäéÜíùí óôéò íüôéåò ðåäéÜäåò.

31. General Philip Henry Sheridan
Philip Henry Sheridan (18311888). A ruthless warrior, General PhilipSheridan played a decisive role in the army s long campaign
Philip Henry Sheridan
A ruthless warrior, General Philip Sheridan played a decisive role in the army's long campaign against the native peoples of the plains, forcing them onto reservations with the tactics of total war. Sheridan was born in Albany, New York, in 1831, but grew up in Ohio. He attended West Point and, after a year's suspension for assaulting a fellow cadet with a bayonet, graduated near the bottom of his class in 1853. Like all the U.S. generals of the Indian wars, Sheridan gained his military experience in the Civil War. An obscure lieutenant serving in Oregon when Fort Sumter was shelled, Sheridan rose to the command of the Union's cavalry by the time the Confederacy surrendered. He saw action in Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky and in Virginia, where his campaign through the Shenandoah Valley laid waste to an important source of Confederate supplies. At Petersburg he won an important victory that halted Robert E. Lee's retreat from Richmond and helped bring the war to an end. After the war, Sheridan was first given command over Texas and Louisiana, where his support for Mexican Republicans helped speed the collapse of Maximillian's regime and where his harsh treatment of former Confederates led to charges of "absolute tyranny." Within six months he was transferred to the Department of the Missouri, where he immediately shaped a battle plan to crush Indian resistance on the southern plains.

32. Anecdote - Philip Henry Sheridan - Redneck
Sheridan s remark has gone down in history as the slightly modified only good Indianis a dead Indian. Sheridan, Philip Henry (18311888) American Civil War

33. Anecdote - Philip Henry Sheridan - San Antonio
printed in the newspaper with an editorial note Well, damn a man that won t standup for his own country. Sheridan, Philip Henry (18311888) American Civil

34. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
Relieved of command for not following up 18. Sheridan, Philip Henry (18311888)The Hutchinson Dictionary of World History; January 1, 1998

35. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
15. Sheridan, Philip Henry (18311888) The Hutchinson Dictionary of World History;January 1, 1998 Sheridan, Philip Henry (1831-1888) Union general

36. Sheridan Family Crest By
Motto Translated The stag at bay becomes a lion. Some noteworthy people of thename Sheridan Philip Henry Sheridan (18311888) American cavalry officer;
Where did the name Sheridan come from? What is their family crest? When did they first arrive in the United States? Where did the various branches of the family go?
Family Crests
> Sheridan Family Crest
Sheridan Family Crest
Origin Displayed: Irish Spelling variations include: Sheridan, O'Sheridan, Sheridon, Sheridin and others. First found in county Longford. Some of the first settlers of this name or some of its variants were: Bernard Sheridan arrived in Philadelphia in 1807; Barney, Cornelius, Felix, Hugh, James, John, Martin, Mary, Mathew, Michael, Patrick, Peter, Terence, Thomas and William Sheridan, all arrived in Philadelphia between 1840 and 1870. (Above is a small excerpt from our 1800 word history) Motto Translated: The stag at bay becomes a lion.
Some noteworthy people of the name Sheridan
  • Philip Henry Sheridan (1831-1888) American cavalry officer Richard Brinsley Butler Sheridan (1751-1816) Irish dramatist Philip Sheridan (1831-1888) American military leader Richard B. Sheridan (1751-1816) British author Nicolette Sheridan American actress
Tell Me More About Family Crests
Family Crests and Coats of Arms: the Heraldic Artist
We have researched the Sheridan family crest in the most recognized sources of coats of arms. Before an artist or craftsman can render a Coat of Arms, it must exist. In other words the arms must have been designed and recorded by the heralds from time immemorial.

