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         Morris William:     more books (100)
  1. The roots of the mountains wherein is told somewhat of the lives by Morris. William. 1834-1896., 1890-01-01
  2. Poems by the way. by Morris. William. 1834-1896., 1891-01-01
  3. The story of the glittering plain. which has also been called th by Morris. William. 1834-1896., 1896-01-01
  4. The story of the glittering plain. which has been also called th by Morris. William. 1834-1896., 1891-01-01
  5. Pre-Raphaelite ballads by William, 1834-1896 Morris, 2009-10-26
  6. The earthly paradise. a poem. by Morris. William. 1834-1896., 1890-01-01
  7. The Sundering Flood. by Morris. William. 1834-1896., 1898-01-01
  8. A tale of the House of the Wolfings and all the kindreds of the by Morris. William. 1834-1896., 1890-01-01
  9. The Collected Letters of William Morris, Vol.4 1893-1896 by William Morris, Norman Kelvin, 1996-01-22
  10. William Morris Full-Color Patterns and Designs (Pictorial Archives) by William Morris, 1988-06-01
  11. The Flowers of William Morris by Derek W. Baker, 2006-07-12
  12. William Morris Stained Glass Pattern Book by Carolyn Relei, 1998-06-15
  13. News From Nowhere (Oxford World's Classics) by William Morris, 2009-10-04
  14. William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones: Interlacings (Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art) by Dr. Caroline Arscott, 2008-11-25

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62. Academic Directories
of the Department of English at the University of Toronto, this page makes available in electronic form a selection of poems by William Morris (18341896).

63. William Morris
Morris, William (18341896), poet, artist, Great Britain. William Morris, English poet and artist, born 1834, died 1896. Works. The
Nordic Authors
William Morris
Search for Nordic Authors
Project Runeberg Catalog Recent Changes ... Comments?
Morris, William (1834-1896)
, poet, artist, Great Britain. William Morris , English poet and artist, born 1834, died 1896.
The Defense of Guenevere
The Life and Death of Jason
The Earthly Paradise
Love is Enough
English translation by William Morris
English translation by William Morris
Three Northern Love Stories
written after a journey to Iceland
Sigurd the Viking
written after a journey to Iceland
A Dream of John Bull
The House of the Wolfings
The Roots of the Mountains
The Story of the Glittering Plain
Poems by the Way
News from nowhere
The Wood Beyond the World
The Well at the World's End
Kelmscott Chaucer
The Water of the Wondrous Isles
Story of the Sundering Flood
Eyrbyggja Saga , Icelandic medieval saga
English translation by William Morris and Eiríkr Magnússon The Story of the Ere-Dwellers
Electronic edition of the English translation from The Online Medieval and Classic Library (OMACL) at the Berkeley SunSite.
Heitharviga Saga , Icelandic medieval saga
English translation by William Morris and Eiríkr Magnússon The Story of the Heath Slayings
Electronic edition of the English translation from The Online Medieval and Classic Library (OMACL) at the Berkeley SunSite.

64. P22 William Morris
William Morris (18341896) was probably the most influential figure in the Arts Crafts and private press movements of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
William Morris Morris William Morris Set

65. William Morris (1834-1896) - Un Décorateur Friand D'arsenic
William Morris (1834-1896) - Un décorateur friand d arsenic.

William Morris (1834-1896) - Un décorateur friand d'arsenic
William Morris (1834-1896) - Un décorateur friand d'arsenic
Il décriait les méfaits de l'industrialisation sur la nature
Édition du jeudi 12 juin 2003
Mots clés : France (pays), william morris Paris - Le poète et décorateur anglais William Morris (1834-1896), un penseur utopiste prompt à décrier les méfaits de l'industrialisation sur la nature, n'en a pas moins recouru à l'arsenic, substance hautement toxique, dans les pigments verts qu'il utilisait pour les motifs de ses papiers peints, selon la revue Nature à paraître aujourd'hui. Cher lecteur, le reste de cet article est réservé aux abonnés.
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66. | People | MORRIS, William
People William Morris. William Morris. No Plaque Image Available. Click to add one. 18341896 Poet and Artist. Links. Google Search for William Morris

