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         Sand George:     more books (77)
  1. The Seven Strings of the Lyre: The Romantic Life of George Sand, 1804-1876 by Elizabeth Wheeler Schermerhorn, 1927
  2. The George Sand-Gustave Flaubert letters / tr. by Aimee L McKenzie ; with an introduction by Stuart P. Sherman by George (1804-1876). Gustave Flaubert (1821 -1880). Aimee L. McKenzie (tran Sand, 1922
  3. Fadette (La petite Fadette) by George Sand [pseud.] Tr. from the French by Jane Minot Sedgwick, with an etching by E. Abot by George (1804-1876) Abot, E. (Etching by) Sand, 1895-01-01
  4. DIE MUSE DER REPUBLIK George Sand 1804-1876
  5. The seven Strings of the Lyre. The Life of George Sand 1804-1876. by E W Schermerhorn, 1927
  6. The Seven Strings of the Lyre; The Romantic Life of George Sand, 1804-1876 by George) Schermerhorn, Elizabeth W. Sand,
  7. The Seven Strings of the Lyre: The Romantic Life of George Sand, 1804-1876. by Elizabeth W. SCHERMERHORN, 1932
  8. La petite Fadette by George (1804-1876) Sand, 1887-01-01
  9. Les maitres sonneurs by Sand. George (1804-1876)., 1869-01-01
  10. Indiana by Sand. George (1804-1876)., 1868-01-01
  11. Qeuvres de George Sand Volume 60 (French Edition) by Sand George 1804-1876, 2010-10-01
  12. Antonia (French Edition) by Sand George 1804-1876, 2010-09-30
  13. Adriani (French Edition) by Sand George 1804-1876, 2010-09-30
  14. La Coupe (French Edition) by Sand George 1804-1876, 2010-09-28

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3. George Sand
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. by birthday from the calendar. Credits and feedback. George Sand (18041876) - Pseudonym of Amandine-Aurore-Lucile Dupin The Works of George Sand, 1847. LE PICCININO
Choose another writer in this calendar: by name:
B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback George Sand (1804-1876) - Pseudonym of Amandine-Aurore-Lucile Dupin French Romantic writer, noted for her numerous love affairs with such prominent figures as Alfred de Musset "We cannot tear out a single page of our life, but we can throw the whole book in the fire. " (from Mauprat George Sand was born in Paris and brought up in the country home of her grandmother. She received education at Nohant, her grandmother's estate, and at Couvent des Anglaises, Paris (1817-20). In 1822 she married the baron Casimir Dudevant, to whom she bore one son and one daughter. She inherited Nohant in 1821, but because of her unhappy marriage, she left her family in 1831 and returned to Paris. In 1831 Sand started to write for Le Figaro . She contributed Revue des Deux Mondes (1832-41) and (1848), and was a coeditor of (1841). During these years she mad acquaintance with several poets, artists, philosophers, and politicians, and wrote in a few weeks with her lover Jules Sandeau a novel, ROSE ET BLANCHE, under the pseudonym Jules Sand. The second novel Indiana Indiana the poet Alfrted de Musset wrote an admiring letter to Sand which marked the beginning of their passionate affair. At the age of 33 she started an affair with Chopin. The composer, however, did not first consider her attractive. "Something about her repels me," he said to his family. Their relationship ended in 1847 when Sand started to suspect that the composer had fallen in love with her daughter, Solange. It is also possible, that behind the breakup was Sand's treatment of Solange.

4. Sand, George
Sand, George (18041876). Author born Lucile-Aurore Dupin. She wasa friend of both Dumas père and Dumas fils. Liens/Links A Few

5. George Sand By Thomas Staedeli
Translate this page George Sand (1804-1876). George Sand - hinter diesem Namen verbirgtsich eine der grössten Schriftstellerinnen des 19. Jahrhunderts.
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George Sand
Als 1821 ihre Grossmutter auf dem Sterbebett lag, richtete sie ihre letzten Worte an ihre Enkelin: "Du verlierst Deine beste Freundin".
Neun Monate nach der Heirat gebar sie einen Sohn - Maurice.
und Hugo genannt.
Die Beziehung von Musset und Sand ging als "Liebesdrama von Venedig" in die Literaturgeschichte ein.
Ihr ganzes Leben lang suchte sie nach der grossen Liebe, jemanden, der sie genau so lieben konnte, wie sie zu lieben bereit war.