37. Electronic Books From SPSCC # S
Sheridan, Philip Henry, 18311888, Personal Memoirs Of PH Sheridan, General, UnitedStates Army Complete. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Duenna, The.
South Puget Sound Community College Library-Media Center Electronic Books Authors S Author index A B C D ... Return to Library Home page S Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, duc de, 1675-1755 Memoirs Of Louis XIV And His Court And Of The Regency Complete Saki, 1870-1916 Beasts And Super-Beasts Chronicles Of Clovis Reginald Unbearable Bassington, The Schiller, Friedrich, 1759-1805 Don Carlos Maid Of Orleans Mary Stuart Wallensteins Tod ... Wilhelm Tell Schreiner, Olive, 1855-1920 Dream Life And Real Life; a little African story Story of an African Farm, a novel, The Woman And Labour Schwatka, Frederick Sun-Dance of the Sioux (1889-1890), The Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771-1832 Bride Of Lammermoor Guy Mannering Complete Ivanhoe. A Romance (1819) Kenilworth ... Waverley Complete Sedgwick, Catharine Maria Hope Leslie [Vol 1] Hope Leslie [Vol 2] Service, Robert W. (Robert William), 1874-1958 Ballads of a Cheechako Spell of the Yukon Seton, Ernest Thompson, 1860-1946

38. Sheridan
This page may not appear properly. Philip Henry Sheridan. Philip HenrySheridan (18311888) was a Union general in the Civil War.
This web site was created for FREE at Visit to get your free web site - no programming required. Javascript is either disabled or not supported by this browser. This page may not appear properly. Philip Henry Sheridan Philip Henry Sheridan (1831-1888) was a Union general in the Civil War. Born to Irish immigrant parents in Albany, New York, he moved with his aprents to Somerset, Ohio, when he was scarcely a year old. As a youth he was determined to be a soldier and largely by his own efforts manuevered himself into West Point.
He did not cover himself in glory at West Point. He was not a particularly good student but it was not that that almost ended his career. He was suspended for a year for going after a cadet officer with a bayonet.
Graduating in 1853, he was involved in fighting Native American Indians on the frontier as an infantry lieutenant. It appears that he did not distinguish himself in this venture any more than he had at his studies at West Point, because after eight years he was still a lieutenant.
The Civil War seems to have had a good effect on his career at the start, for he was made a captain in May 1861. However, because he had had some experience of bookkeeping in his youth before West Point, he ended up as a quartermaster for the Union troops in Missouri, later being made quartermaster to General Halleck.

39. List Of People By Name: Sh
musician; Sheridan, Ann, Actress 19151967; Sheridan, Philip Henry,(1831-1888); Sheridan, Richard, (1751-1816), playwright; Sheridan
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
List of people by name: Sh
List of people by name A B C ... R S T U V W ... Sf-Sg Sh Si-Sj Sk Sl Sm ...

40. Phil Sheridan Camp 4, SUVCW: Homepage
sponsored by the Phil Sheridan Post 7, Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) of San José,which was in turn named for General Philip Henry Sheridan (18311888).
Phil Sheridan Camp 4 Home About Camp 4 Who was Phil Sheridan? Camp Officers ... CLICK HERE TO JOIN!
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
P.O. Box 664
Gilroy, CA 95021-0664
The Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War was a creation of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) which was formed in 1866. Wanting to pass on its heritage, the GAR in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania created a Corps of Cadets in 1878 which later became the Sons of Veterans of the United States of America (SV). This latter organization was formed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on November 12, 1881. The SV units functioned much as National Guard units and actually served along with state militia during the Spanish American War. In 1904, the SV elected to become a patriotic education society and in 1925 changed its name to Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW). However, to keep the military aspect alive, the SUVCW created within the organization the Sons of Veterans Reserve (SVR) which was carried on the Army rolls as a Reserve contingent. Some SVR units served with the Army during World War I. After World War I, the SVR was listed as a training company of the U.S. Army. In more recent years, the SVR's mission has become historic, ceremonial, and commemorative. Prior to disbanding and before the death of its last member, the GAR officially designated the SUVCW as its successor and heir to its remaining property. On August 20, 1954, the SUVCW was officially incorporated by an Act of Congress by the passing of Public Law 605 of the second session of the 83rd Congress.

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