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81. Seminar Details - Multi-University/Research Lab (MURL) Seminar Series Install NetShow. Seminar Details. Computational Design. Who Mihai Nadin (Universityof Wuppertal). Where Stanford University. When 4/16/1999 1230 PM (Pacific). http://murl.microsoft.com/LectureDetails.asp?260 |
82. IÉ ®XBookweb:m^CgXg Glarus, by Dobler, Andreas, Antizipation, m. DVDROM - Die Ursache liegtin der Zukunft. by Nadin, Mihai. Bilder und Nachbilder, Maria http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/cat2-3415.html | |
83. Mihai an interviw with Mihai Nadin by Thom Gillespie. The original impetusfor this article came when a very smart talented 19 yearold http://www.indiana.edu/~slizzard/dmd/mihaiNadin/ | |
84. Anticipation: The End Is Where We Start From Prof. Dr. Mihai Nadin BISC Program, UC Berkeley and Chair of Computational DesignUniversity of Wuppertal, Germany. April 18, 2002 320 Soda Hall 400530pm. http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/Seminars/Archive/2002/Apr/020418.nadin.html | |
85. Nadin, M. One Cannot Not Interact. Mihai Nadin Computational Design, Universityof Wuppertal, Monsieur Jourdain And this, the way I speak. http://www.cs.ucsd.edu/users/goguen/courses/nadin.htm | |
86. New Books, Videos, & Microforms In Philosophy/Religion Nadin, Mihai. Anticipation / Mihai Nadin. Baden, Switzerland LarsMuller, c2002. 127 p. ill. ; 25 cm. + 1 DVDROM (4 3/4 in.). http://www.library.unlv.edu/newstuff/january.2004/philos.html | |
87. Rezonance : Forum Architecture Et économie Du Savoir: The Architecture Of Thoug Translate this page Dr. Mihai Nadin et Prof. Peter Friedrich Stephan? Recherche. The Architectureof Thought par les Prof. Dr. Mihai Nadin et Prof. http://www.rezonance.ch/infos/forums/message-view?message_id=113324 |
88. [rohrpost] Trust - The 21 Century And Beyond Translate this page FCGR, Providence, USA Kersten, Heinrich, Dr., Bonn, Germany Ludwig, Volker, Dipl.-Ing.,Bonn, Germany Mann, Erika, Brüssel, Belgium Nadin, Mihai, Prof. http://amsterdam.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/rohrpost-0011/msg00160.html | |
89. Wuppertal-Navigator: Das Adressbuch » U « Nadin, Mihai - Prof. http://www.wuppertal-navigator.de/adressbuch/gesamtuebersicht/u.html | |
90. Digital Horizons Announcement A Mind at Work We are our questions An homage to Mihai Nadin. Mercedes Vilanova andFrederic Chordá (Eds.) Umberto Eco, Heinz von Foerster, and ED Hirsch, Jr. http://www.dhorizons.org/english/mindatwork.htm | |
91. Institutsbibliothek Informationswissenschaft - Handapparate Translate this page 1987), S. 21-34. Nadin, Mihai (1988) Interface design A semioticparadigm, in Semiotica 69 (1988) 3/4, S. 269-302. Norman, Donald A http://is.uni-sb.de/vibi/handapp/haidesig.php | |
92. Project Gutenberg Edition Of The Civilization Of Illiteracy Project Gutenberg Presents. The Civilization of Illiteracy. by MihaiNadin. Project Gutenberg Release 2481 (January 2001) Author names http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=2481 |
93. Www.anticipation.info_a_knowledge-community topic of anticipation definitions of anticipation anticipation projectanticipation publications anticipation forum anticipation abstract. http://www.anticipation.info/ | |
94. HAFO Historia, Antropología Y Fuentes Orales Translate this page http://www.hayfo.com/hemeroteca.php3?veure=2 |
95. HAFO Historia, Antropología Y Fuentes Orales Translate this page http://www.hayfo.com/revista.php3 | |
96. TP: 1 Buch 2 Bücher 3 Gedanken 4 Ideen : N Vorschläge http://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/inhalt/buch/5792/1.html | |
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