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7. George Sand (1804-1876)
Armandine Lucie Aurore Dupin, baronne Dudevant, dite George Sand, femme de lettres française née à Paris le 1er juillet 1804 et décédée à Nohant le 8 juin 1876. Oeuvres principales La Mare au diable ( 1846), François le Champi (
Armandine Lucie Aurore Dupin, baronne Dudevant, dite George SAND , femme de lettres française née à Paris le 1er juillet 1804 et décédée à Nohant le 8 juin 1876.
Oeuvres principales : La Mare au diable François le Champi La Petite Fadette Les Maîtres sonneurs Les textes présentés sur cette page composent le recueil Contes d'une grand'mère Textes établis sur un exemplaire de l'édition des Contes d'une grand'mère publiée à Paris par les Editions R. Simon en 1936 avec une introduction de L. Ville. Le Chêne parlant : "Il y avait autrefois en la forêt de Cernas un gros vieux chêne qui pouvait bien avoir cinq cents ans. La foudre l'avait frappé plusieurs fois, et il avait dû se faire une tête nouvelle, un peu écrasée, mais épaisse et verdoyante. Longtemps ce chêne avait eu une mauvaise réputation. Les plus vieilles gens du village voisin disaient encore que, dans leur jeunesse, ce chêne parlait et menaçait ceux qui voulaient se reposer sous son ombrage. Ils racontaient que deux voyageurs, y cherchant un abri, avaient été foudroyés. L'un d'eux était mort sur le coup ; l'autre s'était éloigné à temps et n'avait été qu'étourdi, parce qu'il avait été averti par une voix qui lui criait :..." Le Chien et la fleur sacrée : "Nous avions jadis pour voisin de campagne un homme dont le nom prêtait souvent à rire : il s'appelait M. Lechien. Il en plaisantait le premier et ne paraissait nullement contrarié quand les enfants l'appelaient Médor ou Azor. C'était un homme très bon, très doux, un peu froid de manières, mais très estimé pour la droiture et l'aménité de son caractère. Rien en lui, hormis son nom, ne paraissait bizarre : aussi nous étonna-t-il beaucoup, un jour où son chien avait fait une sottise au milieu du dîner. Au lieu de le gronder ou de le battre, il lui adressa, d'un ton froid et en le regardant fixement, cette étrange mercuriale :..."

8. Picture History - George Sand (1804-1876)
George Sand (18041876) George Sand was the pseudonym of Baroness Dudevant for social reform, especially for women. Sand wrote some 80 novels, supporting herself and her children

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File Size: Item#: Photographer: All digital images are available for download as jpeg files at 300 dpi of original size. If you would like an image at a higher resolution, please email us your request at (be sure to include item number). Custom requests may take up to two weeks to be fulfilled and require an additional charge. George Sand (1804-1876) George Sand was the pseudonym of Baroness Dudevant. She began as a French Romantic writer, noted both for her rustic novels and numerous love affairs. Her later novels expressed her concern for social reform, especially for women. Sand wrote some 80 novels, supporting herself and her children after her divorce. She was born Amandine Aurore Lucie Dupin. Her first novel, Rose et Blanche (1831) was written in collaboration with Jules Sandeau, from whose name she made her pseudonym. Related Categories: powered by metarhythm

9. George Sand
Biography of Sand and recommendations for further reading.
Choose another writer in this calendar: by name:
B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback George Sand (1804-1876) - Pseudonym of Amandine-Aurore-Lucile Dupin French Romantic writer, noted for her numerous love affairs with such prominent figures as Alfred de Musset "We cannot tear out a single page of our life, but we can throw the whole book in the fire. " (from Mauprat George Sand was born in Paris and brought up in the country home of her grandmother. She received education at Nohant, her grandmother's estate, and at Couvent des Anglaises, Paris (1817-20). In 1822 she married the baron Casimir Dudevant, to whom she bore one son and one daughter. She inherited Nohant in 1821, but because of her unhappy marriage, she left her family in 1831 and returned to Paris. In 1831 Sand started to write for Le Figaro . She contributed Revue des Deux Mondes (1832-41) and (1848), and was a coeditor of (1841). During these years she mad acquaintance with several poets, artists, philosophers, and politicians, and wrote in a few weeks with her lover Jules Sandeau a novel, ROSE ET BLANCHE, under the pseudonym Jules Sand. The second novel Indiana Indiana the poet Alfrted de Musset wrote an admiring letter to Sand which marked the beginning of their passionate affair. At the age of 33 she started an affair with Chopin. The composer, however, did not first consider her attractive. "Something about her repels me," he said to his family. Their relationship ended in 1847 when Sand started to suspect that the composer had fallen in love with her daughter, Solange. It is also possible, that behind the breakup was Sand's treatment of Solange.

