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41. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Edmund O'Reilly (Catholic Encyclopedia) http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11294a.htm | |
42. XML.com Resource Guide Choose from hundreds of categories of related resources. http://www.xml.com/pub/resourceguide/index.html | |
43. O'Reilly Perl Conference 5.0 Information about the recent July 2001 O'Reilly Perl Conference. http://conferences.oreilly.com/perl5/ | |
44. "O'Reilly Factor, The" (1996) Features information on the host, crew, and production. http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0284767/ | |
45. ONLamp.com: OpenBSD In A Datacenter Scale Environment [Aug. 01, 2000] Details of OpenBSD powering a high profile site. http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/bsd/2000/08/01/OpenBSD.html | |
46. ONDotnet.com: Transparent Database Access With ADO.NET [Dec. 16, 2002] An article that shows how to use ADO.NET's different providers and transparently use it in your application without having to know the specifics of each provider. http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2002/12/16/transadonet.html | |
47. Oreilly.com -- Online Catalog: Palm Programming: The Developer's Guide Used by Palm in their developer training, this tutorialstyle book published by O'Reilly shows intermediate to experienced C programmers how to build a Palm application from the ground up. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/palmprog/ | |
48. Slashdot | Interview With The Creator Of Ruby Forum comments and discussion related to Ruby and O'Reilly guide 'Ruby in a Nutshell'; diverse opinions, many positive remarks. Slashdot.org http://slashdot.org/developers/01/12/01/0110233.shtml | |
49. Open Source - Kurz Gut Online Version des O'Reilly Buches zur Open Source Initiative, um einen berblick ¼ber den Stand der Diskussionen zu geben. http://www.oreilly.de/german/freebooks/os_tb/toc.html | |
50. Oreilly.com -- Online Catalog: WebMaster In A Nutshell From O'Reilly, quick reference covers HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, HTTP, and server configuration. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/webmaster/ | |
51. Tim.oreilly.com -- Various Things I've Written: Tim's Archive Tim O'Reilly's archive. http://tim.oreilly.com/ | |
52. ONLamp.com ONLamp.com is the high performance web development site from the O'Reilly Network. Features LAMP web developer original articles, news and commentary. http://www.onlamp.com/ | |
53. The Saturday Evening Post Bill O'Reilly Lengthy interview conducted by Patrick Perry. http://www.satevepost.org/health/oreilly_no_spin_zone.html |
54. Perl.oreilly.com -- Welcome To The O'Reilly Perl Center -- Computer Books, Perl Current and past products, resources, and news on O'Reilly and Associate's Perl involvement. http://perl.oreilly.com/ | |
55. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Edmund O'Reilly (Catholic Encyclopedia) http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11293c.htm | |
56. O'Reilly Network XML A place to discuss the Extensible Markup Language and its family of related standards from the W3C. http://www.oreillynet.com/cs/user/forum/cs_disc/244 |
57. O'Reilly Media Book List Alphabetical and grouped by publisher. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/prdindex.html | |
58. Missingmanuals.com -- Welcome To Missing Manuals Domain for the book series from David Pogue and O'Reilly Associates. Full written manuals for popular consumer software and hardware products that come with no hardcopy manuals, or which manuals are very poor. http://www.missingmanual.com/ | |
59. TechNetCast Archives Technetcast audio files from the February 2001 O'Reilly Peerto-Peer Conference are available now. You can listen to Tim O'Reilly's Opening Presentation, Clay Shirky's Lessons from Napster, and the Dimensions of P2P panel. http://technetcast.ddj.com/tnc_catalog.html?item_id=1167 |
60. O'Reilly Network: OpenBSD Explained [Jan. 09, 2001] OpenBSD section of the O'Reilly BSD DevCenter. http://www.onlamp.com/pub/q/OpenBSD_Explained | |
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