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         Mitford Miss:     more books (44)
  1. Our Village - First Edition by Miss Mitford, 1865
  2. Stories By English Authors: The Orient (1896) by Rudyard Kipling, Miss Mitford, et all 2008-10-27
  3. The Birth-Day Gift, and Friendship's Offering: A Christmas and New Year's Present. With Steel Engravings. by Miss ; Macaulay, Thomas Babington ; Pringle, Thomas et al Mitford, 1950-01-01
  4. Elizabeth Barrett to Miss Mitford: the Unpublished Letters of Elizabeth Barett to Mary Russel Mitford by Betty Miller, 1954
  5. Miss Mitfords und Bulwers englische Rienzibearbeitungen im verhältnis zu ihren quellen und zu einander (German Edition) by Albert Warncke, 1904-01-01
  6. Elizabeth Barrett to Miss Mitford - the Unpublished Letters of Elizabeth to Mary Mitford
  7. Remarks on Miss Mitford's Tragedy of Rienzi. By the Editor of Cumberland's British Theatre. [Signed: D-G., I.E. George Daniel.] by Author Unknown, 2010-05-03
  8. Miss Mitford and Mr. Harness: Records of Friendship by Caroline Mary Duncan-Jones, 1955
  9. Our Village Country Pictures and Tales by Mitford Miss, 1885
  10. Stories by English Authors: Orient (Dodo Press) by Rudyard Kipling, Miss Mitford, et all 2009-03-13
  11. Our Village by Miss Mitford, 1893
  13. Stories By English Authors: The Orient (1896) by Rudyard Kipling, Miss Mitford, et all 2010-09-10
  14. Stories By English Authors: The Orient (1896) by Rudyard Kipling, Miss Mitford, et all 2010-09-10

81. Baylor University || Baylor Libraries’ Distinguished Author Series To Feature �
Quotes and The Mitford Snowmen A Christmas Story. She also has written two children’sbooks, Jeremy The Tale of An Honest Bunny and Miss Fannie’s Hat.

82. Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind: New & Used Books: Find The Lowest Price
Miss Julia has much more pepper than any of the Mitford residentsI ve come across, and her unveiling of hypocrisy spares noone.

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Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind
By Ann B. Ross
Paperback / 273 Pages / Harpercollins / September 2000 / 0688177751
List Price $13.00 / Books Similar to Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind
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83. State Library Of Tasmania - Miss Read
Miss Read. Benson, EF. Edgerton, Clyde Walking across Egypt. Gibbons, Stella -Cold comfort farm. Harkness, Clare - Monsieur de Brillancourt. Karon, Jan - Mitford
Search Feedback Our Catalogue About us ... Readalike Miss Read
Benson, E. F. Edgerton, Clyde Walking across Egypt Gibbons, Stella - Cold comfort farm Harkness, Clare Monsieur de Brillancourt Karon, Jan Mitford series Miller, Hugh Ballykissangel series Leith, Annie Mitford, Nancy Purser, Ann Pastures new
Purser, Ann Spinster of this parish Pym, Barbara Rhodes, Pam The Trespassers Shaw, Rebecca Shepard, Roy The Latest epistle of Jim Stevenson, D. E. Sullivan, Faith Cape Ann Thirkell, Angela Return to author A-Z Search TALIS catalogue Return to top
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84. Deborah Rawson Memorial Library - New Book List September 2002
Deveraux. AUDIOCASSETTES Return to Top Bee Season, Myla Goldberg;Edge of Danger, Jack Higgins; At home in Mitford, Miss Read; Atonement
New Book List - September 2002 Adult Fiction Adult Non-Fiction Juvenile Fiction
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  • Gorgeous Lies, Martha McPhee
  • Family Matters, Rohinton Mistry
  • The Moth Diaries, Rachel Klein
  • The Apprentice, Tess Gerritsen
  • The Piano Tuner, Daniel Phillippe Mason
  • Agatha Raisin and the Day the Floods Came, M.C. Beaton
  • Red Rabbit, Tom Clancy
  • Sleepyhead, Mark Billingham
  • Wilderness Run, Maria Hummel
  • These Granite Islands, Sarah Stonich
  • The Whore's Child and Other Stories, Richard Russo
  • The Book of Illusions, Paul Aster
  • Body of Lies, Iris Johansen
  • In Search of Klingsor, Jorge Volpi Escalante
  • The Monk Downstairs, Tim Farrington
  • 25 Bicycle Tours of the Adirondacks
  • Paganism, Joyce Higginbotham
  • 1000 Symbols, Rowena Shepard
  • The Perfect House, Witold Rybczynski
  • Granny D. : Walking Across America in the Ninetieth Year, Doris Haddock
  • Beyond Innocence, Jane Goodall
  • Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths, Bruce Feiler
  • The Age of Homespun, Laurel Ulrich
  • Making A Literary Life, Carolyn See

