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         Proudhon P-j:     more detail
  1. La pornocratie, ou Les femmes dans les temps modernes (French Edition) by P-J 1809-1865 Proudhon, 2010-08-03
  2. P.-J. Proudhon, 1809-1865 by Edouard (1855-1923) Droz, 1909
  3. P.-J. Proudhon, 1809-1865 by Edouard (1855-1923) Droz, 1909
  4. P.-J. Proudhon (1809-1865) (French Edition) by Édouard Droz, 1909-01-01
  5. De la justice dans la révolution et dans l'église: nouveaux principes de philosophie pratique adressés à son éminence Monseigneur Mathieu, cardinal-archevêque de Besançon (French Edition) by P-J 1809-1865 Proudhon, 2010-10-08
  6. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon: A Biography by George Woodcock, 1996-07-01
  7. Proudhon and His Age by John Ehrenberg, 1996-01
  8. The Poverty of Philosophy by Karl Marx, 1992-12

1. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) Divers
PierreJoseph Proudhon (1809-1865) Divers LES GRANDS RÉCITS DE LA MODERNITÉ. Texte issu de LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE - DÉCEMBRE 1997 - Page 2 s'estompe considérablement chez Pierre Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865), qui condamne l'«adoration des est nommé rapporteur. 25) P-J. Proudhon, Proposition relative à l'impôt sur le
Index J.-B.-V. Proudhon Sommaire Pierre-Joseph Proudhon P.-P. Prud'hon ... Généalogie
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865)
Divers :
Texte issu de : LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE - DÉCEMBRE 1997 - Page 2
On s'intéressera d'abord aux pensées des réformateurs romantiques comme Fourier, Saint-Simon, Cabet, Colins, et jusqu'à Comte, puis aux doctrinaires français du socialisme et de l'anarchie, de Proudhon à Kropotkine et de Louis Blanc à Jaurès, puis à d'autres mouvements militants ou philanthropiques nés au siècle passé, - féminisme, pacifisme, anti-esclavagisme, esperantisme, eugénisme etc. Une partie du séminaire sera consacrée aux théories et propagandes liées à la genèse et au développement du mouvement ouvrier
Fatalisme économique et capacité politique
Colloque international organisé par la Société P.-J. Proudhon, le 6 décembre, à partir de 9 heures, au Foyer international d'accueil de Paris (FIAP), 30, rue Cabanis, 75014 Paris. Serge Halimi traitera du « Journalisme de révérence ». (Contact : Société P.-J. Proudhon, EHESS, 54, boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris.)
Les courants politiques : L'anarchisme
Texte issu de : L'anarchisme
La fiscalité sur le revenu
Texte issu de : finances Si, à la veille de la Révolution, quelques réformateurs avaient déjà proposé de remanier les impôts et d'instaurer un impôt progressif sur le revenu tel que l'avait décrit Montesquieu, sans trouver d'écho favorable auprès de l'Assemblée Constituante, l'idée d'impôt sur le revenu commence à voir le jour, en France, à partir de 1848. Ainsi, sous la seconde République, le ministre des finances, Garnier-Pagès, qui affirme que ses préférences fiscales vont à un impôt sur le revenu "juste en principe et plus juste que les autres" (24) parle d'instaurer un impôt sur le revenu "proportionnellement progressif". Le 11 juillet 1848, Proudhon présente un projet de loi ayant pour objet l'établissement d'un impôt du tiers sur tous les revenus des biens meubles et immeubles (25). Thiers, au nom du comité des finances, en est nommé rapporteur.

2. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) Lettre (0)
PierreJoseph Proudhon (1809-1865) Lettres P.-J. Proudhon. 1. Proudhon, P-J. ( 1875) Correspondances Tome Troisième, pp
Index J.-B.-V. Proudhon Sommaire Pierre-Joseph Proudhon P.-P. Prud'hon ... Généalogie
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865)
Lettres :
A M. E. De Girardin (3)
C'est une lettre de Proudhon, à son ami Girardin, où il discutait ses pensées de quoi on doit faire après le Peuple était terminé.
A M. E. DE GIRARDIN Conciergerie, 22 juin 1849 Monsieur et confrère, le Peuple est saisi, suspendu, dévasté, occupé militairement. Les effets de la persécution et de la guerre civile nous on mis dans l'impossibilité morale, matérielle et financière, de reparaître. Il nous reste bien quelques épargnes; et peut-être la rédaction du Peuple Toutes ces considérations nous font désirer vivement, à moi et à mes collaborateurs, de reprendre le plus tôt possible notre édition quotidienne. Nous croyons que le plus sûr moyen de reprendre la position que le Peuple avait conquise dans la presse est de rentrer immédiatement dans le quotidianisme... Ceci posé j'ai pensé tout de suite, je vous l'avoue, que le seul homme qui pût nous secourir dans cette circonstance, et qui en même temps comprit l'utilité pour lui, pour ses idées, pour son parti, de le faire était M. Emile de Girardin. Le Peuple et la Presse peuvent et doivent former un jour une alliance formidable, ou du moins marcher de concert; la position que je m'efforçais de faire prendre au premier dans ces derniers temps et que vous avez vous-même louée, en est une preuve. Du reste le temps de la politique à souvenirs et à grincements de dents est passé. Le champ paraît devoir rester libre aux hommes à idées.

3. Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph (1809-1865)
Proudhon, PierreJoseph (1809-1865). Bibliography. Carnets de PJ Proudhon , t. 3, 1848-1850 (Paris Rivière, 1968). Correspondance de PJ Proudhon , 14 vols.
Table of Contributors Table of Contents Return to Encyclopedia Home Page
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph (1809-1865)
Proudhon was from humble origins but had become a well-known French social theorist during the 1840s. A printer by trade, he was an exponent of mutualist socialism, a sociopolitical creed that may also be called anarchism. His most famous book was his second one, (1840) (he polemically responded that "it is theft"), but before 1848 he also had published (1843) and , (in 2 volumes, 1846). A persistent critic of the French July Monarchy, he was nonetheless surprised by the outbreak of hostilities in Paris in February 1848. In his correspondence, he recounted his participation in the February uprising and the composition of what he termed "the first republican proclamation" of the new republic. The same correspondence indicates, however, that Proudhon had misgivings about the new government because it was pursuing political reform at the expense of socioeconomic reform, which Proudhon considered basic. Determined to set the new republic on the correct course, Proudhon published his own perspective for reform

4. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Archives
PierreJoseph Proudhon was born 15 January 1809 in Besançon, France and died on 19 January 1865 in Passy, France Proudhon. Letters from Proudhon, P-J. ( 1875) Correspondance de
The Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Archives Das Capital. Proudhon continues to inspire Anarchists to great lengths in their attempt to defeat the disease called Capitalism. Anarchist Freethink Movement Radical Resource Project Back to top You may copy and print any of the following essays (click to access) What is Property? Letters from Proudhon Interest and Principle The Circulation of Capital… ... Arguments Drawn from the Operations of the Bank… Printing is at your own risk! What is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government By Pierre-Joseph Proudhon If I were asked to answer the following question: What is slavery? and I should answer in one word, It is murder , my meaning would be understood at once. No extended argument would be required to show that the power to take from a man his thought, his will, his personality, is a power of life and death; and that to enslave a man is to kill him. Why, then, to this other question: What is property! may I not likewise answer, It is robbery , without the certainty of being misunderstood; the second proposition being no other than a transformation of the first?… Click here to access the remainder of this essay. It is very lengthy and available elsewhere. Thanks

5. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865)
PierreJoseph Proudhon (1809-1865). Some Writings. (HTTP What is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865)
Some Writings
What is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government

System of Economical Contradictions: or, the Philosophy of Misery
(FTP Press)
Some Quotations

A Proudhon Bibliography
Back to the web page of Anarchists and Left-Libertarians jah AT

6. Lunch
PJ Proudhon " said Trentino, "was a nineteenth century French philosopher. His dates are the same as Abraham Lincoln's, 1809 to 1865 Ah, yes, Proudhon " anarchist, socialist
@import url(; Conversations with Trentino

