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         Rousseau Jean-jacques:     more books (100)
  1. Observations De Jean-jacques Rousseau De Geneve. Sur La Réponse Qui A Été Faite À Son Discours (French Edition) by Rousseau Jean-Jacques 1712-1778, 2010-09-29
  2. Rousseau, juge de Jean-Jacques. Dialogues Volume 2 (French Edition) by Rousseau Jean-Jacques 1712-1778, 2010-09-29
  3. Thoughts of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, citizen of Geneva. Selected from his writings Volume 1 (French Edition) by Rousseau Jean-Jacques 1712-1778, Colebrooke Henrietta, 2010-10-15
  4. Oeuvres posthumes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, ou Recueil de pieces manuscrites, pour servir de Supplément aux editions publiées pendant sa vie Volume 2 (French Edition) by Rousseau Jean-Jacques 1712-1778, Moultou Paul, 2010-09-29
  5. Jean-jacques Rousseau, Citoyen De Genève, A Jean-françois De Montillet, Archevêque & Seigneur D'auch .. (French Edition) by Rousseau Jean-Jacques 1712-1778, 2010-09-29
  6. Jean Jacques Rousseau, Citoyen De Genève, A Christophe De Beaumont, Archevêque De Paris .. (French Edition) by Rousseau Jean-Jacques 1712-1778, 2010-09-28
  7. Oeuvres posthumes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, ou Recueil de pieces manuscrites, pour servir de Supplément aux editions publiées pendant sa vie Volume 7 (French Edition) by Rousseau Jean-Jacques 1712-1778, Moultou Paul, 2010-09-29
  8. Oeuvres posthumes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, ou Recueil de pieces manuscrites, pour servir de Supplément aux editions publiées pendant sa vie Volume 5 (French Edition) by Rousseau Jean-Jacques 1712-1778, Moultou Paul, 2010-09-29
  9. Oeuvres posthumes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, ou Recueil de pieces manuscrites, pour servir de Supplément aux editions publiées pendant sa vie Volume 12 (French Edition) by Rousseau Jean-Jacques 1712-1778, Moultou Paul, 2010-09-29
  10. Oeuvres posthumes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, ou Recueil de pieces manuscrites, pour servir de Supplément aux editions publiées pendant sa vie Volume 3 (French Edition) by Rousseau Jean-Jacques 1712-1778, Moultou Paul, 2010-09-29
  11. Rousseau, juge de Jean-Jacques. Dialogues Volume 1 (French Edition) by Rousseau Jean-Jacques 1712-1778, 2010-09-29
  12. Jean-jacques Rousseau, Citoyen De Geneve, À Christophe De Beaumont, Archevêque De Paris .. (French Edition) by Rousseau Jean-Jacques 1712-1778, 2010-09-27
  13. Emile ou de lEducation by Jean-Jacques (1712-1778) Rousseau, 1961
  14. Jean Jaques Rousseau, Citoyen De Genève, A Christophe De Beaumont, Archevêque De Paris .. (French Edition) by Rousseau Jean-Jacques 1712-1778, 2010-09-27

41. Klassika: Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Translate this page Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). Persönliche Daten Geburtstag1712, Todestag 1778, Werkverzeichnis des Komponisten. Oper. Le Devin
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
Pers¶nliche Daten:
Geburtstag: Todestag:
Werkverzeichnis des Komponisten
Le Devin du Village [Der Dorfwahrsager] Die Auflistung der Werke von Jean-Jacques Rousseau ist noch nicht vollst¤ndig und wird nach und nach durch die Autoren von Klassika erg¤nzt. Wenn Sie in der obigen Tabelle auf oder klicken (falls vorhanden), werden Sie direkt zu einer CD resp. DVD Empfehlung f¼r dieses Werk von Jean-Jacques Rousseau geleitet. Sie k¶nnen dann bequem im Online-Shop von jpc bestellen und bekommen Ihre Bestellung ab einem bestimmten Warenwert ohne weitere Versandkosten nach Hause geschickt. Letzte „nderung am 10.4.2001
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42. LearningLanguages.Net - Advanced Search Results
Searched for Creator equals Rousseau, JeanJacques,1712-1778 , Advanced Search. Results 1 - 1 of 1,,

