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         Plunkitt George Washington:     more books (28)
  1. Plunkitt of Tammany Hall (Dodo Press) by George Washington Plunkitt, 2009-07-03
  2. Plunkitt of Tammany Hall: A Politician's View on "Honest Graft" in Politics (Timeless Classic Books) by George Washington Plunkitt, 2010-09-23
  3. Plunkitt of Tammany Hall by George Washington Plunkitt, 2002-07-25
  4. Plunkitt of Tammany Hall by Washington George Plunkitt, 2008-05-12
  5. Plunkitt of Tammany Hall by George Washington Plunkitt, 2006-01-26
  6. Plunkitt of Tammany Hall; A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politics, Delivered by Ex-Senator George Washington Plunkitt, the by George Washington Plunkitt, 2010-03-06
  7. Plunkitt of Tammany Hall by George Washington Plunkitt, 2010-09-14
  8. Plunkitt of Tammany Hall: a series of very plain talks on very practical politics, delivered by ex-Senator George Washington Plunkitt, the Tammany philosopher, ... stand; Recorded by William L. Riordon by George Washington Plunkitt, 2009-10-04
  9. Plunkitt of Tammany Hall by George Washington Plunkitt, 2010-07-06
  10. Plunkitt of Tammany Hall by George Washington Plunkitt, 2010-09-24
  11. Honest Graft : The World of George Washington Plunkitt by William L. Riordon, James Olson, 1997-11
  12. Plunkitt of Tammany Hall: A series of very plain talks on very practical politics, delivered by ex-Senator George Washington Plunkitt, the Tammany philosopher, ... stand, and recorded by William L. Riordon by William L Riordon, 1963
  13. Plunkitt of Tammany Hall: a series of very plain talks on very practical politics, delivered by ex-Senator George Washington Plunkitt, the Tammany philosopher, from his rostrum-the New York County court house bootblack stand; Recorded by William L. Rior
  14. Plunkitt of Tammany Hall;: A series of very plain talks on very practical politics, delivered by Ex-senator George Washington Plunkitt, the Tammany philosopher, ... York County court-house bootblack stand-- by William L Riordon, 1905

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42. Inventing America : Chapter 20 : Documents
George Washington Plunkitt Plunkitt of Tammany Hall A Series of Very Plain Talkson Very Practical Politics, Delivered by Exsenator George Washington
Documents George Washington Plunkitt: Plunkitt of Tammany Hall: A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politics, Delivered by Ex-senator George Washington Plunkitt; Chapter One: Honest Graft and Dishonest Graft (1905) The Cleveland Journal: Negroes Admitted to Labor Union (May 1908). William Jennings Bryan: Cross of Gold Speech (July 1896) - back to the top of the page

43. Inventing America : Chapter 20 : Annotations
Text George Washington Plunkitt Plunkitt of Tammany Hall A Series of Very PlainTalks on Very Practical Politics, Delivered by Ex-senator George Washington
Annotation Page Subject Links Infrastructure Video - Urban Construction and utility scenes film montage featuring excerpts from New York City dumping wharf (1903) Video - Sorting refuse at incinerating plant, New York City (1903). Tamany Hall Organization Text - George Washington Plunkitt: Plunkitt of Tammany Hall: A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politics, Delivered by Ex-senator George Washington Plunkitt; Chapter One: Honest Graft and Dishonest Graft (1905) Unions Image - Flyer distributed by Silver Bow Trades and Labor Assembly and Butte Miners' Union in support of Chinese and Japanese boycott. (1898). Image - Flyer distributed by Silver Bow Trades and Labor Assembly and Butte Miners' Union in support of Chinese and Japanese boycott. (1898). Image - 1920 Denver Tramway Company Strike (1920). Text - The Cleveland Journal: Negroes Admitted to Labor Union (May 1908). Women's Suffrage Video - Excerpt from the film Women Suffragettes Visit Theodore Roosevelt at Sagamore [1917]. Image - National American Women Suffrage (St. Louis, March 1919). Image - National American Woman Suffrage Association: Woman Suffrage Co-Equal with Man Suffrage (1910). Image - National American Woman Suffrage Association: Women in the Home (1910). ... Image - Election Day! (1909). Powerful Speech Text - William Jennings Bryan: Cross of Gold Speech (July 1896) - back to the top of the page