10. G. Sand.
Public Note FigaroAlbum, d aprés Bertall, phot. Proper Name Subject Sand,George, 1804-1876. Genre/Form Albumen. Cartes de visite. Portraits.
Photographer: Bertall.
Title: G. Sand.
Physical Description of Original Image: 11 x 7 cm.
Public Note:
Proper Name Subject: Sand, George, 1804-1876.
Genre/Form: Albumen. Cartes de visite. Portraits.
Linking Data: Forms part of group 11.
Accession No.:
The Siege and Commune of Paris Home Page

11. George Sand (1804-1876) French Writer.
Search. Literature Classic, Sand, George Guide picks. (18041876) French writer.Pseudonym for Aurore Dupin. George Sand was a Romantic novelist, whose irregular
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Homework Help Literature: Classic Find a Writer ... S - Last Names Sand, George Home Essentials A-to-Z Writers in Classic Literature Book Lists ... Read Mark Twain zau(256,152,180,'gob',''+gs,''); About Books Find a Writer Find Literature For Students ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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Sand, George
(1804-1876) French writer. Pseudonym for Aurore Dupin. George Sand was a Romantic novelist, whose irregular life and many love affairs shocked Parisian society.
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12. George Sand (1804-1876) French Writer.
Subscribe to the About Literature Classic newsletter. Search. Literature Classic,Sand, George. (18041876) French writer. Pseudonym for Aurore Dupin.
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Homework Help Literature: Classic Find a Writer ... S - Last Names Sand, George Home Essentials A-to-Z Writers in Classic Literature Book Lists ... Read Mark Twain zau(256,152,180,'gob',''+gs,''); About Books Find a Writer Find Literature For Students ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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Sand, George
(1804-1876) French writer. Pseudonym for Aurore Dupin. George Sand was a Romantic novelist, whose irregular life and many love affairs shocked Parisian society.
Recent Up a category Academy Chicago Publisher Read about selected novels by George Sand. Topic Index email to a friend back to top Our Story ...
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13. George Sand (1804-1876) At Famous Creative Women
Quotes from George Sand to inspire your creative thinking Creative Quotations from . . . George Sand. ( 18041876) born on Jul 1 Search millions of documents for George Sand. Scroll down for
FCW Home Browse by Month Lookup Indexes eLibrary ... Bemorecreative
Creative Quotations from . . . George Sand
(1804-1876) born on Jul 1 French author. She was noted for her rustic novel, "Lelia" (1833), her unconventionality and her liaison with Chopin. Search millions of documents for George Sand Scroll down for more research options.
UncommonGoods Sale!
Creative Job Search He who draws noble delights from the sentiments of poetry is a true poet, though he has never written a line in all his life.
Try to keep your soul young and quivering right up to old age, and to imagine right up to the brink of death that life is only beginning. I think that is the only way to keep adding to one's talent, and one's inner happiness. The trade of authorship is a violent, and indestructible obsession. Simplicity is the most difficult thing to secure in this world; it is the last limit of experience and the last effort of genius. One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe.
Published Sources for the Quotations Shown Above:
F: "The Haunted Pool," ch. 2, 1851.

14. George Sand
Translate this page de. 1804-1876. Biographies de George Sand • en ligne auteur Marc Nadaux, surson site internet consacré au 19e siècle http// • illustrée
France Culture , le et la BNF GEORGE SAND
Consulez notre site partenaire : LES AMIS DE GEORGE SAND , qui donnent des informations sur le Bicentenaire George Sand en 2004 Christiane SAND
droits moraux : protection du nom, de l'image et de l'oeuvre de George Sand
dessin d'Alfred de Musset
Auteure du site :
Landes (40)
Domaine :
science de l'information
  • Version 1 : 1997
  • Version 2 : 1999
  • Version 3 : 2002
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Mon cher lecteur... de Les Amis de George Sand Les Amis de George Sand TEXTES INTEGRAUX DONT CERTAINS INEDITS Page de LIENS
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Vous ne connaissez pas du tout George Sand et vous voulez apprendre quelques faits importants sur sa vie et son oeuvre ?

15. George Sand Généalogie
Translate this page Demi-soeur. Caroline DELABORDE (1799-1878). George Sand (1804-1876) (époux Casimir Dudevant). Frère. Louis (ou Auguste) DUPIN (juin-août 1808).
oeuvres autobiographiques
Correspondance de George Sand) Marie-Anne
(descendante naturelle du roi
de Pologne Auguste II
Marie-Aurore de SAXE

Louis-Claude DUPIN,
Antoinette-Sophie-Victoire DELABORDE
Maurice DUPIN Demi-soeur Caroline DELABORDE George SAND
Casimir Dudevant Louis (ou Auguste) DUPIN Hippolyte CHATIRON (vous trouverez une courte biographie d'H. Chatiron dans le tome 1 de la Correspondance Fille Solange DUDEVANT Fils Maurice DUDEVANT Lina Calamatta Petite-fille Jeanne-Gabrielle 6 mars 1848 Petite-fille Jeanne-Gabrielle causant un lourd Petit-fils Marc-Antoine DUDEVANT enfant) Petite-fille Aurore DUDEVANT Petite-fille Gabrielle DUDEVANT Madame Christiane SAND

