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         Moliere 1622-1673:     more books (100)
  1. The plays of Molière by 1622-1673 Molière, Katharine Prescott Wormeley, 2010-08-31
  2. The plays of Molière by 1622-1673 Molière, Katharine Prescott Wormeley, 2010-08-30
  3. A selection of plays by Corneille, Molière and Racine, edited, with English notes by Gustave Masson, Pierre Corneille, et all 2010-08-06
  4. Oeuvres completes de Moliere. Nouvelle Edition by 1622-1673 Moliere, 1673
  5. Plays by 1622-1673 Moliere, 2010-09-09
  6. Théâtre choisi; annoté par Maurice Albert. Suivi des analyses et extraits des comédies qui ne figurent pas aux programmes de l'enseignement secondaire ... et du Brevet supérieur (French Edition) by 1622-1673 Molière, Maurice Albert, 2010-05-18
  7. Dramatic works; rendered into English by Henri Van Laun. A new ed., with a prefatory memoir, introductory notices and notes by 1622-1673 Molière, 2010-09-03
  8. Le Tartuffe des comédiens; notes sur Tartuffe par P. Régnier (French Edition) by 1622-1673 Molière, 2010-08-26
  9. Le Tartuffe. Edited with introd. and notes by 1622-1673 Molière, C H. C. 1869-1957 Wright, 2010-08-03
  10. Dramatic works; rendered into English by Henri Van Laun, with a prefatory memoir, introductory notices, appendices and notes by 1622-1673 Molière, Henri Van Laun, 2010-09-09
  11. Amphitryon; comédie en trois actes et en vers (French Edition) by 1622-1673 Molière, 2010-05-12
  12. Oeuvres complètes. Nouv. éd., trèssoigneusement rev. sur les textes originaux, avec un travail de critique et d'érudition, aperçus d'histoire littéraire, ... bibliographie, etc. (French Edition) by 1622-1673 Molière, Louis Moland, 2010-09-10
  13. Le bourgeois gentilhomme; comedie-ballet by Claude Kurt (1934-) (editor) Moliere (1622-1673). Abraham, 1966
  14. Le médecin malgré lui; comédie. Edited with arguments and notes in English (French Edition) by 1622-1673 Molière, Ferdinand E. A. Gasc, 2010-08-03

41. Fenton Village Players - The Miser
His betrothed is a girl from the country .. Who is Molière? Moliere(JeanBaptiste Poquelin, 1622-1673) was born a son of the court upholsterer.
The Miser The Cast Scenes
by Moliìre ( Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, 1622-1673)
In a dilapidated old mansion, the story of Harpagon -a crotchety old miser -and his family unfolds. Harpagon's daughter, Elise, is in love with Val re, a young man of noble parentage separated from his family and working as a servant in her father's house. Harpagon's son, Cl ante, also is in love and has given his heart to Marianne, a poor but virtuous girl from the country. Cleante and Marianne decide to tell Harpagon of their engagement, but as they are on the verge of their disclosures, Harpagon reveals he has a couple of his own announcements. First, Harpagon has decided to remarry. His betrothed is a girl from the country ............. Who is Moli ère? Moliere (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, 1622-1673) was born a son of the court upholsterer. Because young Moliere was expected to inherit his father's court position and trade, he was given an excellent education as he was expected to spend his life in court surrounded by nobility. In 1643, Moliere and Madeleine Bejart, who was to become his lifelong companion, became instrumental in forming the Theatre Illustre. The Theatre Illustre was intended to be a permanent theater in Paris, but lasted only one year. Although this first venture was a financial failure, Moliere's theater appetite was whetted and it soon became apparent that he'd never return to the family upholstering business.

