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81. Baylor University || Baylor Libraries Distinguished Author Series To Feature � Quotes and The Mitford Snowmen A Christmas Story. She also has written two childrensbooks, Jeremy The Tale of An Honest Bunny and Miss Fannies Hat. http://pr.baylor.edu/story.php?id=002768 |
82. Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind: New & Used Books: Find The Lowest Price Miss Julia has much more pepper than any of the Mitford residentsI ve come across, and her unveiling of hypocrisy spares noone. http://www.fetchbook.info/search_0688177751/tab_reviews.html | |
83. State Library Of Tasmania - Miss Read Miss Read. Benson, EF. Edgerton, Clyde Walking across Egypt. Gibbons, Stella -Cold comfort farm. Harkness, Clare - Monsieur de Brillancourt. Karon, Jan - Mitford http://www.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/readalike/mauthors/misrea.htm | |
84. Deborah Rawson Memorial Library - New Book List September 2002 Deveraux. AUDIOCASSETTES Return to Top Bee Season, Myla Goldberg;Edge of Danger, Jack Higgins; At home in Mitford, Miss Read; Atonement http://vbimail.champlain.edu/drml/newsep02.htm | |
85. Mary Russel Mitford. Blackwood S Edinburgh Magazine 1854) 663. Excerpt. So often quoted, and so universally known, it wouldbe useless to multiply examples of Miss Mitford s peculiar power. http://www.engl.duq.edu/servus/PR_Critic/BEMjun54.html | |
86. Miss Fannie's Hat By Goffe, Toni (Illustrator) And Karon, Jan And Peskin, Joy - story about the rewards of unselfish love as 99 year old Miss Fannie must Just inCase You Ever Wonder (Board). Mitford Years At Home in Mitford (Paperback). http://online.berean.com/be/item_0140568123.htm | |
87. Archive Record At the end are an epigram in Miss Mitford s hand (f. 18) and another poem, To a young lady on her departure from Scotland, dated Sept. http://www.genesis.ac.uk/archive.jsp?typeofsearch=i&term=notimpl&highlight=1&pk= |
88. Yes, There Is A Mitford What will Dooley do with the fortune the late Miss Sadie secretly left him? Karonhas promised that the next Mitford book, Light From Heaven, will end the http://tmatt.gospelcom.net/column/2002/07/24/ | |
89. The Talking Book Club - Supplier Of Audiobooks To Rent Or Buy Mitford, Miss. OUR VILLAGE, Rental £5.95 Purchase £30.50, NonFiction.Author Miss Mitford, Four cassettes, Ref NF006, Reader http://www.talkingbookclub.co.uk/htmltbc/catalogue/authors/611.html | |
90. ALA | Series Recap: Ross, Ann B. Miss Julia Meets Her Match Like Jan Karons Mitford series, Ross books offer a soothing but not syrupydose of religionMiss Julia is a staunch Presbyterian but takes a dim view http://www.ala.org/ala/booklist/reviewsofmonth/adult/SeriesRecapMissJulia.htm | |
91. Corvey CW3 | Book Page With contributions from Mrs. Hemans, Miss Mitford, Miss Jewsbury, Mrs. Hudson,Mrs. Kennedy, Mr. Macfarlane, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. HG Bell, Mr Malcolm, etc. http://www2.shu.ac.uk/corvey/cw3/BookPage.cfm?Work=54798-9 |
92. Mitford, Mary Russell, 1787-1855. Letters To Various Correspondents: Guide. to Andrews Norton; Reading, 8 Feb 1843. 2s.(2p.) env. The circularconcerns a subscription to relieve Miss Mitford of her debts. http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou00786.html | |
93. Mitford, Mary Russell, The Friendships . . . As Recorded In Letters From Her Lit Two vols., 8vo, original dark brown cloth (slight rubbing).First edition. L Estrangehad published a life of Miss Mitford, based upon her own letters, in 1870. http://www.polybiblio.com/ximenes/B3122.html | |
94. MARY RUSSELL MITFORD Mitford, MARY RUSSELL (1787185 5), English novelist and dramatist, only daughter of Dr George Mitford, or Midford, was born at Alresford, Hampshire, on the 16th of December 1787. so many of her http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/M/MI/MITFORD_MARY_RUSSELL.htm | |
95. The Mitford Years All the beloved Mitford characters will also be in the pews Dooley Barlowe, MissSadie and Louella, Emma Newland, the mayor in short, everybody who s anybody http://www.homeschoolbuzz.com/mitford.html | |
96. Ladies Of Lallybroch - Book Recommendations Miss Sadie Baxter, the sweet little old lady who lives above Mitfordin her home, Fernbank, and is Father Tim s favorite parishoner http://www.lallybroch.com/LOL/bookrec0108.html | |
97. File 9: Ancestors Of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE Daughter of Sir Roger BERTRAM Baron Mitford (12241273) and Ida (-1315)REF YorkshireP. Living 1244 r. Mitford, Northumberland, Eng. http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pmcbride/rfc/gw9.htm | |
98. JMVintage: Mitford, Nancy - Specializing In Duke And Duchess Of Windsor Related only by dying. She was very wellread, very well dressed; and MissMitford is obviously thrilled by her account. She pours out the http://www.jmvintage.com/cgi-bin/jmv455/scan/mp=keywords/se=Mitford, Nancy/st=sq | |
99. Powell's Books - At Home In Mitford (Mitford Years) By Jan Karon Review I loved At Home in Mitford . Publisher s Catalog* MissRead. Synopsis Bucolic Mitford is an attractive little village. http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/product?isbn=0745926290 |
100. New Zealand News - NZ - Singing Detective Croons Confession Out Of Crim Willie Mitford, a patched Black Power member, was enjoying a pint at Deano s Barand Grill in Main Street on Friday night when Detective Dave Wishnowsky http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?storyID=3564867&thesection=news&thesu |
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