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Riley James Whitcomb: more books (75) | ||||
81. Author : Poems By James Whitcomb Riley @ Absolutely Poetry poetry. At Broad Ripple (by James Whitcomb Riley (1849 1916)) Ineloquent tranquility The waters lisp and talk to me. Sometimes http://www.absolutelypoetry.com/author/james-whitcomb-riley/index-1.html | |
82. Life Poems @ Absolutely Poetry Unless (by James Whitcomb Riley (1849 1916)) And that most dear of everything,I hold, is love; and who can sit With lightest heart and laugh and sing http://www.absolutelypoetry.com/life/index-20.html | |
83. James Whitcombe Riley Poetry Back to www.amblesideonline.org. James Whitcomb Riley (1849 1916) The Hoosier Poet . 01 - When the Frost is on the Punkin. When http://amblesideonline.homestead.com/Riley.html | |
84. TomFolio.com - Books By James Whitcomb Riley And Biography Information on Authors. James Whitcomb Riley(18491916). Americanpoet, born in Greenfield, Indiana, known as the Hoosier poet. http://www.tomfolio.com/authorinfo/authors/JamesWhitcombRiley.asp | |
85. AllRefer Encyclopedia - James Whitcomb Riley (American Literature, Biographies) Related Category American Literature, Biographies. James Whitcomb Riley 18491916,American poet, b. Greenfield, Ind., known as the Hoosier poet. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/R/Riley-Ja.html | |
86. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Riley, James INDEX What is PG Etext Listings. Etexts by Author. Riley, JamesWhitcomb, 18491916 R Index Main Index Complete Works http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_riley_james_whitcomb_.h |
87. Poets' Corner - Index Of Poets - Letters Q,R Charles Alexander Richmond. American Educator A Song (BB). Edgell Rickword. (1898 1982) English Poet and Critic Intimacy. James Whitcomb Riley. (1849 - 1916) http://www.theotherpages.org/poems/poem-qr.html | |
88. Riley, Pat -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia , Riley, James Whitcomb (18491916). An Indiana poet who wrote abouthis happy boyhood memories, James Whitcomb Riley is the author http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=337747&query=summitt, pat&ct=ebi |
89. Louise Riley -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia She received the Canadian Library Association s Book of the Year forChildren , Riley, James Whitcomb (18491916). An Indiana http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=359445&query=louise nevelson&ct=ebi |
90. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (R) Riggs, Rollie Lynn (Riggs, Rollie Lynn ). 1899 1954. Riley, James Whitcomb (Riley,James Whitcomb ). 1849 - 1916. Riley, Joan (Riley, Joan ). 1958 - Present. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=100&golist=true&init=R |
91. Edmund Clarence Stedman, Ed. (1833 - 1908). An American Anthology, 1787 - 1900. By James Whitcomb Riley (1849 1916). A Life-Lesson. THERE! little girl,dont cry! They have broken your doll, I know;. And your tea-set blue,. http://xroads.virginia.edu/~HYPER2/steadman/riley.html | |
92. JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY - Site Map - UK Shopping Directory - UK Shops Popular Searches for James Whitcomb Riley, Please click here to returnto the main site map index. James Whitcomb Riley. Shopping http://www.ishop.co.uk/site-map/ja/james_whitcomb_riley/index.shtml | |
93. Re: "Living The Life Of Riley" Mr. Hendrickson also lists a third theory Yet the Hoosier poet James WhitcombRiley (18491916) may just lend his name in some way to the saying. http://phrases.shu.ac.uk/bulletin_board/17/messages/403.html | |
94. Matt & Andrej Koymasky - Famous GLTB - R 1 Rijsdijk, Mark, * 1968 + living Holland, Singer. Riley, James Whitcomb,* 1849 + 1916 - USA, Poet. Rilke, Rainer Maria, * 1875 + 1926 - Austria,Poet. http://andrejkoymasky.com/liv/fam/famr1.html | |
95. Amish Children Hospital Indianapolis, Indiana. The hospital is appropriately named for James WhitcombRiley (18491916), Indianas poet laureate. Although Riley http://www.amishacres.com/aa_farmstead/miscellaneous/amish_children_hospital.htm | |
96. The Complete Poetical Works Of James Whitcomb Riley - Book.nu One can dream, right? . Comforter To The Skylark Folksy Hoosier James WhitcombRiley (1849 1916) is America s premier poet of the sentimental. http://www.book.nu/0253207770 | |
97. Little Orphant Annie Ignatius of Antioch, 1st c. AD. Little Orphant Annie by James WhitcombRiley, AD 18491916, of Greenfield, Indiana. This poem is one that http://www.kensmen.com/catholic/littleorphantannie.html | |
98. MEEKER FAMILY PAPERS, 1892-1909 MAIN ENTRY Madigan, Anna Meeker, fl. 1870s1900s. SUBJECT ENTRIES Riley, JamesWhitcomb, 1849-1916. Meeker, Holford M. Union Christian College (Merom, Ind.). http://www.indianahistory.org/library/manuscripts/collection_guides/m0571.html | |
99. Authors (isbndb.com) Riley, Hugh M. (Hugh Riley). Riley, JR (J. Riley). Riley, James Whitcomb18491916. (James Riley). Riley, Jeni (Jeni Riley). Riley, Jo (Jo Riley). http://isbndb.com/authors/?start_item=1621&fl=R&sl=I |
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