85. Mary Russel Mitford. Blackwood S Edinburgh Magazine
1854) 663. Excerpt. So often quoted, and so universally known, it wouldbe useless to multiply examples of Miss Mitford s peculiar power.
"Mary Russel Mitford." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 75.464 (Jun. 1854): 663. Excerpt. So often quoted, and so universally known, it would be useless to multiply examples of Miss Mitford's peculiar power. There are few more successful landscape-painters-and with her minute pencil and fairy colours there is no pre-Raphaelite brother that will "do" you a sunny bank of flowers or bit of entangled foliage with equal truth, or observation as skilled. Miss Mitford's grass does not bristle in individual blades, but mantles like close-piled velvet; and her delicate wild-flowers are not lying all abroad, but peeping, half-discerned and half invisible, from the rich verdure round them, with all the shy and blushing modesty of nature, all unaware that it is sitting for its portrait. This document was scanned/transcribed from the original source. Return to the list of reviews

86. Miss Fannie's Hat By Goffe, Toni (Illustrator) And Karon, Jan And Peskin, Joy -
story about the rewards of unselfish love as 99 year old Miss Fannie must Just inCase You Ever Wonder (Board). Mitford Years At Home in Mitford (Paperback).
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Shopping Info Order Tracking How To Shop Return Policy Customer Service ... FAQs Berean Christian Stores Miss Fannie's Hat Goffe, Toni ( Illustrator and Karon, Jan and Peskin, Joy Paperback  more information  Also from Goffe, Toni ( Illustrator ) or Karon, Jan or Peskin, Joy Retail Price: $6.99 SALE PRICE: $6.29 You Save: $0.70 (10%) Description A heartwarming story about the rewards of unselfish love as 99 year old Miss Fannie must choose which of her beloved hats to donate to the church auction. Details SKU: Qty Remaining Online Publisher: Puffin Books Date Published: Feb 2001  Pages: Language: English  Illustrated: Yes Age Range: Grade Level: Preschool thru 3rd Grade Weight lbs: Dimensions: 11.11 X 8.54 X 0.15 Click here to report missing or incorrect information about this product Enter your corrections below, and click "Submit". Corrected Title: Corrected or Missing Description: Other Corrections: NOTE: The information you provide here will not reach customer service Click here if you would like help from customer service.

87. Archive Record
At the end are an epigram in Miss Mitford s hand (f. 18) and another poem, To a young lady on her departure from Scotland, dated Sept.

88. Yes, There Is A Mitford
What will Dooley do with the fortune the late Miss Sadie secretly left him? Karonhas promised that the next Mitford book, Light From Heaven, will end the
Yes, there is a Mitford
Hollywood after the Passion, Pt. II Share with a friend! printable version pdf format J ust north of Columbia, S.C., there is an unincorporated community called Mitford. As far as author Jan Karon knows, this is the only place in North America that bears the name of the mythical North Carolina mountain town she has made so famous with her novels. The real Mitford has a Baptist church and a barbecue joint and that's about it. "Now what more do you need, I mean, if you really stop and think about it?", asked Karon, before letting loose with a Southern hoot and a cackle. Yes indeed, all that the Mitford lady needs to tell most of her tales is a busy church, a gossipy diner and the people who frequent one or the other or both. She has taken these humble ingredients, slipped them into the structures of the British "village novel" and created a franchise that keeps taking small-town virtues into the uppity territory of the New York Times bestseller lists. "Who would want to read books with no cussing', no murder, no mayhem and no sex? ... How can something so innocuous as these Mitford books sell 10 million copies?", asked Karon, speaking at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Mich., just before the release of "In This Mountain," the seventh Mitford novel. "This is what I think. I think there was a wide vein of readers out there who were just waiting for someone to write a book about them, about their dreams and their lives and their values. ... With Mitford, we look at the ordinary lives and see something extraordinary and dramatic and full of feeling and worthy to be observed."

