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41. Travel This week Arthur Ransome. 17 March 2002. Arthur Ransome (18841967) was a keensailor, as anyone who has read his Swallows and Amazons stories will know. http://travel.independent.co.uk/europe/eastern/story.jsp?story=275922 |
42. Mìstská Knihovna Nový Bydov - Katalog LANius Ramuz,Charles Ferdinand Randle,Kevin D. Randuka,Duan Rankin,Ian,1960 Rannamaa,SilviaRannap,Jaan Ransome,Arthur Ransome,Arthur,1884-1967 Rapacki,Vincenty | |
43. Authors Children's Writers National Children's Book Week 5. Arthur Ransome (18841967). Arthur Ransome was born in Leeds, Yorkshire,and as a boy spent many of his holidays in the Lake District. http://www.hibbert-assembly.org.uk/bookweek/bookwriters.htm | |
44. Index Translate this page Sir, 1861-1922 Gutenberg Ralphson, G. Harvey (George Harvey), 1879- Gutenberg Rand,Ayn, 1905-1982 Gutenberg Ransome, Arthur, 1884-1967 Gutenberg Raspe, Rudolf http://www.elbooks.sk/angautR.html | |
45. Caribbeanedu.com | CORAL instant Find out more 6. Ransome, Arthur (18841967) Arthur Ransomewas born in Leeds, Yorkshire, England on January 18, 1884. http://www.caribbeanedu.com/coral/refcen/Biography/bioa.asp?az=r |
46. Caribbeanedu.com | CORAL After which time, he wa Find out more 207. Ransome, Arthur (18841967) ArthurRansome was born in Leeds, Yorkshire, England on January 18, 1884. http://www.caribbeanedu.com/coral/refcen/Biography/bio.asp?cat=BIO01&pg=21 |
47. US Gateway To Britain-Literary Britain POTTER, Beatrix (18661943, Children s Novelist, 15, 16, 17. Ransome, Arthur(1884-1967), Children s Novelist, 18, 19. RUTHERFORD, Edward, Modern Novelist,61. http://www.travelbritain.org/newhome/triplanner/seedo/activities/litbrit.htm | |
48. San Francisco Maritime NHP Library: Recent Children's Fiction From the Barbara Johnson Whaling Library Subject Dolphins Juvenile fiction SubjectJuvenile fiction - Dolphins Author Ransome, Arthur, 1884-1967 Title We http://www.nps.gov/safr/local/lib/jfic.html | |
49. Rabelais, Francois, 1483-1553 http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htmeng. Ransome, Arthur, 1884-1967, 1005506. Crisis InRussia, The. http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htm-eng. Ransome, Arthur, 1884-1967, 1005507. http://hzeid.free.fr/ar.htm | |
50. RANSOM LINKS Information about the person and writings of children s author Arthur Ransome (18841967),including a guide to the Swallows and Amazons series, a slide show http://www.peak.org/~mransom/ransomlinks.html | |
51. IPac2.0 Holdings. More by this author. Ransome, Arthur, 18841967. Subjects. Tales SovietUnion. by author Ransome, Arthur, 1884-1967. by title Old Peter s Russian http://troi.richland.lib.sc.us/ipac20/ipac.jsp?&index=.ek&term=0486224066&profil |
52. Seznam Osob Podle Jména: Ra inenýr a fyzik; Pozice, Shabba, (narozený 1966), zpevák; Ransome,Arthur, (18841967), Polknutí a Amazonky série. Rao Hovorit http://wikipedia.infostar.cz/l/li/list_of_people_by_name__ra.html | |
53. Arthur Artur Schnabel (18821951) Austrian pianist. Arthur Ransome (1884-1967)English writer. Artur Rubinstein (1887-1982) Polish-American pianist. http://www.geocities.com/edgarbook/names/a/arthur.html |
54. List Of Children's Literature Authors 18661943), The Tale of Peter Rabbit. R. Arthur Ransome, (1884-1967),Swallows and Amazons series; Marjorie Rawlings - The Yearling; http://www.fact-index.com/l/li/list_of_children_s_literature_authors.html | |
55. Rugby Authors me. Arthur Ransome (18841967). Ransome was chiefly a journalist,although he later achieved fame as a writer of children s books. http://www.rugbyschool.net/history/rugby_authors.htm | |
56. January Authors http//www.kirjasto.sci.fi/aamilne.htm and http//www.penguinputnam.com/catalog/yreader/authors/9009_biography.html ) Arthur Ransome 18841967 (http//falcon http://www.crinkles.com/janAuthors.html | |
57. Children's Authors | Literary Suffolk | Tourism Arthur Ransome (18841967) set We Didn t Mean to Go to Sea on theOrwell when he was living at Broke Farm at Levington (1935-39). http://www.suffolkcc.gov.uk/tourism/literary/page6.html | |
58. Alliance Of Literary Societies, Gazetteer. Cumbria Athur Ransome (18841967) lived in Nibthaite near Lowick 1947-9, on the shores of Theunnamed lake of Arthur Ransome s books is an amalgamation of Coniston and http://www.sndc.demon.co.uk/map/cumbria.htm | |
59. Alliance Of Literary Societies, Gazetteer. South Yorkshire home page map AuthorCounty Index South Yorkshire. Arthur Ransome (1884-1967)was born on January 18, 1884, in Leeds. JR.Tolkien (1892 http://www.sndc.demon.co.uk/map/syorks.htm | |
60. Stories, Listed By Author Ransome, Arthur (Mitchell) (18841967) (chron.) * Their CountriesFlag, (ss) The Popular Magazine Mar 23 1915. Ransome, MILLER http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/s825.htm | |
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