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41. Artists And Eyes: Sir Joshua Reynolds Sir Joshua Reynolds (17231792) was an important English artist of the 18th century and was the first artist to be given the title Sir. http://www.mrcophth.com/ophthalmologyonstamps/artistsandeyes/a.html | |
42. 'Venus Chiding Cupid For Learning To Cast Accounts', By Sir Joshua Reynolds (172 Further Reading. Venus Chiding Cupid for Learning to Cast Accounts , by Sir Joshua Reynolds (17231792). http://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/picture-of-month/furtherReading.asp?id=86&ven |
43. Harvard University Press/Sir Joshua Reynolds That Sir Joshua Reynolds (17231792) became the most fashionable painter of his time was not simply due to his artistic gifts or good fortune. http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog/WENSIR.html | |
44. Pre-Victorian Artists Sir Joshua Reynolds PRA (17231792). Reynolds, the great portrait painter and President of the Royal Academy, was born near Plymouth, Devon. http://www.speel.demon.co.uk/artist18.htm | |
45. Plymouth City Museum & Art Gallery: Cottonian Collection Sir Joshua Reynolds PRA (17231792) Copy Letter 1 220 x 330mm dated 26 September 1772 Ref No RM3.1, Sir Joshua Reynolds PRA (1723-1792) Portrait of Rev. http://www.cottoniancollection.org.uk/main/search/index.cfm?fsa=dspArtistsWorks& |
46. Plymouth City Museum & Art Gallery: Cottonian Collection Sir Joshua Reynolds PRA (17231792) Portrait of Mrs. Mary Palmer (1715-1797) oil on canvas Ref No CO15p, Sir Joshua Reynolds PRA (1723-1792) Portrait of Rev. http://www.cottoniancollection.org.uk/main/collection/content/index.cfm?fsa=dspS |
47. Popular Graphic Arts: Creators/Related Names: 7 Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 17231792 artist. Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792, artist. Ribault, Jean François, 1767-1820, engraver. Rice, GS, artist. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/pp/pgahtml/pgaAuthors07.html | |
48. Reynolds, Joshua Books more info on Sir Joshua Reynolds, 17231792 Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Paris, 7 octobre-16 d©cembre 1985 Royal Academy of Arts, Londres, 16 http://arts-book.shoppingsavvy.com/Reynolds,-Joshua-Books.html | |
49. George Glazer Gallery - Sylvia, By Sir Joshua Reynolds Sir Joshua Reynolds (17231792) Sylvia J. Jones, London 1791 Black and white engraving 13 x 9 inches Red Tag Price $250 Red tag. http://www.georgeglazer.com/prints/aanda/art-pre20/reynolds-sylvia.html | |
50. George Glazer Gallery - Sir Joshua Reynolds, Portrait Of Three Children Sir Joshua Reynolds (17231792) (after) Bartolozzi (1727-1815) (engraver) Portrait of Three Children London Late 18th Century 13.75 x 9.75 inches Red Tag http://www.georgeglazer.com/prints/aanda/art-pre20/reynolds-familychild.html | |
51. 'Venus Chiding Cupid For Learning To Cast Accounts', By Sir Joshua Reynolds (17 Home. Further Reading. Venus Chiding Cupid for Learning to Cast Accounts , by Sir Joshua Reynolds (17231792). Venus Chiding Cupid http://www.diduknow.info/aotm/furtherReading.asp?id=86&venue=7 |
52. 'Venus Chiding Cupid For Learning To Cast Accounts', By Sir Joshua Reynolds (17 Home. Artwork of the Month November, 2003. Venus Chiding Cupid for Learning to Cast Accounts , by Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792). http://www.diduknow.info/aotm/displaypicture.asp?venue=7&id=86 |
53. Handprint Late Georgian Watercolors Under the leadership of its president Sir Joshua Reynolds (17231792), the Royal Academy quickly evolved into a highly prestigious but hidebound institution http://www.handprint.com/HP/WCL/artist07.html | |
54. Reynolds, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Sir Joshua. British 17231792 The Works. Some highlights of works by this artist selected by Art Guide s editors and readers. http://www.artguide.org/uk/AG.pl?Action=277595A&Axis=AllArtists |
55. Joshua Reynolds sunsite. dk / Reynolds / Reynolds _ bio. htm Sir Joshua Reynolds (17231792); http / / www. jmw-soustruník. co. uk / umelec / soustruník-Reynolds. http://wikipedia.infostar.cz/j/jo/joshua_reynolds.html | |
56. 2 - Gallery "R" - Il Nudo Nell'Arte Translate this page Lloyd Kreeger, Washington, Reynolds, Sir Joshua (inglese, 1723-1792) - Cupido slaccia la cintura di Venere - olio su tela - 1788 - - Hermitage, San Pietroburgo. http://digilander.libero.it/debibliotheca/Arte/nudo/r2.htm | |
57. Shakespeare Illustrated | The Artists | Sir Joshua Reynolds Sir Joshua Reynolds (17231792). Cardinal Beaufort s Bedchamber (late 1780s); Puck. Shakespeare s World Home Artists Plays Bibliography http://shakespeare.emory.edu/illustrated_showartist.cfm?artistid=92 |
58. RPO -- Thomas Warton The Younger : Verses On Sir Joshua Reynold's Painted Window 1 Sir Joshua Reynolds (17231792), the celebrated English portrait-painter, between 1769 and 1790 delivered to the students of the Royal Academy, of which he http://eir.library.utoronto.ca/rpo/display/poem2262.html | |
59. Blueplaqueproject.org | People | REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua People Sir Joshua Reynolds. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 17231792 Portrait Painter, lived and died in a house on this site. Replaces plaque http://www.blueplaqueproject.org/plaque_detail.php?ID=587 |
60. Anecdote - Sir Joshua Reynolds - Panoramic View Reynolds painted his subject with a hat on his head and a hat under his arm. Reynolds, Sir Joshua (1723-1792) British portrait painter and critic Sources C http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=8780 |
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