42. YeniAsya Gazetesi
Bizim Aile. WebAdmin. Enstitü. Moliere (16221673). Fransizlarin ünlütiyatro yazari ve oyuncusudur. Asil adi Jean Baptiste Poquelin dir.
Asya'nýn bahtýnýn miftahý, meþveret ve þûrâdýr 30 Nisan 2004 > Anasayfa > Haberler > Dünya > Kültür-Sanat ... > Künye Eski tarihli sayýlar
> Can Kardeþ
> Yeni Asya Vakfi > Bizim Aile WebAdmin Enstitü MOLÝERE (1622-1673) Moliere, 1622 yýlýnda zengin bir ailenin çocuðu olarak Paris'te doðdu. Babasý sarayýn mobilya ve döþeme iþlerini yapmaktaydý. Küçük yaþtan itibaren iyi bir eðitim gördü. Ýlk öðrenimini tamamladýktan sonra Cizvit papazlarýnýn yönetiminde olan Clermont Koleji'ne girdi. Burada klasik eðitim gördü. Yunanca ve Latince'yi öðrenerek eski Roma kültürü hakkýnda önemli bir birikime sahip oldu. Descartes'ýn muhalifi olan Grassendi'den de felsefe derslerini aldý. Aldýðý eðitim ve soylu sýnýfýnýn ahlâk anlayýþýna uymayýp, oyunculuðu ve eleþtirmenliðiyle kendini kabul ettirmeye çalýþarak, tiyatroyla ilgilenmeye baþladý. Moliere, Hukuk Fakültesine girdiyse de bu alana fazla ilgi duymadýðýndan eðitimini tamamlamadan okuldan ayrýldý. Bir oyuncular topluluðu oluþturarak bu topluluðun yöneticiliðini üstlendi (1643). Sahnede asýl ismi yerine Moliere müstear ismini kullandý. Ancak, baþarýlý olamadý. Paris'e yerleþen gurup burada tutunamadý. Tiyatrosu kapanýp iflâs edince borcu yüzünden hapse girdi. Paris'te topluluðuyla tutunamayan ve borcu yüzünden bir süre hapis yatan Moliere, iki yýl aradan sonra tiyatro gurubuyla Fransa turuna çýktý. On iki yýl boyunca taþrada dolaþtýðý bölgelerde hem yazýp, hem oynadý. Bu kez baþarýlý da oldu. Çünkü, sadece belli bir sosyokültüre sahip kesime hitap etmekten öte, daha geniþ kitlelere hitap etmeyi, sokaktaki insaný canlandýrmayý tercih etti. Her zaman karþýlaþýlabilir tiplemeler ve kolay anlaþýlýr mesajlar içeren oyunlara yer verdi. Uzun bir aradan sonra Paris'e geri döndü (1658).

43. El Universal Online
Translate this page El caso Moliere, que acaba de aparecer en Francia, sostiene que Corneille fue sigloXVII, cuyo nombre real era Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622-1673), informó hoy

44. The Miser (1996)
THE MISER. Director John Dennis. Moliere (JeanBaptiste Poquelin,1622-1673) was born a son of the court upholsterer. Because young
THE MISER Director: John Dennis
Moliere (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, 1622-1673) was born a son of the court upholsterer. Because young Moliere was expected to inherit his father's court position and trade, he was given an excellent education as he was expected to spend his life in court surrounded by nobility. In 1643, Moliere and Madeleine Bejart, who was to become his lifelong companion, became instrumental in forming the Theatre Illustre. The Theatre Illustre was intended to be a permanent theater in Paris, but lasted only one year. Although this first venture was a financial failure, Moliere's theater appetite was whetted and it soon became apparent that he'd never return to the family upholstering business.
SYNOPSIS In a dilapidated old mansion, the story of Harpagon -a crotchety old miser -and his family unfolds. Harpagon's daughter, Elise, is in love with Valere, a young man of noble parentage separated from his family and working as a servant in her father's house. Harpagon's son, Cleante, also is in love and has given his heart to Marianne, a poor but virtuous girl from the country. Cleante and Marianne decide to tell Harpagon of their engagement, but as they are on the verge of their disclosures, Harpagon reveals he has a couple of his own announcements. First, Harpagon has decided to remarry. His betrothed is a girl from the country named Marianne. Second, Harpagon has accepted a suitor for Elise's hand -a wealthy but elderly gentleman named Anselme. The children are flabbergasted by Harpagon's revelations and confusion reigns until fate intervenes to reunite family and lovers.

