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Robinson A Mary F: more books (31) | ||
41. GIGA Biographical List Of Names (RO - ROF) PEOPLE A B C D E F G H Madame James Darmesteter), English poet (1857 1944) -BUY AMAZON 1907) - BUY AMAZON BOOK Mary Robinson, Irish political leader http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/qubioro.htm | |
42. GIGA Biographical List Of Names (DAN - DAU) U V W X Y Z PEOPLE A B C D E F G H and writer (1849 1936) - BUY AMAZON BOOKMadame James Darmesteter (Agnes Mary Frances Robinson), English poet http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/qubiodan.htm | |
43. Burgundy - A Poetry Discussion Board 6. A Little While by A Mary F Robinson 1857 1944 12/27 0206pm9. 1. Pallor by A Mary F Robinson 1857 - 1944 10/19 0105pm 1. http://www.spiderbomb.com/burgundy/messages/8/349.html?1083329952 |
44. Oakwood Cemetery Mary VR Felton (?) 19 January 18?4 26 April 1889 (?). Friedrich H., son of F.and H. Kirchner - rest to worn to read. Clarence Robinson (?) - no dates. http://www.pressenter.com/~gregboe/Nininger_oakwood20.htm | |
45. St. Victorias Catholic Church Cemetery Ruth G. Robinson 19061984. baby Robling - 18 March 1955 -. Maria Schmid, wifeof F. Schmieg 2 January 1861 - 16 March 1888. Mary Schmieg 1884-1963. http://www.pressenter.com/~gregboe/Victoria-St.Victoria14.htm | |
46. Benton County Arkansas Cemetery Data WEDDINGTON THURMAN CORNELIA F. 1853 1948 WEDDINGTON THURMAN CUVAS 1902 1961 WHITEOAK TINCHER Mary JANE 1908 1963 GENTRY TINDELL OLA 1927 1930 Robinson or YELL http://www.rootsweb.com/~arbenton/bccpg/bentc147.htm | |
47. Keya Paha County, NEGenWeb Project - Norden Cemetery Aug 10, 1827 Sep 12, 1893 Langer, Mary 1872 - 1940 Wife Ethel D 1892 - 1985 Nissen,John F 1879 - 1963 Peace Randall, Eli (just a marker) Robinson, A Marie http://www.rootsweb.com/~nekeyapa/cemetery/norden.html | |
48. KI2A-003 CARDWELL PARISH - East Of Penobsquis Clifford S. 1900 1950. w Bessie F. Ferguson 1903 - .28. 134. William H. Stuart1863 - 1940. w Bessie A. Robinson 1877 - 1967. w Mary Ad Jan 1903 age 87. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/5285/Ki2a-003.html | |
49. MONTEFIORE Families And Relatives MONTEFIORE (1887 1917) Victoria Violet F. MONTEFIORE (1853 1865) Justina LydiaGOMPERTZ (1811 - 1883) Mary GREENLAND Carlton Robinson GREGORY Ivy http://www.apex.net.au/~tmj/montefiore.htm | |
50. Zion UM Church Cemetery Page 05/1910 07/29/1961; Jones, Anna M. 1857 - 1944; Jones, Briana 09/10/1909 - 05/01/1946;Quinton, Noah F. s/o Helen S. 02/06/1896 - 03/11/1975; Robinson, Mary E. 03 http://www.shoreweb.com/cindy/zion.htm |
51. Oakhill Cemetery (Saline Central Burial Ground) Reading For Saline, Saline Towns first 1 acre was given to the township by Duncan Robinson for a yrs s/o CC CM LambPeterson, Nancy F. Dec 4 S Jul 28, 1851 age 63 yrs Newcomb, Mary L. Apr http://members.tripod.com/~deemamafred/cemoh.html | |
53. Barrackville Cemetery 18, 1882, Clelland, Virginia E. March 22, 1868, Oct. 26, 1898, w/o Robinson L. Haymond,Ned F. Nov. Heck, Elizabeth Mary, April 26, 1848, June 30, 1914, w/o Alfred. http://www.pa-roots.org/~marion/cemetery/barrackville.html | |
54. Burnsland Cemetery Index, Calgary, Alberta, 1994 Jefferson, Bernice A, 18921951. Jefferson, Isabel Robinson, 1863-1940. Johnson,Anna Maria, 1864-1944. Johnson, Asbury F. 1934. JOHNSTON, Mary E, 1876-1970. http://www.afhs.ab.ca/data/cemeteries/burnsland/burns_j.html | |
55. Blair And Lee Family Papers Mary L. Squires. 9. and ACS, 1879, by Ellen A. Lee; and ALS, 1871, by John F. Lee. ALSby Frances Lee Robinson; 3 ALsS, 18941905; and telegram by Alexander Galt http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/blairlee/blairlee14.ht | |
56. Q2r Roberts, Lorraine Tucker, 1908, 1964, G. Roberts, Richard F. 1924, 1966,J. Robertson, Mary A. 1882, 1970, D. Robinson, Lela M. 1909, 1981, Mother,G. http://raub-and-more.com/warrencemeteries/washcem/q2r.html | |
57. ALDERSON-LINE1-HTM 1216421 John P (1834by1880) Mary J Pritchard John P (1869- M- 1216422 WilliamF (1836- James R (1876-1930) Donnie Robinson (1884- 2d http://members.cts.com/funtv/j/jimacross/ALDERSON-LINE1.HTM | |
58. Archives Of The Gray Herbarium Plant lists box I and BL Robinson inventory (folders 10, 11 Popowsky, Mary, Pennell,Francis Whittier, SH 3, Folder 4 Potter, William F., Mrs. nd, 1, 1 letter re sale http://www.huh.harvard.edu/libraries/sp.htm | |
59. Cerro Gordo County IAGenWeb Sue Riggins, Sue R. 1972 1989 Robinson, son of 1910 PO James, Jerome, Mary, Janet,Joy Theilen, Donald in Anthony McLaughlin lot Thomas, Catherine F. 1899 1969 http://iagenweb.org/cerrogordo/data/cems/stpat2.htm | |
60. Eponyms physicist. Bloody Mary, Queen Mary I of England (151658). philosopher. ~ F ~.Top. general. Heath Robinson, William Heath Robinson (1872-1944), English artist. http://users.tinyonline.co.uk/gswithenbank/eponyms.htm | |
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