"Can you imagine," said Ian, standing behind the chair we'd reserved for him and taking the Times out of his canvas shoulder bag, "someone stole my lunch from the employees' refrigerator."
"That's nasty," Liz said. "Do you have any idea of who did it?"
Ian shook his head. "Now I have to buy lunch." He pushed his chair close to the square green table and set off for the counter. He was back a couple of minutes later brandishing a sandwich made of a small baguette loaf enveloping cheese slices smeared with a green sauce, basil or spinach, I guess.
Ian popped the ring-top of a can of Pepsi which had escaped the thief's clutches. He poured the contents into a clear plastic cup filled with ice that Trentino had ordered with his grande mug of coffeeice was free with the purchase of coffeeand had placed on the table. A cup of ice alone cost twenty-seven cents.
Ian's unhappiness hovered over us. We were mute for a while. Then Trentino broke the silence.

7. Pierre Joseph Proudhon
bir yazar bulabilmemiz için Proudhon a (18091865) kadar gelmemiz Pyotr Kropotkine Anarsist Düsüncelerin Gelisimi PJ Proudhon un Makaleler kitabindan
PIERRE JOSEPH PROUDHON VE DÜÞÜNCELERÝ Proudhon Ana Sayfa English Daha Fourier'de anarþist düþüncelerin tohumlarýna rastlanýrsa da, sermayeye ve devlete açýkta tavýr alabilecek ve bugün anladýðýmýz anlamda anarþi düþüncesini formüle edebilecek cesarete sahip bir yazar bulabilmemiz için Proudhon'a (1809-1865) kadar gelmemiz gerekir. Proudhon bunuyapmaya 1840'ta bütün Avrupa'da olay olan eseriyle baþladý. Hatta eserinin baþlýðý bile bir programdý. "Mülkiyet Nedir? Veya Adaletin ve Hükümetlerin Temelleri Üzerine Araþtýrmalar".
Proudhon, mülkiyetin yalnýzca soygunun, yaðmalamanýn ve hýrsýzlýðýn bir biçimi olduðunu kanýtladýktan sonra, mülkiyetin esas sonuçlarýndan birisinin despotizm olduðunu gösterdi. "Hangi hükmetme biçimini öngörüyorsunuz?" sorusuna hemen "hiçbirini" cevabýný verdi. "Peki siz nesiniz?" "Ben anarþistim; düzeni çok sevmeme raðmen kelimenin tam anlamýyla anarþistim." "Ýnsan nasýl adaleti eþitlikte ararsa, toplum da düzeni anarþide arar" diye ekledi. Anarþi, iktidarýn yokluðu, bugünkü toplumlarýn zorunlu olarak yaklaþtýklarý politik örgütlenme biçimi budur. Kimse hükümran deðildir. "Ýstesek te istemesek te birleþiðiz."
Üstelik kendi Halk Bankasý tarafýndan karþýlýðý ödenecek olan bu çeklerle, mübadelenin pratikte uygulanmasýný da denedi. Elbette zorunlu olarak küçük çapta yürütülen bu deneme baþarýsýz oldu ve toplumun ekonomik temellerinde her kýsmi reformun baþtan yenilgiye mahkum olduðunu bir kez daha kanýtladý. Küçük çaplý olduðundan deðil, fakat iþ güçlerini ve kiþisel baðýmsýzlýklarýný, açlýðýn dayatmasý altýnda satmak zorunda olan milyonlarca insan var oldukça sermaye bugün de olduðu gibi iktisadi sömürü ve politik tahakküm gücüne sahip olacaðý için.

