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61. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Encyclopedia Article About Franklin Delano Roosevelt It was the birthplace of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (18821945), 32nd President of the United States (1933-1945). It is also the http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Franklin Delano Roosevelt | |
62. Franklin D. Roosevelt (18091898) Helen Maude Howard (1840-1893) Sara Delano (1854-1941) Charles Arthur Merrill (1875-1968) Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) Deane Whitney http://www.bearhaven.com/family/cousin/fdr.html | |
63. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Wikiquote Franklin Delano Roosevelt. From Wikiquote, the free encyclopedia. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (18821945). 32nd President of the US, Husband of Eleanor Roosevelt http://wikiquote.org/wiki/Franklin_Delano_Roosevelt |
64. History / Primary Sources Page 5 Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 18821945. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Foreign Affairs. Roosevelt, Franklin D (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945. http://www.westminster-mo.edu/library/information_resources/bibliographies/histo | |
65. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Office Files, 1933-1945. Part 5: The John Fran Archives. 2. Franklin D. Roosevelt Library Archives . 3. Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 18821945 Archives. 4. United http://www.library.utoronto.ca/robarts/microtext/collection/pages/presdros.html | |
66. E-J Miner Results Titles with the Subject Heading Franklin Delano Roosevelt 18821945 . 1 E-Journals. Before I Forget. © Copyright 1998 - 2000 http://ejournal.coalliance.org/SubjTitles.cfm?subj=Franklin Delano Roosevelt -- |
67. Questia Online Library - New Search 1. The Roosevelt Myth. Book by John T. Flynn; DevinAdair Co., 1948. Subjects Roosevelt, Franklin D(Franklin Delano)1882-1945, United StatesPol. Govt. http://www.questia.com/SM.qst?act=search&subjects=Roosevelt, Franklin D.&subject |
68. I15629: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (President) (30 Jan 1882 - 12 Apr 1945) Franklin Delano Roosevelt (President) President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. BIRTH 30 Jan 1882, Hyde Park, Dutchess, New York. DEATH 12 Apr 1945, Warm Springs, Meriwether, Georgia. BURIAL Hyde Park http://www.whipple.org/rin/15629 | |
69. Internet Public Library: POTUS Born January 30, 1882, in Hyde Park, New York. Died April 12, 1945, in Warm Springs 75); James Roosevelt ( 190791); Elliott Roosevelt (1910-90); Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr. http://www.ipl.org/ref/POTUS/fdroosevelt.html | |
70. BBC - History - Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882 - 1945) Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882 1945). Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the only President who was elected to the office four times. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/roosevelt_franklin_delano.shtml | |
71. Franklin D. Roosevelt Biography Franklin D. Roosevelt. 32nd President of the United States. Franklin D. Roosevelt was born in Hyde Park, New York on January 30, 1882, the son of James Roosevelt and Sara Delano Roosevelt. http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/fdrbio.html | |
72. Biografía - Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Nacionalidad Estados Unidos Hyde Pak (N. York) 30-1-1882 - Warm Springs http://www.artehistoria.com/historia/personajes/7138.htm | |
73. MSN Encarta - Roosevelt, Franklin Delano http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761562953/Roosevelt_Franklin_Delano.html | |
74. Genealogy Of The Presidents Of The USA 32th President Franklin Delano Roosevelt 32th President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Birth 30 Jan 1882, Hyde Park, Dutchess County, New York; Married 17 Mar 1905, New York; http://users.legacyfamilytree.com/USPresidents/4193.htm | |
75. QuotationReference.com: Franklin Delano Roosevelt A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned how to walk forward. (Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1882 1945, 32nd US http://www.quotationreference.com/quotefinder.php?byax=1&strt=1&subj=Franklin De |
76. Vitalog - The Book Of Life : Franklin Delano ROOSEVELT (1882 - 1945) - Brief Res Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882 1945). Roosevelt was an outstanding American president, one of the most revered and influential http://www.vitalog.com/cgi-bin/profile/index.cgi?id=1565 |
77. ROYAL PORTAL - Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (nickname FDR) 1882 -- 1945 Click to Visit People INFO Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (nickname FDR) 1882 1945 Posted on Monday, May 06 @ 052203 GMT by gokalp. http://ladydiana.portal.dk3.com/article.php?sid=839 |
78. Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Pronunciation Key. Roosevelt, Franklin Delano , 18821945, 32d President of the United States (193345), b. Hyde Park, NY. Sections http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0842365.html | |
79. World Almanac For Kids Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (18821945), 32d president of the US (193345); elected for an unprecedented four terms, he was one of the 20th centurys most http://www.worldalmanacforkids.com/explore/presidents/roosevelt_franklind.html | |
80. 1882 1945 Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt Champion of Freedom Franklin Delano Roosevelt Champion of Freedom Conrad Black has presented a superb biography of Franklin http://20th-century-history-books.com/1882_1945_Roosevelt.html | |
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