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         Reed John:     more books (21)
  1. The war in eastern Europe. described by John Reed. pictured by B by Reed. John. 1887-1920., 1916-01-01
  2. Biography - Reed, John (Silas) (1887-1920): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2002-01-01
  3. The John Reed Centenary 1887-1920 by Corliss, ed. Lamont, 1988
  4. Tsehn Eg Os Hobn Oyfgeruder Di El: I Azoy Di Soyeen Hoben Farapt Di Makh In Rusland (Yiddish Edition) by Reed John 1887-1920, 2010-10-06
  5. John Reed & Writing Of Revolution by Daniel W. Lehman, 2002-12-31
  6. John Reed and the Russian Revolution: Uncollected Articles, Letters, and Speeches on Russia, 1917-1920
  7. Pancho Villa and John Reed: Two Faces of Romantic Revolution by Jim Tuck, 1984-09
  8. John Reed (Research and Perspectives in Alzheimer's Disease) by Eric Homberger, 1990-11
  9. John Reed (Twayne's United States Authors Series) by David C. Duke, 1987-08
  10. The Bohemians: The Story of John Reed and His Friends by Alan Cheuse, 1982-02
  11. John Reed: The Early Years in Greenwich Village by Alex Baskin, 1990-07
  12. Romantic Revolutionary: A Biography of John Reed by Robert A. Rosenstone, 1975-06
  13. So Short a Time; A Biography of John Reed and Louise Bryant. by Barbara Gelb, 1973-06
  14. John Reed, Witness to Revolution by Tamara Hovey, 1975-08

81. John Reed
Note at Abacci the primary listing for John Rede is John Reed. Researching JohnRede for a term paper or essay? John Rede (1887 1920), journalist, was

82. John Reed And The Writing Of Revolution - New Journalism
John Reed (1887–1920) is best known as the author of Ten Days That Shook theWorld and as champion of the communist movement in the United States.
Browse by Subject... Africa Agriculture Anthropology Antiques Architecture Art Asia Biography Business Cookbooks Ecology/Botany/Nature Education History Journalism Latin America Literature Medicine Music Ohioana Philosophy Poetry Political Science Sociology Travel Victorian Studies West. America Women John Reed and the Writing of Revolution
Daniel W. Lehman
Review 2
Romantic Revolutionary: A Biography of John Reed
Literary Studies: 288 pp., 6 x 9 0-8214-1467-4 cloth 0-8214-1468-2 paper
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Ten Days That Shook the World Reds
John Reed and the Writing of Revolution

Daniel W. Lehman
is a professor of English at Ashland University in Ohio. He is the author of Matters of Fact: Reading Nonfiction over the Edge and is the co-editor of River Teeth: A Journal of Nonfiction Narrative.
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83. AllRefer Encyclopedia - John Reed (Historians, U.S., Biographies) - Encyclopedia
Related Category Historians, US, Biographies. John Reed 1887–1920,American journalist and radical leader, b. Portland, Oreg.
AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather SEARCH : in Reference June 04, 2004 You are here : Reference Encyclopedia Historians, U.S., Biographies ... John Reed
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John Reed, Historians, U.S., Biographies
Related Category: Historians, U.S., Biographies John Reed The Masses. His coverage of the Paterson, N.J., silk workers strike of 1913 profoundly affected him, and thereafter he became a proponent of revolutionary politics. The articles that he wrote from Mexico about Pancho Villa established his reputation as a journalist and a radical. He served as a reporter in Europe in World War I and was in Petrograd (now St. Petersburg) when the Bolsheviks seized power in 1917; his book, Ten Days That Shook the World (1919), is considered the best eyewitness account of the revolution. Expelled from the U.S. Socialist convention in 1919, he helped to organize the Communist Labor party, a left-wing splinter group of the Socialist party. He was indicted for sedition in New York City in 1918 and in Philadelphia in 1919, but both cases were dropped. Reed returned to the USSR, worked in the Soviet bureau of propaganda, and was appointed Soviet consul to New York. Upon protest from the U.S. government, Reed was withdrawn from the consulship. He died in Moscow of typhus and was buried at the Kremlin. A selection of his writings was edited by John Stuart (1955). See biographies by G. Hicks (1936), R. O'Connor and D. L. Walker (1967), and B. Gelb (1973).