67. William Morris Willow Boughs
Morris, William (18341896), English poet, designer, and socialist reformer, who, in an increasingly industrialized age, urged a return to medieval traditions
Morris, William (1834-1896), English poet, designer, and socialist reformer, who, in an increasingly industrialized age, urged a return to medieval traditions of design, craftsmanship, and community. He was the prime figure in the formation of the Arts and Crafts Movement. Morris became increasingly active in politics but without losing interest in art and letters. In 1884 he helped to establish the Socialist League, editing and contributing to its organ, the Commonweal. He described a fictitious socialist commonwealth in England in A Dream of John Ball (1886-1887) and News from Nowhere (1890). He established the Kelmscott Press in 1890, and, using his own designs for the type and ornamental letters, he issued editions of the classics and of his own works, notably The Kelmscott Chaucer (1896). Morris died in London on October 3

68. Morris, William
Morris, William. British 18341896 The Works. Some highlights of works by this artist selected by Art Guide s editors and readers.

69. The Beauty Of Life: William Morris And The Art Of Design
William Morris (18341896) was among the most creative artists Britain has ever produced. His accomplishments are extraordinary in their range and depth.

Art Home
B eauty, which is what is meant by art, using the word in its widest sense, is, I contend, no mere accident to human life, which people can take or leave as they choose, but a positive necessity of life.
- William Morris, The Beauty of Life
Cinderella tile panel
Designed by Edward Burne-Jones
Overglaze polychrome decoration on tin-glazed earthenware Dutch blanks in ebonized oak frame
William Morris
Mary Magdalene, Cartoon for stained glass window at Church of All Saints, Langton Green, Kent , c. 1862 Wash, graphite, and ink on paper THE DECORATION OF HOUSES For Morris, the idea of the beautiful house was at the center of both his art and philosophy. The passion he held for architecture and domestic spaces can be traced throughout his life, in his letters and writings and his work as a designer, as well as in his love for his own houses, Red House in Kent, the sixteenth-century Kelmscott Manor, and his London home, Kelmscott House. The wallpapers, textiles, carpets, tapestries, and furniture designed by the Firm were intended to create an integrated artistic interior and, in so doing, to transform domestic life into a deeply aesthetic experience. Morris wished "to revive a sense of beauty in home life, to restore the dignity of art to the ordinary household decoration." The intricate layering and intertwining of organic forms in Morris's patterns for wallpapers, such as

70. Brief Description
Morris, William, 18341896 Professor John Simons Edge Hill College of Higher Education. Back to the search page. Home Contact Us Search Feedback,

71. The San Antonio College LitWeb William Morris Page
The William Morris Page. ( 18341896 ). Major Works Selected Writings is a comprehensive anthology edited by GDH Cole, Random House, 1934.
The William Morris Page
Major Works

Selected Writings is a comprehensive anthology edited by G. D. H. Cole, Random House, 1934.
The Defence of Guinivere and Other Poems
The Life and Death of Jason
The Earthly Paradise
Grettir's Saga
( 1869 ). Translation from Old Norse.
Love is Enough
The Aeneid
( 1875 ). Translation from Latin.
Three Northern Love Stories
Two Sides of the River Sigurd the Volsung
On Line Hopes and Fears for Art Pilgrims of Hope The Odyssey ( 1887 ). Translation from Greek. A Dream of John Ball Signs of Change The House of the Wolfings Roots of the Mountains News from Nowhere On Line Poems by the Way Story of the Glittering Plain The Saga Library ( 1891-1895 ). Morris was editor. The Wood Beyond the World Child Christopher Beowulf ( 1895 ). Translation from Old English. The Well at the World's End Old French Romances ( 1896 ). Translations. The Kelmscott Chaucer ( 1896 ). Morris edited and illustrated this most beautiful of the products of his Kelmscott Press. The Sundering Flood Letters . A selection edited by Phillip Henderson, 1950. About Morris J. W. Mackail

72. Microforms In Alexander Library
Microforms in Alexander Library. Author/Title Morris, William, 18341896. William Morris, Britain s Literary Heritage Collecton. Location M/film 2629 Cab 113.