8. Proudhon, Pierre Joseph (1809-1865)
Proudhon, Pierre Joseph (18091865). Proudhon was born in Besan~on, France, into a very humbie family. PJ Proudhon, sa vie ei sa pens~e. Paris Beachesne.
Entnommen aus: The New Palgrave. A Dictionary of Economics, hrsg. von John Eatwell, Murray Milgate, Peter Newman, London/Basingstoke, 4 Bde., 1987
Proudhon, Pierre Joseph (1809-1865)
From his study of history and observation of the world, Proudhon derived a 'serial dialectic'. Everything in the world is 'serial' - i.e. is differentiated, divided, graduated and graded, but also coordinated, articulated, grouped; everything is multiple, everything is synthesis. The 'series' is a 'whole composed of elements arranged according to a certain reason or law'. 'Serial dialectic' is a 'law' of progression and organization, a general process of growth common to matter and spirit, to man and society. An antinomic dialectic, it unfolds as a chain of antinomic pairs whose opposition is the source of all movement and cannot be resolved into synthesis. Such a dialectic of tension, or of the 'balancing of opposites', is thus fundamentally opposed to the Marxian dialectic of synthesis. Labour is the real measure of exchange value, the only standard by which different products can be compared. The substance common to wages, investments, capital and profits is that they are either objectified labour or accumulated labour. Supply and demand are simply 'iMments tradueteurs', (translating factors) constantly disrupted by monopolies, fraud, speculation ete., and do not allow use value (utility) and exchange value (Iabour costs) to be objectively comparcd. For the 'law of proportionality of values' to be respected, a 'constituted value', a synthesis of use value and exchange value, must be created; 'society's accounts' must also be drawn up, labour seientifically managed and the structure 'socialized'.

9. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > P > Proudhon, P.-J. (Pi
Author Proudhon, PJ (PierreJoseph), 1809-1865 Keywords Authors P Proudhon, PJ (Pierre-Joseph), 1809-1865; Titles P ; Subject Psychology; Subject

10. ! Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) Sommaire (0)
Translate this page Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865). Index Sommaire Nouveautés, Mémoires JBV Proudhon Chasnans, PJ Proudhon PJP Œuvres PJ Proudhon, Généalogie JP Proudhon PP
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865)
Sommaire (0) Sommaire
Le Père Mémoires de Nos Vies Proudhon et Proudhonisme Bibliographie Française ...
J.-P. P

Questions, Suggestions, Commentaires : Conception JpP Copyrigh © 1997-98-99 Dernière modification : 22-mai-1999

11. Proudhon Bibliography Author Proudhon, PJ (Pierre-Joseph), 1809
301 p. 23 cm. Author Proudhon, PJ (Pierre-Joseph), 1809-1865.......Proudhon Bibliography Author Proudhon, PJ (PierreJoseph), 1809-1865.
; 17 cm. Author: Proudhon, P.-J. (Pierre-Joseph), 1809-1865. Title: Les confessions d'un revolutionnaire : pour servir a l'histoire de la revolution de fevrier Published: Paris : Au bureau du journal la Voix du peuple, 1849. Description: p. ; 28 cm. Author: Proudhon, P.-J. (Pierre-Joseph), 1809-1865 Title: De la justice dans la revolution et dans l'eglise; nouveaux principes de philosophie pratique adresses a son eminence Monseigneur Mathieu, cardinal-archeveque de Besancon Published: Paris, Garnier freres, 1858. Description: 3 v. 18 cm. Author: Proudhon, P.-J. (Pierre-Joseph), 1809-1865. Title: Du principe de l'art et de sa destination sociale Published: Paris : Garnier freres, 1865. Description: vii, 380 p. ; 18 cm. Author: Proudhon, P.-J. (Pierre-Joseph), 1809-1865. Title: Justice et liberte Edition: 2e ed. Published: : Presses universitaires de France, 1974. Description: 266 p. ; 18 cm. Author: Proudhon, P.-J. (Pierre-Joseph), 1809-1865. Title: Memoires sur ma vie Published: Paris : La Decouverte/Maspero, 1983. Description: 222

12. This Is Project Gutenberg This List Has Been Downloaded From The
Presidents, United States Prevost, Abbe, 16971763 Project Gutenberg Propertius, Sextus, circa 50-16 BC Proudhon, PJ Pierre-Joseph, 1809-1865 Pyle, Howard

