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61. Family Planning Issues - 122 Of The Best Sites Selected By Humans Margaret Sanger Margaret Sanger -Margaret Sanger History Sanger,_Margaret (part2) -Margaret Sanger Papers Project -Margaret Sanger, 1879-1966 -Margaret Sanger http://www.cbel.com/family_planning_issues/?order=theme&setcols=4 |
62. Biography Search Biochemist, born in Rendcombe, Gloucestershire, SWC England, UK. Sanger, Margaret,18791966. Birth control advocate, maternity nurse. Born Margaret Higgins http://www.biography.com/find/results.jsp?alpha=18&subpg=3 |
63. Sophia Smith Collection, Collections - Personal Papers And Organization Records: Sanger, Margaret, 18791966 View finding aid birth control advocate; nurse;labor organizer; writer; lecturer; editor; journalist 113 linear ft., ca. http://www.smith.edu/libraries/libs/ssc/collects.html | |
64. Sophia Smith Collection, Research Guides - Birth Control And Reproductive Rights View finding aid. Margaret Sanger (18791966), birth control pioneerand founder of the birth control movement. Sanger s personal http://www.smith.edu/libraries/libs/ssc/subjbirth.html | |
65. Society: Issues: Family Planning: History: Sanger, Margaret a great freethinker. ; Margaret Sanger, 18791966 - Profile of thefounder of the American birth control movement. Margaret Sanger http://treasurecoasthealth.com/woman_index.php/Society/Issues/Family_Planning/Hi | |
66. Family Planning: History: Sanger, Margaret Margaret Sanger, 18791966. Profile of the founder of the Americanbirth control movement. Margaret Sanger Father of Modern Society. http://www.puredirectory.com/Society/Issues/Family-Planning/History/Sanger,-Marg | |
67. Engelman Sanger, Margaret, 18791966 Correspondence Birth control United States Sociology Of Women Contraception Politics - Current Events Social http://topics.practical.org/browse/Engelman | |
68. Peter Engelman The project is designed to locate, collect, identify and publish the papers of thebirth control pioneer Margaret Sanger (18791966) in book, electronic and http://www.nyu.edu/gsas/dept/history/peter_engelman.htm | |
69. 2002 limitation, in one form or another, has been practiced from the earliest time, butit took the efforts of one woman, Margaret Sanger (18791966), to forge a http://www.nyu.edu/projects/sanger/2002.htm | |
70. American Nurses Association | The Hall Of Fame Inductees - Version 2.0 Sams, Undine (19191999) 2000. Sanger, Margaret H. (1879-1966) 1976. Sargent,Emilie Gleason (1894-1977) 1984. Smith, Dorothy M. (1913-1997) 1998. http://www.ana.org/hof/alphalst.htm | |
71. S-San: Positive Atheism's Big List Of Quotations Margaret Sanger (18791966) First president of Planned Parenthood in 1939, Sangerstruggled against the Comstockian Revenue Act to legalize, in 1937, the http://www.positiveatheism.org/hist/quotes/quote-s.htm | |
72. Library - Social Theory of Faith of a Savoyard Vicar eBook Palm web version A Discourse On PoliticalEconomy (1755) eBook Palm web version Sanger, Margaret, 18791966. http://religionanddemocracy.lib.virginia.edu/library/social.html | |
73. Raymond Pearl Papers, Ca.1895-1940 Emerson, 18561944; Russell, ES (Edward Stuart), 1887-1954; Sanger, Margaret,1879-1966; Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 1879-1962; Sweeney, James http://www.amphilsoc.org/library/mole/p/pearl.htm | |
74. Notes On Site Visit To The Margaret Sanger Papers The Margaret Sanger Papers reproduce in microfilm the papers of Margaret Sanger(18791966), a pioneer in family planning and birth control counseling. http://tigger.uic.edu/~cmsmcq/mep/mepr04.html | |
75. Subject Pages: Full Record Descriptors Sanger Margaret- 1879-1966 Correspondence, Birthcontrol History, Women s rights United States History. http://www.lib.vt.edu/dsp/index.php?action=ViewResource&rid=3894 |
76. Pluralism And Unity--Biography--Margaret Sanger Sanger,Margaret. Dates 18791966. Born in Corning, New York. Major Events.Trained as Nurse. Married architect; moved to suburb of New York. http://www.expo98.msu.edu/bios/sanger.html | |
77. AIM25: British Library Of Political And Economic Science: PALMER, Eileen, Fl 191 Control in Zurich, the centre was reorganized as the Birth Control InternationalInformation Centre (BCIIC), with Margaret Sanger (1879-1966) as president and http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=5826&inst_id=1 |
78. PHL: High School Seniors Margaret Sanger. 18791966 - Founder and Hero of Planned Parenthood The founderof Planned Parenthood remains a controversial figure, even decades after her http://www.pennlife.org/docs/present_seniors.html | |
79. HOLLIS FULL CATALOG - Search Results the und, 1922, BK. 6, Sanger, Margaret, 18791966. The pivot of civilization/, 1922, BK. 7, Liggett, Hazel Mary. The relation of wages collections) AND W |
80. Grace Doherty Library - New Books April 21, 2004 Sanger, Margaret, 18791966. The selected papers of Margaret Sanger / edited byEsther Katz ; assistant editors, Cathy Moran Hajo and Peter C. Engelman. http://www.centre.edu/web/library/book_lists/apr21.html |
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