84. Reed, John
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Reed, John

85. Matt & Andrej Koymasky - Famous GLTB - John Reed
John Reed (1887 1920) USA Journalist, revolutionary. Born of wealthy parents inPortland, Oregon, he graduated from Harvard (1910), then traveled in Europe.
Last update: November 1 st
John Reed
(1887 - 1920) U.S.A.
Journalist, revolutionary Born of wealthy parents in Portland, Oregon, he graduated from Harvard (1910), then traveled in Europe. Aided by Lincoln Steffens, he obtained employement with The American Magazine , but he submitted his most sincere work to The Masses His report of the Paterson silk mills strike won him recognition, and in 1913 he was sent by the New York World to cover the Mexican revolt of Pancho Villa. As war correspondent during WWI he wrote articls republished in The War in Eastern Europe Already sympathetic with the cause of the Russian revolution, Reed became friendly with the Bolshevik leaders and, after reporting their coup (1917), returned to America to be active in the organization of the first Communist party of the US. Difficulties encountered in this enterprise sent him back to Russia, where he died and was accorded the honor of burial in the Kremlin. Work
  • The War in eastern Europe (1916) Red Russia (1919) Ten Days That Shook the World (1919)

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86. Matt & Andrej Koymasky - Famous GLTB - R 1
Reed, John, * 1887 + 1920 USA, Journalist, revolutionary. Reed, Lou, * 1942 +living - USA, Rock star. Reed, Robert, * 1932 + 1992 - USA, Actor. Reehuis, Jerome,* ?
Last update:
June 22 nd
Famous GLTB People (Or who tried it at least once...) CLICK ON THE UNDERLINED NAMES
TO READ SOME DOCUMENTATION ABOUT THAT PERSONAGE Being this list too long, we split it in three parts;
from Rachilde to Rilke from Rimbaud to Rybikov

* 1860 + 1953 - France
Novelist Rachmaninov, Sergei * 1873 + 1943 - Russia - U.S.A. Composer Radcliffe, Miles Herbert * 1896 + 1946 - New Zealand Manager Radcliffe Hall, Marguerite * 1880 + 1943 - U.K. Writer Radecic, Peri Jude * ? + ? - U.S.A. Activist Former head of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Radice, Anne-Imelda * ? + ? - U.S.A. Activist Former head of National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), appointed by President Bush father Radiguet, Raymond * 1903 + 1923 - France Writer, actor [+ Jean Cocteau for 6 yrs: 1917/1923] * 1864 + 1934 - U.K. Dilettante Rafkin, Louise * ? + ? - U.S.A.? Writer Rafsky, Bob * ? + 1993 - U.S.A. Gay activist Act Up NY Ragsdale, Georgia * ? + ? - U.S.A.? Comedian Rainey, Ma * 1886 + 1939 - U.S.A. African American Vocalist Rais, Gilles de

87. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (R)
1742 1807. Reed, Ishmael (Reed, Ishmael Scott ). 1938 - Present. Reed, John(Reed, John ). 1887 - 1920. Rees, Rosemary (Rees, Rosemary ). 1876 - 1963.

88. Cesko-slovenske Hnutie
John Reed (1887 1920). Spat. John Reed, americky novinar, basnika revolucionar se narodil 22.10.1887 v zamozne rodine v oregonskem
John Reed (1887 - 1920)
< Spat

-Prevzate zo stranok SMK-

89. John Reed (1887—1920)
Translate this page Sozialistische Zeitung. Zur SoZ-Homepage SoZ - Sozialistische ZeitungNr.21 vom 12.10.2000, Seite 15 John Reed (1887—1920). Vor
So zialistische Z eitung
SoZ - Sozialistische Zeitung Nr.21 vom 12.10.2000, Seite 15
V or achtzig Jahren, am 19.Oktober 1920 starb der amerikanische Journalist John Reed, der trotz seines jungen Alters von 33 Jahren zum Idol einer Generation von sozialistischen Intellektuellen in den USA wurde. Auch heute genießt vor allem seine Reportage über die russische Oktoberrevolution, "Zehn Tage, die die Welt erschütterten", große Anerkennung. Eine Jury der journalistischen Fakultät der New Yorker Universität nominierte das Buch in diesem Jahr auf Platz 7 der hundert bedeutendsten journalistischen Werke des 20.Jahrhunderts in den USA.
Das ist äußerst bemerkenswert, denn Reed machte aus seinen Sympathien für die Bolschewiki keinen Hehl und widerspricht damit den heute gängigen Vorstellungen von "journalistischer Objektivität". Doch in der Zeit von September 1917 bis Februar 1918, die er sich in Russland bzw. der jungen Sowjetrepublik aufhielt, interviewte und sprach er mit den Vertretern sämtlicher politischer Parteien.
Der Vorwurf einseitiger Berichterstattung wäre also fehl am Platz, eher könnte man von einem klaren Interesse sprechen, das ihn bei seiner Arbeit vorantrieb: der von Greuelpropaganda über die gottlosen und vaterlandslosen Gesellen überschütteten US-amerikanischen Öffentlichkeit zu vermitteln, dass die Bolschewiki keine "zerstörende Kraft", sondern die "einzigen in Russland" waren, "die ein konstruktives Programm aufzuweisen hatten".