43. Les Liens De Philosophie De FACPHILO : Rousseau
Translate this page Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
Jean-Jacques ROUSSEAU
Du Contrat social Du Contrat social Emile ou de l'Education (Classiques Garnier sur Gallica Classique). Emile (traduction anglaise). (Garnier classique) Oeuvres de Jean-Jacques Rousseau Oeuvres de Jean-Jacques Rousseau Oeuvres de Jean-Jacques Rousseau Oeuvres de Rousseau (Les Classiques des Sciences Sociales). Premier Discours Second Discours
Sites et institutions ( Archives de l'Institut Jean-Jacques Rousseau J.-J. Rousseau et la musique Jean-Jacques Rousseau (liens). Jean-Jacques Rousseau, sa vie, son oeuvre (iconographie) Rousseau Studies Livres L'Anti-Emile Livres sur Rousseau et le rousseauisme
Articles Bibliographie de Rousseau Bibliographie de Rousseau ( " : article de Rheinard Bach. Etudes Jean-Jacques Rousseau L'argent, la musique, l'ambition chez Rousseau La querelle Rousseau-Rameau Le contrat social de Rousseau : article d'Emile Durkheim de 1918 (RMM). Lexique du livre II des Confessions Les Confessions dans l'oeuvre de Rousseau. (Pierre Perroud).

44. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
Translate this page Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). Dossier. lundi 15 mars 2004. SiteMémo. Cliquez sur ce lien pour accéder au site. URL http//www

45. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
JeanJacques Rousseau (1712-1778), who is important not merely for his ideas (whichgenerally recycled older Enlightenment ideas) but for his passionate
Perhaps the single most important Enlightenment writer was the philosopher-novelist-composer-music theorist-language theorist-etc. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), who is important not merely for his ideas (which generally recycled older Enlightenment ideas) but for his passionate rhetoric, which enflamed a generation and beyond. The central problem he confronted most of his life he sums up in the first sentence of his most famous work, The Social Contract "Man is born free but everywhere is in chains."
Enlightenment Readings
Rousseau, Discourse on Inequality

The Idea of America Readings
The Declaration of Independence
The central concept in Rousseau's thought is "liberty," and most of his works deal with the mechanisms through which humans are forced to give up their liberty. At the foundation of his thought on government and authority is the idea of the "social contract," in which government and authority are a mutual contract between the authorities and the governed; this contract implies that the governed agree to be ruled only so that their rights, property and happiness be protected by their rulers. Once rulers cease to protect the ruled, the social contract is broken and the governed are free to choose another set of governors or magistrates. This idea would become the primary animating force in the

46. Rousseau Bibliography (Stewart)
Translate this page Selected Bibliography Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). By Philip Stewart, DukeUniversity. Last revised 3 January 2000. Bibliographies. Ouvrages primaires.
c18 Europe
c18 America
Selected Bibliography:
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
By Philip Stewart
Duke University
Last revised 3 January 2000
  • Ouvrages primaires
    • Jo-Ann E. McEachern, Bibliography of the Writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau to 1800 and Julie
    Ouvrages secondaires
    • Giuseppe A. Roggerone et Pia I. Vergine, Bibliografia degli studi su Rousseau (1941-1990) (Lecce: Milella, 1992). Compilation exhaustive (en italien), contenant un bref descriptif de chaque ouvrage.
      • Vol. I (1959): Les Confessions
      • Vol. II (1961): Julie
      • Vol. III (1964): Du contrat social
      • Vol. IV (1969):
      • , l' Essai sur l'origine des langues , et le Dictionnaire de musique

    • The Collected Writings of Rousseau
      • Vol. I (1990): Rousseau judge of Jean-Jacques , trans. Judith R. Bush, Christopher Kelly, and Roger D. Masters.
      • Vol. II (1992): First Discourse , trans. Judith R. Bush, Christopher Kelly, and Roger D. Masters.
      • Vol. III (1992): Second Discourse , trans. Judith R. Bush, Roger D. Masters, Christopher Kelly, and Terence Marshall.
      • Vol. IV (1994):

47. Jean-Jacques Rousseau --  Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article
Features his biography and a bibliography. Also provides the text of the book Confessions. , JeanJacques Rousseau (1712-1778) Short biography of this French

48. BiblioVault
Jacques Rousseau Publisher Temple University Press, 1990 ISBN 087722-679-2 (Paper)Subject headings Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778 Views on peace. Rousseau in the

