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         Rohmer Sax:     more detail
  1. The romance of sorcery / by Sax Rohmer [i.e. A. S. Ward] ; introd. to the Causeway ed. by Felix Morrow by Sax (1883-1959) Rohmer, 1973
  2. Yu'an Hee See laughs, by Sax Rohmer [pseud.] by Sax (1883-1959) Rohmer, 1952
  3. Dope. by Sax Rohmer [pseud.] by Rohmer. Sax. 1883-1959., 1919-01-01
  4. Tales Of Chinatown by Rohmer Sax 1883-1959, 2010-10-15
  5. The yellow claw. by Sax Rohmer [pseud.] by Rohmer. Sax. 1883-1959., 1915-01-01
  6. The green eyes of Bast. by Sax Rohmer [pseud.] by Rohmer. Sax. 1883-1959., 1920
  7. Tales of secret Egypt. by Sax Rohmer [pseud.] by Rohmer. Sax. 1883-1959., 1920-01-01
  8. Tales of Chinatown by Sax Hohmer [pseud.]. by Rohmer. Sax. 1883-1959., 1922-01-01
  9. The Insidious Dr. Fu-Manchu ; being a somewhat detailed account by Rohmer. Sax. 1883-1959., 1917-01-01
  10. Master of Villainy: A Biography of Sax Rohmer by Cay Van Ash, Elizabeth Sax Rohmer, 1972-06

61. Kosminen Colosseum #0
98) on kunniateko Sax Rohmerin (18831959) kirjoittamille seikkailukirjoille viheriäisinä leimuavat silmänsä Sax Rohmeriin loistava herra Rohmer, mutta nyt
Boris Hurtta: Keltaisen virran vesi
(Portti 1/98)

B oris Hurtan Keltaisen virran vesi (Portti 1/98) on kunniateko Sax Rohmerin
freak stuff
" tai " obsolete out " jne. Korkeintaan kuriositeettina luettavissa nuorempien lukijoiden sankassa (?) joukossa.

Kugler Gyöngyi. Rohmer, Sax; pseudonym of A. Sarsfield Ward, (18831959) The Mystery of Fu Manchu, London Methuen, 1913 Dr. Fu
  • The Merchant of Stratford, IASFM Jul '79
    • Galaktika
    • Secret Rider, New Dimensions 6
      • Galaktika
      • Galaktika
      REAMY, TOM ; [i.e., Thomas Earl Reamy] (1935-1977)
      • The Detweiler Boy, Apr '77
        • Galaktika
        REAVES, J(ames) MICHAEL
        • The Tearing of Greymare House, Mar '83
        REDD, DAVID
        • The House on Hollow Mountain, May '82
          • Galaktika
          REED, KIT ; working name of Lillian Craig Reed, (1932- )
          • River, IASFM Sep '91
            • "River", Galaktika
            REED, ROBERT (David)
            • Killing the Morrow, Starlight 1 , ed. Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Tor, 1996
              • "A holnap gyilkosa", Feb, 2003, ford. Kamper Gergely
            • Mudpuppies [as by Robert Touzalin], L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future v2, ed. Algis Budrys, Bridge, 1986
              • Galaktika
              REEVE, ARTHUR B(enjamin)
              • The Campaign Grafter
                • , Tolnai, 1927, ford.
              • The Invisible Ray
                • , Tolnai, 1927, ford.
              • The Smuggler
              • The Unofficial Spy
              • The White Slave
                • , Tolnai, 1927, ford.
                REEVES-STEVENS, (Francis) GARFIELD
                • A Bad Feeling: The Tale of EV-9D9 (with Judith Reeves-Stevens), Tales from Jabba's Palace , ed. Kevin J. Anderson, Bantam Spectra, 1996
                • One Last Night in the Mos Eisley Cantina: The Tale of the Wolfman and the Lamproid (with Judith Reeves-Stevens)

63. TV ACRES: Simians > Monkeys > Peko The Marmoset (The Adventures Of Fu Manchu)
The TV series was based on the Dr. FuManchu crime novels created by English writer Sax Rohmer, aka Henry Sarsfield Ward (1883-1959), between 1913 and 1959.

