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Roget Peter Mark: more detail | ||||||
41. SIR HUMPHRY DAVY - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 12/23 not lately heard of Dr Roget, I understood that He was gone to the Continent. Dr. Roget was, most probably, Peter Mark Roget (17791869), English physician http://www.galleryofhistory.com/archive/8_2003/scientists/SIR_HUMPHRY_DAVY.htm | |
42. Ishtar CHESMAYNE. Roget Peter Mark. Roget, Peter Mark (17791869) link. 1779-1869. Hedevised the first pocket chess set in 1845 and author of Rogets Thesaurus. http://www.chess-dictionary-chesmayne.net/Roget Peter Mark.htm | |
43. Roget - Definition By Dict.die.net Source WordNet (r) 1.7 Roget n English physician who in retirement compileda wellknown thesaurus (1779-1869) syn Roget, Peter Mark Roget. http://dict.die.net/roget/ | |
44. TEM - Introducción Al Tesauro De Enteógenos Multilingüe Translate this page Peter Mark Roget (1779-1869) fue la primera persona en emplear este término ensu obra Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases (1852), en la que relacionaba http://www.mercurialis.com/TEM/introduccion-al-TEM.htm | |
45. Peter Mark Roget - AnsMe.com Dictionary (define) Definition for Peter Mark Roget. Peter Mark Roget (noun) . 1. English physicianwho in retirement compiled a well-known thesaurus (1779-1869) Synonyms Roget. http://define.ansme.com/words/p/peter_mark_roget.html | |
46. Area: 5/6/17587/28/1794) politics Robinson, Sir Robert Nobel prize winner in chemistry,1947 Roget, Peter Mark (1/18/1779-1869) writer (Thesaurus) Romack misc http://utenti.lycos.it/dguasti/famosi.htm | |
47. ¹Ý²Ø×ÊÔ´ H316 R732S New ed. Roget s Thesaurus of English words and phrases. , Kirkpatrick,Betty., Roget, Peter Mark, 17791869. 0582893631 , Longman,, 1987. . http://www.lib.sjtu.edu.cn/chinese/collection&resources/xstbww03-12.htm | |
48. UCL: Bentham Project, Journal Of Bentham Studies These little discussed manuscripts are mentioned by Bentham in a letter to his brotherSamuel and in two letters to Peter Mark Roget (17791869), a precocious http://www.ucl.ac.uk/Bentham-Project/journal/nlcohen.htm | |
49. Pajek Data: Roget's Thesaurus, 1879 Dr. Peter Mark Roget (17791869) philologist, scientist, physician. The nameRoget could soon become a virtual synonym for the word synonym . http://vlado.fmf.uni-lj.si/pub/networks/data/dic/roget/Roget.htm |
50. Newbooks3.asp 423.1, Roget, Peter, 17791869, Roget s thesaurus of English words and 423.1 ROG,Roget s II the new thesaurus 428.00712, Pike, Mark A, Teaching secondary English http://www.roehampton.ac.uk/subject/newbooks3.asp | |
51. Selected Nineteenth Century Works: R Roget, Peter Mark, 17791869. Animal and vegetable physiology considered with referenceto natural theology, by Peter Mark Roget. Roget, Peter Mark, 1779-1869. http://www.thebakken.org/library/books/19r.htm | |
52. Merriam-Webster Online One entry found for Roget. Main Entry Ro·get Pronunciation rO zhA, rO- Functionbiographical name Peter Mark 1779-1869 English physician scholar http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?va=Roget |
53. BBC - History - Peter Mark Roget (1779 - 1869) Peter Mark Roget (1779 1869). By the age of fourteen Roget was studyingmedicine at Edinburgh University, graduating five years http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/roget_peter_mark.shtml | |
54. C.O. Sylvester Mawson, Ed. 1922. Roget's International Thesaurus Of English Word OTHER AUTHOR Roget, Peter Mark, 17791869. CITATION Mawson, CO Sylvester,ed. Rogets International Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. http://www.bartleby.com/br/110.html | |
55. Adventures In CyberSound: Roget, Peter Mark ADVENTURES in CYBERSOUND. Peter Mark Roget 1779 1869. Peter MarkRoget, an Englishman, theorized in 1824 that the retina of the http://www.acmi.net.au/AIC/ROGET_BIO.html | |
56. Roget, Peter Mark Pronunciation Key. Roget, Peter Mark , 17791869, English physician and lexicographer secretary of the Royal Society (182749), Roget prepared his Thesaurus of English Words and http://www.infoplease.com/ce5/CE044549.html | |
57. Roget, Peter Mark. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. Roget, Peter Mark. (rzh ´) (KEY) , 17791869, English physician and lexicographer. http://www.bartleby.com/65/ro/Roget-Pe.html | |
58. Roget, Peter Mark Pronunciation Key. Roget, Peter Mark , 17791869, English physician and lexicographer secretary of the Royal Society (182749), Roget prepared his Thesaurus of English Words and http://www.factmonster.com/ce5/CE044549.html | |
59. Roget, Peter Mark. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language: F American Heritage Coll. Dictionary. Roget's Thesauri. Roget's II Thesaurus. Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Roget, Peter Mark. SYLLABICATION Ro·get. PRONUNCIATION r zh, rzh. DATES 17791869 http://www.bartleby.com/61/61/R0286100.html | |
60. Explore The University Of Edinburgh | Peter Mark Roget Peter Mark Roget. 1779 1869 Physician Philologist, author of the Thesaurusof English Words Phrases, graduate of the University. Millennial Plaques. http://www.ed.ac.uk/history/roget.html | |
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