45. New French Books
Moliere, 16221673. The miser and other plays. London Penguin, 2000. LOCATION =mai. PQ1825.E5 W66 2000. Moliere, 1622-1673. The misanthrope and other plays.
New French Books, November 2000
Abdeljaouad, Hedi. Fugues de Barbarie :les ecrivains Maghrebins et le surrealisme. New York : Les Mains Secretes : Centre d'Etudes sur les Litteratures Francophones d'Afrique du Nord, c1998. LOCATION = mai. PQ3980.5 .A23 1998. Aspects of twentieth-century theatre in French. Oxford ; Bern ; New York : Peter Lang, c2000. LOCATION = mai. PQ556 .A7 2000. Baer, Ulrich. Remnants of song :trauma and the experience of modernity in Charles Baudelaire and Paul Celan. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 2000. LOCATION = mai. PQ2191.Z5 B16 2000. Barone, Arturo, 1933-Italians first! :an A-Z of everything first achieved by Italians. Folkstone : Renaissance, 1999. LOCATION = mai. DG441 .B376 1999. Battye, Adrian. The French language today :a linguistic introduction. London ; New York : Routledge, 2000. LOCATION = mai. PC2105 .B37 2000. Best, Victoria, 1969-Critical subjectivities :identity and narrative in the work of Colette and Marguerite Duras. Oxford ; New York : Peter Lang, c2000. LOCATION = mai. PQ2605.O28 Z8 B484 2000. Les bibliotheques en France :1991-1997. Paris : Editions du Cercle de la librairie, c1998. LOCATION = wel. Z797.A1 B536 1998.

46. Moliére (eig.: Jean-Baptiste Poquelin) (1622-1673)
Translate this page Moliére (eig. Jean-Baptiste Poquelin) (1622-1673). Beschreibung Jean BaptistePoquelin, gen. Der Menschenfeind von Hans M. Enzensberger, Moliere, Siehe auch
Moliére (eig.: Jean-Baptiste Poquelin) (1622-1673)
Beschreibung: Jean Baptiste Poquelin, gen. Moliére, war der älteste Sohn eines Tapeziermeisters am französischen Königshofe... english ISBN: 3458321012 ISBN: 3458321012 ISBN: 3458321012 ISBN: 3458321012 Wir empfehlen:
I) Der Autor:
II) Seine Werke:

Weitere Werke:
Der Menschenfeind

von Hans M. Enzensberger,
Moliere Siehe auch: Der eingebildete Kranke
von Moliere Der Geizige
von Moliere Der abenteuerliche Simplicissimus von Hans J. Chr. v Grimmelshausen Insel Taschenbücher, Nr.58, Gullivers Reisen von Jonathan Swift ... andere Artikel Diese Seite ist Bestandteil des Projekts Das Setzen von Verweisen (Links) auf diese Seite ist gestattet und bedarf keine vorherige Absprache. english Bookmark setzen Webseite weiterempfehlen

47. Moliere
to popular classes Jean Baptiste Poquelin Molière (16221673), father upholsterer ina central figure; masks/deception; struggle for power; Moliere claimed not
Lecture Notes
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Moliere
General Background

see also The Enlightenment
Antoine Coysevox, Louis XIV , Bronze (1640), Carnavalet Museum Historical figures and events: Louis XIII (1601-1643, reigned 1610-1643), aided by his chief minister Cardinal de Richelieu, involvement in Thirty Years War Cardinal de Richelieu (1585-1642), minister of Louis XIII, secretary of state 1616, cardinal 1622, chief minister 1624, in full control of France since 1630; founder of French Academy and protector of artists and writers; at times instigated anti-protestant policies Marie de Medici (1573-1642) mother of Louis XIII, Regent (1610-1614), initially supported Richelieu, eventually became enemy of Richeliu and was exiled in 1631 Thirty Years' War ( 1618-1648), struggle of German Protestant princes in alliance with France, Sweden, England, Denmark and others against Holy Roman Empire (Hapsburgs) and Catholic German nobility; Peace of Prague (1635); hostility of Richelieu toward Hapsburgs, French offensive (1635); Peace of Westphalia (1648), France emerged as dominant power. Anne of Austria (1601-1666) mother of Louis XIV and Regent of France (1643-1651), perhaps secretly married to Jules Mazarin

48. Humorous Quotes Of Moliere - Jest For Pun
Jest for Pun logo Humorous Quotes attributed Moliere (JeanBaptistePoquelin) 1622-1673, French Comic Playwright, Satirist, Actor.
Humorous Quotes attributed Moliere (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin)
1622-1673, French Comic Playwright, Satirist, Actor
Jest a Quote
Jest for Pun
Jest in Literature (A)
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49. --- Noticias
Corneille fue el negro de este gran dramaturgo del siglo17, cuyo nombre real era Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622-1673), informó hoy
10-May-04 DisplayAds ('/principal/int/cultura/portada/default.asp','TopRight') "); else document.write("Hola, " + grcuser.substr(0,9) + "ayuda a usuariosdesconectar"); //> archivo (desde 1998) noticias comunidad