90. John Reed: Diez Días Que Estremecieron Al Mundo || PCE(r)
Translate this page John Reed 1887 - 1920. Sumario Un joven inquieto Viaje por Europa Cabalgandocon Pancho Villa Corresponsal en la guerra imperialista
John Reed
Un joven inquieto
Viaje por Europa

Cabalgando con Pancho Villa

Corresponsal en la guerra imperialista
Obras de John Reed en castellano
Un joven inquieto
Viaje por Europa
"la imagen exacta de una hermosa gitana" The Masses The Masses era "social: atacar eternamente viejos sistemas, viejas morales, viejos prejuicios toda la carga de ideas desgastadas que los difuntos nos han impuesto e instaurar muchos nuevos a cambio. Una tragedia americana wobblies de la IWW ( "Industrial Worker of the World" Los wobblies Pensando en aquellos obreros
Cabalgando con Pancho Villa
Convertido ya en un personaje bastante conocido ( John Reed tiene ya una leyenda" Metropolitan World The Masses y otras revistas progresistas. Pancho Villa "en un amanecer del desierto. Los federales resistieron durante un tiempo razonable -justamente dos horas- o, para ser minucioso, hasta que Villa , obra en la que combina un estilo literario preciso, objetivo, fiel a la verdad, como es propio del periodismo, con una extraordinaria calidad formal y gran cuidado por los detalles y las descripciones, tanto del paisaje como de los grandes personajes revolucionarios mexicanos. Pancho Villa "pofirismo" "huertismo" impone a los peones o "pelados" queda perfectamente manifiesta en sus trabajos.

91. Movie Review: Reds
film which successfully blends history, romance, and reminiscences in its recountingof the last five years in the life of John Reed (1887 1920), a journalist
See all practices Attention Beauty Being Present Compassion Connections Devotion Enthusiasm Faith Forgiveness Grace Gratitude Hope Hospitality Imagination Joy Justice Kindness Listening Love Meaning Nurturing Openness Peace Play Questing Reverence Shadow Silence Teachers Transformation Unity Vision Wonder X - The Mystery Yearning You Zeal
Movie Review by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat Reds
Warren Beatty
Paramount Home Video 12/81 VHS
PG I am dreaming and I would act well, for good deeds are not lost, even in dreams.
is a richly textured, robust, entertaining film which successfully blends history, romance, and reminiscences in its recounting of the last five years in the life of John Reed (1887 - 1920), a journalist, poet, and romantic revolutionary. Warren Beatty produced, directed, co-wrote (along with Trevor Griffiths), and stars in this ambitious work which aims to illuminate radical politics, the American Dream, the bohemian lifestyle, the tragedy of naïve ideals, and the problems inherent in reconciling work and love. No other movie during 1981 has attempted so much. Reds opens in 1915 when John Reed (Warren Beatty) is 28-years-old. A Harvard graduate, he has already established himself as a gifted correspondent in Mexico and Europe and has spent much of his time writing for

92. Poetry Of The First World War: American Poets
John Reed (1887 1920) Born in Portland, Oregon poet-adventurer whose short lifeas a revolutionary writer and activist made him the hero of a generation of
John Peale BISHOP , born May 21, 1892, in Charles Town, West Virginia: poet, novelist, and critic, a member of the lost generation and a close associate of the American expatriate writers in Paris in the 1920s. At Princeton University, from which he graduated in 1917, Bishop formed lifelong friendships with Edmund Wilson, the future critic, and with the novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald, who depicted Bishop as the highbrow writer Tom D'Invilliers in This Side of Paradise . Bishop published his first volume of verse, Green Fruit , in 1917. During the war, he served with the 84th Division, and served in the Argonne. After the war he was an editor at Vanity Fair magazine in New York City from 1920 to 1922. He married into wealth and traveled throughout Europe. From 1926 to 1933, he lived in France and acquired a deep admiration for French culture. His collection of stories about his native South, Many Thousands Gone (1931), was followed with a volume of poetry, Now with His Love Act of Darkness , a novel tracing the coming of age of a young man, and Minute Particulars , a collection of verse, both appeared in 1935. He became chief poetry reviewer for