73. William Morris And His Circle
When William Morris (18341896) died one hundred years ago, at the age of sixty-two, his physician declared that the cause was simply being William Morris
The World Wide Web version of "William Morris and His Circle" incorporates selected images derived from the recent Ransom Center exhibit which contained over seventy-five items, including manuscripts of William Morris, Edward Burne-Jones, D.G. Rossetti, examples of the Kelmscott Press's work, and four pastels by Rossetti.
William Morris: Introduction
Morris's Circle
Morris As Socialist
The Founding of the Kelmscott Press ...
Links to Related Web Sites
When William Morris (1834-1896) died one hundred years ago, at the age of sixty-two, his physician declared that the cause was "simply being William Morris, and having done more work than most ten men." This multi-faceted man was at one time or another (and sometimes simultaneously) a designer and manufacturer of furniture, stained glass, tapestries, wallpaper and chintzes; an accomplished weaver; a pioneering preservationist; an active Socialist and social reformer; a successful poet and novelist; and in his last years, the founder of the Kelmscott Press. Yet all of these activities were of a piece, unified by several threads in the tapestry of Morris's life. One continuity, dating from early childhood, was his love of nature, evidence of which may be found in the fond natural descriptions of his letters and poetry, the patterns of his tapestries, and the vining borders of the Kelmscott book. There was also his passionate devotion to the Middle Ages and to everything they represented; romantic Medievalism informs Morris's literary output, as well as his arts and crafts work and the books from his Kelmscott Press.

74. William Morris Society
S O C I E T Y W E B S I T E. his site is devoted to William Morris ( 183496), the British craftsman, designer, writer, typographer, and Socialist. to present news of Morris-related events and publications about the worldwide William Morris Society; materials relating to
The S O C I E T Y W E B S I T E his site is devoted to William Morris (1834-96), the British craftsman, designer, writer, typographer, and Socialist. It aims to present news of Morris-related events and publications; information about the worldwide William Morris Society; materials relating to the life and work of Morris, his friends and followers; and links to other places of interest on the Internet.
Caricature of William Morris by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1858 New on the WMS Site : Conferences, exhibitions, lectures, and social gatherings related to William Morris and his circle.
Current U. S. Branch Newsletter

About the William Morris Society
: Society bylaws, history, and membership directory.
The Life and Work of William Morris
: Examples of and links to Morris's writings, poetry, and designs.
Society Archive
: Worldwide announcements (1996 - ) and U.S. newsletters (1988 - ).
Links to Related Sites
: Arts and Crafts, Pre-Raphaelitism, and general Victorian links.
Products and Services
: Morris-related wallpaper, needlework kits, booksellers, a bed-and-breakfast, a type foundry, and more! (When you see a new picture, we've updated the web site!)

75. William Morris
William Morris Born 24 March 1834 Place of Birth Elm House in Walthamstow, England Died 3 October 1896 Place of Death Kelmscott House in Hammersmith
William Morris
Born: 24 March 1834
Place of Birth: Elm House in Walthamstow, England
Died: 3 October 1896
Place of Death: Kelmscott House in Hammersmith, England
(William Morris) William Morris, one of the most brilliant and innovative progenitors of modern graphic design, was born at Elm House, the family estate, one of nine children. Despite the "boorish" Welsh blood, the family had done quite well for themselves. (It's interesting to note that also in 1834, popular classical composer Berlioz wrote "Childe Harold," based on Byron's poems.) Growing up, Morris loved the romantic chivalry and simplicity of anything medieval (later he said he felt he'd been born out of his time). He read Walter Scott; his parents even got him a pony so he could play knight. He was happy and even spoiled, though quite temperamental. Much later his daughter Jenny was diagnosed with epilepsy, and he often wondered if some of his 'rages' weren't epilepsy (or Tourettes) related. He was particularly close to a sister, Emma, at least until she got married. Later, he wrote poetry inspired by Chaucer, Tennyson, Keats and Browning. His romantic attachment to the natural world was already forming and evolving. His textiles furniture, wall paper and fabric designs were to become the epitome of 'the organic,' which was so much a part of his perception of reality. While religiously agnostic, the physical world was forever jolting him by its sheer majesty, giving him what we would now call an almost spiritual 'global sense.'