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interfase magazzine ... gente chiquita sociales club social club joven lee en: tu palm tu mail el lector opina cartas a comercial publicidad suscripciones papel tapiz Desacredita libro francés a Moliere Grupo Reforma/EFE París, Francia (10 mayo 2004).- Las obras maestras El Tartufo Don Juan El Avaro o El Misántropo no fueron escritas por el dramaturgo francés Moliere, sino por su contemporáneo Pierre Corneille, según un libro del novelista francés Denis Boissier. "El Caso Moliere", que acaba de aparecer en Francia, sostiene que Corneille fue el negro de este gran dramaturgo del siglo 17, cuyo nombre real era Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622-1673), informó hoy el diario France Soir. A partir de una investigación minuciosa sobre las biografías y estudios oficiales de Moliere, Boissier aporta un centenar de elementos que, según el autor, prueban el fraude y esclarecen las contradicciones y puntos oscuros en la obra del dramaturgo.

50. Moliere Definition Of Moliere. What Is Moliere? Meaning Of Moliere. What Does Mo
Noun, 1. Moliere French author of sophisticated comedies (1622-1673) Jean-BaptistePoquelin. dramatist, playwright - someone who writes plays.
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Moliere - French author of sophisticated comedies (1622-1673) Jean-Baptiste Poquelin dramatist playwright - someone who writes plays Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Examples from classic literature: More Moliere has a place in literature infinitely loftier than Goldoni's; and he has supplied types, characters, phrases, to the currency of thought, and Goldoni has supplied none.
My Literary Passions
by Howells,William Dean View in context I remember that, exactly as in the comedy of Moliere , my uncle asked the precise question in the very words - not of my confidential valet, however, but across great distances of land, in a letter whose mocking but indulgent turn ill concealed his almost paternal anxiety.
The Mirror of the Sea
by Conrad, Joseph View in context Passepartout was by no means one of those pert dunces depicted by Moliere with a bold gaze and a nose held high in the air; he was an honest fellow, with a pleasant face, lips a trifle protruding, soft-mannered and serviceable, with a good round head, such as one likes to see on the shoulders of a friend.
Around The World In Eighty Days
by Verne, Jules

Moliere. (JeanBaptiste Poquelin) (1622-1673). And it is best to err,if err one must, As you have done, upon the side of trust. Cleante
MOLIERE (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin)
And it is best to err, if err one must,
As you have done, upon the side of trust. [Cleante, 5. 1., Tartuffe
For more than forty years I have been speaking prose without knowing it.
I will maintain it before the whole world.
It is not what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.
The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it. HOME

52. Profiles From The 2003 Production Of Tartuffe
Moliere (16221673) Although the king came to his rescue in 1664 by standingas godfather to Moliere s first child, the playwright embroiled himself more

53. Molière --  Encyclopædia Britannica
, Molière (16221673) Brief biography of Contains a biography, information onother painters of his family, and an image of his work Reading from Moliere.