49. CareLounge / Sozialberufe / Wissen / Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Translate this page Wissen. Klassiker. Über Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) Drucken1712, Geboren am 28.06.1712. Eltern entstammen aus Genfer Familien

Über Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
Geboren am 28.06.1712 Eltern Mutter stirbt kurz nach der Geburt, J.J. liest triviale Romane der Mutter; Vater Tante Suzanne Kindheit Aufenthalt bei Pastor Lambercier in Bossey/Genf 13 Jahre; Lehre Flucht aus Genf; Mme de warens; Turin Ein Zufall läßt ihn aus Angst vor einer Strafe (Verspätung bei Kupferstecher) aus Genf fliehen. Er flieht in das benachbarte Dorf Savoyen und tritt in den katholischen Glauben über. Er kommt zu Mme de Warens, die ihm Geliebte und Mutter zugleich war. Sie schickt ihn, des Anstands wegen, nach Turin in ein Kloster. Hier erlebt er "den Tiefpunkt in seinem Leben". (siehe Geschichte zum Glaubensbekenntnis des s. Vikars). ER wird schließlich Lakai in einer adligen Familie. Der Abbé de Gaime nimmt sich seiner an. Lyon; Hauslehrer bei M. de Mably Versucht sich als Musiktheoretiker und Musiker. Musik ist bedeutungsvoll für ihn und er schien wohl gar nicht mal so unbegabt zu sein. ER macht Bekanntschaft mit Diderot. Er findet Freunde in der "Gesellschaft" und beginnt sich intensiver mit Politik zu beschäftigen. Aufenthalt in Venedig Arbeit als Sekretär des frz. Gesandten. Verfaßt hier den "Institutions politiques".

50. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Translate this page Jean-Jacques Rousseau de Genebra (1712-1778 dC). Jean-Jacques Rousseau, filósofoe romancista suíço de língua francesa (Genebra 1712 - Ermenonville 1778).
Jean-Jacques Rousseau de Genebra
(1712-1778 d.C.)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, filósofo e romancista suíço de língua francesa (Genebra 1712 - Ermenonville 1778).
Foi um dos pensadores de maior influência da época contemporânea. De família calvinista de origem francesa, órfão de mãe e abandonado pelo pai aos 10 anos de idade, deixou sua cidade natal em 1728, dirigindo-se para Annecy, onde foi acolhido por Mme. de Warens. Já adulto, peregrinou pela França e pela Suíça durante algum tempo, instalando-se em Paris em 1741. Data dessa época o início de sua longa ligação amorosa com Thérèse Levasseur, uma criada com quem teve cinco filhos, todos entregues ao orfanato Enfants Trouvés. Também em Paris, conheceu Voltaire, Diderot e outros filósofos do Iluminismo, tendo colaborado na Enciclopédia, redigindo verbetes sobre música. Em 1750, a publicação de seu Discurso sobre as ciências e as artes, com a qual venceu um concurso instituído pela Academia de Dijon, abriu-lhe o caminho para a fama, confirmada pelo êxito de sua ópera Le devin du village (1752). Os anos seguintes, porém, foram de dificuldades: a Academia de Dijon não consagrou seu

/H4 Liens sur le web. Textes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Du contrat Social ou principes du droit politique
l'obéissance à la loi qu'on s'est prescrite est liberté . Mais je n'en ai déjà que trop dit sur cet article, et le sens philosophique du mot liberté n'est pas ici de mon sujet.
Liens sur le web
Textes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Sa vie et son oeuvre racontées en un siècle de cartes postales.
Rêveries du promeneur solitaire

52. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Translate this page Jean-Jacques Rousseau. (1712-1778) Escritor francés. Biografía.Jean-Jacques Rousseau nace el 28 de junio de 1712 en Ginebra, y
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Escritor francés.
En 1722, su padre debe irse de repente de Ginebra y Jean-Jacques es puesto en pension en casa de los Lambercier. En 1724, ingresa como aprendiz con un escribano forense y luego con un grabador.
En 1752, frecuenta el Salon de Holbach, renunciando al privilegio de ser presentado en sociedad, lo que le hace renunciar, a su vez, a una pension real.
Estos eventos, en 1761, le hacen pensar por primera vez en el suicidio.
Termina el manuscrito de
Les rêveries
Projet pour l'éducation de M. de Sainte Marie
,en 1740.
Les Muses galantes
,en 1746.
Discursos sobre las ciencias y las artes ,en 1750.
Devin de village y de Narcisse ou de l'amant lui-même ,en 1752.
Lettre sur la musique française ,en 17.53 Discurso sobre el origen y los fundamentos de la desigualdad ,en 1755. Empieza a redactar Julie ou la Nouvelle Héloise ,en 1756. ,en 1758. Termina El Contrat social y Emile Quatre aM. Le Président de Malesherbes ,en 1762. Emile y del Contrat social ,en 1762, (obras condenadas inmediatamente). Lettre à Christophe de Beaumont y Lettres écrites de la montagne ,en 1763.

53. Rousseau Jean-Jacques From FOLDOC
history of philosphy, biography as a brilliant and selfeducated (but undisciplinedand unconventional) thinker, Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) spent most Jean-Jacques

54. Glossary Of People: Ro
he remained a leader for a short time. Rousseau, JeanJacques (1712-1778).On Left Wing of French Enlightenment, Deist, Dualist
MIA Encyclopedia of Marxism : Glossary of People
Roberts, Frederick Sleigh (Lord Roberts) (1832-1914) Military leader born in India into an army family. Took an active part in suppressing the Indian rising of 1857-58; led the colonial war against the Afghans; 1878-1880. Commander-in-chief in India 1885-93. Sent to South Africa in 1900 to regain the ground lost to the Boers. Rodbertus, Karl Johann (1805-1875) German economist who held socialist views. Engels deals with his views in detail in the and in the Preface to the Second Edition of Capital 2 Also a politician and champion of Prussian Junker development along bourgeois lines. He believed that the contradictions between labour and capital could be resolved through reforms carried out by the Prussian Junker state. He did not understand the origin of surplus value and the essence of the basic contradictions of capitalism and maintained economic crises all came from low national consumption. He said the fact that agriculture did without expenditure on raw materials gave rise to ground rent. Robespierre, Maximilien (1758-94)

55. Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Philosopher
14, 2004. JeanJacques Rousseau Philosopher. 1712 - 1778. Never exceedyour rights, and they will soon become unlimited. —Rousseau.
Resources Menu Categorical Index Library Gallery
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Philosopher Never exceed your rights, and
they will soon become unlimited.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
was born on June 28, 1712 in Geneva, Switzerland. His mother died shortly after his birth. When Rousseau was 10 his father fled from Geneva to avoid imprisonment for a minor offense, leaving young Jean-Jacques to be raised by an aunt and uncle. Rousseau left Geneva at 16, wandering from place to place, finally moving to Paris in 1742. He earned his living during this period, working as everything from footman to assistant to an ambassador. Rousseau's profound insight can be found in almost every trace of modern philosophy today. Somewhat complicated and ambiguous, Rousseau's general philosophy tried to grasp an emotional and passionate side of man which he felt was left out of most previous philosophical thinking. In his early writing, Rousseau contended that man is essentially good, a "noble savage" when in the "state of nature" (the state of all the other animals, and the condition man was in before the creation of civilization and society), and that good people are made unhappy and corrupted by their experiences in society. He viewed society as "articficial" and "corrupt" and that the furthering of society results in the continuing unhappiness of man. Rousseau's essay, "Discourse on the Arts and Sciences" (1750), argued that the advancement of art and science had not been beneficial to mankind. He proposed that the progress of knowledge had made governments more powerful, and crushed individual liberty. He concluded that material progress had actually undermined the possibility of sincere friendship, replacing it with jealousy, fear and suspicion.

56. Jean-Jaques Rousseau And Informal Education
encyclopaedia. JeanJacques Rousseau on education Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778) was born in Geneva (June 28) but became famous as a 'French' political philosopher and educationalist. Rousseau was brought up first by his father
encyclopaedia archives search
jean-jacques rousseau on education
His novel Émile was the most significant book on education after Plato's Republic, and his other work had a profound impact on political theory and practice, romanticism and the development of the novel.
contents: introduction life nature, wholeness and romanticism social contract and the general will ... how to cite this article Why should those concerned with education study Rousseau? He had an unusual childhood with no formal education. He was a poor teacher. Apparently unable to bring up his own children, he committed them to orphanages soon after birth. At times he found living among people difficult, preferring the solitary life. What can such a man offer educators? Drawing from a broad spectrum of traditions including botany, music and philosophy, his thinking has influenced subsequent generations of educational thinkers - and permeates the practice of informal educators. His book Émile was the most significant book on education after Plato's Republic , and his other work had a profound impact on political theory and practice, romanticism and the development of the novel (Wokler 1995: 1).

