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41. Descendants Of William Teague, NC (William, Edward) TEAGUE. + Myrtle PARKER;. Clinton E. Reed. 6 John TEAGUE (1827). 8 Marion LutherTEAGUE (1872) + Matilda. 8 Isaac M. TEAGUE (18741911) + Mancy Jane SIMMONS. http://www.teagueonline.freeserve.co.uk/R&B/WilliamDesc.html | |
42. LISTA DE AUTORES Ray, T. Bronson, 1868 Reade, Charles, 1814-1884 Redgrove, H. Stanley (Herbert Stanley),1887-1943 Reed, John, 1887-1920 Reed, Myrtle, 1874-1911 Rees, Byron J http://redcultural.iespana.es/redcultural/gutenberg/autores.htm | |
43. Rotary Club Of Concord, CA it will sometimes shine on you. Myrtle Reed (18741911), Writer. .There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy. http://www.concordcarotary.org/newletters/news20020329.htm | |
44. Mt. Zion Cemetery, Decatur County, Tennessee Connell, Myrtle V., 19081991, Mom footstone Connell, Larence J H., 1941-2001,temporary marker, Reed s Chapel, 4 Hobbs, Susie, 1874-1911, His first wife . http://www.tngenweb.org/records/decatur/cemeteries/mtzion.htm | |
45. Oakdale City Cemetery - Part 5 Burch), 18801935 Haines, Emma (Falck), 1874-1911 Soller, John Hause, William E.,b. 1893 Hause, Myrtle D., b J. Elspeth, 1882-1944 Lane, Janes Reed, 1889-1955 http://www.celticcousins.net/scott/oakdale5.htm | |
46. Autorzy - Biblioteka Wirtualna Kolegium Karkonoskiego - Project 1868 Reade, Charles, 1814-1884 Redgrove, H. Stanley (Herbert Stanley), 1887-1943Reed, John, 1887-1920 Reed, Myrtle, 1874-1911 Rees, Byron J. (Byron Johnson http://www.kk.jgora.pl/gutenberg/authors.htm | |
47. Project Gutenberg Titles Liber Esther, by * (No Author Attributed) LatterDay Pamphlets, by Carlyle, Thomas,1795-1881 Lavender and Old Lace, by Reed, Myrtle, 1874-1911 Lavengro; the http://www.ncsu.edu/it/open_source/pg-titles.html | |
48. RG-2Ridgeville Center Cemetery, Lorain Co OH L., 18591905 mother, 1840-1911 Dora, 1874-1911 DARDINGER D 6, 1947 SAYERS Carey T.,1872-1949 Reed Eva SAYERS 1956 RADCLIFF Joseph H., 1884-1946 Myrtle E., 1890 http://home.centurytel.net/lorgen/cemetery/RG-2Ridgeville.html | |
49. A Celebration Of Women Writers: R Listings Mary J. aka Marie Roseau; Reed, Myrtle aka Olive Green (18741911) Lavenderand Old Lace (Gutenberg text); Old Rose and Silver (Gutenberg text). Rees, Roberta http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/authors-R.html | |
50. INDEX 18491928) Mary Ellen Mollie (1874-1911) Mary Frances 1907- ) Mildred May (1913-1915)Myrtle Lee (1879 Charles Reed ( - ) daughter ( - ) Ercel Ilene (1903-1983 http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~livcomo/Pioneers/fowndx18.html |
51. CONCORDIA CEMETERY, EL PASO, TEXAS 1924, Arkansas Pvt QM Corps Carl, Myrtle Murtha 1888 Blanche 22 July 1954 Coffelt,Mary 18741911 Collins, Mary died May 22, 1919 (nothing else) Reed, Hiram W http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~janarmstrong/concordia.html | |
52. Names Index Page Soncie (19 JAN 190922 APR 1999) Reed, Thomas Tom AUG 1868-29 DEC 1869) ROBERTSON,Myrtle Allen (-Deceased 1832-1890) ROSS, Susan R. (1874-1911) ROSS, Thomas J http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~kipke/gedcom/names13.htm |
53. The Owl At The Bridge: Literature: Authors Q-Z 16. Reed, Myrtle, 18741911. Lavender and Old Lace. 17. Reed, Myrtle, 1874-1911.Reed, Elizabeth A., editor. Stevens, Dalton, illustrator. The White Shield. http://www.tomfolio.com/bookmem.asp?memid=220&subid=929 |
54. Harlan Cememtery, Butler County, IA Contributed By Ken Kothe 5, 1855 Mar 26, 1920 Cl0 Cannon, J. Thad 18741911 C7 E mother D1 Funnell RichardB. 1885-1957 D12 Myrtle A. 1890 Nov 18, 1913- Jul 27, 1939 B14 Reed, Levi, Nov 2 http://searches1.rootsweb.com/usgenweb/archives/ia/butler/cemeteries/harlan.txt |
55. A Celebration Of Women Writers: G Listings Green, Mrs. JR (1848); Green, Olive aka Myrtle Reed (1874-1911) Lavenderand Old Lace (Gutenberg text); Old Rose and Silver (Gutenberg http://digital.lib.upenn.edu/women/_generate/authors-G.html | |
56. Index Lies A WomanHater Redgrove, H. Stanley (1887-1943) Bygone BeliefsReed, Myrtle (1874-1911) Lavender and Old Lace Reeve, Arthur B http://www.eshunet.com/list1/en3000/titles/index-r.htm | |
57. Unknown Romance Novelists Vida Hurst, 1933). Myrtle Reed (1874 1911). She also has a pseudonymof Olive Green by which she penned cookbooks. Master of the http://www.writepage.com/others/unknown.htm | |
58. Briar Hill Cemetery, Sutton West, Ontario Complete List Of BRADY, Myrtle G Formerly ROSE, 1899, 1988. CAMERON, ROYJACKSON, 1907, 1993. CAMERON,SARAH Formerly Reed, 64TH YEAR, 12/8/1916. COLLINS, ANNIE Formerly MANN, 1874,1911. http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Museum/3731/briar.htm | |
59. Volume 2 Page 129 SWEARINGEN, Ulysses S. 3 May 1869 5 Jun 1938, Reed, George R. 1906 - 1950. (NLN ), Myrtle, 1860-1944, Tena, 1860 - 1907, TRUMBULL. Maude S. w/o IW, 1874 - 1911. http://crewfamily.com/tombstones/volume_2_page_129.htm | |
60. Locust Grove Cemetery, Franklin Twp, Adams Co OH Reed, Ocie F, 1896, Reed, Stephen Carey, 17 Dec 1951. REYNOLDS, Mother, 1833, 1915,REYNOLDS, Myrtle M, 22 April 1913, 26 April 1956, RIVER, Icye E, w/oJW, 1874, 1911, http://www.scioto.org/Adams/cemeteries/locustgrovecem-r.html | |
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