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Ross Edmund G: more detail | |||||||
81. Evergreen Cemetery - Town Of Huron, Part 2 TIBBETS, Josephine E., wife 1860 19 TIBBETS, Ross D., son 5,1871, 52y 5m 24d KNAPP,Edmund H., July 29 Mary E., wife ,1850 - 1931 BOWMAN, Newell G., son, Geo http://www.rootsweb.com/~nywayne/cemeteries/evergreen2.html | |
82. IOOF Cemetery -Orleans From The Records Of The Lost River DAR Langford, Mary L.; 1866 1934. Laughlin, Edmund D.; 1827 - 1915. Laughlin, SarahA.; 1826 - 1905. Co. G. 13 Ind. Vol. Vol. Ross, Louise; 1910 - 1927. http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/in/orange/cemetery/orleans.txt | |
83. EVERGREEN CEMETERY, CORFU, GENESEE, NEW YORK Copyright (c) 2000 By 1981 68y Wife of Harry E. Anderson Anderson Ross E. 1890 Lydia Ann Brown Brown Herbert1928 Brown Ira G., Sr Carrier Cyrus W. 1870 1956 Son of Edmund W. Carrier http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ny/genesee/cemeteries/evergreen.txt |
84. Veterans Cemetery Perrin,Alfred,1835.,1901.,Civil War. Perry,G.,1852.,1925.,Spanish American War. Ross,William,1895.,1922.,WorldWar I. Starr,Edmund,1838.,1883.,Civil War. http://www.co.westchester.ny.us/wcarchives/indexes/cemetery_N-Z.html | |
85. RICHMOND CEMETERY, FRANKLIN COUNTY, KANSAS SURNAME FIRST NAME Jul 1871 27 Dec 1953 Morris James G. 17 Mar C. 1913 1954 Perkins Edith HaugelandPerkins Edmund Mills 1869 Chandler 1876 24 Oct 1948 Peugh Arthur Ross 06 Oct http://www.ukans.edu/heritage/chs/franklin/cemetery/richmond.txt | |
86. FOLLETT S Of Australia Reproduction For The Martha BEER (1864) of Tylden, Victoria 1 Edmund James BEER Ruby FOLLETT (1928)of Wentworth, NSW 5 Albert G. FOLLETT (1895 Joseph Ross; 1889, Glen http://www.triode.net.au/~dragon/ft/follet-au.txt | |
87. Mas-Maz - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors MASON {US?} (M 1919 ?) Sir, Syed Ross MASOOD (M MASTERMAN (M 1873 - 1927 Nov 17)G The Condition Of Gold And Armageddon (anon) 1934 Henry Edmund MATHEWS (M http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/ma4.htm | |
88. History Of The Impeachment Of Andrew Johnson, President Of The United History Of The Impeachment Of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, by the House of Representatives, and his trial by the Senate for high crimes and misdemeanors in office, 1868 Ross, http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.archive.org/texts/texts-details-db.p |
89. INDEX BLY. George ( ) Louis G. ( -1934) 1923-1923) Bernard H. Ben (1888-1952) EdmundFrancis Henry 1898-1976) George (1803-1813) Harriet (- ) Homer Ross (1877-1927 http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~hartshrn/Fam-C1/fowndx.htm | |
90. North Carolina Collection-P2: Portrait Collection (List) SERIES P2. Badger, George Edmund (17951866). SERIES P2. SERIES P2. Beale, MaryRoss. SERIES P2. SERIES P2. Brower, BH SERIES P2. Brower, David G. SERIES P2. http://www.lib.unc.edu/ncc/pcoll/02portraits/port.html | |
91. Relatives Of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother 1916 ) m. 1939 Lieutenant Llewellyn Ross Llewellyn ( -1988 2) HonourableEdmund Colville (1978 Julie Williams ( -daughter of G. Williams) 6.7 http://mypage.uniserve.ca/~canyon/QueenMumRelatives.html | |
92. Pa - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors 4v f 1903 Old Quebec (w Claude G BRYAN) f ps Bessie Rayner BELLOC) p ? Dr, EdmundAlexander PARKES w Albert Solomon HYMAN) n 1929 Albert Ross PARSONS {US http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/pa.htm | |
94. Titles ("P"), Authors, Call#s & Subjects 92 CASALS. 1. Casals, Pablo, 1876-1973. 2. Casals, Pablo, - 1876-1973. Pablo Picasso a retrospective / edited by William Rubin ; chronology by Jane Fluegel.. REF 759.6 PIC. 1. Picasso, Pablo, - http://www.ardsleyschools.k12.ny.us/AHSL_WEB/ti-p.htm | |
95. The Political Graveyard: Politicians Who Died In 1907 The Political Graveyard Questions? Return to The PoliticalGraveyard main page. Politicians Who Died in 1907. http://politicalgraveyard.com/chrono/died-1907.html | |
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