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81. ODP++ http//www.kirjasto.sci.fi/Rohmer.htm. Sax Rohmer (18831959) Profile, works, etexts, background. http//www3.shropshire-cc.gov.uk/Rohmer.htm. http://www.babieca.com/cgi-bin/odp/index.cgi?base=/Arts/Literature/Authors/R/Roh |
82. Tulsa City-County Library /All Locations Num Mark AUTHORS (15 of 5) Medium Year Rohmer Sax 1883 1959 1 The Fu Manchu Omnibus / Sax Rohmer. 2001 2 Island Of Fu Manchu. 2001 http://opac.tulsalibrary.org:90/kids/6,326/search/a?Rohmer, Sax, 1883-1959 |
83. Literature/Authors/R/Rohmer, Sax - Fractured Atlas Links Directory selected works. Sax Rohmer (18831959) Profile, works, e-texts, background. Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web. http://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/links/Literature/Authors/R/Rohmer__Sax/index. | |
84. SciFan: Writer: Sax Rohmer (bibliography, Books, Series, Web Links) Writers Sax Rohmer (1883 1959) About the author Re-Enter Fu Manchu ( Amazon - Alibris) 1959. Emperor Fu Manchu ( Amazon http://www.scifan.com/writers/rr/RohmerSax.asp | |
85. Sax Rohmer Sax Rohmer was born Arthur Henry Ward in Birmingham of Irish parents. THE WRATH OF FU MANCHU AND OTHER STORIES, 1973; Sax Rohmer S COLLECTED NOVELS, 1983; http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/rohmer.htm | |
86. Sax Rohmer Search for Sax Rohmer At Amazon. On Project Gutenberg Sax Rohmer (born Arthur Henry Sarsfield Ward, February 15, 1883 June 1, 1959) was a prolific English novelist http://www.abacci.com/books/authorDetails.asp?authorID=271 |
87. Sax Rohmer - Wikipedia Printable version Disclaimers. Not logged in. Log in Help. Sax Rohmer. Arthur Henry Sarsfield Ward ( February 15, 1883 June 1, 1959), better known as Sax Rohmer, was a prolific English novelist. http://en2.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sax_Rohmer |
88. Tantor.com : Sax Rohmer famous James Bond novel DR. NO. Sax Rohmer was born in 1883 as Arthur Henry Ward in Birmingham from a combination of pneumonia and a stroke on June 1, 1959 http://www.tantor.com/AuthorDetail.asp?Author=Rohmer_S&Affil=kirjasto.sci.fi |
89. Sax Rohmer Bibliography FantasticFiction Authors R Sax Rohmer. Fantastic Fiction, Sax Rohmer (Arthur Henry Sarsfield Ward) UK (1883 1959) aka Michael Furey. Search Authors. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/Sax_Rohmer.htm | |
90. La Camera Gialla - Sax Rohmer: Biografia Completa http://www.cameragialla.it/authors/rohmerbio.htm | |
91. TbNXE[}[(Sax Rohmer) The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://homepage1.nifty.com/ta/sfr/rohmer.htm | |
92. Literate Five-O, Part 1 movie. Fu Manchu was an evil character in the mystery novels of Sax Rohmer (pseudonym of Arthur Sarsfield Ward (1883 1959)). The http://home.comcast.net/~waxtadpole/lit1.htm | |
93. The Fantastic Writer's Gallery (the ValCap DungeoN) 4, 1875 + December 29, 1926) Albert Robida, (May 14, 1848 + October 11, 1926) Sax Rohmer, (pseudonym of Arthur Henry Ward) (February 15, 1883 + 1959) JH Rosny http://www.elfqrin.com/dungeon/Writers.html | |
94. The Fantastic Writer's Gallery (the ValCap DungeoN) 1875 + December 29, 1926) Robida, Albert (May 14, 1848 + October 11, 1926) Rohmer, Sax (pseudonym of Ward, Arthur Henry) (February 15, 1883 + 1959) Rosny Ainé http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Lair/2053/Writers2.html | |
95. GIGA Biographical List Of Names (ROG - ROR) 8) BUY AMAZON BOOK Will B. Rogers, no available biographical information BUY AMAZON BOOK Sax Rohmer, English mystery writer (1883 - 1959) - BUY AMAZON http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/qubiorog.htm | |
96. GIGA Chronological Author List "1880 To 1884" AMAZON BOOK Marjorie Lowry Christie Pickthall, English poet (1883 1922) - BUY AMAZON BOOK Sax Rohmer, English mystery writer (1883 - 1959) - BUY AMAZON http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quay1880.htm | |
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