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Rhodius Apollonius: more detail |
41. Chemical Bonding In Solids Principles Of Atmospheric Phys Bodhisattva Path Aryadeva,, 3rd cent, Catuhsataka, Madhyamika Solomon, Robert C.Introducing Philosophy Frankel, Herman, Apollonius, Rhodius Apollonii Rhodii http://www.book-4-u.good-web-links.com/28.html | |
42. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results c.28045 BC, Hellenistic Greek poet and critic, b. Cyrene 6. Apollonius of Rhodes(lived 3rd century BC)(or Apollonius Rhodius) The Hutchinson Dictionary http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
43. The NEXUS: Historical Chronology - 600 BC To 1 BC at Qumran Cave 7 (Septuagint); Apollonius Rhodius Greek epic writer, wrote Argonautica ;Apollonius of Perga 3rd Punic War Romans killed c.450,000 in http://www.fortunecity.com/tatooine/acegarp/898/600bc1.htm | |
44. Blue Letter Bible - Study Tools at the earliest from, 2d cent. on. AELIAN, c. 180. AMBROSE, Bp. of Milan, 374.AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS, c. 400. Apollonius DYSCOLUS, 140. Apollonius Rhodius,200, http://www.blueletterbible.org/study/misc/thayers.html | |
45. Greek & Latin Authors: A - C 2. Aufl. von C. CONRADT. Bln., Wdm., 1888. Cl. (Loeb) Book number 641641. Euro 11,-Apollonius Rhodius. in 3rd vol.) Book number 64166-1. Euro 42,- APPIANUS. http://www.fragmentaselecta.nl/Bulletin2.html | |
46. Aufstieg & Niedergang / Inscriptiones Graecae 2. Aufl. von C. CONRADT. Bln., Wdm., 1888. Cl. (Loeb) Book number 664671. Euro 11,-Apollonius Rhodius. in 3rd vol.) Book number 64166-1. Euro 42,- APPIANUS. http://www.fragmentaselecta.nl/Bulletin1.html | |
47. Classical Studies (humanities.classics) FAQ Apollonius Rhodius dates flourished 3rd century BCE language of of the Sophists,Life of Apollonius of Tyana fun Raymond V. Horrigan, Vincent C. %TA Reading http://www.faqs.org/faqs/classics-faq/ | |
48. PALAEOGRAPHY Aeschylus and Sophocles, the Odyssey and the Apollonius Rhodius of the xxvi.), ascribedto the 3rd or 4th century, and in fl/vtiNP tr/ Wv\/N ro cv~~c Mi1/~( T http://33.1911encyclopedia.org/P/PA/PALAEOGRAPHY.htm | |
49. Pausanias Description Of Greece, Book II: Corinth Il. 2.571. 2,12,6,n1. Apollonius Rhodius Argonautica 1.115117. A mythical poet ofGreece, associated with Apollo. 2,13,6,n1. fl. c. 500 BC. fl. sixth cent. BC. http://www.piney.com/ClassPausanIICorinth.html | |
50. A ßa Energy Sources (3rd 1988 Thessaloniki, Greece) 3rd National Conference Bol, PeterC. Argivische Schilde / von Peter C. Bol. Berlin Apollonius, Rhodius. http://www.libh.uoc.gr/library/greek/info_resources/new_material/last_years/9901 |
51. Incunabula Books [REFERENCE: AUTHORS] 262 BC c. 190 BC) Apollonius Rhodius, Greek (Alexandrian Sarah Chauncey Woolsey),American author (c. 1845 - 1905 1964) Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of http://www.incunabulabooks.com/ibrfathfull.htm | |
52. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results 1998 All rights reserved. 8. Apollonius of Rhodes (lived 3rd century BC)(or ApolloniusRhodius) The Hutchinson c.200, Greek writer, b. Naucratis, Egypt. http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
53. CHRONOLOGY BC 600-1 c250 Apollonius Rhodius Greek epic writer, wrote Argonautica c250 Apolloniusof Perga Greek Mathematician, Parabola Punic War Romans killed c.450,000 in http://ministries.tliquest.net/theology/apocryphas/nt/chron3.htm | |
54. C:\WINDOWS\Profiles\bill000\Desktop\304classics.html $18.00. 11825 Apollonius Rhodius, ed. R. Merkel; Schola Vetera ed. H. Keil. 11663 Apollonius, OF PERGA, trs. 11720 BABRIUS, ed. C. Lachmann et alia. http://www.bbsmith.com/home/classics.html | |
55. Hesiod, The Homeric Hymns And Homerica: The Catalogues Of Women And Eoiae (fragm Fragment 47 Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius, Arg. He lived c. 170230 AD (24)Son of Apollonius Dyscolus, lived in Rome under Marcus Aurelius. http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/Hesiod/catalogs.html | |
56. List Of Ancient Greeks - Encyclopedia Article About List Of Ancient Greeks. Free lyric poet 7th c. BC. Andronicus Rhodius Peripatetic philosopher; Androsthenes -navigator; Androtion comic playwright, architect; Apollonius - finance minister http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/List of ancient Greeks | |
57. A Hellenistic Bibliography Indexed Archive This File Forms Part Of Index Valerius Flaccus, Homer, Apollonius Rhodius, Imagery, Simile Reviews C.Ehrhardt, BMCR 2001.05.21. Index Vergil, Aeneid, Apollonius, Narratology Blass http://www.gltc.leidenuniv.nl/content_docs/Hellenistic Bibliography/Archive Inde |
58. A Hellenistic Bibliography Archive This File Forms Part Of A The Life of Apollonius Rhodius. In Biographia 95, 138 Beye, Charles R. Vergiland Apollonius. In Christine Reviews C. Gallavotti, Gnomon 12, 1936, 46670 http://www.gltc.leidenuniv.nl/content_docs/Hellenistic Bibliography/Archive Unin |
59. Spring Courses 1998 tr. AN Athanassakis (Baltimore, 1976) Apollonius Rhodius Jason and Medea. 1011,or the General Information Bulletin, Appendix C, Chapter 11. Apollonius, tr. http://www.utexas.edu/depts/classics/spring1998/cc98s.html | |
60. Books On Classical Studies No. 63 Burgersdijk En Niermans Apollonius Rhodius CLARE, RJ The Path of the Argo Mamma Medea is gebaseerdop de Argonautica van Apollonius v. Rhodos FARAONE, C. Ancient Greek Love Magic http://www.b-n.nl/bookshop/cat63.htm | |
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