76. William Morris (British, 1834 - 1896)
This is William Morris only existing oil painting. He abandoned it and it was eventually completed by Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Ford Madox Brown.
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Page: An Angel holding a waning moon Image provided courtesy of Peter Nahum at the Leicester Galleries, London. An Angel holding the sun Image provided courtesy of Peter Nahum at the Leicester Galleries, London. Garden of Delight Guinevere, 1857 Photo Credit: Tate Gallery, London Art Resource, NY Also known as 'La Belle Iseult'. This is William Morris' only existing oil painting. He abandoned it and it was eventually completed by Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Ford Madox Brown. The painting shows Jane Burden (who was to marry Morris in 1859) in the guise of King Arthur's consort. She stands before a crumpled bed that alludes to her adulterous love affair with Sir Lancelot. Morris is said to have written on the back of the painting: 'I cannot paint you, but I love you'. Summer Quince Page: View available Art Prints Please Note These images are shown for reference purposes only. Please do not copy these images or other images from ArtMagick with the intention of using them in a commercial application. Please do not link directly to these images. Images that are remotely linked, especially on bulletin boards or chatrooms or by bloggers, use ArtMagick bandwidth for which there is a limited supply each month.

77. William Morris
William Morris was born in Walthamstow, Greater London, as the son of a successful business man. The Collected Letters of William Morris 18931896, vol.
Choose another writer in this calendar: by name:
B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback William Morris (1834-1896) English craftsman, poet, and early socialist, whose designs generated the Arts and Crafts Movement in the later half of the1900th century. Morris encouraged to return to handmade objects and rejected standard tastes. He was associated with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and a close friend of the painter-poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his sister Christina Rossetti , also a poet. "If you want a golden rule that will fit everybody, this is it: Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe tom be beautiful." (from 'The Beauty of Life', 1880) William Morris was born in Walthamstow, Greater London, as the son of a successful business man. He attended Marlborough College in 1848-51 and in 1853 he entered Exeter College, Oxford, where he met Edward Burne-Jones and Charles Faulkner. Morris thought for a while of taking Holy Orders, but he renounced the Church, and after taking his B.A. in 1856 Morris began his studies in architecture. Morris's early poems were published in The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine - he also financed the publication. In 1858 Morris worked with Rossetti, Burne-Jones, and others on the frescoes in the Oxford Union. He published THE DEFENCE OF GUENEVERE AND OTHER POEMS (1858), which contains much of his best work, including 'The Haystack in the Floods', 'Concerning Geffray Teste Noire', 'Shameful Death', and 'Golden Wings'. They all have medieval settings - Morris was obsessed with medieval world. In the prose fantasy 'The Hollow Land' (1856) an unjust knight enters an eartly paradise. He departs it, becomes aged, and finally regains the land through devotion to pictorial art.

78. The Cotswold HyperGuide - William Morris
William Morris (183496) William Morris was a man of enormous talent and industry who is remembered as a poet, an artist, a designer, a businessman and a socialist reformer. In 1861 Morris founded William Morris Co. with Rossetti and
William Morris (1834-96)
Stroud The stained glass to the left is a detail from the Sermon on the Mount by Rossetti, and the spectacular and utterly wonderful window to the right is by Morris and Webb and shows the seven days of creation. The picture, by the way, does no justice to the original. William Morris owned a country house at Kelmscott Manor in the village of Kelmscott near Lechlade. It can be viewed by arrangement with the trustees (see Things to See Return to the Cotswold Hyperguide History Page Digital Brilliance

79. William Morris (1834 - 1896)
William Morris (1834 1896). William MorrisWilliam Morris, son of a prosperous City financier, was a distinguished writer, artist

80. Over 4600 Images Of Art And Architecture.
op. mid 1800s early 1900s Britain Textile 1911. BIG. Recuyell of Historyes of Iroy Morris s Gothic type Morris William 1834 1896 Britain Textile. BIG.
Tapsetry lunette
Morris and Co. op. mid 1800s early 1900s

Tapsetry lunette: detail
Morris and Co. op. mid 1800s early 1900s
Recuyell of Historyes of Iroy: Morris's Gothic type Morris: William 1834 1896 Britain Textile BIG Oil table lamp (Peacock wool tapestry by Benson 1817) Morris: William 1834 1896 Britain Furniture BIG Strawberry thief wallpaper Morris: William 1834 1896 Britain Furniture BIG Tulip and rose woven curtain Morris: William 1834 1896 Britain Textile 19 C (late) BIG Morris as a young man Morris: William 1834 1896 Britain Furnishings 1850 (circa) BIG Embriodered textile cover Morris: William 1834 1896 Britain Textile BIG Wall paper design: Jasmine pattern Morris: William 1834 1896 Britain Furniture Fast index. A B D F ... Next page

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