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Plato Circa 427-347 Bc: more detail |
81. HomeSchool This extract from the work of Plato (circa 427 347 BC) is the first appearance in classical literature of the Atlantis myth. It http://www.rain.org/homeschool/atlantis-plato-extract.html | |
82. Extract From Plato's Timaeus And Critias Critias. This extract from the work of Plato (circa 427 347 BC) is the first appearance in classical literature of the Atlantis myth. http://www.ing.iac.es/PR/lapalma/plato.html | |
83. NwÒl¼T^Philosophers Of The World Quotations Plato MindPleasure.com. Plato (circa 428c. 347 BC) Ron s Home Page. Plato Greek Philosopher. 427?-347 BC( The Window HP). http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/tn_delamancha/100/philosophers.html | |
84. Matt & Andrej Koymasky - Famous GLTB - P 2 Plato, * 427 + 347 BC Greece, Athenian philosopher. Platt, Minnie Bruce, * ? + ? - USA? Polemon Krates, * circa 300 BC - Gerece, Plato s followers. http://andrejkoymasky.com/liv/fam/famp2.html | |
85. Gay Christians Of West Texas Troy Founder of the Metropolitan Community Church Plato - (427? - 347 BC) Philosopher Pope Benedict IX - (1020 - 1055 the Indigo Girls Sappho - (circa 600 BC http://groups.msn.com/gaychristiansofwesttexas/famousglbtpeople.msnw | |
86. Outline For Chapter IV. Pythagoreans Pythagoras of Samos (circa 569 475 BC) traveled throughtout Egypt and Plato (427 - 347 BC) also founded a school on the land that belonged to http://www.math.psu.edu/elkin/math/035-Su02/outline04.html |
87. The Lair Of Fang-Face DreamWeaver Plato, philosopher (427-347 BCE). The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled. Plutarch, biographer and philosopher (circa 46-120). http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/dreamweaver/quotes/qtphiloso.html | |
88. Years: BCE To CE [AD] 500 Legendary dates and information are indicated by square brackets; ca.= circa (approximately). 427347 Lifetime of Plato, founder of the Academy at Athens. http://ise.uvic.ca/Library/SLT/reference/bcetoce500.html | |
89. VIP Pasolini, Pier Paolo Perkins, Anthony Actor Plato - (427? - 347 BC) Philosopher Pope Benedict IX - (1020 - 1055 of the Indigo Girls Sappho - (circa 600 BC http://www.malebox.com/malebox/malebox/famous/fg-vip.jsp |
90. Who's Who & Who's Gay of the Indigo Girls Sappho (circa 600 BC Pasolini, Pier Paolo Perkins, Anthony - Actor Plato - (427? - 347 BC) Philosopher Pope Benedict IX - (1020 - 1055 http://www.northbound-train.com/whoswho/Gender.html | |
91. Seeds Of Discernment Hesiod (circa 700 BC) That man is allbest who himself works out every problem and solves it, seeing what Plato ( 427 - 347 BC) See Purposes of Education. http://www31.homepage.villanova.edu/john.durnin/Purposes/seeds.htm | |
92. FightingArts.com - Pankration: Martial Art Of Classical Greece Greek (circa 520). During the poet Pindar s time (522?443 BC) sparring was emphasized, but by the philosopher Plato s era (427?-347 BC) it had descended to http://www.fightingarts.com/reading/article.php?id=164 |
93. Quotes P English Member of Parliament during a heated parliamentary debate circa 1910 politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. Plato (427?347? BC). http://twotrees.www.50megs.com/attic/quotes/p.html | |
94. Quotes An Eclectic Collection Of Choice (And Not Necessarily Plato, philosopher (427347 BCE). Stammering Senator Patrick Kennelly, when told before an ALP Caucus meeting that the Left had the numbers (circa 1950s). http://www.australianpolitics.com/words/quotes.shtml |
95. Geometry In Art & Architecture Unit 6 Profile Plato (c.427347 BCE) was born to an Recall our quotation from Plato s Republic, where, in the and water, is attributed to Empedocles (circa 493-433 http://www.dartmouth.edu/~matc/math5.geometry/unit6/unit6.html | |
96. Tom's Favorite Quotes Plato, philosopher (427347 BCE). Thus, taking advantage of what is, we recognize the utility of what is not. - Lao Tzu, philosopher (circa 600 BCE). http://ednet.rvc.cc.il.us/~TomL/quotes.htm | |
97. GREEK AND OTHER QUOTATIONS, WORDS OF WISDOM 160240 AD; Diogenes Laertius. circa 200 A. Athenæus. circa 200 AD; Plato (427?-347? BC); Unknown Authorship. Publius Syrus. 42 BC; Seneca. 8 BC-65 AD; Phædrus. http://www.triptohomeland.org/quotes.htm | |
98. pChX ivgj mDIC_LINKÅÇÞ ¢EÌE-TEXT The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.bauddha.net/_e-text/-plato/plato_phaedrus.html | |
99. eACegX ivgj mDIC_LINKÅÇÞ ¢EÌE-TEX The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.bauddha.net/_e-text/-plato/plato_theaetetus.html | |
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