89. The Talking Book Club - Supplier Of Audiobooks To Rent Or Buy
Mitford, Miss. OUR VILLAGE, Rental £5.95 Purchase £30.50, NonFiction.Author Miss Mitford, Four cassettes, Ref NF006, Reader
Mitford, Miss OUR VILLAGE Rental: £5.95
Purchase: £30.50 Non-Fiction Author: Miss Mitford Four cassettes Ref: NF006 Reader: Rosemary Davis Unabridged More details

90. ALA | Series Recap: Ross, Ann B. Miss Julia Meets Her Match
Like Jan Karon’s Mitford series, Ross’ books offer a soothing but not syrupydose of religion—Miss Julia is a staunch Presbyterian but takes a dim view
Reviews of the Month


... Reviews of the Month Adult
Series Recap
Ross, Ann B. Miss Julia Meets Her Match. Apr. 2004. 306p. Viking, $24.95 (0-670-03293-X).
Mary Ellen Quinn
by Mary Ellen Quinn Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind. 1999. Morrow, $23 (0-688-16788-8).
Miss Julia Takes Over. 2001. Viking. $23.95 (0-670-01026-0).
Miss Julia Throws a Wedding. 2002. Viking, $24.95 (0-670-03105-4).
As the only person in town who knows how to do things right, Miss Julia takes charge when Deputy Sheriff Coleman Bates and attorney Binkie Enloe announce that they plan to get married. Miss Julia Hits the Road. 2003. Viking, $24.95 (0-67-003207-9).
(Booklist/April 15, 2004)
50 E. Huron Chicago, IL 60611 Call Us Toll Free 1-800-545-2433
View our . For questions or comments about the Web site, complete the Feedback Form or email FAQ Member and Customer Service Events Calendar Booklist Series Recap: Miss Julia and review of Ross, Ann B. Miss Julia Meets Her Match. Apr. 2004. 306p. Viking, $24.95 (0-670-03293-X).

91. Corvey CW3 | Book Page
With contributions from Mrs. Hemans, Miss Mitford, Miss Jewsbury, Mrs. Hudson,Mrs. Kennedy, Mr. Macfarlane, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. HG Bell, Mr Malcolm, etc.

92. Mitford, Mary Russell, 1787-1855. Letters To Various Correspondents: Guide.
to Andrews Norton; Reading, 8 Feb 1843. 2s.(2p.) env. The circularconcerns a subscription to relieve Miss Mitford of her debts.
bMS Eng 1155
Mitford, Mary Russell, 1787-1855. Letters to various correspondents: Guide.
Houghton Library, Harvard College Library
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Descriptive Summary
Repository: Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
Location: b
Call No.: MS Eng 1155
Creator: Mitford, Mary Russell, 1787-1855.
Title: Letters to various correspondents,
Quantity: 1 box (.5 linear ft.)
Abstract: Letters and sketches by English author and dramatist Mary Russell Mitford.
Administrative Information
Acquisition Information:
Obtained from Seven Gables Bookshop in exchange for duplicates; received: 1961 Jan.
Historical Note
Mitford was an English author and dramatist.
Organized into the following series:
  • I. Sketches II. Letters to various correspondents
Scope and Content
Letters by Mary Russell Mitford to various correspondents, together with three sketches.
Container List
  • Series: I. Sketches
      (1) Mitford, Mary Russell, 1787-1855. Jack Hatch. A village sketch. A.MS.s.; Three Mile Cross, 9 Jan 1826. 4s.(12p.)
      With covering letter to Rudolph Ackermann.