93. REED - Meaning And Definition Of The Word
1920); n tall woody perennial grasses with hollow slender stems especially ofthe genera Arundo and Phragmites. Synonyms beatingReed instrument, John Reed

94. John Reed
John Reed 1887 1920. John Reed, americky novinar, basnik a revolucionarse narodil 22.10.1887 v zamozne rodine v oregonskem meste
John Reed
    John Reed, americky novinar, basnik a revolucionar se narodil 22.10.1887 v zamozne rodine v oregonskem meste Portlandu na severozapade USA. Diky majetku jeho rodiny se mu dostalo nadprumerneho vzdelani. Mohl dokonce 4 roky studovat na prestizni harvardske univerzite, kde zacal aktivne politicky pracovat a kde take zalozil Socialisticky klub. Za 1. svetove valky jako odjel Reed do Evropy a stal se z nej valecny zpravodaj. Byl vsude tam, kde se bojovalo: ve Francii, v Nemecku, v Italii, na Balkane, v Turecku i na vychodni fronte. V Rusku se ale take stal svedkem udalosti, ktera tak zasahla do historie lidstva - VRSR. O Rijnove revoluci napsal Reed jeste v Rusku knihu Rude Rusko, ale hlavne zde chodil na demonstrace, schuze a stavky. V roce 1918 se Reed vratil z Ruska do Spojenych statu, kde mu agenti ministerstva vnitra zabavovali jeho objemnou sbirku materialu. Nastesti se mu ale podarilo jeho veci zachranit a diky nim nasledne napsal svou nejznamejsi praci Deset dnu, ktere otrasly svetem. V USA nebylo v te dobe vubec lehke vydat knihu, ktera branila ruske delniky a jejich revolucni vitezstvi a tak mel Reed i jeho odvazny vydavatel Horatio Liveright obrovske problemy. Americti fasiste dokonce sestkrat vtrhli do vydavatelstvi a ve snaze najit a ukrast rukopis ho pokazde zdemolovali. Na zaklade svych zkusenosti z front 1. svetove valky uverejnil v casopise "Osvoboditel" svuj slavny protimilitaristicky clanek pod nazvem "Opatri pro sveho syna vojaka sveraci kazajku". Za tento clanek se stal spolu s dalsimi redaktory tercem utoku americke justice a byl velkem procesu souzen pro velezradu. Statni prokurator se snazil ovlinit rozsudek mimo jine i tak, ze nechal u budovy soudu umistit orchestr, ktery po celou dobu preliceni hral narodni hymny. Reed se tim ale zlomit nedal a pronesl vasnivy projev, v nemz vylicil vsechny ty hruzy, jejichz byl svedkem na bitevnim poli. Popis byl tak zivy a pusobil silnym dojmem, ze i nektere porotce pohnul az k slzam a vsichni redaktori byli osvobozeni. Za svuj zivot byl Reed z politickych duvodu zatcen celkem dvacetkrat.

95. Page Title
Left Bank Review. Page 10. Biographical Notes John Reed (1887 1920)By Paula DiTallo. Massesgay an jocular and daring. He had
Left Bank Review
Page 10
Biographical Notes: John Reed (1887 1920)
By Paula DiTallo

Masses gay an jocular and daring. He had a reckless equilibrium in walking life's tightropes that abashed me a little, and made me feel secondary, as though he were my more muscular big brother who knew all about living and was equal to it, whereas I was still trying to grow up."
During a visit to Russia, Reed became a close friend of Lenin and witnessed the Bolshevik seizure of power in Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg) in 1917. His best-known work is Ten Days That Shook the World (1919), an eyewitness account of the Bolshevik Revolution. When Reed returned to the U.S., his political and personal friend, Max Eastman, observing Jack's mood noted that, " when he got back from Moscow (he) had, inwardly, a damping effect on my zeal for the revolution. He wrote wonderful things about the seizure of power, the Red army, facts that John Reed was born in Portland, Oregon, and educated at Harvard University. After 1913 he was a member of the staff of the socialist periodical, The Masses . In 1914, as a war correspondent for

96. MIA - Deutsch: John Reed
John Reed. 1887 -1920. Zur Zeit sind folgende Texte in Deutsch verfügbar – entweder
MIA Deutsch Marxisten
Marxists' Internet Archive
Deutschsprachiger Teil
John Reed
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