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Robinson A Mary F: more books (31) | ||||||||||||||||
81. MEAD Thru MYRTLE MILLS,, Harold F., SGT, 1909, 1944, Glenwild (Vol 5). MILLS,, Stanley Robinson,1902, 1947, Glenwild (Vol 5). MILLS,, Verna Mary (Carroll), 1926, ND, Garden City(Vol 8). http://members.fortunecity.com/cassmofind/masterindex/Me.htm | |
82. Abbott Memorial Collection 182999) 32 Robinson, Helen Roosevelt 33 Robinson, William S M. 42 Teller, WM 43 Terhune,Mary Virgina Marion 51 Thursby, Emma 52 Thwing, Charles F. 53 Tiffany http://library.bowdoin.edu/arch/mss/amccl.shtml | |
83. DUNCAN, ELIJAH FROST[8] Robinson. SEE, WARD, ELI(1f10e) Mary DUNCAN CHILDREN; Coy Lee, James F, Carl Edward,Jerry Wayne, Cora Lea, Billy J, Edith Mae, Patsy Ann, Earlene, Samuel Eli http://apianotuning.com/DUNCAN, ELIJAH FROST[8].htm |
84. Selected List Of Poetry With A Strongly Classical Basis, Mainly TE Goud; Peter Green; Mark Gustafson; David Havird; F. Helm; Bob Ingria Adolphe (18861962)Villanelle of the Living Pan Robinson, Agnes Mary Frances (1857 http://www.keele.ac.uk/depts/cl/poetry.html |
85. Spring Hill Cemetery Robinson, Harry 14 Feb 1901 8 Dec 1955; Rogers, Carl 29 Sowell, Benjamin F. 18 May1850 - 13 Oct 1895 father; Mac 8 Apr 1918 - dau of JJ Mary McCrary - wife http://www.usroots.com/~jmautrey/cemeteries/springhillcem.htm | |
86. North Prairie Cemetery Listing 1885, 02 Oct 1940, Row 3/Lot 8/Sp1, Robinson, Frank G. 3 Oct. Co F 130 Ia Inf. WWI PH. Schooley, Mary, 25 Oct 1857, 27 May 1889, Row 9/Lot5/Sp2, Daughter of IE EJ. http://www.wlpl.org/NorthPrairie.shtml | |
87. Liberty Cemetery, Hopkins Co. Cemeteries Of TX 1903, d. 17 Oct. 1904, son of JM SC Roach. Robinson, Mary Inez b. 26 May 1900,d. 7 Ap. 1998. Robinson, Samuel F. - b. 7 Mar. 1879, d. 12 Aug. 1941. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/tx/topic/cemeteries/Etx/Hopkins/cemetery/liberty.htm | |
88. Subbus John F. Kennedy, 19171963, 35th President of the 8. Mary Todd Lincoln, 1818-1882,Wife of President 4. Jackie Robinson, 1919-1972, First black baseball player in http://www.sosu.edu/lib/historicalpeople.htm | |
90. Thomas Baggett Descendants 66 Mary F. Baggett, 18621914, married 1882 Russell B. Smith, 1852-1896, both buried 54Seaborn J. Baggett, 1825-1885, married Mary Ann Robinson, died in http://baggetthistory.com/thomas.html | |
91. John Michael Zellhoefer attended ZKreunion; children Harold b.abt.1914 Lyle F b.abt Eunice 18951976 (Mauston),m.Robinson abt 1918. census in Sullivan Township Jacob 61 Mary R 40 http://www.gencircles.com/users/ronkz/9/data/10 | |
92. HMC | NRA | Persons Beginning FE Phillipps (18561938) Antiquary (1) Feodore Beatrice Mary Victoria (1857 1975) DurhamDiocesan Registrar (1) Ferens, Thomas Robinson (1847-1930 A B C D E F G H I http://www.hmc.gov.uk/nra/browser/person/page/personFE.htm | |
93. I44271: Mary F. (Oct 1864 - ____) Mary F. (Oct 1864 ) http://www.poindexterfamily.org/gedcom/html/g0000231.html | |
94. The ADAMS Family Tree - General Report 1963 ..Francis George Robinson 189 Muirhead 1850 1922 ..MaryYule 1855 1947 ..4 Benjamin F. Moore 1888 http://www.geocities.com/adamsfamilytree/general.html | |
95. The Charleston Renaissance Gallery: Home Charles F. Naegele (18571944 http://www.fineartsouth.com/artist/index.cfm?ArtistID=431&BreadCrumb=9 |
96. Blair And Lee Family Papers 240. 1. Marshall, Thomas F. 7 ALsS (fragments), 18421843. 2. 17. Riggs, Mary1849-1888. 18. Ringgola, TL ALS, nd. 19. Robinson, Arthur Lee 2 ALsS, 1864. http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/blairlee/blairlee8.htm | |
97. Women Composers 1760-1899 Grabowska (17711831, Poland) Maria F. Parke (1772 Zubeldia (1888-1987, Mexico) CarolRobinson (1889-1979 Marguerite Canal (1890-1978, France) Mary Baugh Watson | |
98. Penn State Harrisburg Library Individual Personal Name Files In Return to top F FARRAR, Geraldine, 18821967 FELTON Amélie Louise Rives, 1832-1873ROBINSON, Edith ROGERS STIRLING, Fanny, 1815-1895 STIRLING, Mary Anne see http://www.hbg.psu.edu/library/womenslist.html |
99. EKF Playlists - Programs 1-50 Soir d hiver, VMM 2005 Carol Robinson (American, b Toys, Sony Classical SK 53 960Mary Howe (American Hensel (German, 18051847) Prelude in F Major, Gasparo GSCD http://www.womensmusic.com/playlist201.html | |
100. Index ?) Virgil F. (1892 ?) DODDS FOX Geraldine Stephen Charles Unknown FRADENBURGHRobinson Spencer (1848 GILMAN Sandra GILMORE Alice Elizabeth Mary (1864 - 1945 http://mckague.com/genealogy/cavan/WC_IDX/IDX001.HTM | |
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