Site Index TV Resources TV Character Bios ... Monkeys Monkeys Peko the marmoset - Pet marmoset seen on the crime drama THE ADVENTURES OF FU- MANCHU/SYN/1955-56. Peko was the small South American monkey owned by the villain Dr. Fu-Manchu (Glen Gordon) who operated out of Macao and other oriental settings. With his Marmoset pet by his side (a forerunner to Dr. Evil and his hairless feline companion Mr. Bigglesworth from the Austin Powers films), Dr. Manchu directed an army of nefarious agents to destroy Democracy around the world (committing such acts as germ warfare, smuggling, and attacking peace conferences). The TV series was based on the Dr. Fu-Manchu crime novels created by English writer Sax Rohmer, aka Henry Sarsfield Ward (1883-1959), between 1913 and 1959. " The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu " was the first title in the famous series of "Yellow Peril" novels that pits the sinister genius of the Far East against the British duo of Denis Nayland Smith and his sidekick Dr. Petrie. From the 1913 book "

64. Shadowplay Pagan And Magick Webzine - HERMETIC HORRORS
Sax Rohmer (18831959). Mike Ashley mentions in Who’s Who in Horror and Fantasy Fiction that Rohmer became a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn .


The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a magical order which flourished in England at the turn of the century, is one of the most influential organizations in recent history to have had an effect on western magical beliefs and practices. Much of its ritual has been published in readily-accessible form; yet there still remain many vagaries and uncertainties about the Order, not least with regard to its members.
Most accounts focus primarily on the principal figures who played a role in its founding and turbulent history, S. L. Mathers, Wynn Westcott, W. B. Yeats, A. E. Waite and Aleister Crowley. Of these men and their machinations in the sometimes bitter power-play which constituted so great a part of the Order’s history, so much has been written elsewhere that it would be pointless to discuss it in detail here. Instead, I want to try to clarify the possible connections of various writers of weird fiction whose names have been linked at one time or another with the Order of the Golden Dawn. Some of these indubitably were members of the Order; for others there is some evidence to suggest links, but no conclusive proof; and for several writers whose names have been put forward, there is little or no evidence at all.

65. Tuscaloosa Public Library /All Locations
Author, Rohmer, Sax, 18831959. Title, The mask of Fu Manchu / by Sax Rohmer. Imprint, Thorndike, Me. Thorndike Press, 1985, c1932. LOCATION, CALL , STATUS.,331/search/a?Rohmer, Sax, 1883-

66. ÇнÀ ÀÚ·á½Ç
223, ebook, FireTongue, Rohmer, Sax, ?, 6. 222, ebook, Dope, Rohmer, Sax, 1883-1959, ?, 3. 221, ebook, Where There s A Will, Rinehart, Mary Roberts, ?, 2.

67. R > Rohmer, Sax Sax Rohmer (18831959) Profile, works, e-texts, background.,_Sax/
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Blackmask Online: Fire-Tongue

Chapter-indexed HTML text of the novel. Blackmask Online: Dope
Chapter-indexed HTML text of the novel. Blackmask Online: The Return of Doctor Fu Manchu
Chapter-indexed HTML text of the novel. Blackmask Online: The Insidious Doctor Fu Manchu
Chapter-indexed HTML text of the novel. Sax Rohmer Biography, further reading, selected works. Page By Page Books: The Quest of the Sacred Slipper Chapter-indexed and paged HTML text of the novel. Page By Page Books: Fire-Tongue Chapter-indexed and paged HTML text of the novel. Page By Page Books: The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu Chapter-indexed and paged HTML text of the novel.

68. Seznam Osob Podle Jména: Ro
1896), vedec; Rohmer, Sax, (18831959), Britové rozmelní spisovatele; Roh bucení-hyun, Korejský prezident; Rohrabacher, Dana
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Seznam osob podle jm©na: Ro
Seznam osob podle jm©na B C D ... Q R S T U V ... Ra - Rb - Rc - Rd - Re - Rf - Rg - Rh Ri - Rj - Rk - Rl - Rm - Rn - Ro - Rp - Rq - Rr - Rs - Rt - Ru - Rv - Rw - Rx - Ry - Rz

69. The Devil Doctor By Sax Rohmer
In this second FuManchu novel by English writer Sax Rohmer, aka Henry Sarsfield Ward (1883-1959), the devil doctor leads our heroes on a chase through

