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Ross Edmund G: more detail | |||||||
61. Washington County, PA, Posted Queries For July 30, 2001 Looking for anthing on Edmund (18011884 children were Sarah E. b.1845,Robert G. b.1847 DENNING, GARDNER, TOLEN posted by Vicki Ross on Monday http://www.pa-roots.com/~washington/query/query059.html | |
62. Boerne Cemetery, Kendall Co. Cemeteries Of Tx Translate this page Gourley, Hulda 1888 1973 Gourley, Melvin Ross 1886 1977 Sylvestra (Bessie) 1928 1976Jung, Charles G. 1916 1976 Augustus Ralph 1872 1894 King, Edmund 1882 King http://www.cemeteries-of-tx.com/Etx/Kendall/cemetery/boerne.htm | |
63. Chautauqua County Kansas Genealogy - Greenwood Cemetery Names C-D 1948 COWAN, Rosa 1887 1968 Mother COWAN, Ross 1912 1968 Jan 1867 25 Apr 1952DRULEY, Clara G. 24 Dec 1865 29 Mar 1958 Father DRYDEN, Edmund B. 1872 http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/chautauq/library/cemetery/grenwdcd.html | |
65. INDEX Allen Ross 1850) Hiram ( ) Hiram L. (1852-1887) Irving G. ( - ) Mary Eva CharlesLemuel (1865- ) Edmund Williams ( - ) Edwin Kingsley (1872- ) Etta Sheldon http://www.familyorigins.com/users/k/e/e/Louis-J-Keester/FAMO1-0001/fowndx3.htm | |
66. Biography Search Ross, Edmund Gibson, 1826 1907. PAGE PREV, RABRoet, Roge-Roll, Roll-Rosc, Rosc-Ross,Ross-Rous, Rous searching by alphabetical listing A,B,C,D,E, F,G,H, I http://search.biography.com/bio_browse.pl?letter=R&num=800 |
67. Lebanon IOOF Cemetery, M, Surveyed 2000 1994 MACKAY, Faith Thom 18941970 MACKAY, Ross Jul 17 M. 1870-1949 (one stone) MARCHAND,Edmund, born at New E. 1870-1956 (one stone) McTIMMONDS, G. Dewey 1898 http://www.usgennet.org/usa/or/town/lebanon/cems/ioof/2000/m.html | |
68. F DATA002 genfai-001-1 Fairman WHITTET Charles G. FAIRMAN -1900 page 17 FAIRMAN Ray 1929-page 17 FAIRMAN Richard Edmund 1866-1868 page 17 FAIRMAN Ross page 17 http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/160/e160f002.htm | |
69. S DATA006 Elva {PHILLIPS} pages 418,683 CONLEY Lawrence Edmund 19001981 rec-obi-001-8 FuneralCards Book G SARGENT Nickie s42 SARLES Ray page s42 SARLES Ross page s42. http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/160/e160s006.htm | |
70. CHRONOLOGIE DES MUSICIENS Translate this page 1916 Alexandre Lavignac / Francesco Paolo Tosti / Frederic Woodman Root / WilliamGilchrist / Silas G. Pratt. 1905 Edmund Losckspeiser. 1906 Ross Lee Finney. http://w1.neuronnexion.fr/~goninet/chronologie_des_musiciens.htm | |
71. W. , AALELL ,0,0, Nuriootpa , SA Mrs. , MARY ANN , ABLE ,1845 HENRY , MAZURE ,0,0, Tanunda , SA , Edmund LEON , MAZURE RADFORD ,1872,1929, Greenock , SA , G. , RAETHEL ,0 0, Hurtle Vale , SA , ALAN Ross , REID ,1878 http://web.ukonline.co.uk/john.marfleet/auswine/AUSWINE.TXT |
72. Names Index Page JUL 18064 JUN 1873) NEWKIRK, James Ross (5 MAR 1901) NEWKIRK, Nola Jeanne (Private-)NEWKIRK, Noley G. (25 SEP 1895-1962) NEWKIRK, Ohio Edmund (24 JUN 1858-28 http://www.odenkirk.com/html/names13.htm | |
73. META Eloise (18181869) Forney, Sophia G Forney, Susan (1797 Jimmy Frayser, Loren A Frayser,Ross Frayser, Theodore Lynn (28 JUN 1975-) Frazer, Edmund Standley Frazer http://www.genealogytymes.net/12242002/names30.html | |
74. INDEX Edmund Samuel (18021869) Mary Elizabeth (1831-1859) 1904) ( - ) Elijah H. (1902-1904)George H. ( - ) Lola (1900-1900) Susan (1870- ) Wylie G. (1896-1896 Ross. http://www.gmccuistion.com/johnmccuiston/fowndx8.htm | |
75. Historical And Miscellaneous Autographs, Letters, Documents Typewritten Letter Signed to Edmund Wimperis, accepting a Autograph Letter Signedto Mr Ross, sending something Autograph Letter Signed to G. Barnett Smith http://manuscripts.co.uk/2HIS.HTM | |
76. Literature Autographs, Letters, Documents, Manuscripts Autograph Letter Signed to F. Ross, requesting Yorkshire family material, 1 FREMANTLE,Sir Edmund Robert (18361929 G (return to top). GAIRDNER, James (1828-1912 http://manuscripts.co.uk/2LIT.HTM | |
77. August Friedrich Pott - Nachlaß Der Universitäts- Und Landesbibliothek Sachsen Translate this page Yi 5 IE 340-342, Edenbrecher, G. von (?), Dr. phil Yi 5 IR 1144-1147, Ross, Ludwig(1806-1859), Altphilologe und Yi 5 IS 1287-1288, Stengel, Edmund Max (1845-1935 http://sundoc.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/nachlaesse/pott/korres2.htm | |
78. Ancestors And Relatives Of Brian Yap Vona L. Wendy. ROCHE, Edmund Maurice Burke Baron Fermoy (18851955). Ellen (Eleanore)(Abt 1395-1439). Ross, Elaine. Edith Alice (1905-1977). Edith G (1892-1893). http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~yewenyi/Names55.htm | |
79. New Page 1 son of Abner W.Pace Elizabeth Clay / gson of Alsa Pace Rhoda Jarvis /gg-sonof Edmund Pace Co., Virginia area - James David was born in Ross Co., Ohio http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~pace/pacepix/new_page1.htm | |
80. Bartlett's Clayton HARTLEIN,Ross G. 4JUL1896 3AUG1978 mrd.24FEB1917, DEPAUVILLE. HIGGINS,HARRIET J.(CUMMINGS)WF.G.HARRY 1881 HOLTZ,Edmund L. 18SEPT1917-31JUL1995MRD 19NOV1955 WW2 http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyjeffer/barclh.htm | |
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