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1. Mitford Miss Fannie s Hat Ninetynine year-old Miss Fannie has lots of hats, and she lovesthem all. But her favorite is the pink straw hat with the silk roses. http://www.penguinputnam.com/static/packages/us/mitford/missfannie.htm | |
2. More On Hallmark 163. hallmark lighting. 164. hallmark lion silverplate. 165. hallmark magazine. 166.hallmark Mitford Miss rose 5. 167. hallmark ornament values. 168. hallmark orniments. http://www.wordtally.com/hallmark.htm | |
3. Miss Fannie's Hat Kid's Pick for April 2001! Don't Miss this charming and inspirational story with a great "Easter the setting of her fictional Mitford. Miss Fannie's Hat, her first children's http://www.villagebooks-mtshasta.com/missfannieshat.html | |
4. Mitford AT HOME IN Mitford. A LIGHT IN THE WINDOW Also Miss Rumphius, a lovely story written and illustrated by Barbara Cooneyand a winner of the American Book Award http://www.mitfordbooks.com/newsletters/spring 2003.htm | |
5. BookPage Children's Review: Miss Fannie's Hat all the kids around for a touch of Mitford as you read Jan Karon's first picture book for children, Miss Fannie's Hat. Of course, Mitford, the town that http://www.bookpage.com/9804bp/childrens/miss_fannies_hat.html | |
6. Berkshire History: Biographies: Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1865) William Harness, who knew the family well, and was Miss Mitford s lifelong friend,heartily disliked him and called him a detestable old humbug but his many http://www.berkshirehistory.com/bios/mrmitford.html | |
7. 08/07/01: Muttering, Miss Mitford? Hardly 08/07/01 Muttering, Miss Mitford? Hardly. Posted by poet. .scholar@over.the.ocean Yes that refers to you, Miss Mitford. Does revelation illuminate your eyes like http://www.mrcranky.com/movies/hamlet/32/116.html | |
8. MARY RUSSELL MITFORD Miss Mitford lived in close attendance on him, refused all holiday invitationsbecause he could not live without her, and worked incessantly for him except http://79.1911encyclopedia.org/M/MI/MITFORD_MARY_RUSSELL.htm | |
9. Elizabeth Barrett To Miss Mitford - Miller, Betty (editor) Elizabeth Barrett to Miss Mitford Miller, Betty (editor) Yale Correspondence Literary Biography http://www.faganbooks.net/pi/25.html | |
10. Bassano, Ltd Photograph Collection Albanesi, Miss Meggie Mitford, Miss Rosemary. Mitford, The Honorable Unity Valkyrie. Mollison, Mr. J.A. Mond, Lady Alfred. Mond, Mrs. Henry. Monkman, Mrs. Dorothy. Monkman, Phyllis. Montague, Miss http://www.library.temple.edu/urbana/pc59.htm | |
11. Mitford Q Mitford is packed with delightful characters like Dooley, Miss Rose,Emma, Miss Sadie, and Homeless Hobbes. Where do they all come from? http://www.penguinputnam.com/static/packages/us/mitford/rguide.htm | |
12. Rienzi . A Tragedy, In Five Acts, / By Miss Mitford. First Rienzi . A Tragedy, In Five Acts, / By Miss Mitford. First performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, October 9, 1828. Available for noncommercial, internal use by students, staff, and faculty http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://name.umdl.umich.edu/BAY7871&y=021069 |
13. Commentary Magazine - Kind And Usual Punishment, By Jessica Mitford ..The second thrust of Miss Mitford s attack is summed up in the book s subtitle The Prison Business ..This assault takes a double form http://www.commentarymagazine.com/Summaries/V57I1P82-1.htm | |
14. Where Liberty Is Found Where Liberty is Found The Ladies' repository a monthly periodical, devoted to literature, arts, and religion.; 17; 8; 473; Mitford, Miss Miss Mitford http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://name.umdl.umich.edu/ACG2248-1492LADI-298 |
15. Commentary Magazine - The Trial Of Dr. Spock, By Jessica Mitford ..Miss Mitford, furthermore, sees the particular difficulties of theSpock trial as endemic to all political trialsand they are not http://www.commentarymagazine.com/Summaries/V48I6P100-1.htm | |
16. New York Times Over the more than three decades that she wrote nonfiction, Miss Mitford railedagainst those who tried to suppress dissent over the Vietnam War, against a http://www.mitford.org/nytimes.htm | |
17. NY Times Obit -Robert Treuhaft> Miss Mitford, who was known as Decca and who died in 1996, dedicated thework to her husband with gratitude for his untiring collaboration. . http://www.mitford.org/nyobit.html | |
18. Postings On The Board 10/29/99 Julie Grassi banya@bigpond.com Miss Mitford. Dear John,. But Miss Mitford,in her Recollections of a Literary Life , expressed a different view. http://www.ashton-dennis.org/post1199.html | |
19. Mitford Books / Special Event Calendar Mitford Fundraiser. Scene's From Mitford and Miss Fannie's Hat July 25 27, Union County, Illinois - P.A.S.T. ( Illinois are sponsoring, Scenes from Mitford and the play, Miss Fannies Hat to benefit the restoration http://www.mitfordbooks.com/calendar.asp?d=7/26/2003 |
20. Reading Group Guide | THE MITFORD YEARS SERIES By Jan Karon with Barnabas, Dooley, and Miss Sadie changed him? Do Jan Karon s characters remindyou of people you know? Have you ever lived next door to a Mitford character http://www.readinggroupguides.com/guides/mitford_years_series.asp | |
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