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Perdue Mitzi: more detail | ||||||
61. February 20 Mitzi Perdue Healthy U. Mitzi. Perdue discussed Healthy U and its desireto reach immigrants. This program is an initiative to promote http://pmg.salisbury.edu/bien/minutes/2-03.htm | |
62. Authors P-R C. Pellico, Silvio, 17891854 Penfeather, Amabel AKA Cooper, Susan Fenimore, 1813-1894Penrose, Margaret Pepys, Samuel, 1633-1703 Perdue, Mitzi Perkins, Lucy http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/p-r.htm | |
63. Eggers World: Welcome! It makes my day when my issue comes in the mail. Mitzi Perdue, wife of FrankPerdue of Perdue Chicken Your magazine is great. Best one out there. http://www.eggersworld.com/intro.html | |
64. Eggers World: Resources Available from Egger s World Title EggScapes TM Author Mitzi Perdue PublishedAgricultural Art and Science Foundation, 22 King George Street, Annapolis http://www.eggersworld.com/biblio.html | |
65. AIDS In The News Finally, Scripps Howard environmental writer Mitzi Perdue wrote an excellent article, A different perspective on AIDS, on the role of fundamental research http://www.animalrights.net/discussion/fullthread$msgnum=220 | |
66. Optimistic About Our Environmental Future By Mitzi Perdue September 11, 2000 Scripps Howard News Service As director of theProgram for the Human Environment at Rockefeller University, Jesse Ausubel http://phe.rockefeller.edu/mitziperdue/ | |
67. Climate Change Matters To Many Species Of Birds By Mitzi Perdue Scripps Howard News Service. Mitzi Perdue writes aboutenvironmentally related matters for Scripps Howard News Service. http://www.buffzone.com/recreation/ecology/24gcol.html | |
68. ESPN Outdoors Florida doctor examines the eyes of wild, live sharks to understand how the fearedcreatures see the world, and how we see them By Mitzi Perdue Scripps Howard http://espn.go.com/outdoors/conservation/s/c_fea_shark_eyesight.html | |
69. Pantry_poultry_chicken PANTRY All About Chicken. This information is excerpted from The PerdueChicken Cookbook by Mitzi Perdue. This incredibly complete http://www.cooking911.com/pantry_poultry_chicken.htm | |
70. Soy Products Can you help me? If you d like to see the kind of material I write, please comevisit my web page. It s http//www.escape.com. Thanks! Mitzi Perdue. http://www.ag.uiuc.edu/archives/experts/utilization/1997/0379.html | |
71. Re: Soy Products For Mitzi Perdue Thanks for your email. yes I will visit you web site.Ther page. It s http//www.escape.com. Thanks! Mitzi Perdue . http://www.ag.uiuc.edu/archives/experts/utilization/1997/0393.html | |
72. Report Of The 82nd Annual Convention Mitzi Perdue and President Marilyn Dankner at the fete Mitzi hosted in honorof the MFRW Board and Marilyn s Election to NFRW Memberat-Large. http://www.mfrw.org/82ndAnnualConvention.htm |
73. Foster Parent Program Offers Troubled Youths The Opportunity Of A Fresh Start troubled youths the opportunity of a fresh start By Mitzi Perdue Times Photo http://www.talkaboutsupport.com/group/alt.support.foster-parents/messages/30475. | |
74. Creative Loafing Atlanta | NEWS & VIEWS | PERDUE PLAYS FAVORITES IN FULTON RACE Meanwhile, Atlanta school board member Mitzi Bickers has already started her NorthFulton Chamber of Commerce, can avail herself of Perdue s fundraising levers http://atlanta.creativeloafing.com/2003-08-07/news_brief.html | |
75. Fowl Play - GourmetSpot.com Feature At Yumyum.com, Mitzi Perdue of Perdue Chicken tells you All About Chicken. Youcan often save five to ten cents per pound when you cut your own chicken. http://www.gourmetspot.com/features/fowlplay.htm | |
76. Wanted Trees, Experience A Plus By Mitzi Perdue Scripps Howard News Service. (Mitzi Perdue writes about environmentallyrelated matters weekly for Scripps Howard News Service.). July 15, 1997. http://www.peekaboo.net/archives/cat18/96.html | |
77. Lower Shore Enterprises And the generous donors of The Perdue Kresge Challenge matchingfunds . Frank and Mitzi Perdue and The Kresge Foundation. On http://lowershoreenterprises.org/Newsletter 6 March.html | |
78. Russia Program Links Clockwise from the front Mitzi Perdue of Perdue Farms; thenformer Secretaryof Defense Donald Rumsfeld; former UN Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick; former http://www.afpc.org/rpgallery.shtml | |
79. Guestbook Mitzi Perdue Mitzi@eggscape.com MD USA Thursday, July 27, 2000 at080205 (EDT). Jean, Simply breathtaking. Your work is tremendous. http://www.eggceptional.com/guestbook/guestbook.html | |
80. Salisbury Neighborhood Housing Service This Challenge was created when Frank and Mitzi Perdue pledged $4 million andthe Kresge Foundation pledged $2 million in matching funds to selected non http://www.salisburynhs.org/viewupdate.asp?id=44 |
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