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Redgrove H Stanley: more detail | |||||||||
41. Pleasanton Public Library /All Items Mark Year Entries Redgrove Herbert Stanley 1887 1943 See Redgrove H StanleyHerbert Stanley 1887 1943 1 Redhead Brian c1990 1 Redig De Campos Deoclecio http://millennium.ci.pleasanton.ca.us:90/kids/1899,1927/search/a?Redlich, Fredri |
42. Pleasanton Public Library /All Items Lynn 1943 5 Redgrave Michael Sir 2 Redgrave Vanessa 1937 16 Redgrove Herbert Stanley1887 1943 See Redgrove H Stanley Herbert Stanley 1887 1943 1 Redhead http://millennium.ci.pleasanton.ca.us:90/kids/1899,1927/search/aRedhead, Brian./ | |
44. Waukegan Public Library /All Locations Lady See Kempson Rachel 1 Redgrave Vanessa 1937 33 Redgrove Herbert Stanley1887 1943 See Redgrove H Stanley Herbert Stanley 1887 1943 1 Redheffer RM http://catalog.waukeganpl.org:90/kids/0,10,156/search/aRedgrave, Lynn, 1943-/are | |
45. Aurora Public Library /All Locations by Douglas Wick, Cathy Konrad.; Central; VIDEOCASSETTE 791.4372 Gir 2000 9 additionalentries Redgrove H Stanley Herbert Stanley 1887 1943 Alchemy, ancient and http://odyssey.aurora.lib.co.us:90/kids/1761,1763/search/aRedgrave, Michael, Sir | |
46. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona /All Locations 1844 1 Redgrave Lynn 1943 3 Redgrave Michael Sir 21 Redgrave Vanessa 1937 8 RedgraveWilliam J c1957 1 Redgrove H Stanley Herbert Stanley 1887 1943 3 Redgrove http://opac.library.csupomona.edu:2082/search/aRedgrave, Michael, Sir/aredgrave | |
47. National Taiwan Ocean University Library 1 Redfern WD 1989 1 Redfield Alfred Clarence 1890 1 Redfield David 1996 1 RedfieldJames 4 Redford Rebert 2001 1 Redgrove H Stanley Herbert Stanley 1887 1943 2. http://ocean.ntou.edu.tw/search*chi/aRedl, Siegmund M./aredl siegmund m/-17,-1,0 | |
48. Re - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors a 1920 Brian READ (M c1930 ?) Carveth READ (M 1848 - ?) H The Theory Of M 1908Mar 20 - 1985 Mar 21) Herbert Stanley Redgrove (M 1887 - 1943) On The http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/re.htm | |
49. Name-key For Spiritualists Various spiritualists, progressives, and reformers from 19th century America and elsewhere. Blatchford, Robert, 18511943. Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, 1831 1825-1887. Chandler, Lucinda Banister, 1828-1911. Chaney, William H Grimes, James Stanley, 1807-1903. Grimes, John, 1802 http://www.spirithistory.com/namekey.html | |
50. Untitled Septimus (George William Septimus), 18201882. \par TITLE The art of perfumery, and the methods of obtaining odours of \par plants; with instructions for the manufacture of \par dentifrices, pomatums, cosmetiques, perfumed soap, etc. http://www.florilegium.org/files/PERSONAL/Perfumes-bib.rtf |
51. Red Rocks Community College Library Psychology Ebooks Click on the ebook title to open another browser window displaying the ebook's summary at netLibrary. http://www.rrcc.cccoes.edu/library/ebooks/psyeb.htm | |
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