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Rudder Robert S: more books (18) | ||||||||||||
61. My Ultralight Experience -- Robert Laird This story and all photos, Copyright 2001 Robert Laird coordination of power as wellas Rudder/ailerons, also 11, 2000, Lesson 6 ascending/descending Sturns http://www.cavediver.com/ul/ | |
62. September 2000 New Book Acquisition - Bibliography, Library Science And Biograph Co., 1963. Z2694.T7 R83 Rudder, Robert S. The literature of Spain in Englishtranslation a bibliography / compiled and edited by Robert S. Rudder. http://www.lib.ucdavis.edu/hss/NewBk00/September00/bibliography.htm | |
63. AOPA - Bookshop S To U Stick and Rudder by Langewiesche Thunderbolt! An Extraordinary Story ofa World War 11 Ace (Aviation History Series) by Robert S. Johnson http://www.aopa.co.uk/bookstore/s-u.htm | |
64. Bob's Booklist Wheels, Skis and Floats, EC (Ted) Burton and Robert S. Grant, 3/03. The KillingZone, Pail Craig, 1/03. Stick and Rudder, Wolfgang Langewiesche, 12/02. http://www.lisbonne.com/booklist.shtml | |
65. American Political Science Association (APSA) Jacobson, Loch K. Johnson, Ruth S. Jones, Joyce K Peter Katzenstein, William J. Keefe,Robert O. Keohane Ripley, Alan Rosenthal, Catherine E. Rudder, Kay Lehman http://www.apsanet.org/future/officers.cfm | |
66. Giovanni's Room Solitaire of Love by Rossi, Cristina Peri, Rudder, Robert S., Arjona, Gloria FormatTrade Paperback Price $15.95 Published Duke University Press, 2000 http://www.giovannisroom.com/NASApp/store/IndexJsp?s=localauthors&page=23352 |
67. John Fox's Home Page like the sailor who boards ship without a Rudder and compass Information on John Fox,An R and SPLUS Companion to Information on Robert Stine and John Fox, eds http://socserv.mcmaster.ca/jfox/ | |
68. Missouri Project - Pafg374 - Generated By Personal Ancestral File Notes. Mary Susan Rudder was born 1 1859. M, iii, Seth S. (Major) Botts Jr. wasborn 6 Mar 1813 and died 5 Mar 1901. James Robert Sands was born 1 about 1840. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/mo/topic/afro-amer/upperla/pafg374.htm | |
69. Spanish Ref PQ6099.O2. Rudder, Robert S., comp. and ed. The Literature of Spain inEnglish Translation A Bibliography. New York Ungar, 1975. Ref PQ6044.R8. http://www.library.wwu.edu/ref/cbl/fast/spanish.htm | |
70. D-Day - Normandie 1944 : Men Of D-Day the low right wing and having to hold hard left Rudder and aileron Robert E. Callahan Navigator Heffington, GE - 1st Lt Crew Chief - Goodwin, C. - S/Sgt Radio http://www.6juin1944.com/veterans/callahan.php | |
71. Blount County 1830 Census Project Stephen. Edward Robert Rudder, last name could be HADDEN. HONOR. DanielDowns, middle initial could be S. last name could be DAMON or DOWNES. http://www.tngenweb.org/blount/1830/blounotes.htm | |
72. Sergeant Robert C Robert S. Maupin of Oklahoma City noticed that ominous glint in Robert Kemp Zapp ofLouisville, Ky., the copilot, went I had to brace myself on the Rudder bar http://www.memorial.ecasd.k12.wi.us/garden/InMemoryOf/RobertCMesang/RobertCMesan | |
73. Authors Q To R KLAUS 14.95 1 CAVALRY O/T WEHRMA RICHTER,K 44.95 1 LUFTWAFFE Rudder M RIES 1 WARBIRDS,THE RUHMAN,R 12.50 1 WARRIOR 45 US INFANTRYMAN IN RUSH, Robert S 26.95 1 http://www.sentrybox.com/books/military/militarybooks-qr.html | |
74. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Title - W AUTHOR Rudder, Robert S. _ Galba, Marti Joan de, d. 1490 LANGUAGE EnglishSUBJECT Fiction PG ENTRY 378 POSTING DATE Dec 1995 ZIP. http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_w3.html |
75. Project Gutenberg - Author Index: S Smith, Elva S. Letters Of Robert Louis Stevenson Volume 2; Master Of Ballantrae;Memoir Of BeeMan of Orn and Other Fanciful Tales; The Rudder Grangers Abroad http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/IA_S | |
76. Civil Engineering Bookstore -- Books By Robert N. Buck Stick Rudder Classics, Box Set Author(s) Wolfgang Langewiesche, Richard L.Taylor, Robert N. Buck Average Customer Rating Availability THIS TITLE IS http://www.civilbookstore.com/index/page/1/author/Robert_N._Buck.html | |
77. Babelguides: Index Of Translators Whose First Name Begins With RR Read. RS Beagle. RS Picciotto. RS Rosen. RS Rudder. RT Taylor. RW Fenn. R RobertR. Heitner. Robert S Picciotto. Robert S. Thomson. Robert Scott Buccleuch. RobertT http://www.babelguides.com/translators/first/R | |
78. 1850 Census - Greene Co., Tennessee - Index "R" Rogers Rolledge - Rollins - Rose - Ross - Roswell - Rothrock Rubble - Rubel - Ruble- Rudder - Runnels - Runner John S. Reed, Page 232B. Robert Reed, Page 276A. http://www.census-online.com/transcript/tn/greene/R.html | |
79. The Cottonclad Gunboat "Uncle Ben" compensating for the broken paddle wheel by keeping the Rudder to starboard A formerGeorgia riverboatman, Captain Robert S. Patton was a pioneer navigator of http://www.wtblock.com/wtblockjr/uncleben.htm | |
80. The Rudder yawl, 57 4 , Argyll, Simms Brothers, May 4841. yawl, 59 8 , Clemencia, RobertJacob, Inc. Jul 3941. Mar 3850. yawl, 70 3 , Congaree, Jakobson s Shipyard,Apr 4756. http://www.mysticseaport.org/research/ru_rudder_designer.cfm?mlet=S |
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