44. Biography Book & Grunt Big & White House DVD & Tammany Hall
A series of frank and unabashed discussions between George Washington Plunkitt,a key politician of Tammany Hall, and William L. Riordan, a sharpeared and
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Little Grunt the Big Egg
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When caveboy Little Grunt finds an egg, it hatches into a baby dinosaur he names George. The Grunts let Little Grunt keep George, but he grows too large for the cave and must be exiled to the swamp. Then a volcano erupts, trapping the Grunts, and George is there to save the day. Full-color illustrations by the author. CLICK FOR MORE INFORMATION/PRICES
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Take a rare inside look at a building that is part monument, part command center and part exclusive mansion-an executive residence that is unique in the world. CLICK FOR MORE INFORMATION/PRICES
Plunkitt of Tammany Hall
Online George Washington
A series of frank and unabashed discussions between George Washington Plunkitt, a key politician of Tammany Hall, and William L. Riordan, a sharp-eared and sympathetic reporter, reveals Plunkitt's successful political strategies. Reprint. CLICK FOR MORE INFORMATION/PRICES
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45. Managing Urban America
The authors quote millionaire George Washington Plunkitt, There s onlyone way to hold a district. Here s how I gather in the young man.
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Managing Urban America
Managing Urban America is a book originally written in by David R. Morgan and Robert E. England . There have been four subsequently updated editions printed since. The 5th Edition was printed in and contains 402 pages. The topic is urban management. Table of contents 1 Improved Urban Management Needed Now More Than Ever
2 The External World of the Urban Manager

3 Urban Political Structure

4 Urban Policymaking
Improved Urban Management Needed Now More Than Ever
The authors begin, "Until recently, many assumed that city governments would continue to grow and prosper. A report from the International City Management Association had suggested that the inevitability of growth was so widely accepted that it functioned as fact. Federal aid began to shrink in the . Then came Reagan's New federalism , which brought major reductions. Between and , federal aid dropped 55%. Cuts were made and taxes were raised. Cities are now on their own in an era of fend-for-yourself federalism . City tax bases are shrinking, poverty remains high, and employment opportunies are limited."

46. Column: Whatever Happened To Campaign Finance Reform?
11Clearly, McCain has not read or taken seriously George Washington Plunkitt’sfin de siecle masterpiece, A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical
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7-16-01: News at Home Column: Whatever Happened to Campaign Finance Reform?
By P.M. Carpenter
Mr. Carpenter is earning his Ph.D. in history at the University of Illinois. If I were assigned topics as a newspaper editorial writer, I’d kill the managing editor. I’d kill him dead and pray that it take months to replace him. For even the punitive prospect of a scalding, stinking hell for my wicked deed would be preferable to hearing 3 times a week, “Carpenter, we need another piece on campaign finance reform.”
11In just 6 months I already would have written 72 versions of the same editorial. In 36 identical cycles the first editorial would proclaim to absolutely no one’s surprise, “System Is Broken.” The subsequent headline would announce to absolutely no one’s surprise, “Congress Fails Again.”
11I couldn’t bear the déjà vu. I’d abstain from watching or reading the news for fear of espying yet another proposal for campaign reform – and thus the boss’ predestined call for a 73rd editorial. If there’s a V-chip for radio, I’d install one for NPR. To be safe I’d avoid all magazines absent a naked woman on the cover. I’d be the least-informed editorialist on earth, excepting, of course, the collective staff at the Washington Times. And each morning I’d whimper, just knowing that someone, somewhere, will make another attempt at campaign reform.
A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do. So the big-cheese editor that demanding troll of repetitive commentary would have to go. Nothing else could eliminate the terror of contemplating endless, selfsame editorials.

