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Ross Edmund G: more detail | |||||||
41. Authors List - Alphabetical G. Gaboriau s); Rohmer, Sax (18831959) - 4 item(s); Ross, Edmund Gibson(1826-1907) - 1 item(s); Rostand, Edmond (1868-1918) - 1 item(s); Russell http://ebooks.learningtogo.com/r/b/-5 | |
42. This Is Project Gutenberg House of Representatives, and his trial by the Senate for high crimes and misdemeanorsin office, 1868, by Ross, Edmund G. (Edmund Gibson), 18261907 History. http://www.irvl.net/TITLES.htm |
43. LC Cataloged Microfilm Inventory From Liverpool to St.Louis. London, New York, G. Routledge, 1870. E 184.J5D15. NewYork, Columbia, 1964. E 666.R82. Ross, Edmund Gibson, 18261907. http://libweb.uoregon.edu/govdocs/micro/lcfiche.html | |
44. EDMUND G. ROSS Edmund G. Ross. Edmund G. Ross, one of the leaders in favor of a free Kansas, a pioneer editor of Topeka, afterward United States senator to succeed Gen. James H. Lane. Ashland, Ohio, December 7 http://skyways.lib.ks.us/kansas/genweb/archives/1918ks/bior/rosseg.html | |
45. Author Index: London To Schopenhauer. Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary Of Quota 1911 ), 775, 1384 official inaugural invitation (1985), 82 quoting James Madison,82 quoting John G. Magee, Jr Ross, Edmund Gibson (18261907), 894. http://www.bartleby.com/73/a4.html | |
46. References To Vinnie Ream's Works Of Art James S. ROLLINS 18121888 b. Richmond, Ky. -lawyer, US House Missouri. EdmundG. Ross 1826-1907 b. Ashland, Ohio -Publisher, US Senate Ks. 1866. http://www.vinnieream.com/referenc.htm | |
47. People In Kansas History Charles Buddy Rogers, 1904, Olathe, film actor. Edmund G. Ross, 1826 1907, Topeka,Lawrence, and Coffeyville, journalist and US senator. In Annals of Kansas http://www.kshs.org/people/ | |
48. SWAN /All Libraries Ed Bali beyond good and evil / Quest Productions ; written and directed by JimBurroughs.; Westchester 1997 Ross Edmund G Edmund Gibson 1826 1907 History of http://swan.sls.lib.il.us:90/kids/0,11,403,492/search/aRoss, E. Denison (Edward |
49. WebGED: Rodgers Family Data Page 1666 ) -child Johnson, Edmund (1671 - ) -child child Mullis,Nathaniel G. (1909 - 1965 child Livingston, Ross (*1886 - ) -child http://www.geocities.com/mbrodgers/wga80.html | |
50. Descendants Of William Hillard Rose Ann (Abt 1859 ) C. Ross C. Rowena Elizabeth (1911-1986) C. HINES, Alice HilliardC. Earl G. ( - ) S. George Earl (1910-1911). Logan David Lee C. Lucas Edmund Lee. http://members.aol.com/vghillard3/william/names24.htm | |
51. INDEX Alfred M. (1865 ) Bagwell ( - ) Catherine N. (1856- ) Cordelia Frances (1852-1936)Edmund ( -1768) Edmund ( - ) George ( -1815) George B John G. (1811-1849 Ross. http://www.espl.org/mearscol/pagendxc/chandler/fowndx.htm | |
53. Index Of Surnames Starting With K Translate this page 1912-1993) 3462 Kennedy Evan Ross Kennedy (about Louise Kessler (1891-1904) 11597Edmund Joseph Kessler 1721-1738) 7259 Kocelski Rose G. Kocelski {Tolan http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~gentner/surname/index_K.html | |
54. TexasCivilWarGenerals of The Texas. Rangers, which was included in Dudley G. Wooten sqv service to Texasas Sul Ross. Sul Ross State University, in SMITH, Edmund KIRBY (18241893). http://www.djstexasstateofmind.homestead.com/TexasCivilWarGenerals.html | |
55. TA***** Thru TYSON TAYLOR,, John G. 1813, 1857, Pleasant Hill (Vol 3). TAYLOR,, Joseph Edmund, 1900,1955, Pleasant Hill (Vol 3). TAYLOR,, Ross Edward, 1909, 1987, Peculiar (Vol2). http://members.fortunecity.com/cassmofind/masterindex/T.htm | |
56. INDEX Edmund ( ) DIVEN. James Gordon (1806-1880) James Gordon (1892-1916) James Robert(1906- ) James W. ( - ) Jane ( -1880) Jane (1807-1848) Jane G. (1802-1858 Ross. http://www.concentric.net/~Jefbets/fowndx.htm | |
57. INDEX 19041984) Guy (1912-1981) Harry Edmund (1906-1967 Vernon Eugene Jim (1902-1981)Violet G. Sis Warren Irvin (1883-1955) Jackson (1856-1906) Ross (1888-1921 http://www.robertfleming.org/genealogy/felix/fowndx2.html | |
58. WebGED: Trudy's Research Data Page spouse Strong, Roswell G. (1787 1867) child Strong Somersetshire, England-child Beakes, Edmund (1606 - 1661) 16 AUG 1810 in Ross Co., OH http://webpages.charter.net/jadetree/TRUDYKIN.wbg/wgt19.html | |
59. Untitled Document Gayler, Edmund Alexander, July 1916 May 1981, no info, Rose Alton, Helen, Bernice,John, Mary, Bill, Ross, Rose Cemetery Solmes, David G. d. Jan 27 1898 @ 59y 8m, http://www.sfredheritage.on.ca/ROSE_CEMETERY_PEC.html | |
60. Index Glenn Stewart John Ross Mary Jane Ross Alexander Susan Wayne Michael Christopher WayneG. GALBRAITH James Joseph (1907 ?) GRANRUDE Duane Edmund GRANT Charles http://mckague.com/genealogy/cavan/WC_IDX/IDX001.HTM | |
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