Actualité de Proudhon, por J. Bancal, A P.J. Proudhon, Socialiste national, 18091865, quatrième édition, Paris Droz, Édouard - Proudhon 1809-1865, Pages Libres, Paris 1909
BIBLIOGRAFIA GERAL SOBRE PROUDHON Abbagnano, Nicola - História da Filosofia, vol 10, Ed. Presença, 2 ed., Vila da Feira.
Actualité de Proudhon, por J. Bancal, A. Kriegel, D. Guérin, G. Gurvitch, J. Lajugie, B. Voyenne, G. Goriély, J. Bartier, R. Rifflet e outros. Actas do colóquio da Universidade de Bruxelas, 24 et 25 novembre 1965, Bruxelles, Éditions de l'Institut de Sociologie, 1967, 258 p.
Adam (Juliette Lamber, Mme Edmond), Idées anti-proudhoniennes sur l'amour, la fleme et le mariage, nona edição aumentada dum exame crítico do livro La Guerre et la Paix, Paris, M. Lévy, 1868, 155 p.
Aguicol, Perdignier - Mémoires d`un Compagnon, " La Mémoire du Peuple ", Maspero, Paris, 1977.
Alain - Propos d`Economie, Gallimard, Paris, 1935.
Alain - Propos de Politique, Rieder, 1934.
Alas, Leopoldo - Proudhon, Madrid, Imp. Felipe penã, 1912.
Albertini, Mario - Proudhon, Firenze, Vallecchi, 1974.
Amoudruz, Madeléine - Proudhon et l`Europe, Éditions Domat Montcherestien, 1945.

14. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865)
PIERREJOSEPH Proudhon (1809-1865). Proudhon dan Mektuplar, 1875, Correspondance de PJ Proudhon , Tome Troisiéme Librairie Internationale, Paris.
Mütevazi köylü kökeniyle Proudhon, anarþist filozoflar arasýnda nadir rastlanan birisidir. Yaþamýna inekleri güderek, ve çiftlik iþleri ile uðraþarak baþladý. Annesi Catherine Simonin onun eðitim almasý için oldukça kararlýydý; ailesi 1820'de þehire göç edince onu okula kaydetmek için düzenlemeler yapýldý. [Okul] giderleri babasýnýn patronunun baðlantýlarý sayesinde karþýlandý. Ama yine de yeterince parasý olmayýnca, alamadýðý kitaplarý "unutmasý" yüzünden okulda cezalandýrýlmasý oldukça rutinleþmiþti. Her ne kadar üniversiteye devam etmek niyetindeyse de, ailenin mali sýkýntýlarý mezuniyetinin ardýndan yüksek eðitime devam etmesine olanak tanýmadý ve böylece yeteneklerini onu daha sonra pekçok anarþisti ortaya çýkaracak olan, ama ilk defa kendini anarþist olarak adlandýracak olan Proudhon'u [ortaya çýkaran bir meslek olan basým iþine yöneltti. Yüzyýlýn ortasýna gelindiðinde, Proudhon Fransa'daki en önde gelen solcu entellektüel olmuþtu; ve bu baðlamda Avrupa'da Marx'ýn veya Bakunin'in þanýný oldukça aþmýþtý. Hyams'ýn (1979, s.1) belirttiði üzere; Proudhon, Marx, Bakunin, Blanqui, Blanc, Herzen, Lassalle ve Engels ile beraber sosyalizmi ortaya çýkaranlardan birisiydi. Bunlarýn arasýnda Proudhon 19. yy.'ýn iþçi hareketi üzerinde en köklü etkisi olan kiþiydi; ve onun fikirleri, aralarýnda kiþisel olarak Proudhon'u tanýyan Tolstoy ve Bakunin de bulunduðu, pekçok tanýnmýþ anarþisti etkiledi. Aslýnda yaþamý boyunca Proudhon büyük bir arkadaþ çevresine, ve ünü yayýldýkça da bir tanýdýk çevresine sahip oldu. Proudhon için arkadaþlýk, cinsel sevgi veya evlilikten daha deðerliydi.

15. Anarþist Bakýþ
NA Chomsky (1928 .Hayati ve Linkler . PJ Proudhon (1809-1865) Hayati ve Linkler . D. Guérin (1904-1988) Hayati ve Linkler .
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  • 16. Les Classiques Des Sciences Sociales: Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, P. J. Proudhon, Te
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    P. J. Proudhon
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    • Le (Un fichier de 40 pages et de 184 K)
    • Le (Un fichier de 40 pages de 188 K.)
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    17. Les Classiques Des Sciences Sociales: Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, P. J. Proudhon, Te
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    P. J. Proudhon
    Voir du livre
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    • Les (Un fichier de 93 pages et de 356 K)
    • Les (Un fichier de 93 pages de 432 K.)
    Marcelle Bergeron
    Autres liens Page d'accueil centrale Jeudi 27 mars 2003 Par Jean-Marie Tremblay, sociologue.

