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Porter Eleanor H: more detail | ||||||||||
41. HumaneWorld Network: The Ark Animal Shelter Try to pull him out of his rut of bad habits. Hold up to him his better self, hisreal self that can dare and do and win out. ~Eleanor H. Porter, 18681920. http://www.humaneworld.com/network/us/me/thearkpets.html | |
42. Enormous Room (Penguin Ed.) read. . (233) Pollyanna = children s novel by Eleanor H. Porter (18681920),published in 1913. (273) FOR THIS MY SON . . . Cummings http://www.gvsu.edu/english/cummings/Eroompen.htm | |
43. The Enormous Room: Notes And Links could read. . (224) Pollyanna = children s novel by Eleanor H. Porter(18681920), published in 1913. Questions, chapters VI-XIII. 1 http://www.gvsu.edu/english/cummings/ERoom.html | |
44. Livros Novos - Setembro , Outubro E Novembro - 2001 Translate this page LABORATORIO TERRA O JOGO PLANETARIO QUE NAO PODEMOS NOS DAR AO LUXO DE PERDER,SCHNEIDER, STEPHEN H. POLLYANNA MOCA, Porter, Eleanor HODGMAN, 1868-1920. http://usuarios.cmg.com.br/~hp-secult/botao/livrosnovos.html | |
45. The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors Po-Pz Porter, Eleanor H.Eleanor Hodgman, 18681920 Just David (Wiretap) 329K (GutenbergText Zip) Gutenberg FTP UITXT 329 Kb - ZIP139 Kb SLTXT - ZIP EN http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/1libpo.htm | |
46. Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 Armour Pope, Alexander, 16881744 Poquelin, Jean Baptiste, 1622-1673 AKA Moliere,1622-1673 Porter, Eleanor H. (Eleanor Hodgman), 1868-1920 Post, Melville http://www.olympus.edu.pl/Instytut NW/wirtualna biblioteka/autorzy.htm |
47. Poems do and win out . . . People radiate what is in their minds and intheir hearts. Eleanor H. Porter (18681920) Pollyanna. http://www.themessenger.info/MAR2002/Poems.html | |
48. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations Author, Porter, Eleanor H. (Eleanor Hodgman), 18681920. Title, Miss Billymarriedcomputer file / Eleanor H. Porter. Pub info, Charlottesville, Va. http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/1899,1953,2041/search/tmiss bia | |
49. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Poquelin, Jean Baptiste, 16221673 AKA Moliere, 1622-1673. Porter, EleanorH. (Eleanor Hodgman), 1868-1920. Post, Melville Davisson, 1871-1930. http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
50. Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888 Bertrand, Huguette, 1001986. Jusqu aL extreme Regard; Poesie. http//gutenberg.net/,txt,htmfre. Porter, Eleanor H. (Eleanor Hodgman), 1868-1920, 1005439. Just David. http://hzeid.free.fr/tj.htm |
51. Authors P-R Jean Baptiste AKA Moliere, 16221673 Poquelin, Jean Baptiste, 1622-1673 AKA Moliere,1622-1673 Porter, Eleanor H. (Eleanor Hodgman), 1868-1920 Post, Melville http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/p-r.htm | |
52. Eleanor H.Porter(1868-1920) ? English Literature P Eleanor H.Porter(18681920). . http://res3.pudong-edu.sh.cn/Special/Subject/CZYY/YYDW/English Literature/P/Elea |
53. Tartu Ülikooli Raamatukogu. Page, Martin, 1975 Kuidas ma lolliks hakkasin Picoult, Jodi. Lihtne tõde Porter, Eleanor Hodgman, 1868-1920. Ajalugu Arnold, John H. Ajalugu. http://www.utlib.ee/ee/index.php?cat=uudisk&menu=1&charset=utf8&kp=300902 |
54. Westerville Public Library /All Locations Record 2 of 2 Other Resources. Author, Porter, Eleanor H. (Eleanor Hodgman), 18681920.Title, Pollyanna / Eleanor H. Porter ; illustrated by Neil Reed. Pub info. http://catalog.wpl.lib.oh.us:90/kids/1953,2218/search/cJ PIKE CHRISTOPHER/cj pik | |
55. SWAN /All Libraries R 1997 1 Porter Duncan M 3 Porter Dwight 1996 1 Porter Edwin H 1985 1 Porter EdwinS 2 Porter Eleanor 1 Porter Eleanor H Eleanor Hodgman 1868 1920 27 Porter http://swan.sls.lib.il.us:90/kids/0,1913,1915/search/aPorter, Eleanor H. (Eleano | |
56. UMA NOTA SOBRE A SEXUALIDADE FEMININA- Pg-01 Translate this page pessoa que vê somente coisas boas em tudo. A denominação é tiradada heroína das histórias de Eleanor H. Porter (1868-1920). http://www.cearh.com.br/trilhando/3periodo/Processo Adolescente como Transforma |
57. Performance Feedback.com - Solutions For Employee Performance Management, Apprai Try to pull him out of his rut of bad habits. Hold up to him his better self, hisreal self that can dare and do and win out. (Eleanor H. Porter, 18681920). http://performancefeedback.com/description.htm | |
58. Eesti Akadeemiline Raamatukogu - Uudiskirjandus Porter, Eleanor Hodgman, 18681920. Luts, Eva, tõlkija. Luts, Leiger, toimetaja.POLLYANNA SAAB SUUREKS ROMAAN / Eleanor H. Porter ; TÕLKINUD EVA LUTS http://www.ear.ee/uudiskirjandus/2003/pohi10_1.htm.utf8 | |
59. Listas De Livros No Acervo Com A Letra P Translate this page NO NORDESTE ( NORDESTE - SECA ) PORTELLA, ROSALVA ALVES DIDÁTICA DE ESTUDOS SOCIAIS( Educação ) Porter, Eleanor HODGMAN - 1868-1920 POLLYANNA ( Romance http://www.santabarbara.sp.gov.br/biblioteca/cnova/p_autor.htm | |
60. Miss Billie S Decision By Eleanor H. Porter TO My Cousin Helen Miss Billie s Decision by Eleanor H. Porter TO My Cousin Helen CONTENTS CHAPTERI. CALDERWELL DOES SOME TALKING II. AUNT HANNAH GETS A LETTER III. http://book.nankai.edu.cn/book/english/Eleanor H.Porter(1868-1920)/Miss Billie's | |
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