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41. Museo Virtuale Delle Intolleranze E Degli Stermini - Margaret Louise Higgins San Margaret Louise Higgins Sanger (1879-1966).Nata a New York da genitori di origine irlandese, inizialmente http://www.zadigweb.it/amis/schede.asp?idsch=61&id=6 |
42. WASM Author Detail Author Details Detail Information for Sanger, Margaret, 18791966Author name Sanger, Margaret, 1879-1966. All author name forms http://www.alexanderstreet6.com/wasm/wasm.results.authdetail.asp?authid=25959 |
43. WASM Search Document Result Knopf, Adolphus, 18571940, and Sanger, Margaret, 1879-1966. Letterfrom Adolphus details. Sanger, Margaret, 1879-1966. Letter from http://www.alexanderstreet6.com/WASM/wasm.results.doclists.asp?altsource=birth |
44. Sanger, Margaret Higgins - Archive Sanger, Margaret Higgins Period 19231934 Reproduction 1 microfilm Biographical/historicalnote American nurse (1879-1966); campaigned for birth control http://www.iisg.nl/archives/gias/s/10768000.html | |
45. Margaret Sanger Papers activism of the radical labor left and mobilized by her work as a home nurse in theimmigrant ghettos of New York, Margaret Sanger (18791966) became convinced http://adh.sc.edu/mepinfo/Sanger/sangbase.htm | |
46. Margaret Sanger Margaret Sanger. 18791966. Done by Lady of Belmar. American social activist. MargaretSanger dedicated her life to making birth control available to all women in http://www.angelfire.com/nj2/carolslittleangels/sanger.html | |
47. Subjects ("S"), Titles, Authors & Call #s 070 SAN Sanger, Margaret, 1879-1966 - Juvenileliterature. Illustratedwith photos.. 92Sanger Sanger, Margaret, - 1879-1966. http://www.ardsleyschools.k12.ny.us/AHSL_WEB/su-s.htm | |
48. Anecdote - Margaret Higgins Sanger - Margaret Sanger into the Planned Parenthood Federation (1942) Sanger, Margaret Higgins (18791966)American nurse noted for her campaigns for birth control Sources Isaac http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=7686 |
49. Daily Celebrations ~ Margaret Sanger, Struggle For Expression ~ September 14 ~ I Margaret Sanger Feminist Margaret Sanger (18791966) was born MargaretLouise Higgins on this day to a poor family in Corning, New York. http://www.dailycelebrations.com/091499.htm | |
50. Women And Marxism: Marxists Internet Archive Myra (18971993) Parker, Dorothy (1893-1967) Pichugina M. Reissner, Larissa (1895-1926)Rolland-Holst, Henriettte Sanger, Margaret (1879-1966) Schreiner, Olive http://www.marxists.org/subject/women/ | |
51. Learning To Give - Quotation Database Result s 1 1 of 1. Women must have economic and social equality with men. Sanger,Margaret Leader of the Birth Control Movement (1879-1966) -More quotes http://learningtogive.org/search/quotes/Display_Quotes.asp?author_id=551&search_ |
52. Health And Medicine: Reproductive Health:Manuscript Division Among the most famous of public health nurses was Margaret H. Sanger (18791966)catalog record, who for many years led the campaign for birth control in the http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/awhhtml/awmss5/repro_health.html | |
53. Historic Humanist Series: Margaret Sanger Historic Humanist Series. Margaret Sanger. 18791966. April 1995. I have always discovered indeed, I have always known that it http://www.humanistsofutah.org/humanists/margaret_sanger.htm | |
54. Names In Encyclopedia Of American Biography Walter (18611918) Ross, Edward A. (1866-1951) Royce, Josiah (1855-1916) Ryan,John A. (1869-1945) Sanger, Margaret (1879-1966) Santayana, George (1863-1952 http://www.pragmatism.org/dmap/encyclopedia_amer_biography.htm | |
55. Women And Minorities In Dictionary Of Modern American Philosophers 103. Russell, Emma Sargent, 18891964, Women/Cauc. 104. Sanger, Margaret,1879-1966, Women/Cauc. 105. Scudder, Vida Dutton, 1861-1954, Women/Cauc.106. http://www.pragmatism.org/dmap/women_minorities.htm | |
56. Margaret Sanger: Radiant Rebel Margaret Sanger (18791966), in a UCLA Extension course, was profiled along withDarwin, Diego Rivera, and Ghandi as one of the Four Who Shook the Twentieth http://www.miriamreed.com/sanger.htm | |
57. Human Rights Ann Fitzgerald (Editor); Lucy Burns, 18791966 (USA); Margaret Sanger,1879-1966 (USA); Margaret Sanger Clinic; Breaking Barriers The http://www.distinguishedwomen.com/subject/hrights.html | |
58. Social Service/Activism Raden Adjeng Kartini; Margaret Sanger, 18791966 (USA); Another profile;Another profile; Margaret Sanger Clinic; Breaking Barriers The http://www.distinguishedwomen.com/subject/socserv.html | |
59. Mike L., Good Schools, Darwin And Evolution familiar with Margaret Sanger. She sounds to me like a person I would rather notknow personally. Fortunately, because she is dead (18791966), that privilege http://www.goodschools.com/mike.htm | |
60. Family Planning Issues - 122 Of The Best Sites Selected By Humans _Margaret About Margaret Sanger -Margaret Sanger -Margaret Sanger -Margaret Sanger-Margaret Sanger Papers Project -Margaret Sanger, 1879-1966 -Margaret Sanger http://www.cbel.com/family_planning_issues/ | |
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