57. Jean Jacques Rousseau [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy]
Jean Jacques Rousseau (17121778). French deistic philosopher and author; b. atGeneva June 28, 1712; d. at Ermenonville (28 m. ne of Paris) July 2, 1778.
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
French deistic philosopher and author; b. at Geneva June 28, 1712; d. at Ermenonville (28 m. n.e. of Paris) July 2, 1778. His mother died at his birth, and his father, a dissipated and violent-tempered man, paid little attention to the son's training, and finally deserted him. The latter developed a passion for reading, with a special fondness for Plutarch's Lives Confessions (Geneva, 1782), may be described as subterranean. He now returned to Paris, where his opera Les Muses galantes failed, copied music, and was secretary of Madame Dupin. Here he came into association with Diderot, Grimm, D'Alembert, Holbach, and Madame d'Epinay, and was admitted as a contributor to the Encyclopedie ; and his gifts of entertainment, reckless manner, and boundless vanity attracted attention. With the Discours sur les sciences et les arts (Paris, 1750), a prize essay in which he set forth the paradox of the superiority of the savage state, he proclaimed his gospel of "back to nature." His operetta Devin du village (1752) met with great success. His second sensational writing appeared

58. Jean Jacques Rousseau [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy]
Jean Jacques Rousseau (17121778) French deistic philosopher and author; b. at Geneva June 28, 1712; d. at Ermenonville (28 m. n.e. of Paris) July 2, 1778.
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
French deistic philosopher and author; b. at Geneva June 28, 1712; d. at Ermenonville (28 m. n.e. of Paris) July 2, 1778. His mother died at his birth, and his father, a dissipated and violent-tempered man, paid little attention to the son's training, and finally deserted him. The latter developed a passion for reading, with a special fondness for Plutarch's Lives Confessions (Geneva, 1782), may be described as subterranean. He now returned to Paris, where his opera Les Muses galantes failed, copied music, and was secretary of Madame Dupin. Here he came into association with Diderot, Grimm, D'Alembert, Holbach, and Madame d'Epinay, and was admitted as a contributor to the Encyclopedie ; and his gifts of entertainment, reckless manner, and boundless vanity attracted attention. With the Discours sur les sciences et les arts (Paris, 1750), a prize essay in which he set forth the paradox of the superiority of the savage state, he proclaimed his gospel of "back to nature." His operetta Devin du village (1752) met with great success. His second sensational writing appeared

59. Jean Jacques Rousseau Association
Who was JeanJacques Rousseau? Brief Jean Jacques Rousseau's Julie or the New Heloise, volume VI in the Collected Rousseau series published by University Press

60. Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Un Homme Libre
générale et abstraite est le plus précieux de tous les biens.
Philosophie Manuscrit Biographie
tant civile que politique. Du Contrat social , livre III, chapitre I
Discours sur les sciences et les arts
note 1
Du Contrat social

La profession de foi du vicaire savoyard , cette grande partie de l' Dieu "Mon enfant, n'attendez pas de moi ni des discours savants ni de profonds raisonnements.

Christophe de Beaumont Car tant que je serai ce que je suis et que je penserai comme je pense, je parlerai comme je parle
Les Confessions
Manuscrit des Confessions (livre IV) de la main de Jean-Jacques Rousseau,
Confessions correspondant au manuscrit.
Madame de Warens Texte extrait des Confessions , livre II. Un court extrait musical du Devin du village .ram 55k .wav, 221k
Les Confessions
les lieux de la vie de Rousseau
en cartes postales, par Jean-Jacques...Monney Porte par laquelle Jean-Jacques s'enfuit en 1762 (Julie) Confessions , livre IX Madame Dupin "j'y devins gras comme un moine. On y fit beaucoup de musique." dans la crypte du Voltaire Site Rousseau de J.-J. Monney

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