16. Sand, George, 1804-1876. Miscellaneous Papers: Guide.
MS Fr 106 Sand, George, 18041876. Miscellaneous papers Guide. Houghton Library,Harvard College Library. Container List. Sand, George, 1804-1876.
MS Fr 106
Sand, George, 1804-1876. Miscellaneous papers: Guide.
Houghton Library, Harvard College Library
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Descriptive Summary
Repository: Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
Location: b
Call No.: MS Fr 106
Creator: Sand, George, 1804-1876.
Title: Miscellaneous papers,
Quantity: 1 box (.5 linear ft.)
Abstract: Letters and compositions by the French author George Sand.
Administrative Information
Acquisition Information: Received from various sources at various times.
Historical Note
George Sand (pseudonym of Amantine Lucille Aurore Dupin Dudevant) was a French author.
Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Scope and Content
Consuelo and La Comtesse de Rudolstadt, her play and receipt for publication of Mariette.
Container List
    Acquisition Information: *50M-230. Gift of Mrs A. Raphael, 17 Jun 1951. Acquisition Information: *50M-229. Gift of Mrs. A. Raphael, 17 Jun 1951.
  • Sand, George, 1804-1876 A.L.s. to [Eliza Ashurst]; [n.p.] 30 Apr [1848] 1s.(1p.)
  • Acquisition Information: *45M-181(515). Gift of J.F.Clarke, Feb 1946.

17. Sand, George, 1804-1876. Miscellaneous Papers: Guide.
No Frames Version.
No Frames Version No Frames Version

George Sand. Sand, George (18041876), the pseudonym of Madame Amandine Lucile Aurore Dudevant, ne Dupin, the Confessions darkened all the shadows, George Sand is the heroine of her
SAND, GEORGE (1804-1876), the pseudonym of Madame Amandine Lucile Aurore Dudevant, ne Dupin, the most prolific authoress in the history of literature, and unapproached among the women novelists of France. Her life was as strange and adventurous as any of her novels, which are for the most part idealized versions of the multifarious incidents of her life. In her self-revelations she followed Rousseau, her first master in style, but while Rousseau in his Confessions darkened all the shadows, George Sand is the heroine of her story, often frail and faulty, but always a woman more sinned against than sinning. Thanks, however, to her voluminous correspondence that has recently been published and to family documents that her French biographers have unearthed, there are now full materials for tracing the history of her public and private career, and for forming a clear and unbiased estimate of her character and genius. Passing by her infantine recollections, which go back further than even those of Dickens, we find her at the age of three crossing the Pyrenees to join her father who was on Murats staff, occupying with her parents a suite ofrooms in the royal palace, adopted as the child of the regiment, nursed by rough old sergeants, and dressed in a complete suit of uniform to please the general. From the free out-door life at Nohant she passed at thirteen to the convent of the English Augustinians at Paris, where for the first two years she never went outside the walls. Nothing better shows the plasticity of her character than. the ease with which she adapted herself to this sudden change. The volume which describes her conventual life is as graphic as Miss Bronts Villette, but we can only dwell on one passage of it. Tired of mad pranks, in a fit of home-sickness, she found herself one evening in the convent chapel.

19. George Sand By Thomas Staedeli
George Sand (18041876). George Sand - behind this name hides one ofthe famoust authoress of the 19th century. She was born as Amantine
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George Sand
George Sand - behind this name hides one of the famoust authoress of the 19th century. She was born as Amantine Aurore Lucile Dupin in Paris on 1st July 1804.
On her father's side she had a titled family tree - her great-great-grandfather was August der Starke (1670-1730) - but George Sand pointed out with a kind of proud that she was attached to the people on her mother's side. The family Dupin was stroken by two blows in 1808, first George Sand's younger brother Auguste died and only one week later her father fell from a horse and died because of the injuries. George lived with her mother in the house of her grandmother in Nohant in the period following but the two women had been so different that they couldn't make an agreement and a living under the same roof was unthinkable. They reached an agreement about the upbringing of George which took on her grandmother.
Her mother moved to Paris with the promise that her daughter will follow later - a promise she never kept. This left behind a deep wound which only healed somewhat briefly before the death of her mother. George Sand was sent to a nunnery by her grandmother for two years for the purpose of learning manners in keeping with her station. When her grandmother was dying in 1821 she addressed her last words to her granddaughter:

20. SAND-GEORGE-(1804-1876)
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SAND, GEORGE (1804-1876)
Enlace: Fecha Alta: Descripción: El poder de la palabra.
«Seudónimo de Amandine Aurore Lucie Dupin, baronesa Dudevant, novelista francesa del movimiento romántico cuyo estilo de vida anticonvencional y sus numerosos romances escandalizaron a la sociedad parisina.» Portal Universia S.A. Contacte con nosotros

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