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Roget Peter Mark: more detail | ||||||
61. Peter Mark Roget -- Encyclopædia Britannica Peter Mark Roget. born Jan. 18, 1779, London, Eng. died Sept. 12, 1869, West Malvern, Worcestershire MLA style " Peter Mark Roget." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004 http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=85933&tocid=0 |
62. Explore The University Of Edinburgh - Millennial Plaques Peter Mark Roget, 1779 1869 Peter Mark Roget Physician Philologist, authorof the Thesaurus of English Words Phrases, graduate of the University. http://www.ed.ac.uk/history/millennial.html | |
63. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Roget, Peter Mark Copyright© 19711998 Project Gutenberg PROMO.NET - All rights reserved.Web Site Designed and Administered by Pietro Di Miceli http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_roget_peter_mark_.html |
64. Descendants Of Pierre Romilly 4 5 ? Romilly 2 5 ? Romilly - 3 5 ? Romilly - 1 5 Catherine Romilly 1755 -1835 +Jean Roget 1751 - 1783 6 Peter Mark Roget, MD 1779 - 1869 +Mary Hobson http://home.clara.net/romilly/romifam.htm | |
65. The Darwin Correspondence Online Database Previous Rogers, WB, Next Rohlfs, GF. Peter Mark Roget, 17791869.For a list of all references in the database, including a list http://darwin.lib.cam.ac.uk/perl/nav?pclass=name&pkey=Roget, P. M. |
66. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Peter Mark Roget (Language And Linguistics, Biographies) Related Category Language And Linguistics, Biographies. Peter Mark RogetrOzhA´Pronunciation Key, 17791869, English physician and lexicographer. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/R/Roget-Pe.html | |
67. Preface To Roget's Thesaurus Peter Mark Roget 1779 1869. Peter Mark Roget. 1779 - 1869. . Prefaceto Roget s Thesaurus. (1852). The man is not wholly evil - he http://mizian.com.ne.kr/englishwiz/library/rog/preface.html | |
68. Biography Peter Mark Roget 1779 1869. Peter Mark Roget. 1779 - 1869. The authorof the Treasury of Words could hardly have thought that his http://mizian.com.ne.kr/englishwiz/library/rog/brief_biography_by_donald_f__kent | |
69. Des Créationnistes Du Passé. Translate this page William Bell (1861 - 1947) Rimmer, Harry (1890 - 1952) Rodd, Thomas (1796 - 1849)Rogers, Henry (1808 - 1866) Roget, Peter Mark (1779 - 1869) Romanes, George http://www.samizdat.qc.ca/cosmos/origines/list_ms.htm | |
70. Lexikon - Suche Person/R Definition Erklärung Bedeutung Roget, Peter Mark (1779 - 1869), britischer Lexikograph;Romero, George A; Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad, deutscher Physiker; http://www.net-lexikon.de/Suche-Person-R.html | |
71. AIM25: Royal College Of Physicians: LATHAM, Peter Mere (1789-1875) In March 1823 he and Peter Mark Roget, fellow physician and savant, were asked bythe government to undertake the investigation of an epidemic disorder then http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=7159&inst_id=8 |
72. Project Gutenberg Favourites What is Property? text file 907 KB zip file 384 KB. Peter Mark Roget17791869. Rogets Thesaurus. text file 1.47 MB zip file 587 KB. http://www.rising7.force9.co.uk/pg.html | |
73. Wissenschaftler, Die An Die Schöpfungslehre Glauben Www.wort-des Peter Mark Roget (17791869) Physiker; Physiologie Thomas Chalmers (1780 http://www.wort-des-kreuzes.de/Evolution/wissenschaftler.html | |
74. ÌÀ¼¨Åª¤ËÀë¸À¤µ¤ì¤Þ¤¹¡£: ¥·¥½¡¼¥é¥¹¤Ë¤Ä¤¤¤ BBC History - Peter Mark Roget (1779 - 1869) http//www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/Roget_Peter_Mark.shtml.? http://www.chimimo.com/mt/archives/000231.html | |
75. YouDebate.com Forum > YE Creationists - Real Science 1829) Thermokinetics; Safety lamp Benjamin Silliman (17791864) Mineralogist (oldearthcompromiser*) Peter Mark Roget (17791869) Physician; Physiologist http://www.youdebate.com/cgi-bin/scarecrow/edit.cgi?forum=3&topic=2603&id=2608 |
76. Anatine Timeline Of The 18th Century 1783 1830) Niccolo Paganini (c.1782 - 1840) Siméon Denis Poisson (1781 - 1840)Elizabeth Fry (1780 - 1845) Peter Mark Roget (1779 - 1869) Joseph Grimaldi http://www.anatine.co.uk/c18.htm | |
77. Untitled Document Continuing on what Peter Mark Roget (1779 1869) had published in the PhilosophicalTransactions, he describes two parallel discs, revolving on the same axis http://allserv.rug.ac.be/~ivhaeghe/mhsgent/engl-plat5.html | |
78. Roget's Thesaurus :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius Online Encyclopedia Roget s Thesaurus is the world s bestknown thesaurus, createdby Dr. Peter Mark Roget (1779 - 1869) in 1805 and was released to the public http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/r/ro/roget_s_thesaurus.html | |
79. Keeping Up With The Joneses - Introduction Below is a facsimile of the first page of Roget s manuscript. Dr Peter MarkRoget (17791869). The first page of the manuscript of Roget sThesaurus. http://www.toadshow.com.au/anne/cliches/clintro.htm | |
80. Taking Darwin Out Of Context Benjamin Silliman (17791864) Mineralogist (oldearth compromiser*);Peter Mark Roget (17791869) Physician; Physiologist; Thomas http://www.thedarwinpapers.com/oldsite/Appendix2.html | |
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