93. Mitford, Mary Russell, The Friendships . . . As Recorded In Letters From Her Lit
Two vols., 8vo, original dark brown cloth (slight rubbing).First edition. L Estrangehad published a life of Miss Mitford, based upon her own letters, in 1870.
Ximenes Rare Books Inc
Mitford, Mary Russell The friendships . . . as recorded in letters from her literary correspondents London 1882 Mitford, Mary Russell. The friendships of Mary Russell Mitford as recorded in letters from her literary correspondents. Edited by the Rev. A. G. L'Estrange. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1882. vii(1), 320; vii(1), 312 pp. + an 18-page publisher's catalogue at the end of Vol. II. Two vols., 8vo, original dark brown cloth (slight rubbing).First edition. L'Estrange had published a life of Miss Mitford, based upon her own letters, in 1870. These volumes form a kind of supplement to that work, and include letters from Mrs. Trollope, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Harriet Martineau, Mrs. Opie, George Darley, Ruskin, and many others; American correspondents include Whittier, N. P. Willis, Catherine Maria Sedgwick, etc. (but not listed by BAL). The editor has furnished a substantial amount of connecting biographical text. In very good condition. CBEL III, 749; CBEL (3) IV, 961. This item is listed on Bibliopoly by Ximenes Rare Books Inc ; click here for further details.

Mitford, MARY RUSSELL (1787185 5), English novelist and dramatist, only daughter of Dr George Mitford, or Midford, was born at Alresford, Hampshire, on the 16th of December 1787. so many of her
MITFORD, MARY RUSSELL Her Recollections of a Literary Life (1852) is a series of causeries about her favorite books. Her talk was said by her friends, Mrs Browning and Hengist Home, to have been even more amusing than her books, and five volumes of her Life and Letters, published in 1870 and 1872, show her to have been a delightful letter-writer. MITE WILLIAM MITFORD

95. The Mitford Years
All the beloved Mitford characters will also be in the pews Dooley Barlowe, MissSadie and Louella, Emma Newland, the mayor in short, everybody who s anybody
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96. Ladies Of Lallybroch - Book Recommendations
Miss Sadie Baxter, the sweet little old lady who lives above Mitfordin her home, Fernbank, and is Father Tim s favorite parishoner
LOL Book-of-the-Month
August, 2001
Want to do a Book-of-the-Month review?
Please contact Lady SylviaA at
Click here for more Books-of-the-Month The "Mitford" series
Jan Karon
Recommended by Lady Page No 1: At Home in Mitford
No 2: A Light in the Window
No 3: These High, Green Hills
No 4: Out to Canaan
No 5: A New Song
No 6: A Common Life
No 7: The Mitford Snowmen (A Christmas Story) (October 2001) Genre: Contemporary Fiction There are still places in the world where life is sweet. Where flowers grow on Main Street, and the Town Festival is an occasion to bring the family and make a day of it. Where people take care of their own. Jan Karon invites us there in her Mitford series of books. The series follows the Rev. Timothy Kavanaugh, pastor of The Chapel of Our Lord and Savior, as he's adopted by a black dog the size of a Buick, deals with his opinionated secretary, has his life turned upside-down by an 11-year-old mountain boy who's old beyond his years, and bewitched, bothered and bewildered by his lovely new neighbor! It's quite a lot to handle for this self-proclaimed "stick-in-the-mud." Father Tim is the friend everyone would love to have. He loves 18th-century poets, gardening, and lunch at the Main Street Grill. When he suddenly finds his life becoming, well, exciting, we follow along for the ride of his life.

