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81. GIGA Chronological Author List "1860 To 1864" BUY AMAZON BOOK Edward Alexander McDowell, American 1941) BUY AMAZON BOOK Sir Walter Raleigh, the Younger educator and writer (1861 - 1922) - BUY AMAZON http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quay1860.htm | |
83. Manuscripts Catalogue - Document Details Call Number MS Gen 505/20. Content Letter, dated 11 April 1918, from Sir Walter Alexander Raleigh, to Professor TS Patterson. Place of Creation http://special.lib.gla.ac.uk/manuscripts/search/detaild.cfm?DID=4879 |
84. HTML Translation Of SGML/EAD Document By Tim Green AND PLAYWRIGHT; Raleigh Sir Walter Alexander 1861 1922 KNIGHT CRITIC AND ESSAYIST; CARLYLE THOMAS 1795 1881 HISTORIAN; BOSANQUET BERNARD http://library-2.lse.ac.uk/archives/handlists/Oakeshott/m.html | |
85. System Requirements Windows 95 / NT Or Higher , 8MB Memory, 20MB Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Teasdale) Robert Louis Stevenson (by Walter Raleigh) Robert Louis An Estimate, A Memorial (by Alexander H. Japp http://ftp.cdut.edu.cn/pub/english/Readme.txt |
86. Catalogue Of The Papers Of Friedrich Max Müller And Of His Wife 116 FORBES (Alexander Penrose) Bishop of Brechin, 181775 Letter 83 PERRY (Walter Copland) 1814-1911 Letter to F 56-7 Raleigh (Sir Thomas) 1850-1920 Letter to F http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/dept/scwmss/wmss/online/1500-1900/muller/maxmuller000 | |
87. Welcome To The 2001 Pearson Education International Sales ECatalog: Products -- Richard Hakluyt (15521616). Sir Walter Raleigh (c.1552-1618). George Meredith (1828-1909). Alexander Smith (1820-1867). Walter Pater (1839-1894). http://www.cib.espol.edu.ec/pearson/comps/books/0135347777.html | |
88. Sherlock Holmes Pastiche Characters - F the Case of the Raleigh Legacy (LB Fleming, Alexander (British Bacteriologist, Discovered Penicillin, 1881 Fletcher, Sir Walter (British Secretary of the Medical http://www.schoolandholmes.com/charactersf.html | |
89. HDR OXQUOTE V8 Cass.19(a) VEJ 14.3.79%@ %SWILLIAM %(PULTENEY%) Walter Raleigh, %1ch.26 %SSir Walter %(Raleigh%)%%1861%1922 %VI wish and augmented) of %3Memoirs of Sir Joshua Reynolds 4Table Talk %1(ed. Alexander Dyce, 1860 http://www.mit.edu/afs/athena/project/oxq/vaxsrc/oxq/30.2 |
90. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors Ann (1764 1823) Raleigh, Walter (1861 - 1922) Raleigh, Walter (1554 1828) SCHUMANN, Robert (Alexander) (1810 - 1856 1754 - 1829) SCOTT, Sir Walter (1771 - 1832 http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
91. Waukegan Public Library /All Locations Debbie 12 Raleigh Ivor 1979 1 Raleigh John Henry 1920 1968 1 Raleigh Michael 4 Raleigh Walter 1861 1922 See Raleigh Walter Alexander Sir 1861 1922 1. http://catalog.waukeganpl.org:90/kids/0,1899,1901/search/aRalph C. Ellis Enterpr | |
92. National Taiwan Ocean University Library Rakowski Zikmund 1992 1 Rakshit Mihir 1989 1 Ralchenko Victor G 2001 1 Raleigh Walter Alexander 1861 1922 1999 1 Raleigh Walter Alexander Sir 1861 1922 1825 1 http://ocean.ntou.edu.tw/search*chi/aRalescu, Anca L., 1949-/aralescu anca l 194 | |
93. La - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors The Narrative Of Lunsford Lane, Formerly Of Raleigh, NC How To Fail In Literature ? 4088 Sir Walter Scott And Robert Tregonwell HAY) Lincoln Alexander LANG {US http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/la.htm | |
94. INDEX Raymond (1214 ) Sibil (1254- ) Walter (1234- ) Walter (1184- ) Alexander ( - ) Janet (1535 Mary E. (1845-1876) Millard Fillmore (1855-1938) Raleigh Elmer (1881 http://whalen-family.org/book/fowndx.html | |
95. Manuscripts Catalogue - Document Details Call Number MS MacColl R19. Content Autograph letter signed, from Walter Alexander Raleigh to DS MacColl. 12 Northman Road, Oxford. 27 May 1905. http://special.lib.gla.ac.uk/manuscripts/search/detaild.cfm?DID=17947 |
96. WebGED: Sparks Family Tree Data Page north inwest 1/3) and Raleigh Brimm of Broadhurst, Walter (*1635 ) - male spouse Gerard, Anne (*1640 - ) 1676 - 1754) spouse Contee, Alexander (*1698 - 1740 http://sparksfamilytree.net/family_tree/wga10.html | |
97. 10.2%S%1%[SONG OF SOLOMON%] 10.2%S%1%[ISAIAH%] 10.2%S%1% 1552?%1618 30.2%SSIR Walter %(Raleigh%)%%1861%-1922 30.2%SJULIAN %(RALPH 1868%-1912 30.2%SSIR Walter %(SCOTT%)%%1771 1836%-1907 6.2%S%(Alexander%) THE GREAT http://www.mit.edu/afs/athena/project/oxq/vaxsrc/oxq/authors.raw |
98. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Raleigh, Walter Copyright© 19711998 Project Gutenberg PROMO.NET - All rights reserved. Web Site Designed and Administered by Pietro Di Miceli http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_raleigh_walter_alexande |
99. The Riddle. . A Pleasant Pastoral Comedy Adapted From The Wife Of The Riddle. . A Pleasant Pastoral Comedy Adapted from The Wife of Bath's Tale as it is set forth in the Works of Master Geoffrey Chaucer. / Presented at Otterspool on Midsummers Eve, 1895. Written http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://name.umdl.umich.edu/BAY8312&y=025406 |
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