47. Machines
Thoughts of George Washington Plunkitt Machine Politician Chapter 6. To Hold YourDistrict Study Human Nature and Act Accordin There s only one way to hold
Thoughts of George Washington Plunkitt: Machine Politician
Chapter 6. To Hold Your District: Study Human Nature and Act Accordin'

There's only one way to hold a district: you must study human nature and act accordin'. you can't study human nature in books. Books is a hindrance more than anything else. If you have been to college, so much the worse for you. You'll have to unlearn all you learned before you can get right down-to human nature, and unlearnin' takes a lot of time. Some men can never forget what they learned at college. Such men may get to be district leaders by a fluke, but they never last.
Another thing, I can always get a job for a deservin' man. I make it a point to keep on the track of jobs, and it seldom happens that I don't have a few up my sleeve ready for use. I know every big employer in the district and in the whole city, for that matter, and they ain't in the habit of sayin' no to me when I ask them for a job. And the children-the little roses of the district! Do I forget them? Oh, no! They know me, every one of them, and they know that a sight of Uncle George and candy means the same thing. Some of them are the best kind of vote-getters. I'll tell you a case. Last year a little Eleventh Avenue rosebud, whose father is a Republican, caught hold of his whiskers on election day and said she wouldn't let go till he'd promise to vote for me. And she didn't.
Chapter 7. On The Shame of the Cities

48. The Forgotten Robber Barons  [Mackinac Center For Public Policy]
honest, reformminded mayors like Hazen Pingree, some American cities such as NewYork were run by scoundrels and charlatans like George Washington Plunkitt.

49. The Forgotten Robber Barons
in 1905 with the lengthy subtitle “A Series of Very Plain Talks On Very PracticalPolitics, Delivered by exSenator George Washington Plunkitt, The Tammany

50. Essays, Reports, And Term Papers - Help With Campaigns, Elections & Politicians
George Washington Plunkitt and Corruption send me this paper A 6 page paperwhich examines “Plunkitt of Tammany Hall” and discusses how George
term papers - essays - reports - help writing college term papers
Page 5 of 14 [Previous] [Next] Elections: U.S. 2000 vs Nigeria 1993
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A 5 page paper. Many have written that the 2000 presidential election in the United States was hijacked by the U.S. Supreme Court. If this is true, then the election process is little, if any better than that found in numerous other nations where election rigging is a national event. The writer addresses these thoughts using Nigeria and Belarus as examples. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGctpr.rtf
Electoral Process In The United States
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An 8 page paper that election and electoral process as reviewed in three articles. The writer begins by discussing the fact that the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee citizens the right to vote. The essay then discusses a number of issues, including the electoral college, the flaws in the election process with specific examples from several states, the actions of the U.S. Supreme Court in the last presidential election and what needs to be done to change the problems. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PGelpr.wps

51. Adventures In Profiteering @ Oliver Willis: Like Kryptonite To Stupid
Plunkitt of Tammany Hall A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical PoliticsWilliam L. Riordon, George Washington Plunkitt, William L. Riordan, Peter

ABOUT WRITING SHOP ... FlickNation : Movies From A Guy's POV Adventures in Profiteering
As if committing acts of domestic treason wasn't enough in a day's work for the Bush team, along comes some fat contracts in Iraq for Bush pals
A group of businessmen linked by their close ties to President Bush, his family and his administration have set up a consulting firm to advise companies that want to do business in Iraq, including those seeking pieces of taxpayer-financed reconstruction projects.
The firm, New Bridge Strategies, is headed by Joe M. Allbaugh, Mr. Bush's campaign manager in 2000 and the director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency until March. Other directors include Edward M. Rogers Jr., vice chairman, and Lanny Griffith, lobbyists who were assistants to the first President George Bush and now have close ties to the White House.
I will say it until I'm blue in the face: the Bush presidency has a consistent, persistent, and ongoing strategy to take the money of the American public and launder it through Bush campaign supporters . When the mob does it, we send them to jail. It's

52. 02/20/02 - Diversity Vs. Civil Service Reform Affirmative Action
jobs for AfricanAmericans - on the same principle that nineteenth century minority(Irish-American) politician George Washington Plunkitt supported city jobs