97. File 9: Ancestors Of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE
Daughter of Sir Roger BERTRAM Baron Mitford (12241273) and Ida (-1315)REF YorkshireP. Living 1244 r. Mitford, Northumberland, Eng.
Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE
[Contents] [Bottom] [Next] [Previous] ... Pedigree Daughter of Edward BELFORD b. 1510, Brantingham, York, Eng. Married John GRANT Children: [listed under entry for John GRANT References: GENSERV Alice de BELFOU Pedigree Daughter of Richard de BEAUFOE Married Hugh II de MONTFORT Children: [listed under entry for Hugh II de MONTFORT References: GENSERV Dorothy BELL Pedigree Daughter of Robert BELL (1539-1577) and Dorothy BEAUPRE b. 19 Oct 1572, Beaupre, Norfolk, Eng. d. 30 Apr 1641, Covent Garden, Middlesex, Eng. Married Sir Henry HOBART Children: [listed under entry for Henry HOBART References: GENSERV Robert BELL Pedigree b. ABT 1513 r. Norwich, Norfolk, Eng. Children:
  • Robert BELL (1539-1577) m. Dorothy BEAUPRE References: GENSERV Robert BELL Pedigree Son of Robert BELL b. 1539, Beaupre' Hall, Outwell, Norfolk, Eng. d. 22 Jul 1577, Leominster, Hereford, Eng. Married Dorothy BEAUPRE Children:
  • Dorothy BELL (1572-1641) m. Sir Henry HOBART References: GENSERV Lucie de BELLAQUA Pedigree Married Thomas de BURGH Children: [listed under entry for Thomas de BURGH Godebelt de BELLEME Pedigree Daughter of Yves de BELLEME Married Raoul_III du MAINE Viscount du Maine Children: [listed under entry for Raoul_III du MAINE References: Theroff William de BELLEME Seigneur de Saonnois Pedigree Son of Ives I de Belesme Count of Alencon and Domfront and Godchilde de Ponthieu Belesme d. AFT 1026
  • 98. JMVintage: Mitford, Nancy - Specializing In Duke And Duchess Of Windsor Related
    only by dying. She was very wellread, very well dressed; and MissMitford is obviously thrilled by her account. She pours out the, Nancy/st=sq
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    72877 Bel Air Road
    Palm Desert, CA 92260 USA
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    author title priceasc pricedesc - 10 found matching your search.
    Hastings, Selina
    Nancy Mitford : A Biography
    Item #
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    Lovell, Mary S. The Sisters : The Saga of the Mitford Family Item # Add to your cart Lovell, Mary S. The Sisters: The Saga of the Mitford Family Item # Add to your cart Mitford, Nancy Madame De Pompadour Item # Add to your cart Mitford, Nancy Madame De Pompadour Item # Add to your cart Mitford, Nancy The Blessing Item # Add to your cart Mitford, Nancy The Sun King Item # Add to your cart Mitford, Nancy (Editor) The Stanleys Of Alderley London: Hamish Hamilton, Ltd., 1968. First Edition. FIRST EDITON, SECOND PRINTING. 322 pages with index and 8 pages with black and white photos. The book is in NEAR FINE condition with minor wear on the edges and corners. The owner's name is on the front free endpaper page. The jacket is in VERY GOOD condition minor chipping and wear marks on the jacket and spine. Comes with a BRODART cover. JMVINTAGE specializes in Books, Magazines and Treasures related to the Duke and Duchess of Windsor and...other curious subjects. The dust jacket reads: This second volume of letters by and about the Stanley of Alderley family written in the middle of the last century ranges more widely than its predecessor, The Ladies of Alderley, but Miss Mitford's comment on the first applies equally to its successor: 'It is a picture of a world past and extraordinarily clear and detailed picture of real people., carefully drawn.' H. Near Fine.

    99. Powell's Books - At Home In Mitford (Mitford Years) By Jan Karon
    Review I loved At Home in Mitford . Publisher s Catalog* MissRead. Synopsis Bucolic Mitford is an attractive little village.

    100. New Zealand News - NZ - Singing Detective Croons Confession Out Of Crim
    Willie Mitford, a patched Black Power member, was enjoying a pint at Deano s Barand Grill in Main Street on Friday night when Detective Dave Wishnowsky

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