54. Cheap The Misanthrope And Other Plays (Penguin Classics) (Book) (Moliere, John W
ISBN 014044730X. TYPE Plays / Drama, Moliere,, 16221673, Translations intoEnglish, Drama, Continental European. MEDIA Paperback. OF MEDIA 1. Misanthrope and Other Plays (Penguin Classics)/
Cheap The Misanthrope and Other Plays (Penguin Classics) (Book) (Moliere, John Wood, David Coward) Price
Usually ships within 24 hours AUTHOR Moliere, John Wood, David Coward CATEGORY Book MANUFACTURER Penguin USA (Paper) ISBN TYPE Plays / Drama, Moliere,, 1622-1673, Translations into English, Drama, Continental European MEDIA Paperback # OF MEDIA Related Products:
  • Cheap Tartuffe and Other Plays (Book) (Moliere, de Jean Baptiste Molier) Price
  • Cheap Tartuffe, by Moliere (Book) (Richard Wilbur) Price
  • Cheap The Cherry Orchard (Book) (Anton Chekhov) Price
  • Cheap Medea (Book) (Euripides) Price ...
  • Cheap Candide (Book) (Voltaire, Francois-Marie Arouet) Price Less than I expected
    The Misanthrope is a play about the principled Alceste, a regular Don Quixote of honesty and speaking one's mind. Despite the advice of his "friend" Philinte (apparently the playwright's voice), he never pulls any punches in revealing the vanity and superficiality of the court and the nobles (the Misanthrope was written during the reign of Louis XIV). While exposing the shallow flatterers for what they are, the play also points out the vain-glorious and quite ridiculous aspects of pursuing an ideal at any cost. As is known, Moliere is considered one of the greatest playwrights and a master of comedy. Partly because of this elevated status, I was a little disappointed by the Misanthrope. It does not reach the comic heights of the Greek comedies or Shakespeare, and as a comment on principled people it is certainly inferior to Ibsen's Brand. It is quite possible that it is more engaging when performed on stage, but as a read it is less than I expected.
  • 55. Cheap The Miser And Other Plays (Penguin Classics) (Book) (Moliere, John Wood, D
    ISBN 0140447288. TYPE Plays / Drama, Moliere,, 16221673, Translations intoEnglish, Drama, Continental European. MEDIA Paperback. OF MEDIA 1. Miser and Other Plays (Penguin Classics)/
    Cheap The Miser and Other Plays (Penguin Classics) (Book) (Moliere, John Wood, David Coward) Price
    CHEAP-PRICE.NET's Cheap Price
    Usually ships within 24 hours AUTHOR Moliere, John Wood, David Coward CATEGORY Book MANUFACTURER Penguin USA (Paper) ISBN TYPE Plays / Drama, Moli­ere,, 1622-1673, Translations into English, Drama, Continental European MEDIA Paperback # OF MEDIA Related Products:
  • Cheap Tartuffe, by Moliere (Book) (Richard Wilbur) Price
  • Cheap The School for Wives and The Learned Ladies, by Moli¿re: Two comedies in an acclaimed translation. (Book) (Richard Wilbur) Price
  • Cheap The Misanthrope and Other Plays (Penguin Classics) (Book) (Moliere, John Wood, David Coward) Price
  • Cheap Phaedra, by Racine (Book) (Richard Wilbur) Price the miser and other plays
    moliere is one of the great comic genuises of our time. The miser, which is perhaps the most well known and definately my personal favorite play in this book, is a great example of his quick wit and irony. this translation, while for clarity completely perfect, seems to stray a little from other and more beautiful translations of this play i have read. However, what a treat for the actor and the reader alike. Second only to the misanthrope (and maybe Tartuffe) this, one of Moliere's classics, is a must read. Note also, for the actor, that there are some wonderful scenes that require great timing in this play and would be wonderful as a duo audition piece. Gourmet Furniture Ebook Downloadable Software ... Pet Supply / Pet Insurance
  • 56. An Introduction To Moliere
    Moliere (16221673) was a French actor and playwright. Early in his career heacted in a troop of actors that traveled around the French countryside.
    An Introduction to Moliere
    and Reading Tartuffe Moliere (1622-1673) was a French actor and playwright. Early in his career he acted in a troop of actors that traveled around the French countryside. This troop of actors became the Comedie Francaise (The Comdiennes of France), a highly successful theatrical company noted for its entertaining farces and comedies. Among Moliere's most noted works are Tartuffe and The Imaginary Invalid . Both are broad comedies that poke fun at their characters and the times. Tartuffe pokes so much fun at the established Christian church of the times that the Catholic Church forced the French king to ban the play several times. The plays that Moliere wrote and acted in were noted for a certain set of characteristics they often used, a set of characteristics now known as the comedy of manners. Moliere used the conventions of the comedy of manner to comment on the world in which he lived, especially the social life of the times. As you read the play, do not expect to see the kind of psychological realism that you expect to see in characters in modern plays. Rather, Moliere in Tartuffe uses the conventions of the comedy of manners, the conventions that play-goers in the 18th century would expect.

    57. Index
    Translate this page Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 Gutenberg Polly, Jean Armour Gutenberg Pope, Alexander,1688-1744 Poquelin, Jean Baptiste AKA Moliere, 1622-1673 Gutenberg Poquelin
    VYH¼ADÁVAÈ E-KNÍH - ANGLICKÉ TITULY - AUTOR - pís. P Packard, Frank L. (Frank Lucius), 1877-1942 Gutenberg
    Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853-1922 Gutenberg
    Paine, Albert Bigelow, 1861-1937 Gutenberg
    Paine, Ralph Delahaye, 1871-1925 Gutenberg
    Paine, Thomas, 1737-1809 Gutenberg
    Palmer, Alice Freeman, 1855-1902 Gutenberg
    Paramananda, Swami, 1884-1940, Translator Gutenberg
    Parker, Gilbert, 1862-1932 Gutenberg
    Parker, K. Langloh (Katie Langloh), 1856-1940 Gutenberg
    Parker, K. Langloh, Mrs Gutenberg
    Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893 Gutenberg Parlette, Ralph, 1870-1930 Gutenberg Patanjali Gutenberg Pater, Walter, 1839-1894 Gutenberg Paterson, A. B. (Andrew Barton), 1864-1941 Gutenberg Patmore, Coventry Kersey Dighton, 1823-1896 Gutenberg Patten, William, 1868-1946, Editor Gutenberg Patterson, J. H. (John Henry), 1867-1947 Gutenberg Payn, James, 1830-1898 Gutenberg Peacock, Thomas Love, 1785-1866 Gutenberg Pearson, Edmund Lester, 1880-1937 Gutenberg Peattie, Elia W. (Elia Wilkinson), 1862-1935 Gutenberg Pedler, Margaret Gutenberg Pedley, Ethel C. Gutenberg Pellico, Silvio, 1789-1854

