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81. Bill O'Reilly Bill Oreilly@foxnews.com An archive of critical news articles and reports about O'Reilly. http://www.therationalradical.com/dsep/bill-oreilly-fox.htm | |
82. The Perl CD Bookshelf Complete texts of the following O'Reilly manuals 'Perl in a Nutshell', 'Learning Perl', 'Learning Perl on Win32 Systems', 'Programming Perl', 'Advanced Perl Programming', and 'Perl Cookbook'. http://tit.irk.ru/perlbookshelf/ |
83. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Myles William Patrick O'Reilly (Catholic Encyclopedia) http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11294d.htm | |
84. Conferences.oreilly.com -- O'Reilly Conference On Enterprise Java News and updates from the March 2001 O'Reilly Conference on Enterprise Java. For more conference news, visit OnJava.com. http://conferences.oreillynet.com/java2001/ | |
85. Oreilly.com -- Online Catalog: Ruby In A Nutshell By Yukihiro Matz Matsumoto; O'Reilly Associates, 2001, ISBN 0596002149. By programmer, and Ruby creator; concise broad reference guide assumes reader knows programming. O'Reilly Associates http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/ruby/ | |
86. Web.oreilly.com -- Welcome To The O'Reilly Web & Internet Center -- Computer Boo Features web programming and design books, resources, news and articles. http://web.oreilly.com/ | |
87. Entrez PubMed No abstract, Investigator profile Richard J. O Reilly interviewed by Glaser VP.J Hematother Stem Cell Res. 2001 Jun;10(3)3359. No abstract available. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=search&db=pubmed&term=O'Reilly |
88. Meerkat: An Open Wire Service Open wire service that keeps developers on top of rapidlychanging technology news. Meerkat organizes information, drawn from a wide variety of sites, by channel, category and date. http://www.oreillynet.com/meerkat/ | |
89. T R U T H O U T - Bill Moyers Responds To Bill O'Reilly Moyers refutes assertions that O'Reilly made about him in a broadcast. http://www.truthout.com/docs_02/12.06D.moyers.oreilly.htm | |
90. [Chapter 8] 8.6 Perl Poetry Chapter from the O'Reilly book. http://iis1.cps.unizar.es/Oreilly/perl/prog/ch08_06.htm | |
91. O'Reilly Network: [2004 04, June] O'Reilly Network authors, programmers and editors write on various topics, mostly about technology. http://weblogs.oreilly.com/ | |
92. Windows.oreilly.com -- Welcome To The O'Reilly Windows Center -- Computer Books, Features Windows books, resources, news and articles. http://windows.oreilly.com/ | |
93. Bill O'Reilly And His Merry Band Of Censors - Global Black News (African America Opinion piece by Bakari Akil II O'Reilly, in a McCarthylike fashion, has begun to systematically target African American males. http://www.globalblacknews.com/BillO'Reilly.html | |
94. O'Reilly Network: Weblogs Home Page [Nov. 11, 2002] The technology weblogs of individual O'Reilly authors. http://www.oreillynet.com/weblogs/ | |
95. Oracle.oreilly.com -- Welcome To The O'Reilly Oracle Center -- Computer Books, O Features Oracle books, resources, news and articles. http://oracle.oreilly.com/ | |
96. ONLamp.com: PHP DevCenter O'Reilly Network's source for PHP developer news and information. Provides comprehensive PHP news, articles and forums. http://www.onlamp.com/php/ | |
97. Reason: Spin This: The Trouble With Bill O'Reilly Cathy Young's article concludes with I would worry about any member of the audience who doesn't want to yell at O'Reilly at least as often as she wants to cheer him on. http://reason.com/0208/co.cy.spin.shtml | |
98. MacDevCenter.com -- Macintosh Development, Open Source Development O'Reilly Network's source for Macintosh and OS X developers draws on our expertise in open source and BSD/Unix, the technologies that will elevate Mac OS X. The site features original articles, insightful interviews, useful tools and a daily Maconly news feed. http://www.oreillynet.com/mac/ | |
99. BillOReilly.com: Official Home Page Official site information his syndicated newspaper columns, radio broadcasts, and TV shows. Includes biographical information, message boards, and a member's area. http://billoreilly.com/ | |
100. Security.oreilly.com -- Welcome To The O'Reilly Security Center -- Computer Book Features security books, resources, news and articles. http://security.oreilly.com/ | |
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