70. The Spiritwalk Library: Project Gutenberg
Arlington, 18691935 Roe, Edward Payson, 1838-1888 Roget, Peter Mark, 1779-1869 Rohmer, Sax, 1883-1959 AKA Ward, Arthur Sarsfield, 1883-1959 Rohner, Gerold K
Spiritwalk Library Project Gutenberg Project Gutenberg is the Internet's oldest producer of FREE electronic books (eBooks or eTexts). It intends to put as many books on-line as possible and to gather these on line works into one central location. It is a terrific service of the University of Illinois.
Project Gutenberg is the brainchild of Michael Hart, who in 1971 decided that it would be a really good idea if lots of famous and important texts were freely available to everyone in the world. Since then, he has been joined by hundreds of volunteers who share his vision. Now, more than thirty years later, Project Gutenberg has the following figures (as of November 8th 2002): 203 New eBooks released during October 2002, 1975 New eBooks produced in 2002 (they were 1240 in 2001) for a total of 6267 Total Project Gutenberg eBooks. 119 eBooks have been posted so far by Project Gutenberg of Australia
These links will take you to the current Gutenberg website indexes Use the back key to return to The Spiritwalk Library Author List Title List Back To Spiritwalk Library: On-line Libraries
Below is an old Authors list, but will give you an idea of the scale of this project.

71. The Eclectic Chapbook
answers. And often the question on their minds was Who is behind all this? Sax Rohmer (18831959) the author of THE INSIDIOUS DR. FU

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Friday, November 8
KNIGHT WITHOUT A HORSE continued . . .
For the Gulf News story "Row fuels people's curiosity" covering the TV mini-series, they interview some folks in Beirut.
Ahmed Sinno, a student at the American University of Beirut... "thank God we have televisions that are outside the American hegemony such as the (Hezbollah-owned) Manar Television."
But over at Yalla! Your Lebanese Portal , we get a somewhat different picture via AFP:
Lebanon's highest court Monday annulled the June by-election victory of anti-Syrian Christian opposition MP Gabriel Murr over a government candidate, judicial sources said.
So, while Ahmed and others are sitting mesmerized in front of their (Hezbollah-owned) Manar TV, it seems like an election has just been annulled. button 11/8/2002 09:15:48 PM
Thursday, November 7
THE CAMEL THAT GREW SIX WHEELS Are Evil Masterminds taking over your world? Sometimes it may seem that way. But Evil Masterminds really enjoyed their apex of popularity around the turn of the last century from the late 1800’s into the 1920’s. As we have moved from the Twentieth Century into the Twenty-First, it is not surprising to see a revival of this phenomenon.

72. Rabelais, Francois, 1483-1553
http//, txt,htmeng. Rohmer, Sax, 1883-1959, 1005591. Dope. http//, txt,htm-eng. Rohmer, Sax, 1883-1959, 1005592. Fire-Tongue.
Rabelais, Francois, 1483-1553 Gargantua And Pantagruel txt,htm-eng Racine, Jean Alexandre le Grand msr,pdf-fre Racine, Jean Andromaque msr,pdf-fre Racine, Jean Athalie msr,pdf-fre Racine, Jean Bajazet msr,pdf-fre Racine, Jean Berenice msr,pdf-fre Racine, Jean Britannicus msr,pdf-fre Racine, Jean Esther msr,pdf-fre Racine, Jean Iphigenie msr,pdf-fre Racine, Jean Mithridate msr,pdf-fre Racine, Jean Phedre msr,pdf-fre Racine, Jean Les Plaideurs msr,pdf-fre Racine, Jean La Thebaide msr,pdf-fre Racine, Jean Baptiste, 1639-1699 Phaedra, RB Boswell, Tr. txt,htm-eng Radcliffe, Ann Ward, 1764-1823 Mysteries of Udolpho, The txt,htm-eng Raine, William MacLeod, 1871-1954 Bucky O'Connor txt,htm-eng Raine, William MacLeod, 1871-1954

1871 Roberts, Morley, 18571942 Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 1869-1935 Roe, Edward Payson, 1838-1888 Roget, Peter Mark, 1779-1869 Rohmer, Sax, 1883-1959 AKA Ward

74. Pusseldeckare Boktips
Rohmer, Sax Det hemlighetsfulla Egypten noveller Speltid 7 tim 12 min/1 CDR Inläsare Lars Nygren. SR, 1883-1959, brittisk äventyrsförfattare, är mest
Talböcker för vuxna. 2004 Allingham, Margery
Tag två vid sängdags
Speltid 7 tim 17 min/1 CD-R
Inläsare: Qina Johansson Två noveller av en av Englands klassiska deckardrottningar M.A., 1904-66. Efterspanas: En oskyldig berättar om den unga Gillian Brayton, som tar plats som sekreterare hos en f.d. skolkamrat. Men allt står inte rätt till och snart känner hon sig hotad av okända och onda makter. Sista akten handlar om omständigheterna kring den färgstarka 80-åriga skådespelerskan Mathilde Zoffanys död. Hce Allingham, Margery
Tragedi i revytruppen
Speltid 9 tim 48 min/1 CD-R
Inläsare: Anna Godenius William Faraday får en oväntad framgång med sitt manus till en operett. Han tar med sig sin släkting, detektiven Albert Campion, på en föreställning. Efteråt går de bakom scenen och träffar stjärnan Jimmy Surante, som berättar att han förföljs av någon. Några dagar senare hittas motspelerskan Chloe Pyes mördad på Surantes lantställe. Campion får ett svårt fall att lösa i denna pusseldeckare i engelsk revymiljö. Inläst ur Geber, 1940. Hce Brown, Fredric

