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Robinson A Mary F: more books (31) | |||||||
21. Records For Authors, French. (in MARION) Robinson, A. Mary F. (Agnes Mary Frances), 18571944. The French procession;a pageant of great writers, by Mary Duclaux (A. Mary F. Robinson). http://vax.vmi.edu/MARION/@AUTHORS FRENCH/def300008000/0 | |
22. Nineteenth-Century Women Poets: An Oxford Anthology 724, (1). 325. from Aeromancy. 725, (1). A. Mary F. Robinson (later DARMESTETER,later DUCLAUX) (18571944). 726, (7). 326. Tuscan Olives (Rispetti). 727, (2).327. http://www.booksmatter.com/b0198184832.htm | |
23. Authors P-R Belle, 18691948, editor Robert-Houdin, Jean-Eugene, 1805-1871 Roberts, Morley, 1857-1942Robinson, A. Mary F. (Agnes Mary Frances), 1857-1944 Robinson, Edwin http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/p-r.htm | |
24. Tales The Tombstones Tell - N-S Winterburn), 1872, 42 Phlager, Elizabeth F. (Mrs. RM 92 Pickering, Dr. Charles R.,1857-1944, 131 Pickering Robinson, L., -1873, 100 Robinson, Mary Shuler (2nd http://www.monticellowi.com/RichlandCo/tales-ind-ns.htm | |
25. Cemeteries ML Anderson Wood, Oscar E. 18571944 Wood, Callie T 1924 Robinson, John W. 1848-19XXRobinson, Sarah J 1941 Lockwood, FM 1861-1923 Lockwood, Mary F. 1862-1939 http://showcase.netins.net/web/unioniowa/cemeteri.htm | |
26. Rabelais, Francois, 1483-1553 King Billy Of Ballarat. http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htmeng. Robinson, A. Mary F.(Agnes Mary Frances), 1857-1944, 1005583. Goneril. http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htm-eng. http://hzeid.free.fr/ar.htm |
27. Voynich, EL (Ethel Lillian), 1864-1960 http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htmeng. Robinson, A. Mary F. (Agnes Mary Frances),1857-1944, 1005583. Goneril. http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htm-eng. http://hzeid.free.fr/tg.htm |
28. Vienna Modern Masters/ Composers List Chaminade, Cécile (France, 18571944). VMM2005, Les rêves/ L été. Mageau,Mary (USA/ Austraila, 1934). Robinson, Carol (USA, 1889-1979). VMM2005, 4 songs. http://www.xs4all.nl/~gdv/vmm/composers.html | |
29. Autorzy - Biblioteka Wirtualna Kolegium Karkonoskiego - Project Jose, 18611896 Robert-Houdin, Jean-Eugene, 1805-1871 Roberts, Morley, 1857-1942Robinson, A. Mary F. (Agnes Mary Frances), 1857-1944 Robinson, Edwin Arlington http://www.kk.jgora.pl/gutenberg/authors.htm | |
30. A Little While By A Mary F Robinson 1857 - 1944 - Jollyroger.com Author, Topic A little While by A Mary F Robinson 1857 1944. jimclark london england. unregistered Posts From Registered posted http://jollyroger.com/renaissance/htm/Forum4/HTML/000070.html | |
31. A Mary F Robinson (b.1857, D.1944) - Curriculum Vitae (CV) An academic directory and search engine http://www.getcited.org/mbrz/10226911 | |
32. A Marriage Prospec By W H Mallock (sound Poem) - Jollyroger.com posted 1019-2003 0833 Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote AGNES Mary F DUCLATJXwas known as a writer under her maiden name of Mary F Robinson 1857 - 1944. http://jollyroger.com/renaissance/htm/Forum4/HTML/000052.html | |
33. Benton County Arkansas Cemetery Data Robinson MARVIN D. 1930 1944 SPRING CREEK Robinson Mary 1852 1903 CENTERTON Robinson Mary 1857 1920 THORNSBERRY Robinson Mary 1884 1885 BOZARTH Robinson Mary ALMEDA F. 1857 1937 http://www.rootsweb.com/~arbenton/bccpg/bentc126.htm | |
34. ST. MARY'S RC CEMETERY, Lawrenceville, PA/Section F Robinson Mary 30 Oct 1847 23 Oct 1900 Mother. RONEY Sec F Lot 266 (Ground Marker) ROSENFELD MAE GALLIGAN 1900 1953 Beloved wife. RUPP FRANCIS H. 1906 1944 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~njm1/stmyf.htm | |
35. Acoustic Musicians And Poets Sound Archive Sound poems Pallor by A Mary F Robinson 1857 1944 Choose anothermessage board, Pallor by A Mary F Robinson 1857 - 1944.wav. First http://groups.msn.com/acousticmusiciansandpoetssoundarchive/poetrysounds.msnw?ac |
36. Descendants Of William Seatle & Mary Robinson Descendants of William Seatle Mary Robinson. First Generation. 1. William SEATLE was born on 11 Jan 1726 in England. William married Mary Robinson . Children from this marriage were + 2 M i. 9 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~coleharbour/d1.htm | |
37. Acoustic Musicians And Poets Sound Archive (1890.s), 1, MSN Nickname jimiusclarkius, 1/2/2004 1120 AM. A Little While byA Mary F Robinson 1857 1944, 1, MSN Nickname jimiusclarkius, 12/24/2003 1157PM. http://groups.msn.com/acousticmusiciansandpoetssoundarchive/poetrysounds.msnw | |
38. British Library Net Message Board: A Little While By A Mary F Robinson(sound Poe A Little While by A Mary F Robinson(sound poem) melancholic little poem by the Victorianpoet Agnes Mary Frances Robinson 1857 1944 touches upon this http://members3.boardhost.com/roadking/msg/799.html | |
39. I.O.O.F. Cemetery, Maramec, Pawnee Co., OK Nov 1927 Berg, Mary F. 07 Jan Johnson, Mary Jane 1857 1929 wife of Robert Johnson, Mayron Lee 24 Mar 1944 25 Mar 1894 1955 Robinson, Mary Dell born died http://www.rootsweb.com/~okgenweb/cemetery/cem-online/pawnee/ioof_cemetery.htm | |
40. African American Cemeteries In Albemarle County 15, Robinson, James, S. M, . . . 15, Robinson, Mother, F, . . . 15, Robinson, Grandmother,F, . . . 68, Ruckner, Jannie, H. F, 1892, 1893, 1. missing gs, Scot, Mary, F, 1919, http://www.virginia.edu/woodson/projects/aacac/index.php?page_id=doz&sub_id=_ind |
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