New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors Author names starting with Mu Follow these links for explanations of the of this catalog, its condition of use , the dates , the general abbreviations , the language abbreviations , the nationality abbreviations electronic library codes used, and for advice on buying or borrowing selling or valuing old books. If you have any corrections, additions or other suggestions, please send them to nee TRAILL (F: 1841 Nov 7 - 1892 May 28) I I I WH nee Napoleon And Blucher [Ge-?] (tr ?) [?] Joseph II And His Court [Ge-?] (tr ?) [?] Louisa Of Prussia And Her Times [Ge-?] (tr ?) [?] Andreas Hofer [Ge-?] (tr ?) [?] Prince Eugene [Ge-?] (tr ?) [?] Berlin And Sans-Souci [Ge-?] (tr ?) [?] MO nee GR ,L L L nee q V V q ... DE KKER) Johannes de MULTONA (see: John Maurice TU HE JO H nee WI NKLER) Theodor MUNDT (M: 1808 - 1861) Talbot MUNDY (see: William Lancaster GR BU nee Mc RU SSELL) Elizabeth V MUNRO, nee ,W W ,W MI FO I N ... H nee R HI I I ... KE LLEY) Jane MURFIN (F: ? - ?) (ps: Allan Langdon MARTIN (2)) Mary Noailles MURFREE (F: 1850 Jan 24 - 1922 Aug 1) (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK; R Emmett DEMBRY) T Down The Ravine (ps: Charles Egbert CRADDOCK) [1885] T H nee LE nee nee J nee ED R nee )Reed MURPHY (F: c1834 - ?) | |