75. Rohmer,_Sax
selected works. Sax Rohmer (18831959) profile - http// Profile, works, e-texts, background.,_S
@import url(; Search Directory Forum Literature Authors R Rohmer, Sax - Found 11 sites about Rohmer, Sax

76. Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926
Agnes Mary Frances), 18571944 Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 1869-1935 Roe, Edward Payson, 1838-1888 Roget, Peter Mark, 1779-1869 Rohmer, Sax, 1883-1959 AKA Ward NW/wirtualna biblioteka/autorzy.htm

77. Web Directory: /Arts/Literature/Authors/R/Rohmer, Sax/
Sax Rohmer (Alexa Site Info) Biography, further reading, selected works. Sax Rohmer (18831959) (Alexa Site Info) Profile, works, etexts, background.,_Sax/

78. Pseudonyms And Artist Names - Pseudonymer Och Artistnamn
Literature, Rohmer, Sax, Ward, Arthur Henry Sarsfield, 18831959 (Great Britain). Literature, Romains, Jules, Farigoule, Louis (1885-1972), France.
Ctrl-F (Find)
Search the list with your browser's search tool in this fashion: surname, birthname A few examples: Williams, Jerry Wayne, John Loyola, Ignatius Artist names, though, are listed straight: Dr. John Mr. T La Gioconda In the case where you don't find anything at all, try searching for just one of the names, since there could be a debate over what should be where. E.g. how would you list Busta Rhymes? It is an artist name, but can be seen as an ordinary (well...) name too. If you suspect that the name contains a strange character, try to "search around" it.
Who knows, you might find more interesting facts than you bargained for. If you find an error or want to complete the list, send an e-mail to Architecture le Corbusier Jeanneret, Charles Edouard Art da Pontormo, Jacopo Carucci, Jacopo Art del Piombo, Sebastiano Luciani, Sebastiano Art del Sarto, Andrea del Angelo, Andrea Art el Greco Theotocopuli, Domenico Art Francesca, Piero

79. Author
Author, Rohmer, Sax, 18831959. Title, The book of Fu-Manchu / by Sax Rohmer pseud. being a complete and detailed account of the,1913,1941/search/aRohmer, Sax, 1883-1959./ar
Author Rohmer, Sax, 1883-1959. Title The book of Fu-Manchu / by Sax Rohmer [pseud.] being a complete and detailed account of the amazing career in crime of the sinister Chinaman. Pub.Info. New York : R.M. McBride, 1929.

80. Palm EBooks
by Sax Rohmer (18831959) Dope - Palm version - Dope.pdb Dope - original PG file - The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu - Palm
Skip right to the books Do you have a Personal Digital Assistant? So have I. I've got a Handspring Visor Platinum . With the visor's arrival my belt has expreienced an increase in the scope of it's responsibilities beyond it's role of merely keeping my trousers from falling down. The PDA moved in and quickly become top dog in the collection of small things that come for the ride with me and tend to my needs as I'm running around in the outside world. By osmosis, the belt has gained status as it's host and protector. After all, it's hosting the greatest belt applique ever. Even the car keys are jealous of the belt for hosting the PDA. Now I've learned to love my PDA for all the usual reasons but one application in particular has really got me going, and that is reading eBooks . I've tried reading these things on my desktop computer before but never really found the experience all that enjoyable; sitting stiff necked, eyes fixed on the screen for the duration. This gets tedious real fast when trying to read a full length novel. With the pda you're free to read e-texts anywhere that you happen to be... in line at the post office or supermarket, in traffic in your car or even on a rollercoaster In some ways an e-book is better than a paper book. It's better because it's small and fits nicely in one hand, always remembers your place and can even be read in complete darkness with the backlit screen function. It's better because with a tap or two on the screen you can access all the other software and features of your pda and then, just as quickly return to your book right where you left off. It's better because the book is just a file that can be deleted or moved to a disk when you're finished reading and so is more environmentally friendly than a paper book. With an eBook on your pda there's no longer wasted time in your life because no matter where you are or what you're doing, you can whip it out and continue reading your book right where you last left off.

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