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Diversity vs. Civil Service Reform: Affirmative Action = Jobs For Democrats
By James Fulford Affirmative action didn't start in the 1960's. It goes back much farther than that. What confuses people is that it used to be called “political corruption.” In the 1890's the "spoils system" allowed the winning party to get jobs for their loyal partisans. Tax money taken from members of all parties was used to pay the salaries of members of one party. Civil service reform finished that. For many years, when blacks had no political clout whatsoever, the Federal Civil Service was a place where they could get jobs when white employers refused to hire them. In the African-American community, the Democratic Party has a large group of loyal partisans. African-Americans

53. Commentary Magazine - The Life Of The Party, By Robert Kuttner
one of the inspiring personalities behind his The Life of the Party Democratic Prospectsin 1988 and Beyond is George Washington Plunkitt, the Tammany captain
var AID="08502081_1";
The Life of the Party, by Robert Kuttner
Brooks, David
ROBERT KUTTNER, who is among the more prominent of the Democratic party's younger intelDAVID BROOKS, a new contributor, is the book editor of the Wall Street Journal. Like All the Nations?:... ...A neoliberal like James Fallows might come up with an idea that aims to benefit the nation as a whole-say, the capitalization of emerging high-tech industries-but, writes Kuttner, this would have to come at the expense of rust-belt dinosaurs, and "as Plunkitt of Tammany Hall or for that matter Harry Hopkins might have reminded Fallows, these are good Democratic voters you're talking about, son... ...Articles in the new Democratic canon bear such titles as "A New Language for the Left," and a typical suggestion is that Democrats should drop the word "liberal" in favor of "progressive" because the latter has fewer negative connotations among white males in the South and West... ...In fact, the most visible populists in America are business leaders and Republican conservatives like T. Boone Pickens and H. Ross Perot, who have railed against big business and liberal cultural values in equally resonant terms... ...Take, for example, the issue of protectionism...

54. Plunkitt Of Tammany Hall: A Series Of Very Plain Talks On Very Practical Politic
AUTHOR William L. Riordon, George Washington Plunkitt, Peter Quinn(Introduction) ISBN 0451526201 Compare price for this book.
Plunkitt of Tammany Hall: A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politics
AUTHOR: William L. Riordon, George Washington Plunkitt, Peter Quinn (Introduction)
ISBN: 0451526201
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Government Editorial Review from Amazon
Plunkitt of Tammany Hall: A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politics
- Book Review, by William L. Riordon, George Washington Plunkitt, Peter Quinn (Introduction)

A series of frank and unabashed discussions between George Washington Plunkitt, a key politician of Tammany Hall, and William L. Riordan, a sharp-eared and sympathetic reporter, reveals Plunkitt's successful political strategies. Reprint.
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Plunkitt of Tammany Hall: A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politics
- Book Review, by William L. Riordon, George Washington Plunkitt, Peter Quinn (Introduction) Annotation
Originally published in 1905, this book is the collected wisdom of G.W. Plunkitt, ward boss of that infamous turn-of-the-century New York City political machine, Tammany Hall. A major school adoption title. Reissue. From the Publisher Originally published in 1905, this book is the collected wisdom of G.W. Plunkitt, ward boss of that infamous turn-of-the-century New York City political machine, Tammany Hall. A major school adoption title.

55. Practical Politics
A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politics AUTHOR William L. Riordon,George Washington Plunkitt, Peter Quinn (Introduction) ISBN 0451526201
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Format: Hardcover Compare prices for this book AUTHOR: Alan Colmes (Author) ISBN: 0060562978 Publish Date: October 2003 Format: Hardcover Compare prices for this book Hardball: How Politics Is Played Told By One Who Knows The Game AUTHOR: Chris Matthews ISBN: 0684845598 Publish Date: October 1988 Format: Paperback Compare prices for this book A Man in Full AUTHOR: Wolfe, Tom ISBN: 0374270325 Format: Hardcover Compare prices for this book Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right AUTHOR: Al Franken ISBN: 0525947647 Publish Date: October 2003 Format: Hardcover Compare prices for this book Stupid White Men: And Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation!

