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Plouffe Simon: more detail |
21. Ivars Peterson's MathLand A previous MathLand article about Simon Plouffe and the world title he once held Petersonis the mathematics and physics writer and online Editor at Science http://www.maa.org/mathland/mathland_11_11.html | |
22. Project Gutenberg - Title Index: V by Van Dyke, Henry. Value Of Zeta(3) To 1,000,000 places, The. by Plouffe, Simon,Editor. Vampyre, The; A Tale. by Polidori, John William. Van Bibber and Others. http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/IT_V |
23. Project Gutenberg - Title Index: F First 1000 Euler Numbers, The. by Plouffe, Simon, Editor. First 1001 FibonacciNumbers, The. by Plouffe, Simon, Editor. First 498 Bernoulli Numbers, The. http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/IT_F | |
24. EBOOKS - ALPHABETICAL LIST ~ P Platt, Rutherford Hayes, 1894. Plautus. Pliny, the Younger. Plouffe, Simon,Editor. Plunkitt, George Washington. Plutarch. Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. http://www.globusz.com/authors_p1.html | |
25. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Letters Of The Younger Pliny, First Series Volume 1. Plouffe, Simon,Editor First 1000 Euler Numbers, The; First 1001 Fibonacci http://www.globusz.com/authors_p.html | |
26. The Math Forum - Math Library - College Theoretic Analysis (Topology Atlas) Krzysztof Chris Ciesielski, Editor An interactive SimonPlouffe - Simon Plouffe Home page of Simon Plouffe, pi expert and http://mathforum.org/library/levels/college/?keyid=9373733&start_at=4101&num_to_ |
27. Math Forum Electronic Newsletter From Simon Plouffe, author of the Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (with NeilJA Sloane) and the Inverse Symbolic Calculator (ISC). Sarah Seastone, Editor. http://mathforum.org/electronic.newsletter/mf.intnews3.13.html | |
28. Mathematics Of Computation Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Simon Fraser University BC, Canada V5A 1S6Email Plouffe@cecm.sfu SC, $\pi $, algorithm Received by Editor(s) October http://www.ams.org/mcom/1997-66-218/S0025-5718-97-00856-9/home.html | |
29. Journal Of Integer Sequences Simon Plouffe (Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, PQ Canada),; EricM. Rains (AT T Shannon Lab, Florham Park, NJ USA),; Jeffrey O. Shallit, Editorin http://www.research.att.com/njas/sequences/JIS/ | |
30. Welcome To The On-Line Encyclopedia Of Integer Sequences Simon Plouffe (Plouffe@math.uqam.ca); James A. Sellers (sellersj@math.psu.edu);Neil JA Sloane (njas@research.att.com) , Editorin-chief; http://www.research.att.com/njas/sequences/Seis.html | |
31. International Society For Existential Psychology And Psychotherapy Louise Plouffe, Ph.D (Health Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada). Managing Editor, StudentSection. Eddy Elmer, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada. http://www.existentialpsychology.org/isepp_about_executive.htm | |
32. Favorite Links Of Doron Zeilberger I am coEditor-in-chief (with Joseph Kung and Fan Chung) of Advances in AppliedMathematics. I also love Simon Plouffe s Inverse Symbolic Calculator. http://www.math.temple.edu/~zeilberg/khaver.html | |
33. Doron Zeilberger's 36th Opinion: The Forum section Editor, Susan Friedlander, decided to reject it. the need to talkback),Michael Larson, Jaak Peetre, Marko Petkovsek, Simon Plouffe, and a http://www.math.temple.edu/~zeilberg/Opinion36.html | |
34. Favorite Links Of Doron Zeilberger I am coEditor-in-chief (with Joseph Kung) of Advances in Applied Mathematics. I also love Simon Plouffe s Inverse Symbolic Calculator. http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~zeilberg/khaver.html | |
35. Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894 http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htmeng. Plouffe, Simon, Editor, 1005350. ValueOf Zeta(3) To 1,000,000 places, The. http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htm-eng. http://hzeid.free.fr/tv.htm |
36. Packard, Frank L. (Frank Lucius), 1877-1942 http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htmeng. Plouffe, Simon, Editor, 1005346. First 1000 EulerNumbers, The. http//gutenberg.net/, txt,htm-eng. Plouffe, Simon, Editor, 1005347. http://hzeid.free.fr/ap.htm |
37. Äåíÿò íà ÷èñëîòî "ïè" - MavicaNET eng . Select site, Simon Plouffe Home Page English URL http//www.cecm.sfu.ca/~Plouffe/.shown in filters . x, Editor s login Username http://www.mavicanet.com/directory/bul/6309.html | |
38. Pi Days - MavicaNET Category Editor(s) Birdie, Boris. Sites. Help, Select site, Simon Plouffe Home Page English URL http//www.cecm.sfu.ca/~Plouffe/. shown in filters Personalia. http://www.mavicanet.com/directory/fin/6309.html | |
39. This Is Project Gutenberg This List Has Been Downloaded From The Plato, circa 427347 BC Platt, Rutherford Hayes, 1894- Plouffe, Simon Plutarch Poe Reed,Myrtle, 1874-1911 Reu, Johann Michael, 1869-1943, Editor Reynolds, John http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/authors9809a1.txt |
40. Só Páginas Sobre O Número PI A HyperCard Stack (for Mac) to ear my voice (Simon Plouffe) reciting 100,000 digitsof Hours and hours of fun, the folder contains a sound Editor for mac that http://www.mat.uc.pt/~jaimecs/pipag.html | |
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