    18. Gimon Inventory
    Translate this page 14. Proudhon, PJ Pierre-Joseph, 1809-1865. Thiers, Adolphe, 1797-1877. Extraits du Moniteur” — tp. 15. Proudhon, PJ Pierre-Joseph, 1809-1865.
    skip to main navigation Articles A-Z Humanities and Area Studies Engineering Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Government Numeric Data Archive of Recorded Sound Biology (Falconer) Bing Wing Business (Jackson) Eng.(Swain) Earth Sciences (Branner) East Asia Education (Cubberley) Engineering Government Docs. (Jonsson) Green Library Hoover Institution Information Center Lane Reading Room Law (Crown) Map Collections Marine Biology (Miller) Sciences Media and Microtext Medical (Lane) Meyer Music Physics Special Collections Social Science Social Science Resource Center Stanford Auxiliary Library SLAC Library
    French and Italian Studies
    Proudhon. Recueil des journaux.
    Introduction: The pamphlets and newspapers contained in these two volumes represent a key period in the career of the French socialist, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865). They correspond to the years 1847-1850, during which Proudhon repeatedly intervened in national politics, both by gaining election to the Constituent Assembly of early June 1848 and by launching a series of newspapers: the , the Peuple , the Voix du Peuple , and the Peuple de 1850 See: [Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph]. Collection of newspapers published by him, in 2 folio volumes, modern beige half-calf, including:

    19. Pedro José Proudhón (1809-1865)
    Translate this page Pedro José Proudhón 1809-1865. Los Evangelios anotados por PJ Proudhón, Galería Popular (Obras póstumas de PJ Proudhon, tomo 1), Madrid 1869, X+347 págs.
    • El principio federativo, Amor y matrimonio, Planteamiento del problema de la justicia, [Carlos Marx, Amor y matrimonio. Catecismo del matrimonio, El amor y el matrimonio, Las confesiones de un Revolucionario, Guilda de Amigos del Libro, Barcelona 1935. La Justicia, Trabajo y propiedad, El principio federativo, Justicia y Libertad, Paul Eltzbacher, Luis de La Cerda, La propiedad es un robo: Proudhon, Ettore Zoccoli, Leopoldo Alas, Proudhon, en Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada Europeo-Americana, 1922. A. Rovira i Virgili, Pi i Margall y Proudhon, Armand Cuvillier, Proudhon, Joseph Proudhon, Henri de Lubac, Proudhon y el cristianismo, Joseph Proudhon, El anarquismo, de Proudhon a Cohn-Bendit, Georges Gurvitch, Pierre Ansart, Peter Heintz, Proudhon, Georges Gurvitch, Georges Gurvitch, Joseph Proudhon, Tulio Rosembuj, Conocer Proudhon y su obra, Angel J. Cappelletti, 1922 Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada Europeo-Americana, Joseph Proudhon Joseph Proudhon Joseph Proudhon
    R ...

    20. Joseph Proudhon | Diccionario De Filosofía | José Ferrater Mora 1979
    Translate this page Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865). H. Ritter, The Political Thought of PJ Proudhon, 1969. – P. Ansart, Sociología de Proudhon, 1972.
    Alianza Editorial, Madrid 1979 tomo tercero
    Joseph Proudhon de 1846, en Le peuple y, finalmente, a La voix du peuple Obras principales: (desde 1847), Le Peuple (desde 1848), La Voix du Peuple (desde 1848). Carnets. Proudhon, Proudhon, sa vie et sa correspondance, Proudhon, sein Leben und seine positive Ideen, Proudhon, seine Lehre und sein Leben, Proudhon, sa vie, ses oeuvres et sa doctrine, Die Wertlehre Proudhons in neuer Darstellung, Proudhon, Leben und Werke, Proudhon, La sociologie de Proudhon, 1912. - Varios autores, Proudhon et notre temps La dialectique dans l'oeuvre de Proudhon, Proudhon, Proudhon et le christianisme, 1945 (trad. esp.: Proudhon y el cristianismo, Proudhon, The Political Thought of P.-J. Proudhon, La vie de Proudhon, 1948. G. Woodcock, P.-J. Proudhon,


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