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41. Forget Me Not: A Hypertextual Archive A Dramatic Scene. By Miss Mary Russell Mitford 1826. Amba, the Witch s Daughter. ADramatic Scene. By Miss Mary Russell Mitford 1827. The Bridal of St. http://web.gc.cuny.edu/womenstudies/FMN Hypertext/Index_Prose_Titles.htm | |
42. Salon: Farewell, Lady Decca Mornin Miss Mitford! And a jolly good morning to you, Mr. P. . The Mitfordsaga is an epic that will no doubt end up on Masterpiece Theater. http://www.salon.com/weekly/mitford960805.html | |
43. Good Books, Bad Books - Not-So-Good Books: Page 6 displaying her remarkable talent, since Madame de Pompadour herself was considerablyless important to history than Louis XIV; however, Miss Mitford does her http://good-books-bad-books.com/ssb6.html | |
44. Readers Connection Booklists If You Like Jan Karon S Mitford If You Like Jan Karon s Mitford series, you might enjoy Read, Miss This long seriesof novels depicts English village life as seen through the eyes of Read s http://www.multcolib.org/books/lists/karon.html |
45. Anecdote - Unity Mitford - Mitford Sisters Mitford Sisters Miss Whiteley, governess to the Mitford sisters,had an aversion to snakes. Unity Mitford, who had a terrifying http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=4810 |
46. Anecdote - Evelyn Waugh - Only Human? when he had behaved with particular rudeness to a young French intellectual at adinner party in Paris at the home of Nancy Mitford, Miss Mitford, angry at his http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=3106 |
47. Twentieth Century Literature: Across The Widest Gulf: Nonhuman Subjectivity In V by Vanessa Bell emphasizing a canine perspective, along with contemporaneous portraitsof Mrs. Browning and Miss Mitford (thus identified in the captions). http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m0403/3_48/102274349/p5/article.jhtml?term= |
48. A Common Life: The Wedding Story (Beloved Mitford, No. 6) through vigniettes connected to their own marriages or love stories; Miss Sadie is howto find spiritual wholeness for me,the heart of all Mitford books- is http://www.earth-religions.com/A_Common_Life_The_Wedding_Story_Beloved_Mitford_N | |
49. Jane Austen's Biography: Life (1775-1817) And Family connected by marriage with Jane Austen s family Mr. Twistleton and Miss Wattellhad There is a famous statement by one Mrs. Mitford that Jane was the the http://www.pemberley.com/janeinfo/janelife.html | |
50. Miss Fannie's Hat - Book.nu Not only has she kept me spellbound with The Mitford Years, but Jan Karon has createda terrific platform for children s books as well. Miss Fannie s Hat is a http://www.book.nu/0806635266 | |
51. A New Song (The Mitford Years) - Book.nu Whitecap Island isn t Mitford; however, and I did Miss the fact thisbook wasn t set in Mitford. However, with phone calls and issues http://www.book.nu/0670878103 | |
52. Anglo-Italian Studies The plot of Jane Eyre was conveyed by letter to Elizabeth Barrett Browning byher great friend, Miss Mitford. The novel clearly disturbed Elizabeth. http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/ukraine/324/bronte.html | |
53. Our Village - Part VIII When one turns from Miss Mitford s works to the notices in the biographical dictionary(in which Miss Mitford and Mithridates occupy the same page), one finds http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/lit/historical/OurVillage/chap7.htm | |
54. Our Village - Part V Besides the Life of Miss Mitford by Messrs. Harness and Lestrange PartV. esides the Life of Miss Mitford by Messrs. Harness and Lestrange http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/lit/historical/OurVillage/chap4.htm | |
55. JMVintage: Mitford, Nancy - Specializing In Duke And Duchess Of Windsor Related Miss Mitford is out to have as much fun as possible, and to extract from the spectacleof impropriety as much comedy as the traffic will bear. H. Very Good. http://www.jmvintage.com/cgi-bin/jmv455/scan/tf=price/to=rn/se=Mitford, Nancy/cs | |
56. WORLD July 3 / 10, 1999 Sometimes, Hope Sells Mountain and Light from Heaven), along with a novella about Father Tim and Cynthia swedding and a Mitford cookbook, will complete the series. Miss Karon says http://www.worldmag.com/world/issue/07-03-99/cultural_1.asp | |
57. Project Gutenberg - Bibliographic Record Data. Title Our Village. Author Mitford, Mary Russell. Author Alias Mitford,Miss. Language English. Subject Country life England Fiction. http://www.gutenberg.net/etext/2496 | |
58. Jessica Mitford In an effort to prevent our marriage, Farve made me a Ward in Chancery and his solicitorssent Esmond a telegram saying, Miss Jessica Mitford is a ward of the http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/SPmitford.htm | |
59. Special Collections | WPRP 280 With Contributions from Mrs. Hemans, Miss Mitford, Miss Jewsbury, Mrs. Hodson,Mrs. Kennedy, Mr. Macfarlane, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. HG Bell, Mr. Malcolm, etc. http://www-libraries.colorado.edu/ps/spc/collections/wprp/items/280.htm | |
60. Special Collections | WPRP | Index By the Authors of The Odd Volume, c. With Contributions from Mrs. Hemans,Miss Mitford, Miss Jewsbury, Mrs. Hodson. . . . 2 vols. 1832. WPRP 280. http://www-libraries.colorado.edu/ps/spc/collections/wprp/C.htm | |
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