    58. Index
    Translate this page Mitford, Miss AKA Mitford, Mary Russell, 1787-1855 Gutenberg Moldeven, Meyer GutenbergMoliere, 1622-1673 AKA Poquelin, Jean Baptiste Gutenberg Moliere, 1622
    VYH¼ADÁVAÈ E-KNÍH - ANGLICKÉ TITULY - AUTOR - pís. M Maag, Carl Gutenberg
    Mabie, Hamilton Wright, 1846-1916 Gutenberg
    MacCaffrey, James, 1875-1935 Gutenberg
    MacClintock, William Darnall, 1858-1936 Gutenberg
    MacClure, Victor, 1887- Gutenberg
    MacDonald, George, 1824-1905 Gutenberg
    MacGrath, Harold, 1871-1932 Gutenberg
    MacKay, Charles, 1814-1889 Gutenberg
    Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859 Gutenberg
    Machen, Arthur, 1863-1947 Gutenberg
    Machiavelli, Niccol?, 1469-1527 Gutenberg Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone, 1875-1928 Gutenberg Mackenzie, Alexander, 1833-1898 Gutenberg Maclaren, Ian [pseud.] AKA: Watson, John, 1850-1907 Gutenberg Macy, Jesse, 1842-1919 Gutenberg Maeterlinck, Maurice, 1862-1949 Gutenberg Malory, Thomas, d. 1471 Gutenberg Malot, Hector, 1830-1907 Gutenberg Malthus, T. R. (Thomas Robert), 1766-1834 Gutenberg Mandeville, John, Sir Gutenberg Manners, J. Hartley Gutenberg Mansfield, Katherine, 1888-1923 Gutenberg Marbot, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine-Marcelin, Baron de, 1782-1854 Gutenberg Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, 39-65 AD AKA: Lucan Gutenberg Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 121-180

    59. Jean-Baptiste Moliere
    Image Information. JeanBaptiste Moliere. Moliere was the stage nameof Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622-1673). His plays achieved great,2057,10_1000022437,00.html
    SYM=GetSymbol('BIO'); viewCounter('author', 30, 'Jean%2DBaptiste+Moliere', ''+SYM+'', ''); Biography More by Jean-Baptiste Moliere Image Information Jean-Baptiste Moliere Moliere was the stage name of Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622-1673). His plays achieved great success, especially his masterpiece, The Misanthrope , and elicited enormous controversy with their religious irreverence.
    Send this page to a friend
    Author Image: Jean-Baptiste Moliere - Pierre Mignard; Comedie-Francaise, Paris Roger-Viollet, Paris

    60. Misanthrope - Moliere And "The Misanthrope"
    JeanBaptiste Poquelin (1622-1673), the well-educated son of a prosperous Parisianmerchant, changed his name to Molière in 1645 after quitting school to seek
    Translation by Richard Wilbur Director's Notes: Alceste understands the irony of his love for Célimène, "whose brittle malice and coquettish ways/so typify the manners of our days." What he doesn’t fully comprehend is how much he needs her, and the world she represents, to complete himself. For me, The Misanthrope is not a comedy about a man who hates mankind. It is a comedy about a man so in love with his idealized self that the joy of true love with another tragically escapes his grasp. A note about our set: You might want to look for meaning in the sheets of gold that mask the dilapidated house on stage. ("Ah, the wealthy Célimène is blocking out the squalor of the world around her.") Dear Theater-Goer, no such meaning is intended. Through a generous arrangement with the Loring Playhouse, we are performing The Misanthrope Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622-1673), the well-educated son of a prosperous Parisian merchant, changed his name to Molière in 1645 after quitting school to seek a career in the theater. Known today chiefly as a playwright, he was also a company manager and accomplished comic actor.

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