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Plouffe Simon: more detail |
61. To e Or Not To e? Thats A Constant Question University of Toronto mathematician Chandler Davis, Ph.D., Editor of The Mathematical Onthe other hand, numerical analyst Simon Plouffe of HydroQuebec in http://main.uab.edu/show.asp?durki=25350 |
63. Journal Of Integer Sequences Simon Plouffe (Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, PQ Canada),; EricM. Rains Waterloo, Waterloo, ON Canada),; Neil JA Sloane, Editorin-Chief (AT T http://www.emis.unne.edu.ar/journals/JIS/ | |
64. Science & Nature / History & Philosophy Of Science / Scientific Research Its Ways of Knowing by John Hatton, Paul B. Plouffe(Contributor) Our in the NaturalSciences by David Gooding(Editor), Simon Schaffer(Editor) Our Price http://www.stavar.i.se/bookstore/Sci_His_SciRese.html | |
65. Links In English 81 (July 1 To August 31, 2002 - 16) generated using a new tagging program written by Simon Plouffe at the CECM, SimonFraser Music on the Web (UK) Classical Editor Rob Barnett Music Webmaster http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/7863/furt/alfa_english81.html | |
66. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS ON SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS 4 Einstein A Centenary Volume AP French, Editor Harvard 1979 Society, and the RisingCulture Simon Schuster X John Hatton and Paul B Plouffe Science and http://www.iit.edu/~smile/refer.html | |
67. Science News Online, Ivars Peterson's MathTrek (2/28/98): Pick A Digit, Any Digi at http//www.lacim.uqam.ca/Plouffe/Simon/articlepi.html at http//www.mathsoft.com/asolve/Plouffe/Plouffe.html andphysics writer and online Editor at Science http://www.sciencenews.org/pages/sn_arc98/2_28_98/mathland.htm | |
68. BibTeX Database For Emerging.tex % Updated With Data From Jon 204}, year = {1997}, booktitle={Proceedings of ISSAC 97, Maui}, Editor = {W.~K book{SloanePlouffe1995,author = NJA Sloane and Simon Plouffe , title = The http://www.apmaths.uwo.ca/~rcorless/frames/PAPERS/SYMBOLIC/emerge.bib |
69. Math.Net Bookstore of Integer Sequences ~ Ships in 23 days NJA Sloane, Simon Plouffe / Hardcover /Published Modular Forms and Fermat s Last Theorem Gary Cornell (Editor), et al http://www.math.net/mathbooks/number-theory.html | |
70. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | How Random Is Pi? By Dr David Whitehouse BBC News Online science Editor. That discovery was made byDavid Bailey and Canadian mathematicians Peter Borewin and Simon Plouffe. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/2146295.stm | |
71. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | How Random Is Pi? By Dr David Whitehouse BBC News Online science Editor That discovery was made byDavid Bailey and Canadian mathematicians Peter Borewin and Simon Plouffe. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/low/sci/tech/2146295.stm | |
72. 6 May 2002 the entire file, so I was forced to use a textEditor (BBEdit Lite Simon Plouffe sentlog(13981) ~ 9.5454545454 ., log(163) ~ 163/32, Zeta(3) ~ log(19)/sqrt(6 http://www.mathpuzzle.com/6may2002.htm | |
73. Books / Science & Nature / Mathematics / Number Theory Modular Forms and Fermat s Last Theorem Gary Cornell (Editor), et al The Encyclopediaof Integer Sequences NJA Sloane, Simon Plouffe / Hardcover / Published http://www.bookmag.com/books/science---nature/138.html | |
74. Combinatorial Links Peter Paule is working as Associate Editor for Computer Algebra for s S. Finch);Inverse Symbolic Calculator at the CECM (including Simon Plouffe s Table of http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/research/combinat/risc/links/ | |
75. From Mailer@mailer.siam.org Wed Jan 21 115906 1998 Date Wed, 21 5.1 January 15, 1998 ~~~~~ From OPSF Editor muldoon@yorku.ca On-LineEncyclopedia of Integer Sequences, Simon Plouffe s `Inverse Symbolic http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/JAT/DATA/OPSFNET/1998.01.fixed | |
76. N. Simon - Cookie Nest The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences By N. Sloane, Simon Plouffe March, 1995 The ChemistryBy John N. Abelson, Melvin I. (EditorIn-Chief) Simon 15 June http://store.cookienest.com/authors/n. simon.php | |
77. Software, Books, Lecture Notes, Etc. Of Interest To Combinatorialists know of any such items please address email to the Managing Editor Thus, RATE complementsNeile Sloane and Simon Plouffe s SUPERSEEKER and Bruno Salvy and Paul http://www.combinatorics.org/Software/ | |
78. Literature On Non-Realistic Computer Graphics In Walter R. Bender and Wil Plouffe, Editors, Image Handling and In Václav Skala,Editor, Proceedings of WSCG 95 (Pilzen 56 Paul Richens and Simon Schofield. http://isgwww.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/~stefans/lehre/sfu/litlist.html | |
79. Bibliogrphie Schofield, 1994 Simon Schofield to 2D Shape Blending. In Edwin E. Catmull, Editor,Proceedings of Fibers. In Walter R. Bender and Wil Plouffe, Editors, Image http://isgwww.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/pub/books/npr/Bibliographie/Bibliographie.htm | |
80. Institute Advisory Board Biographies - CIHR Louise Plouffe joined Health Canada in 1989 as a Psychological Association and BookReview Editor for the Honours program in Biology at Simon Fraser University http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/institutes/ia/11356.shtml | |
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