56. Plunkitt Of Tammany Hall: A Series Of Very Plain Talks On Very Practical Politic
William L. Riordon George Washington Plunkitt William L. Riordan Peter Quinn ListPrice $5.95. George Washington Plunkitt was a stereotypical politician.
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Plunkitt of Tammany Hall: A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politics
William L. Riordon George Washington Plunkitt William L. Riordan Peter Quinn List Price: Price: Publisher: Signet Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours sales rank: Average customer rating: Buy from
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Customer Reviews Plunkitt of Tammany Hall: A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politics The Most Honest "Crook" You'll Ever Meet!
I first read this highly informative, often hilarious book for Intro to Political Science back in college. In this short tome are pearls of wisdom about politics and human nature still relevant 100 years later. Plunkitt, high atop his regular boot-black stand in NYC, declaims to his biographer, Riordan, a life spent in the political machine known as Tammany Hall, with such disarming honesty that is nearly non-existent today. Plunkitt's diatribes on "honest graft vs. dishonest graft," "Brooklynites Natural-Born Hayseeds," and the evils of civil service exams are outright hilarious. I highly recommend this book to anyone with even a passing interest in politics. He gives all the secrets I originally read this book in undergraduate school as Political Science major, and had to go back and find a copy because of the profound affect it had on my psyche. George Washington Plunkitt was a "stereotypical" politician. You know, the one who says what he needs to say to get elected; but once there does what's necessary for his party.

57. The New York Observer - Redirecting You To The Story...
Mornin’ Glories Missed Their Chance by Terry Golway. Reformers are mornin’glories, said the sage of Tammany Hall, George Washington Plunkitt.

58. George F. Will: Deregulating Politics
Clinton operated on the ethical principle propounded by George Washington Plunkitt,the philosopher of Tammany Hall I seen my opportunities and I took em
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Deregulating Politics George F. Will This selection first appeared in Newsweek Will recounts that Wisconsin legislation restricting communication that has the purpose of influencing an election has led to suits in which legislators have sued on the grounds that they have been harmed by political messages criticizing their performance, thus demonstrating what Will considers the real motive behind campaign finance reform: "The political class thinks it has a right to ration the permissible amount of political communication because it really thinks it has a property right to the offices it holds." W hen Earl Long was Louisiana's governor, he did not think highly of the state's attorney general: "If you want to hide something from Jack Gremillion, put it in a lawbook." Nowadays if you want, as sensible people do, to discredit the drive for campaign finance reform, give the reformers ample opportunities to put forth their arguments. The more they talk, the more wind escapes from their movement's sails. Although Bill Clinton is almost negligible as a president, he may have one large, and largely wholesome, consequence. Having run his last campaign, he now favors new regulations on giving and spending money to disseminate political advocacy. However, suppose, as seems probable and by and large desirable, the final conclusion about his 1996 campaign-financing activities is that although what he did was often coarse and unseemly, it was nevertheless permitted by existing laws. In that case, his behavior will have produced the de facto deregulation of campaigning. That is, there will be almost nothing significant that the laws regulating campaigns will significantly inhibit. Which is as it should be.

59. Books: George Washington
Plunkitt of Tammany Hall A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politicsby William L. Riordon, George Washington Plunkitt, William L. Riordan, Peter Washington/10/
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George Washington's Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation (Little Books of Wisdom)

by: George Washington
January, 1994's Price: prices subject to change.
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you can always remove it from your
Amazon Shopping Cart at a later date... George Washington Remembers: Reflections on the French and Indian War by: George Washington Fred Anderson Philander D. Chase

60. University Of Pittsburgh At Johnstown
The party passions. George Washington, 1796. It...... edition (1998). William Riordan, Plunkitt of Tammany Hall (1994). Course
University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
Political Science 1237: Political Parties and Elections
Ray Wrabley Spring 2001 Krebs 120C Hours: TH 9-10 am; and by appointment Required Texts John Kenneth White and Daniel M Shea, New Party Politics: From Jefferson and Hamilton to the Information Age L. Sandy Maisel, The Parties Respond: Changes in American Parties and Campaigns rd edition William Riordan, Plunkitt of Tammany Hall Course Description [The spirit of party] agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another; ferments occasional riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government through the channels of party passions.
George Washington, 1796
It should be flatly stated, that the political parties created democracy and that modern democracy is unthinkable save in terms of parties…Without parties there can be no organized and coherent politics. When politics lacks coherence, there can be no accountable democracy.

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